Ontdek Chrome
Chrome Extensions
Learn how to develop Chrome extensions.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Artificial Intelligence
AI on Chrome Welcome to the next era of the web with AI. See how AI can make it easier for developers to build powerful experiences on the web. Reimagine what's possible with Gemini Nano in Chrome. Built-in AI We're bringing Gemini Nano, the most
Use the chrome.contentSettings API to change settings that control whether websites can use features such as cookies, JavaScript, and plugins. More generally speaking, content settings allow you to customize Chrome's behavior on a per-site basis
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.contentSettings API to change settings that control whether websites can use features such as cookies, JavaScript, and plugins. More generally speaking, content settings allow you to customize Chrome's behavior on a per-site basis
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
This permission triggers a warning. Use the chrome.bookmarks API to create, organize, and otherwise manipulate bookmarks. Also see Override Pages, which you can use to create a custom Bookmark Manager page. You must declare the "bookmarks" permission
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.bookmarks API to create, organize, and otherwise manipulate bookmarks. Also see Override Pages, which you can use to create a custom Bookmark Manager page. You must declare the "bookmarks" permission in the extension manifest to use
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Debug Gemini Nano
There's a special Chrome-internal page to see details on prompts to Gemini Nano. This guide explains how make use of it for debugging.
- Workbox
Prepare for Chrome on Android going edge-to-edge
Chrome on Android is going edge-to-edge from Chrome 135.
- Chrome
Chrome on Android edge-to-edge migration guide
Build edge-to-edge web experiences
- Workbox
Samples for Chrome Extensions are available on GitHub.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Update: Event Pages and Background Pages
- Workbox
Manifest - Sandbox
Warning: Starting in version 57, Chrome will no longer allow external web content (including embedded frames and scripts) inside sandboxed pages. Please use a webview instead. Defines an collection of app or extension pages that are to be served in a
- Workbox
Use the Chrome Web Store Publish API
How to programmatically create, update, and publish items in the Chrome Web Store.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Disabled Web Features
Though Chrome Apps use the web platform, some web features have been disabled or else are used in a different way. Mainly this is to avoid security issues and to improve programming practices. Below is a summary of the disabled features of the web
- Workbox
Google Play for Education Addendum to the Google Chrome Web Store Developer Agreement
In connection with the Google Chrome Web Store, Google may make certain Chrome Web Store applications available in Google's Play for Education site. If You or Your organization is interested in participating, please verify that the
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Manifest - Version
One to four dot-separated integers identifying the version of this extension. A couple of rules apply to the integers: they must be between 0 and 65535, inclusive, and non-zero integers can't start with 0. For example, 99999 and 032 are both invalid.
- Workbox
Manifest - Nacl Modules
One or more mappings from MIME types to the Native Client module that handles each type. For example, the bold code in the following snippet registers a Native Client module as the content handler for the OpenOffice spreadsheet MIME type. The value
- Workbox
Manifest for storage areas
Unlike the local and sync storage areas, the managed storage area requires its structure to be declared as JSON Schema and is strictly validated by Chrome. This schema must be stored in a file indicated by the "managed_schema" property of the
- Workbox
Chrome Web Store API Reference
This reference describes the methods and resource representation available for the Chrome Web Store Publish API. Each resource type has one or more data representations and one or more methods. See Using the Chrome Web Store Publish API for a guide
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Manifest - Minimum Chrome Version
The version of Chrome that your extension, app, or theme requires, if any. The format for this string is the same as for the version field.
- Workbox
Manifest - Key
This value can be used to control the unique ID of an extension, app, or theme when it is loaded during development. To get a suitable key value, first install your extension from a.crx file (you may need to upload your extension or package it
- Workbox
Manifest - Description
A plain text string (no HTML or other formatting; no more than 132 characters) that describes the extension. The description should be suitable for both the browser's extension management UI and the Chrome Web Store. You can specify locale-specific
- Workbox
Manifest - Offline Enabled
Whether the app or extension is expected to work offline. When Chrome detects that it is offline, apps with this field set to true will be highlighted on the New Tab page. As of Chrome 35, apps are assumed to be offline enabled and the default value
- Workbox
RouteHandlerCallbackOptions StreamSource | Promise< StreamSource > Response ReadableStream BodyInit Takes multiple source Promises, each of which could resolve to a Response, a ReadableStream, or a BodyInit. Returns an object exposing a
- Workbox
Manifest File Format
Every app has a JSON -formatted manifest file, named manifest.json, that provides important information. The following code shows the supported manifest fields for Apps, with links to the page that discusses each field.
- Workbox
The externally_connectable manifest property declares which extensions, apps, and web pages can connect to your app via runtime.connect and runtime.sendMessage. For a tutorial on message passing see cross-extension and app messaging and sending
- Workbox
Extension policies
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Manifest - Requirements
Technologies required by the app or extension. Hosting sites such as the Chrome Web Store may use this list to dissuade users from installing apps or extensions that will not work on their computer. Supported requirements currently include "3D" and
- Workbox
Publish Your App
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Manifest - Default Locale
Specifies the subdirectory of _locales that contains the default strings for this extension. This field is required in extensions that have a _locales directory; it must be absent in extensions that have no _locales directory. For details, see
- Workbox
Manifest Version
One integer specifying the version of the manifest file format your package requires. As of Chrome 18, developers should specify 2 (without quotes) to use the format as described by this document: Consider manifest version 1 deprecated as of Chrome
- Workbox
Manifest - Name and Short Name
The name and short_name manifest properties are short, plain text strings that identify the app. You can specify locale-specific strings for both fields; see Internationalization for details. The name (maximum of 45 characters) is the primary
- Workbox
Manifest - Icons
One or more icons that represent the extension, app, or theme. You should always provide a 128x128 icon; it's used during installation and by the Chrome Web Store. Extensions should also provide a 48x48 icon, which is used in the extensions
- Workbox
Browser support
An overview of Custom Tab features and their browser availability.
- Workbox
Privacy and security panel
Use the 'Privacy and security' panel to inspect and control third-party cookies and check HTTPS protection.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Advance network analysis with Chrome DevTools
Advance network analysis with Chrome DevTools.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
Popover = hint
Discover the new mode for popover that simplifies tooltips and other floating elements.
- Chrome
What's New in WebGPU (Chrome 134)
Improve machine-learning workloads with subgroups, shader compilation time improvements on D3D12, remove float filterable texture types support as blendable, and more.
- Chrome
How NRK uses scroll-driven animations to bring stories to life
Learn how scroll-driven and scroll-triggered animations enhance storytelling articles
- Chrome
Privacy and security
Learn about Chrome's privacy and security features.
