The web moves fast, and sometimes it's hard to keep up. With Chrome autoupdating with every release, and now also Firefox, new features are being directly pushed to end users. This is awesome for developers, as they can create better apps and know their users will have the latest features.
Actually keeping up with those features can be a challenge, but only if you don't know where to look. Luckily, there are some key resources that will keep you in-the-know and up to date. Here's a few that I found really useful:
- - tracking HTML5 feature implementations for Chrome
- - short news, tips, and tricks about HTML5
- @chromiumdev - short updates and announcements about Chrome and Chrome Developer Relations
- Chrome Release Blog - major and minor releases across all channels, summary of changes
- Can I Use - a detailed list of HTML5 features and their implementation status across most desktop and mobile browsers. Not necessarily a news source, but a snapshot.
- Firefox release notes - release notes for Firefox
- The Burning Edge - developments in nightly builds for Firefox
- Peter Beverloo's Blog - my personal favorite, thorough coverage of WebKit changes
Follow the above, stay up to date, and build for modern browsers!