Media updates in Chrome 58

François Beaufort
François Beaufort

Developers can now customize Chrome's native media controls such as the download, fullscreen and remoteplayback buttons using the new ControlsList API.

Native media controls in Chrome 58
Native media controls in Chrome 58

This API offers a way to show or hide native media controls that do not make sense or are not part of the expected user experience, or only allow a limited set of features.

The current implementation for now is a blocklist mechanism on native controls with the ability to set them directly from HTML content using the new attribute controlsList. Check out the official sample.

Usage in HTML:

<video controls controlsList="nofullscreen nodownload noremoteplayback"></video>

Usage in JavaScript:

var video = document.querySelector('video');
video.controls; // true
video.controlsList; // ["nofullscreen", "nodownload", "noremoteplayback"]
video.controlsList; // ["nofullscreen", "nodownload"]
video.getAttribute('controlsList'); // "nofullscreen nodownload"

video.controlsList.supports('foo'); // false
video.controlsList.supports('noremoteplayback'); // true

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Autoplay for Progressive Web Apps added to home screen

Previously, Chrome used to block all autoplay with sound on Android without exception. This is no longer true. From now on, sites installed using the improved Add to Home Screen flow are allowed to autoplay audio and video served from origins included in the web app manifest's scope without restrictions.

  "name": "My Web App",
  "description": "An awesome app",
  "scope": "/foo",
  <link rel="canonical" href="">
  <audio autoplay src=""></audio>

Audio will autoplay as /foo is in the scope.

  <link rel="canonical" href="">
  <audio autoplay src=""></audio>

Audio fails to autoplay as /bar is NOT in the scope.

Intent to Ship | Chromestatus Tracker | Chromium Bug

Pause autoplaying muted video when invisible

As you may already know, Chrome on Android allows muted videos to begin playing without user interaction. If a video is marked as muted and has the autoplay attribute, Chrome starts playing the video when it becomes visible to the user.

From Chrome 58, in order to reduce power usage, playback of videos with the autoplay attribute will be paused when off screen and resumed when back in view, following Safari iOS behavior.'

Intent to Ship | Chromestatus Tracker | Chromium Bug

color-gamut media query

As wide color gamut screens are more and more popular, sites can now access the approximate range of colors supported by Chrome and output devices using the color-gamut media query.

If you're not familiar yet with the definitions of color space, color profile, gamut, wide-gamut, and color depth, I highly recommend you read the Improving Color on the Web WebKit blog post. It goes into much detail on how to use the color-gamut media query to serve wide-gamut images when the user is on wide-gamut displays and falls back to sRGB images otherwise.

The current implementation in Chrome accepts the srgb, p3 (gamut specified by the DCI P3 Color Space), and rec2020 (gamut specified by the ITU-R Recommendation BT.2020 Color Space) keywords. Check out the official sample.

Usage in HTML:

  <source media="(color-gamut: p3)" srcset="photo-p3.jpg">
  <source media="(color-gamut: rec2020)" srcset="photo-rec2020.jpg">
  <img src="photo-srgb.jpg">

Usage in CSS:

main {
  background-image: url("photo-srgb.jpg");

@media (color-gamut: p3) {
  main {
    background-image: url("photo-p3.jpg");

@media (color-gamut: rec2020) {
  main {
    background-image: url("photo-rec2020.jpg");

Usage in JavaScript:

// It is expected that the majority of color displays will return true.
if (window.matchMedia("(color-gamut: srgb)").matches) {
  document.querySelector('main').style.backgroundImage = 'url("photo-srgb.jpg")';

if (window.matchMedia("(color-gamut: p3)").matches) {
  document.querySelector('main').style.backgroundImage = 'url("photo-p3.jpg")';

if (window.matchMedia("(color-gamut: rec2020)").matches) {
  document.querySelector('main').style.backgroundImage = 'url("photo-rec2020.jpg")';

Intent to Ship | Chromestatus Tracker | Chromium Bug