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Discover how eBay improved login success by 10% using Digital Asset Links for seamless credential sharing. Learn to implement secure, cross-platform authentication and enhance user experience.

  • Chrome

Helping you build, grow and innovate on the web.

  • Chrome

Samples for Chrome Extensions are available on GitHub.

  • Workbox
  • Chrome Extensions
  • Workbox

Warning: Starting in version 57, Chrome will no longer allow external web content (including embedded frames and scripts) inside sandboxed pages. Please use a webview instead. Defines an collection of app or extension pages that are to be served in a

  • Workbox

How to programmatically create, update, and publish items in the Chrome Web Store.

  • Chrome Extensions
  • Workbox

Though Chrome Apps use the web platform, some web features have been disabled or else are used in a different way. Mainly this is to avoid security issues and to improve programming practices. Below is a summary of the disabled features of the web

  • Workbox

In connection with the Google Chrome Web Store, Google may make certain Chrome Web Store applications available in Google's Play for Education site. If You or Your organization is interested in participating, please verify that the

  • Workbox
  • Chrome Extensions

One to four dot-separated integers identifying the version of this extension. A couple of rules apply to the integers: they must be between 0 and 65535, inclusive, and non-zero integers can't start with 0. For example, 99999 and 032 are both invalid.

  • Workbox

One or more mappings from MIME types to the Native Client module that handles each type. For example, the bold code in the following snippet registers a Native Client module as the content handler for the OpenOffice spreadsheet MIME type. The value

  • Workbox

Unlike the local and sync storage areas, the managed storage area requires its structure to be declared as JSON Schema and is strictly validated by Chrome. This schema must be stored in a file indicated by the "managed_schema" property of the

  • Workbox

This reference describes the methods and resource representation available for the Chrome Web Store Publish API. Each resource type has one or more data representations and one or more methods. See Using the Chrome Web Store Publish API for a guide

  • Chrome Extensions
  • Workbox