- Workbox
Use the chrome.app.runtime API to manage the app lifecycle. The app runtime manages app installation, controls the event page, and can shut down the app at anytime. any optional Optional developer specified data that the app to be embedded can use
- Workbox
Use the userScripts API to execute user scripts in the User Scripts context. To use the User Scripts API, chrome.userScripts, add the "userScripts" permission to your manifest.json and "host_permissions" for sites you want to run scripts on. A user
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.printing API to send print jobs to printers installed on Chromebook. All chrome.printing methods and events require you to declare the "printing" permission in the extension manifest. For example: The examples below demonstrate using
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.sessions API to query and restore tabs and windows from a browsing session. string The name of the foreign device. Session [] A list of open window sessions for the foreign device, sorted from most recently to least recently modified
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.printing API to send print jobs to printers installed on Chromebook. All chrome.printing methods and events require you to declare the "printing" permission in the extension manifest. For example: The examples below demonstrate using
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.sessions API to query and restore tabs and windows from a browsing session. string The name of the foreign device. Session [] A list of open window sessions for the foreign device, sorted from most recently to least recently modified
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Extensions and AI
Learn how to develop extensions with AI
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
What's new in DevTools, Chrome 134
Privacy and security panel, calibrated CPU throttling, first- and third-party highlighting in Performance, new insights, and more.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
Use the chrome.i18n infrastructure to implement internationalization across your whole app or extension. If an extension has a /_locales directory, the manifest must define "default_locale". You need to put all of its user-visible strings into a file
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Better text rendering in Chromium-based browsers on Windows
The Edge team added support for respecting the Windows ClearType Tuner values in Chromium directly, resulting in better text rendering in Chromium-based browsers on Windows.
- Chrome
How Google Search uses speculation rules
Learn about how Google Search used the Speculation Rules API to anonymously prefetch search results to improve user experience
- Chrome
Chrome for Developers
Helping you build, grow and innovate on the web.
- Chrome
Use the chrome.storage API to store, retrieve, and track changes to user data. The Storage API provides an extension-specific way to persist user data and state. It's similar to the web platform's storage APIs ( IndexedDB, and Storage ), but was
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.storage API to store, retrieve, and track changes to user data. To use the storage API, declare the "storage" permission in the extension manifest. For example: The Storage API provides an extension-specific way to persist user data
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
How to use the CrUX BigQuery dataset
In this guide, learn how to use BigQuery to write queries against the CrUX dataset to extract insightful results about the state of user experiences on the web.
- Chrome UX Report
- Workbox
CrUX Tools
Technical documentation on CrUX tools.
- Chrome UX Report
- Workbox
Feedback and support
Receive support for the Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX).
- Chrome UX Report
- Workbox
Release notes
Details on the latest changes to the CrUX dataset.
- Chrome UX Report
- Workbox
LCP image subparts and RTT now available in CrUX
Learn about the change to the Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX changes) in the February 2025 release including LCP image subparts, LCP resource types, and RTT.
- Chrome
Learn how to construct requests to and parse responses from the CrUX API.
- Workbox
- Chrome UX Report
CrUX on BigQuery
Learn how the CrUX dataset on BigQuery is structured.
- Chrome UX Report
- Workbox
CrUX History API
Learn how to query the previous six months of historical CrUX trends using the CrUX History API.
- Chrome UX Report
- Workbox
Technical documentation on CrUX dimensions.
- Workbox
- Chrome UX Report
Technical documentation on CrUX metrics.
- Workbox
- Chrome UX Report
Code samples, guides, and API reference you need for whatever you're building.
- Workbox
Get started with ChromeDriver
This page documents how to start using ChromeDriver for testing your website on desktop (Windows/Mac/Linux). You can also read Getting Started with Android or Getting Started with ChromeOS. ChromeDriver is a separate executable that Selenium
- Workbox
Enter picture-in-picture automatically when playing media
Chrome allows web apps playing media to automatically enter picture-in-picture.
- Chrome
Chrome 134 beta
Discover the latest features coming to Chrome.
- Chrome
Use the chrome.enterprise.platformKeys API to generate keys and install certificates for these keys. The certificates will be managed by the platform and can be used for TLS authentication, network access or by other extension through
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.enterprise.platformKeys API to generate keys and install certificates for these keys. The certificates will be managed by the platform and can be used for TLS authentication, network access or by other extension through
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Chrome 133
CSS advanced attr(), text-box-trim, scroll-state container queries, and more.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 133
Chrome 133 is rolling out now! There's some exciting new CSS features and plenty more to discover.
- Chrome
Tabbed application mode for PWAs
Tabbed application mode allows Progressive Web App developers to add a tabbed document interface to their standalone PWAs.
- Workbox
Simplify authentication using Auth Tab
How to use specialized Auth Tab in your Android app
- Workbox
Improve web privacy for users with Ephemeral Custom Tabs
How to use Ephemeral Custom Tabs in your Android app
- Workbox
Enhance your users' browsing experience with App-specific history
How to use App Specific History in your Android app
- Workbox
Deepen user engagement with App-specific history in Chrome Custom Tabs
Introducing app specific history for Chrome Custom Tabs for Android
- Chrome
Improve your web-based sign-in flow with Auth Tab for Android
Improve web-based authentication with Auth Tab for Android
- Chrome
Use the chrome.permissions API to request declared optional permissions at run time rather than install time, so users understand why the permissions are needed and grant only those that are necessary. Permission warnings exist to describe the
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.runtime API to retrieve the service worker, return details about the manifest, and listen for and respond to events in the extension lifecycle. You can also use this API to convert the relative path of URLs to fully-qualified URLs. The
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.permissions API to request declared optional permissions at run time rather than install time, so users understand why the permissions are needed and grant only those that are necessary. Permission warnings exist to describe the
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
What's new in DevTools, Chrome 133
Persistent AI chat history, better navigation, ignore listing, and stack traces in Performance, new 'What's new' panel, and more.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
What's New in WebGPU (Chrome 133)
Additional unorm8x4-bgra and 1-component vertex formats, allow unknown limits to be requested with undefined value, WGSL alignment rules changes, WGSL performance gains with discard, and much more.
- Chrome
- WebGpu
What's happening in Chrome Extensions, January 2025
An overview of the recent changes in Chrome Extensions, plus exciting upcoming extensions features developers can look forward to.
- Chrome Extensions
- Chrome
Best practices for session management with the Prompt API
This guide introduces best practices for session management with the Prompt API.
