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Multiple side panels
This recipe shows how to use sidePanel.getOptions() to retrieve the current side panel and switch between side panels.
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Reading List API Demo
Uses the chrome.readingList API to display, update and remove reading list entries.
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Notifications API sample
Demonstrates the creation of, and interaction with, each of the notification template types.
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Devtools - Chrome Query
Uses the devtools API to add a sidebar that displays the jQuery data associated with the selected DOM element.
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Bookmark Viewer
Uses the chrome.bookmarks API to search through, add, and delete bookmarks from the user's bookmark tree.
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Tab Inspector
Demonstrates the chrome.tabs API and the chrome.windows API by providing a user interface to manage tabs and windows.
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BrowsingData API: Basics
Uses the chrome.browsingData API to clear the user's history without requiring the user to visit the history page.
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My Bookmarks
A browser action with a popup dump of all bookmarks, including search, add, edit and delete.
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Uses the chrome.commands API by creating a new keyboard macro for switching tabs in the browser window.
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Font Settings API Sample
Demonstrates the chrome.fontSettings API by allowing users to modify the size of fonts on webpages.
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Sandboxed Frame Sample
Demonstrates creation of a tab with a sandboxed iframe to which the main page passes a counter variable.
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Web Accessible Resources Demo
Uses the web_accessible_resources key in the manifest.json file to control access to assets within an extension.
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Sandboxed Content Sample
Demonstrates creating a tab for a sandboxed iframe. The sandbox calls eval() to write HTML to its own document.
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no-cookies Rule Manager
Demonstrates the chrome.declarativeNetRequest API by providing a UI to manipulate declarativeNetRequest rules dynamically.
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File Handling Demo
Shows how to use the file_handlers manifest key with the web platform's Launch Handler API.
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webRequest.onAuthRequired Demo
Demonstrates the webRequest.onAuthRequired listener to detect an authentication request and log the user into the designated site.
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Favicon API in a popup
Demonstrates the favicon manifest permission by displaying the favicon of a url in the extension popup.
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Advanced Font Settings
Demonstrates the chrome.fontSettings API by allowing users to modify the style of displayed fonts on web pages.
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Content settings
Uses chrome.contentSettings to display the settings of a given page in the extension's popup.
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Blank new tab page
Uses the "chrome_url_overrides" manifest key by replacing the user's default new tab page with a new html file.
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Devtools - inspectedWindow API sample
Uses devtools.inspectedWindow to collect and use data on the resouces used in a web page.
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Omnibox - New Tab Search
Demonstrates the "omnibox" manifest key and API by creating a keyword that opens a browser search in a new tab.
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Favicon API in content scripts
Demonstrates fetching the favicon from www.google.com and inserting it at the top left of every page.
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Drink Water Event Popup
Demonstrates usage and features of the event page by reminding user to drink water
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Site-specific side panel
Shows how to display the side panel only on google.com using the Side Panel API.
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Offscreen API - DOM Parsing
Shows how to use DOMParser in an extension service worker using the offscreen document.
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Offscreen API - Clipboard
Shows how to write a string to the system clipboard using the offscreen document.
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