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Link text is the clickable word or phrase in a hyperlink. When link text clearly
conveys a hyperlink's target, both users and search engines can more easily
understand your content and how it relates to other pages.
Replace generic phrases like "click here" and "learn more" with specific
descriptions. In general, write link text that clearly indicates what type of
content users will get if they follow the hyperlink.
<p>To see all of our basketball videos, <a href="videos.html">click here</a>.</p>
"Click here" doesn't convey where the hyperlink will take users.
<p>Check out all of our <a href="videos.html">basketball videos</a>.</p>
"Basketball videos" clearly conveys that the hyperlink will take users to a page
of videos.
Link text best practices
Stay on topic. Don't use link text that has no relation to the page's content.
Don't use the page's URL as the link description unless you have a good reason
to do so, such as referencing a site's new address.
Keep descriptions concise. Aim for a few words or a short phrase.
Pay attention to your internal links too. Improving the quality of internal
links can help both users and search engines navigate your site more easily.