- Workbox
Release notes
Learn about changes to Chrome that affect developers
- Chrome
What's New in Chrome
What's New in Chrome Discover the latest updates in Chrome from our documentation and blog. New content and significant updates to documentation. article How LLMs stream responses New documentation to learn how streaming data works in AI, for the
- Workbox
Chrome Web Store policy updates: ensuring clarity and consistency for developers
We're announcing a series of policy updates designed to provide clarity and consistency across our platform.
- Chrome
- Chrome Extensions
Simplifying WebAuthn feature detection for passkeys
Discover how to detect WebAuthn capabilities with `getClientCapabilities()` and tailor authentication workflows for your users.
- Chrome
- Passkeys
How LLMs stream responses
Understand what streaming is and how it works with AI and LLMs.
- Workbox
Best practices to render streamed LLM responses
Use these frontend best practices to display streamed responses from Gemini with APIs that support streaming, such as the Prompt API.
- Workbox
Translation with built-in AI
The built-in Translator API lets you translate arbitrary content from a source to a target language. Participate in the origin trial to take the API for a spin.
- Workbox
Freezing on Energy Saver
From Chrome 133, eligible CPU-intensive background tabs will be frozen when Energy Saver mode is active.
- Chrome
DevTools Tips
DevTools Tips
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Improve the way you include images, video, and more on your websites and web apps.
- Workbox
Passkeys on Google Password Manager are now available on iOS
Chrome on iOS 17 or later can now create, sync and authenticate with passkeys in Google Password Manager (GPM). This makes passkeys on GPM available everywhere Chrome is.
- Chrome
- Passkeys
CSS scroll-state()
Like container queries; but for stuck, snapped, and overflowing queries.
- Chrome
CSS attr() gets an upgrade
You can now use attr() with any CSS property–including custom properties–and it can parse values into data types other than strings.
- Chrome
Chrome 133 beta
Learn about the latest features shipping in Chrome.
- Chrome
How we introduced Gemini to Chrome DevTools
Learn about fun and exciting use-cases of the new AI assistance panel in DevTools
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
New in Chrome 132
Chrome 132 is rolling out now! The Dialog element gets a ToggleEvent, support for element level video sharing, and the File System Access API supports Android and WebViews.
- Chrome
CSS text-box-trim
Take back space from above and below your text content; achieve optical balance.
- Chrome
Chrome 132
ToggleEvent for dialog, support for element level video sharing, and the File System Access API supports Android and WebViews, and more.
- Chrome
Use the chrome.tabs API to interact with the browser's tab system. You can use this API to create, modify, and rearrange tabs in the browser. The Tabs API not only offers features for manipulating and managing tabs, but can also detect the language
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.tabs API to interact with the browser's tab system. You can use this API to create, modify, and rearrange tabs in the browser. The Tabs API not only offers features for manipulating and managing tabs, but can also detect the language
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Web Platform
Learn how Chrome works, participate in origin trials, and build with Chrome everywhere.
- Workbox
Build with Chrome
See what's included in Chrome's latest stable and beta releases.
- Workbox
Winners of the Built-in AI Challenge
Discover the winning apps and extensions from the Built-in AI Challenge, where we invited you to reimagine what's possible with Gemini Nano in Chrome.
- Chrome
Capture a video stream from any element
The Element Capture API is a performant and robust way for transforming a capture of the current tab into a capture of a DOM subtree.
- Workbox
Support for the Web Vitals extension has ended
The merger of the Web Vitals extension and DevTools is complete and support for the extension has ended.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
Use the chrome.ttsEngine API to implement a text-to-speech(TTS) engine using an extension. If your extension registers using this API, it will receive events containing an utterance to be spoken and other parameters when any extension or Chrome App
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the appview tag to embed other Chrome Apps within your Chrome App. (see Usage ). object Optional developer specified data that the app to be embedded can use when making an embedding decision. string The ID of the app that sent the embedding
- Workbox
Use the chrome.ttsEngine API to implement a text-to-speech(TTS) engine using an extension. If your extension registers using this API, it will receive events containing an utterance to be spoken and other parameters when any extension or Chrome App
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.cookies API to query and modify cookies, and to be notified when they change. To use the cookies API, declare the "cookies" permission in your manifest along with host permissions for any hosts whose cookies you want to access. For
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.cookies API to query and modify cookies, and to be notified when they change. To use the cookies API, you must declare the "cookies" permission in your manifest, along with host permissions for any hosts whose cookies you want to
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Mitigate clickjacking with XFO or CSP
Learn more about mitigating clickjacking attacks.
- Workbox
What's New in WebGPU (Chrome 132)
Texture view usage, 32-bit float textures blending, GPUDevice adapterInfo attribute, configuring canvas context with invalid format throw JavaScript error, filtering sampler restrictions on textures, extended subgroups experimentation, improving developer experience, experimental support for 16-bit normalized texture formats, and more.
- Chrome
- WebGpu
Find out how to use Chrome's capabilities to build rich and engaging web experiences.
- Workbox
What's new in Chrome extensions
Recent changes to the Chrome extensions platform, documentation, and policy
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
All ChromeOS test images have ChromeDriver binary installed in /usr/local/chromedriver/. The binary is updated to the same version of Chrome in that test image. That is, you always are using the latest build of ChromeDriver. If your test expects to
- Workbox
WebView overview
The WebView component is based on the Chromium open source project.
- Workbox
Mobile emulation
Chrome allows users to emulate Chrome on a mobile device from the desktop version of Chrome, by enabling the device mode with Chrome DevTools. This feature speeds up web development, allows developers to quickly test how a website renders in a mobile
- Workbox
For earlier versions of Chrome, here are the versions of ChromeDriver that support it. For more information on selecting the right version of ChromeDriver, see the Version Selection page. Supports Chrome version 114 For more details, see the release
- Workbox
What is ChromeDriver?
ChromeDriver is a standalone server that implements the W3C WebDriver standard.
