Help pick a syntax for CSS nesting survey results

See the results of 7,590 developers opinions.

Thank you to all of you that participated in helping CSS pick a nesting syntax. The CSSWG has discussed the results and has decided to move forwards with @nest. This unblocks the syntax issue, enabling the @nest spec to move forward.

Out of 7,590 total votes, @nest was a clear winner:

bar chart with 3 columns: @nest, @nest always and brackets. @nest has 6661
votes, @nest always has 388 votes, and brackets has 541 votes.

87% of respondents voted for @nest, 5% for @nest always, and 7% for brackets. Such a large split was not estimated but is relieving to the discussions.

What's next?

The CSSWG will continue to discuss the feature and move on to other issues. You've all helped us very much, we really appreciate the time you took to evaluate the options and provide feedback.