Scheduled to be released in Chrome 76, LayoutNG is a new layout engine exiting a multi-year effort. There are several exciting immediate improvements, and additional performance gains and advanced layout features will be coming.
What's new?
- Improves performance isolation.
- Better support for scripts other than Latin.
- Fixes many issues around floats and margins.
- Fixes a large number of web compatibility issues.
Please note that LayoutNG will be launched in stages. In Chrome 76, LayoutNG is used for inline and block layout. Other layout primitives (such as table, flexbox, grid, and block fragmentation) will be replaced in subsequent releases.
Developer visible changes
Although the user visible impact should be minimal, LayoutNG changes some behavior in very subtle ways, fixes hundreds of tests, and improves compatibility with other browsers. Despite our best efforts, it is likely that this will cause some sites and applications to render or behave slightly differently.
The performance characteristics are also quite different; although performance on a whole is similar or slightly better than before, certain use cases are likely to see performance improvements, while others are expected to regress somewhat, at least short-term.
LayoutNG reimplements support for floating elements (float: left;
and float: right;
fixing a number of correctness issues around placement
of floats in relation to other content.
Superimposed content
The legacy float implementation didn’t correctly account for margins when placing content around a floating element, resulting in the content partially or fully overlapping the float itself. The most common manifestation of this bug appears when an image is positioned beside a paragraph where the avoidance logic fails to account for the height of a line. (See Chromium bug #861540.)

Text overlaps the floating image to the right

Text is positioned beside the floating image to the right
The same problem may occur within a single line. The example below shows a block element with a negative margin following a floating element (#895962). The text should not overlap with the float.

Text overlaps the floating orange element

Text is positioned beside the floating orange element
Formatting context positioning
When an element forming a block formatting context is sized next to floats, the legacy layout engine would try to size the block a fixed number of times before giving up. This approach led to unpredictable and unstable behavior and didn't match other implementations. In LayoutNG all floats are taken into account when sizing the block. (See Chromium bug #548033.)
Absolute and fixed positioning are now more compliant with W3C specifications and better match the behavior in other browsers. The differences between the two are most visible in two cases:
- Multi-line inline containing blocks
If an absolutely positioned containing block spanned multiple lines, the legacy engine might incorrectly use only a subset of the lines to compute the containing block bounds. - Vertical writing modes
The legacy engine had many problems placing out-of-flow elements in the default position in vertical writing modes. See the next section for more details about improved writing mode support.
Right-to-left (RTL) languages and vertical writing modes
LayoutNG was designed from the ground up to support vertical writing modes and RTL languages, including bidirectional content.
Bidirectional text
LayoutNG supports the most up-to-date bidirectional algorithm defined by The Unicode Standard. Not only does this update fix various rendering errors, but it also includes missing features such as paired bracket support (See Chromium bug #302469.)
Orthogonal flows
LayoutNG improves the accuracy of vertical flow layout, including, for example, placement of absolutely positioned objects and sizing of orthogonal flow boxes (especially when percent is used). Of the 1,258 tests in the W3C test suites, 103 tests that failed in the old layout engine pass in LayoutNG.
Intrinsic sizing
Intrinsic sizes are now calculated correctly when a block contains children in an orthogonal writing mode.
Text layout & line breaking
The legacy Chromium layout engine laid out text element-by-element and line-by-line. This approach worked well in most cases but required a lot of extra complexity to support scripts and achieve good performance. It was also prone to measurement inconsistencies, which led to subtle differences in the sizing of size-to-content containers and their content or unnecessary line breaks.
In LayoutNG, text is laid out at the paragraph level and then split into lines. This allows for better performance, higher quality text rendering, and more consistent line breaking. The most notable differences are detailed below.
Joining across element boundaries
In some scripts, certain characters can be visually joined when they're adjacent. Check out this example from Arabic:
In LayoutNG, joining now works even if the characters are in different elements. Joins will even be preserved when different styling is applied. (See Chromium bug #6122.)
A grapheme is the smallest unit of a language's writing system. For example, in English and other languages that use the Latin alphabet, each letter is a grapheme.
The images below show the rendering of the following HTML in the legacy layout engine and LayoutNG, respectively:

Note how the form of the second letter changes

The two versions are now identical
Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) ligatures
Although Chromium already supports ligatures and enables them by default, there are some limitations: ligatures involving multiple CJK codepoints are not supported in the legacy layout engine due to a rendering optimization. LayoutNG removes these restrictions and supports ligatures regardless of script.
The example below shows the rendering of three discretionary ligatures using the Adobe SourceHanSansJP font:

MHz correctly forms a ligature
but マンション and 10点 do not

All three groups form ligatures as expected
Size-to-content elements
For elements that size to content (such as inline blocks), the current layout engine computes the size of the block first and then performs layout on the content. In some cases, such as when a font kerns aggressively, this may result in a mismatch between the size of the content and the block. In LayoutNG, this failure mode has been eliminated as the block is sized based on the actual content.
The example below shows a yellow block sized to content. It uses the Lato font which uses kerning to adjust the spacing between T and -. The bounds of the yellow box should match the bounds of the text.

Note the trailing whitespace after the last T

Note how the left and right edges of the box match the bounds of the text
Line wrapping
Similar to the problem described above, if the content of a size-to-content block is larger (wider) than the block, content can sometimes wrap unnecessarily. This is quite rare but sometimes happens for mixed directionality content.

Note the unnecessary line break and extra space on the right

Note how the left and right edges of the box match the bounds of the text
Further information
For more detailed information about the specific compatibility issues and bugs fixed by LayoutNG, please see the issues linked above or search the Chromium bug database for bugs marked Fixed-In-LayoutNG.
If you suspect that LayoutNG may have caused a website to break, please file a bug report, and we'll investigate.