- Workbox
Keyboard support
At this time, ChromeDriver only supports systems that have a US keyboard configured. When ChromeDriver detects this state, it logs the following: Users without a US keyboard may experience lost keys during sendKeys or TypeElement commands. As a
- Workbox
ChromeDriver crashes
To diagnose and fix ChromeDriver crashes, you have a few options. This is only for ChromeDriver crashes, which is not the same as Chrome crashing or closing. On Windows, you may see something like this: Create a repro case that ChromeDriver
- Workbox
The latest binaries for ChromeDriver are packaged as zip files for various host platforms. Earlier versions of ChromeDriver can be found in Downloads. ChromeDriver supports running tests on Chrome browser (version 30+) and WebView-based apps starting
- Workbox
Operation not supported when using remote debugging
Some WebDriver commands, such as resizing the browser window, require a Chrome extension to be loaded into the browser. ChromeDriver normally loads this "automation extension" every time it launches a new Chrome session. However ChromeDriver can be
- Workbox
Security considerations
ChromeDriver is a powerful tool, and it can cause harm when in the wrong hands. While using ChromeDriver, follow these suggestions:
- Workbox
Chrome doesn't start or crashes immediately
This often happens when running ChromeDriver or Chrome using a special test harness (perhaps an IDE) or continuous build system (such as Jenkins). Try launching the same Chrome binary that your test uses from a normal user command prompt. Confirm
- Workbox
Design Docs and discussions
WebDriver BiDi Backend Design [Microsoft] Async Command Processing for WebDriver in Chromium Browser Tools- and Testing WG, Day 2, TPAC 2019, Fukuoka Browser Tools- and Testing WG, Day 1, TPAC 2019, Fukuoka
- Workbox
To enable verbose logging, pass --verbose to the ChromeDriver server. You can also pass --log-path to cause the log to be written to a file instead of stderr. If you don't start the ChromeDriver server directly yourself, you need to pass the switch
- Workbox
Capabilities and ChromeOptions
Capabilities are options that you can use to customize and configure a ChromeDriver session.
- Workbox
Performance log
ChromeDriver supports performance logging, from which you can get events of domains "Timeline", "Network", and "Page", as well as trace data for specified trace categories. Performance logging is NOT enabled by default. So when creating a new
- Workbox
ChromeDriver Canary has the latest new ChromeDriver features. New binaries are built and made available multiple times a day. Be aware, it's designed for developers and early adopters and can sometimes break down completely. Starting with M115 the
- Workbox
Use the chrome.pageCapture API to save a tab as MHTML. MHTML is a standard format supported by most browsers. It encapsulates in a single file a page and all its resources (CSS files, images..). Note that for security reasons a MHTML file can only be
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.pageCapture API to save a tab as MHTML. MHTML is a standard format supported by most browsers. It encapsulates in a single file a page and all its resources (CSS files, images..). Note that for security reasons a MHTML file can only be
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Autofill in action: real-world insights
A Chrome study shows that autofill users fill forms faster, with lower abandonment rates.
- Chrome
Deprecated technology to create experiences that had more access to the underlying operating system.
- Workbox
Learn how to use latest Payment APIs in Chrome
- Workbox
CSS and UI
Find resources on topics such as typography, color, and layout.
- Workbox
Chrome Web Store
Chrome Web Store An online marketplace where users can browse for extensions and themes. Publish your extension there and make it accessible to the world. dashboard Developer Dashboard Publish your extension and manage your store items. local_mall
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Automate web performance audits with Lighthouse
- Workbox
A Node.js library providing a high-level API to control headless Chrome or Chromium
- Workbox
Learn WebGPU with guides, demos and latest news
- Workbox
Optimize the performance of your web applications with Chrome's performance tools.
- Workbox
Web on Android
Learn about Chrome's features for developing web apps on Android.
- Workbox
Digital accessibility, commonly abbreviated a11y, is about designing and building websites and web apps that disabled people can interact with in a meaningful and equivalent way. This course is created for beginner and advanced web developers. You
Learn about Chrome's identity features, such as Web Authentication.
- Workbox
Findings from the customizable select request for developer feedback form
Thank you for the time you shared with us, providing feedback, reviewing details and helping shape standards.
- Chrome
Release notes
Learn about changes to Chrome that affect developers.
- Chrome
Chrome's 2024 recap for devs: Re-imagining the web with AI in DevTools, built-in Gemini, and new UI capabilities
Check out Chrome for Developers' 2024 year-end roundup of the latest web features, capabilities, and tools.
- Chrome
Use the chrome.action API to control the extension's icon in the Google Chrome toolbar. The following keys must be declared in the manifest to use this API. To use the chrome.action API, specify a "manifest_version" of 3 and include the "action" key
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Get started with built-in AI
Learn the requirements to start building features and applications with built-in AI.
- Workbox
The chrome.extension API has utilities that can be used by any extension page. It includes support for exchanging messages between an extension and its content scripts or between extensions, as described in detail in Message Passing. The type of
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.declarativeContent API to take actions depending on the content of a page, without requiring permission to read the page's content. The Declarative Content API allows you to enable your extension's action depending on the URL of a web
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use this API to expose certificates to the platform which can use these certificates for TLS authentications. Typical usage of this API to expose client certificates to ChromeOS follows these steps: The actual sequence of steps can be different. For
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Note: this API is deprecated. Check out the declarativeNetRequest API instead. Use the chrome.declarativeWebRequest API to intercept, block, or modify requests in-flight. It is significantly faster than the chrome.webRequest API because you can
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use this API to expose certificates to the platform which can use these certificates for TLS authentications. Typical usage of this API to expose client certificates to ChromeOS follows these steps: The actual sequence of steps can be different. For
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
API reference
The complete reference to all APIs made available to Chrome Extensions. This includes APIs for the deprecated Chrome Apps platform as well as APIs still in beta and dev.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.declarativeContent API to take actions depending on the content of a page, without requiring permission to read the page's content. The Declarative Content API lets you enable your extension's action depending on the URL of a web page,
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
The chrome.extension API has utilities that can be used by any extension page. It includes support for exchanging messages between an extension and its content scripts or between extensions, as described in detail in Message Passing. The type of
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the commands API to add keyboard shortcuts that trigger actions in your extension, for example, an action to open the browser action or send a command to the extension. The following keys must be declared in the manifest to use this API. The
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Language detection with built-in AI
The Language Detector API offers built-in language discovery on the web, in the browser.
- Workbox
Use the offscreen API to create and manage offscreen documents. To use the Offscreen API, declare the "offscreen" permission in the extension manifest. For example: Service workers don't have DOM access, and many websites have content security
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the system.display API to query display metadata. An enum to tell if the display is detected and used by the system. The display is considered 'inactive', if it is not detected by the system (maybe disconnected, or considered disconnected due to
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the system.display API to query display metadata. An enum to tell if the display is detected and used by the system. The display is considered 'inactive', if it is not detected by the system (maybe disconnected, or considered disconnected due to
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
How to Use the Allocation Timeline Tool
Use the Allocation timeline tool to find objects that aren't being properly garbage collected, and continue to retain memory.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Avoid non-composited animations
How to pass the "Avoid non-composited animations" Lighthouse audit.
- Workbox
Memory terminology
This section describes common terms used in memory analysis, and is applicable to a variety of memory profiling tools for different languages.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Record and analyze a performance trace with DevTools
Record and analyze a performance trace with DevTools.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
CSS Wrapped 2024
Join the Chrome DevRel team and a skateboarding Chrome Dino on a journey through the latest CSS launched for Chrome and the web platform in 2024.
What's new in DevTools, Chrome 132
Debug network requests, source files, and performance traces with Gemini, view AI chat history, and more.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
View and edit extension storage
How to view and edit extension storage with the Extension Storage panel.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
An easier and more secure replacement for passwords.
- Workbox
The Prompt API
Discover the infinite possibilities of the Prompt API in Chrome Extensions.
- Workbox
Use a strong HSTS policy
Learn more about configuring a strong HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) policy
- Workbox
Deprecation of the Performance Insights panel
The experimental Performance Insights Panel will be removed in January 2025, replaced by new insights within the Performance panel itself.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Chrome DevTools
Discover and explore latest news about and use cases for AI assistance
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Browsers, and you, as a developer, can help users enter data faster, and avoid re-entering data. Autofill is a feature that allows browsers to automatically fill in form fields with users' saved information, such as name, address, and payments
- Workbox
What's next for WebGPU
Learn about new AI and rendering features discussed at the latest GPU for the Web working group meeting.
- Chrome
- WebGpu
Video accessibility wins the Gemini API Developer Competition web award
We've selected ViddyScribe for the Gemini API Developer Competition web award. They exemplified how Gemini can help make videos on the web more accessible by generating audio descriptions for any video.
- Chrome
Prepare your extension as we begin testing a new extensions menu
How to prepare your extension for the new extensions menu.
- Chrome Extensions
- Chrome
Client-side translation with AI
Discover the Translator API to empower global customer support.
- Workbox
Annotate traces directly in the Performance panel
Learn how to make performance traces more understandable with the new annotations features in DevTools
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
AI assistance for performance
Understand performance profiles - with the help of AI
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
AI assistance panel
Understand how a website works with the help of AI
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Chrome 132 beta
Learn about the latest features shipping in Chrome.
- Chrome
Join the Translator API origin trial
Live translate text in the browser using local AI models. Now, users can contribute in their first language.
- Chrome
Built-in AI
Built-in AI is the latest offering for bringing powerful models to users, while protecting sensitive data and improving latency.
- Workbox
AI assistance for network
Understand your website's network traffic - with the help of AI
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Signal API for passkeys on Chrome desktop
Introducing Signal API for passkeys on Chrome desktop
- Passkeys
- Chrome
AI assistance for sources
Understand your website resources - with the help of AI
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
The chrome.networking.onc API is used for configuring network connections (Cellular, Ethernet, VPN or WiFi). This API is available in auto-launched Chrome OS kiosk sessions. Network connection configurations are specified following Open Network
- Workbox
New in Chrome 131
Chrome 131 is rolling out now! More CSS styling for the details element, easier print layout with page margin boxes, and there is plenty more.
- Chrome
Join the Summarizer API origin trial
Participate in the origin trial to help users distill lengthy articles, complex documents, or even lively chat conversations into concise and insightful summaries.
- Chrome
Chrome 131
CSS Highlight Inheritance is changing, more CSS styling for the details element, easier print layout with page margin boxes, and more.
- Chrome
Keep passkeys consistent with credentials on your server with the Signal API
The WebAuthn Signal API allows a relying party to signal the state of existing credentials to the passkey provider, so that the passkeys are consistent with credentials on the server.
- Chrome
- Passkeys
- Workbox
Join the Prompt API for Chrome Extensions origin trial
Participate in the Prompt API for Chrome Extensions origin trial and access Gemini Nano in Chrome.
- Chrome
Summarize with built-in AI
Distill lengthy articles, complex documents, or even lively chat conversations into concise and insightful summaries.
- Workbox
Get started with origin trials
Test a new or experimental web platform feature. Give feedback to the web standards community on the feature's usability, practicality, and effectiveness, before the feature is made available to all users.
- Workbox
What's New in WebGPU (Chrome 131)
Clip distances in WGSL, GPUCanvasContext getConfiguration(), point and line primitives must not have depth bias, inclusive scan built-in functions for subgroups, experimental support for multi-draw indirect, shader module compilation option strict math, remove GPUAdapter requestAdapterInfo(), and more.
- Chrome
- WebGpu
Fix memory problems
Learn how to use Chrome and DevTools to find memory issues that affect page performance, including memory leaks, memory bloat, and frequent garbage collections.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
More options for styling <details>
You can now set the display type and also style the container for the part that expands and collapses using the new ::details-content pseudo-element.
Memory panel overview
Gain deep insight into memory allocation, investigate low level memory issues, and manage garbage collection.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Help your users sign-in smoothly with seamless credential sharing
Seamless credential sharing lets you securely signal to password managers that your users can sign in using the same credentials across your Android app and website.
- Chrome
Customize DevTools
A list of ways you can customize Chrome DevTools: Change theme, placement, panel order, language, and more.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Badges reference
Toggle various overlays and speed up DOM tree navigation with badges.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Monitor live Core Web Vitals metrics in the Performance panel
Monitor live Core Web Vitals metrics in the Performance panel.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
What's new in DevTools, Chrome 131
Debug CSS with Gemini, annotate findings and get insights in the Performance panel, spot excessive layout shifts and non-composited animations, and more.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Recognize your users' handwriting
The Handwriting Recognition API allows web applications to use advanced handwriting recognition services to recognize text from handwritten input in real time.
- Workbox
Add content to the margins of web pages when printed using CSS
Create custom headers and footers when printing webpages.
- Chrome
WebGPU: Troubleshooting tips and fixes
Learn why WebGPU may be disabled or not working in Chrome browser.
- Workbox
- WebGpu
Analyze runtime performance
Learn how to evaluate runtime performance in Chrome DevTools.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Removing --headless=old from Chrome
Chrome 132 no longer includes the old Headless mode. Migrate to chrome-headless-shell or the new Headless mode.
- Chrome
New scroll badge in DevTools: Find scrollable elements faster
Learn how DevTools' new scroll badge simplifies debugging scrollable elements (and how we built it!).
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Use the chrome.syncFileSystem API to save and synchronize data on Google Drive. This API is NOT for accessing arbitrary user docs stored in Google Drive. It provides app-specific syncable storage for offline and caching usage so that the same data
- Workbox
Enabling bfcache for Cache-Control: no-store
Chrome is making a change to allow bfcache usage for pages using Cache-Control: no-store when this is safe to do. Find out what that means for developers.
- Workbox
Chrome Headless mode
Chrome's Headless mode is now more useful for developers, by bringing it closer to Chrome's regular "headful" mode.
- Workbox
- Chromium
5 Cool Things To Do with DevTools AI Assistance
Learn about fun and exciting use-cases of the new AI assistance panel in DevTools
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
Built-in AI APIs
Built-in AI is the latest offering for bringing powerful models to users, while protecting sensitive data and improving latency.
- Workbox
Chrome DevTools
Debug and optimize your web applications with Chrome DevTools.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Chrome 131 beta
Discover the features that are coming to Chrome with the latest beta.
- Chrome
What's New in WebGPU (Chrome 130)
Dual source blending, shader compilation time improvements on Metal, deprecation of GPUAdapter requestAdapterInfo(), and more.
- Chrome
- WebGpu
Chrome 130
Chrome 130 is rolling out now! Document picture in picture gives you more control over picture in picture windows, CSS Nested declarations fix some tricky edge cases, and you can specify how decorations on elements split across multiple lines behave, and there's plenty more!
- Chrome
AI assistance for styling
Understand how a website is styled with the help of AI in DevTools.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
New in Chrome 130
Chrome 130 is rolling out now! Document picture in picture gives you more control over picture in picture windows, CSS Nested declarations fix some tricky edge cases, and you can specify how decorations on elements split across multiple lines behave. Pete LePage has all the details about what's new for developers in Chrome 130.
- Chrome
Use the chrome.downloads API to programmatically initiate, monitor, manipulate, and search for downloads. You must declare the "downloads" permission in the extension manifest to use this API. You can find simple examples of using the
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.webRequest API to observe and analyze traffic and to intercept, block, or modify requests in-flight. You must declare the "webRequest" permission in the extension manifest to use the web request API, along with the necessary host
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
The Desktop Capture API captures the content of the screen, individual windows, or individual tabs. Enum used to define set of desktop media sources used in chooseDesktopMedia(). "screen" "window" "tab" "audio" Mirrors SelfCapturePreferenceEnum.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.vpnProvider API to implement a VPN client. Typical usage of vpnProvider is as follows: Create VPN configurations using the createConfig method. A VPN configuration is a persistent entry shown to the user in a native ChromeOS UI. The
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.platformKeys API to access client certificates managed by the platform. If the user or policy grants the permission, an extension can use such a certficate in its custom authentication protocol. E.g. this allows usage of platform
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.identity API to get OAuth2 access tokens. string A unique identifier for the account. This ID will not change for the lifetime of the account. "SYNC" Specifies that Sync is enabled for the primary account. "ANY" Specifies the existence
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.systemLog API to record Chrome system logs from extensions. string Adds a new log record. MessageOptions The logging options. function optional The callback parameter looks like: Promise<void> Promises are supported in Manifest
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.webNavigation API to receive notifications about the status of navigation requests in-flight. All chrome.webNavigation methods and events require you to declare the "webNavigation" permission in the extension manifest. For example: For
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.printingMetrics API to fetch data about printing usage. "BLACK_AND_WHITE" Specifies that black and white mode was used. "COLOR" Specifies that color mode was used. "ONE_SIDED" Specifies that one-sided printing was used.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.loginState API to read and monitor the login state. "SIGNIN_PROFILE" Specifies that the extension is in the signin profile. "USER_PROFILE" Specifies that the extension is in the user profile. "UNKNOWN" Specifies that the session state
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
The chrome.management API provides ways to manage installed apps and extensions. You must declare the "management" permission in the extension manifest to use the management API. For example: management.getPermissionWarningsByManifest(),
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.fileSystemProvider API to create file systems, that can be accessible from the file manager on Chrome OS. You must declare the "fileSystemProvider" permission and section in the extension manifest to use the File System Provider API.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.enterprise.hardwarePlatform API to get the manufacturer and model of the hardware platform where the browser runs. Note: This API is only available to extensions installed by enterprise policy. string string Obtains the manufacturer
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.power API to override the system's power management features. Using this API, you can specify the Level to which power management is disabled. The "system" level keeps the system active, but allows the screen to be dimmed or turned
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.identity API to get OAuth2 access tokens. string A unique identifier for the account. This ID will not change for the lifetime of the account. "SYNC" Specifies that Sync is enabled for the primary account. "ANY" Specifies the existence
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.notifications API to create rich notifications using templates and show these notifications to users in the system tray. string optional Button icons not visible for Mac OS X users. string string Additional details about this item.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.processes API to interact with the browser's processes. number The part of the cache that is utilized, in bytes. number The size of the cache, in bytes. number optional The most recent measurement of the process's CPU usage, expressed
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.wallpaper API to change the ChromeOS wallpaper. You must declare the "wallpaper" permission in the app's manifest to use the wallpaper API. For example: For example, to set the wallpaper as the image at https://example.com/a_file.png,
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.notifications API to create rich notifications using templates and show these notifications to users in the system tray. string optional Button icons not visible for Mac OS X users. string string Additional details about this item.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
API reference
The complete reference to all APIs made available to Chrome Extensions. This includes APIs for the deprecated Chrome Apps platform as well as APIs still in beta and dev.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.tts API to play synthesized text-to-speech (TTS). See also the related ttsEngine API, which allows an extension to implement a speech engine. Chrome provides this capability on Windows (using SAPI 5), Mac OS X, and ChromeOS,
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.input.ime API to implement a custom IME for Chrome OS. This allows your extension to handle keystrokes, set the composition, and manage the candidate window. You must declare the "input" permission in the extension manifest to use the
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
The chrome.debugger API serves as an alternate transport for Chrome's remote debugging protocol. Use chrome.debugger to attach to one or more tabs to instrument network interaction, debug JavaScript, mutate the DOM and CSS, and more. Use the Debuggee
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.devtools.panels API to integrate your extension into Developer Tools window UI: create your own panels, access existing panels, and add sidebars. The following keys must be declared in the manifest to use this API. See DevTools APIs
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.browsingData API to remove browsing data from a user's local profile. You must declare the "browsingData" permission in the extension manifest to use this API. The simplest use-case for this API is a a time-based mechanism for clearing
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
The chrome.management API provides ways to manage installed apps and extensions. You must declare the "management" permission in the extension manifest to use the management API. For example: management.getPermissionWarningsByManifest,
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.sidePanel API to host content in the browser's side panel alongside the main content of a webpage. To use the Side Panel API, add the "sidePanel" permission in the extension manifest file: manifest.json: The Side Panel API allows
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.tabCapture API to interact with tab media streams. The chrome.tabCapture API allows you to access a MediaStream containing video and audio of the current tab. It can only be called after the user invokes an extension, such as
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.windows API to interact with browser windows. You can use this API to create, modify, and rearrange windows in the browser. When requested, a windows.Window contains an array of tabs.Tab objects. You must declare the "tabs" permission
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.browsingData API to remove browsing data from a user's local profile. You must declare the "browsingData" permission in the extension manifest to use this API. The simplest use-case for this API is a a time-based mechanism for clearing
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.documentScan API to discover and retrieve images from attached document scanners. The Document Scan API is designed to allow apps and extensions to view the content of paper documents on an attached document scanner. string Provides
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.windows API to interact with browser windows. You can use this API to create, modify, and rearrange windows in the browser. When requested, a windows.Window contains an array of tabs.Tab objects. You must declare the "tabs" permission
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.fontSettings API to manage Chrome's font settings. To use the Font Settings API, you must declare the "fontSettings" permission in the extension manifest. For example: Chrome allows for some font settings to depend on certain generic
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
This permission triggers a warning Use the chrome.downloads API to programmatically initiate, monitor, manipulate, and search for downloads. You must declare the "downloads" permission in the extension manifest to use this API. You can find simple
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
The chrome.declarativeNetRequest API is used to block or modify network requests by specifying declarative rules. This lets extensions modify network requests without intercepting them and viewing their content, thus providing more privacy. The "
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.webNavigation API to receive notifications about the status of navigation requests in-flight. All chrome.webNavigation methods and events require you to declare the "webNavigation" permission in the extension manifest. For example: For
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
The chrome.debugger API serves as an alternate transport for Chrome's remote debugging protocol. Use chrome.debugger to attach to one or more tabs to instrument network interaction, debug JavaScript, mutate the DOM and CSS, and more. Use the Debuggee
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.enterprise.deviceAttributes API to read device attributes. Note: This API is only available to extensions force-installed by enterprise policy. Fetches the administrator-annotated Location. If the current user is not affiliated or no
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use chrome.gcm to enable apps and extensions to send and receive messages through Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM). The maximum size (in bytes) of all key/value pairs in a message. 4096 Registers the application with FCM. The registration ID will be
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use browser actions to put icons in the main Google Chrome toolbar, to the right of the address bar. In addition to its icon, a browser action can have a tooltip, a badge, and a popup. In the following figure, the multicolored square to the right of
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Inspect network activity
A tutorial on the most popular network-related features in Chrome DevTools.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
AI innovations
AI Innovations tab reference.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Long Animation Frames API
Learn about the Long Animation Frames API (LoAF) which is the next iteration of the Long Tasks API and allows measuring frame update delays with attribution
- Workbox
What's happening in Chrome Extensions, October 2024
An overview of the recent changes in Chrome Extensions, plus exciting upcoming extensions features developers can look forward to.
- Chrome Extensions
- Chrome
Native Client
A sandbox for running compiled C and C++ code in the browser. This has been deprecated.
- Workbox
The box-decoration-break property in Chrome 130
Chrome 130 includes full, unprefixed box-decoration-break support.
- Chrome
Private Network Access on hold
The Private Network Access (PNA) rollout is on hold.
- Chrome
Inheritance changes for CSS selection styling
A change to CSS highlight inheritance is coming in Chrome 134.
- Chrome
Translation API available for early preview
The Translation API is now available for built-in AI Early Preview Program participants.
- Chrome
The CSS anchor positioning API
Position elements relative to each other using the anchor positioning API.
- Workbox
Catch prediction in Chrome DevTools: Why it's hard and how to make it better
Learn how the DevTools debugger predicts whether an exception is caught.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
WebAuthn: Emulate authenticators
Emulate Authenticators and Debug WebAuthn in Chrome DevTools.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Join the Google Chrome Built-in AI Challenge
We're launching the Built-in AI Challenge, where we invite you to reimagine what's possible with Gemini Nano in Chrome.
- Chrome
Improving the Chrome Web Store Developer Dashboard mobile experience
We're excited to launch a set of UI changes making the Chrome Web Store Developer Dashboard more responsive and mobile-friendly. We hope this gives you a more convenient and accessible experience when monitoring store listing performance, making
- Chrome Extensions
- Chrome
What's new in DevTools, Chrome 130
Recommendations for live metrics and breadcrumbs you can navigate in the Performance panel, network filters reimagined, sanitized HAR exports, and more.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Search: Find text across all loaded resources
Find text across all loaded resources with the Search panel.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Features reference
A comprehensive reference of Chrome DevTools Recorder panel features.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Sources panel overview
View and edit files, create Snippets, debug JavaScript, and set up Workspaces in the Sources panel of Chrome DevTools.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Coverage: Find unused JavaScript and CSS
How to find and analyze unused JavaScript and CSS code in Chrome DevTools.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Same-document view transitions for single-page applications
Get started with same-document view transitions for use in your single-page application.
- Workbox
Layers panel: Explore the layers of your website
Inspect the layers that make up your website.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Caching Demystified: Inspect, Clear, and Disable Caches
Inspect and troubleshoot cache with DevTools.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Sign up for the Language Detection API origin trial
The Language Detection API is now available in a Chrome origin trial.
- Workbox
The Web Vitals extension, now in DevTools
The Web Vitals extension will merge with the Performance panel of Chrome DevTools, ending standalone support in January 2025.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
Console overview
The main uses of the Chrome DevTools Console are logging messages and running JavaScript.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Uniquely identifying PWAs with the web app manifest id property
The optional `id` property is part of the web app manifest spec, and allows you to explicitly define the identifier used for your PWA. Adding the `id` property to the manifest removes the dependency on the `start_url` or the location of the manifest, and makes it possible for them to be updated in the future.
- Workbox
Feedback needed: How should we define CSS masonry?
A comparison of the two proposed masonry specifications.
- Chrome
Writer and rewriter APIs available for early preview
EPP participants can now prototype with write and rewrite APIs in Chrome.
- Chrome
Chrome to sync passkeys on Google Password Manager between desktop and Android
Chrome on desktop will soon be able to create passkeys in Google Password Manager (GPM) and synchronize them across those platforms in addition to Android.
- Chrome
- Passkeys
Chrome 130 beta
Test your site with the features and changes in the latest Chrome beta.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 129
Chrome 129 is rolling out now! You can yield in long tasks - to improve performance, you can animate elements with intrinsic sizes, there are some changes to anchor positioning syntax, and there's plenty more. Pete LePage has all the details about what's new for developers in Chrome 129.
- Chrome
Performance panel: Analyze your website's performance
Analyze your website's load and runtime performance
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Monitor your local and real-user Core Web Vitals performance in DevTools
The Performance panel in Chrome DevTools features a new way to monitor your local Core Web Vitals performance and compare it against real-user data from the field.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
Chrome 129
Chrome 129 is rolling out now! You can yield in long tasks to improve performance, you can animate elements with intrinsic sizes, there are some changes to anchor positioning syntax, and there's plenty more.
- Chrome
Animate to height: auto; (and other intrinsic sizing keywords) in CSS
Animate to and from intrinsic sizing keywords with `interpolate-size` and `calc-size()`
- Workbox
What's New in WebGPU (Chrome 129)
HDR support with canvas tone mapping mode, expanded subgroups support, and more.
- Chrome
- WebGpu
Chrome Experiment: Process sharing
The Process sharing experiment and its impact Chrome DevTools' developer experience.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Bluetooth RFCOMM updates in Web Serial
Learn how to detect when a Bluetooth RFCOMM serial port is available with Web Serial.
- Chrome
Use the chrome.devtools.performance API to listen to recording status updates in the Performance panel in DevTools. See DevTools APIs summary for general introduction to using Developer Tools APIs. The chrome.devtools.performance API allows
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
The chrome.declarativeNetRequest API is used to block or modify network requests by specifying declarative rules. This lets extensions modify network requests without intercepting them and viewing their content, thus providing more privacy.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Request for developer feedback: customizable select
An early look at the new customizable select feature.
- Chrome
Freeze screen & inspect disappearing elements
Freeze elements in the DOM so that you can inspect them with DevTools.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Picture-in-Picture for any Element, not just <video>
Display arbitrary HTML content in an always-on-top window.
- Workbox
The Keyboard Lock and the Pointer Lock APIs require permission from Chrome 131
The Keyboard Lock API lets developers provide an immersive, full screen experience for a variety of use cases, including interactive websites, games, and remote desktop or application streaming. It does so by enabling websites to use all available
- Chrome
Memory Inspector: Inspect ArrayBuffer, TypedArray, DataView, and Wasm Memory.
Use the Memory inspector to inspect an ArrayBuffer, TypedArray, or DataView in JavaScript as well as WebAssembly.Memory of C++ Wasm apps.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Changes: Track your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript changes
Track changes to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Anchor positioning syntax changes
Changes related to the anchor positioning API you should be aware of.
- Chrome
Enable seamless credential sharing across websites in Chrome
If you employ multiple domains that share the same account management backend, with Digital Asset Links you can now also seamlessly share credential across them to enable users to save credentials once and have the Chrome password manager suggest them to any of the associated websites.
- Workbox
Run commands in the Command Menu
A guide on how to open the Command Menu, run commands, open files, see other actions, and more.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Introducing the Digital Credentials API origin trial
An origin trial for the Digital Credentials API is starting from Chrome 128. Digital Credentials API is a new web platform API that allows websites to selectively request verifiable information about the user through digital credentials such as a driver's license or a national identification card stored in a digital wallet.
- Chrome
What's new in DevTools, Chrome 129
Search requests in Performance > Network, use test data in address forms with Autofill, export to Puppeteer for Firefox in the Recorder panel, spot performance issues at a glance with observations in the Performance panel, and more.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Introducing hints, Related Origin Requests and JSON serialization for WebAuthn in Chrome
WebAuthn on Chrome can now use hints, Related Origin Requests and JSON serialization
- Chrome
What's missing from HTML and CSS?
Do you agree with the CSS Day attendees about what should be added to the web?
- Chrome
More efficient IndexedDB storage in Chrome
A new optimization in Chrome improves how IndexedDB data is stored on disk. This document summarizes the key points of this update.
- Chromium
- Workbox
Language detection API available for early preview
EPP participants can now prototype with a language detection API in Chrome.
- Chrome
Lighthouse: Optimize website speed
Make your websites load faster with Chrome Lighthouse.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Customize your performance data with extensibility API
Customize performance data with the extensibility API
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Chrome 129 beta
Get a preview of the next Chrome release with this post detailing the features in the current beta.
- Chrome
Improving the performance of Chromium accessibility
A post from Ahmed Elwasefi, sharing how he became a Chromium contributor through the Google Summer of Code.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 128
Chrome 128 is rolling out now! With improved display for ruby elements with line breaks, Promise.try to start Promise chains easier, PointerEvent interface extended to uniquely identify multiple pens, and there's plenty more, and plenty more. Adriana Jara has all the details about what's new for developers in Chrome 128.
- Chrome
Media: View and debug media players information
Use the Media Panel to view information and debug the media players per browser tab.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
What's New in WebGPU (Chrome 128)
Experimenting with subgroups, deprecate setting depth bias for lines and points, hide uncaptured error DevTools warning if preventDefault, WGSL interpolate sampling first and either, and more.
- Chrome
- WebGpu
The File System Observer API origin trial
The Chrome team is experimenting with a new File System Observer API that informs developers of changes to the file system.
- Chrome
Chrome 128
Chrome 128 is starting to roll out on August 20th, 2024, with CSS ruby-align property, Promise.try, and there's plenty more.
- Chrome
Build an app with WebGPU
Learn how to build an app with WebGPU for the web and specific platforms.
- Workbox
- WebGpu
Chrome Extensions
Chrome Extensions can be either packed or unpacked. To pack an unpacked extension, use the Pack button in chrome://extensions or use Chrome: "chrome.exe --pack-extension=C:\path\to\unpacked\extension --pack-extension-key=C:\myext.pem". To unpack a
- Workbox
The File System Access API: simplifying access to local files
The File System Access API enables developers to build powerful web apps that interact with files on the user's local device, such as IDEs, photo and video editors, text editors, and more. After a user grants a web app access, this API allows them to read or save changes directly to files and folders on the user's device.
- Workbox
Use the chrome.devtools.network API to retrieve the information about network requests displayed by the Developer Tools in the Network panel. Network requests information is represented in the HTTP Archive format ( HAR ). The description of HAR is
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Summarization API available for early preview
EPP participants can now prototype with the summarization API for Gemini Nano in Chrome.
- Chrome
Use the chrome.devtools.panels API to integrate your extension into Developer Tools window UI: create your own panels, access existing panels, and add sidebars. Each extension panel and sidebar is displayed as a separate HTML page. All extension
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Scroll Snap Events
Introducing two new JavaScript events: scrollSnapChange and scrollSnapChanging.
- Chrome
Experimenting with measuring soft navigations
The Chrome team is working on better measuring so-called soft navigations used by Single Page Applications and a new API is now available behind a flag to allow sites to experiment with this too.
- Workbox
4 ways to capture screenshots with DevTools
Discover 4 unique ways to capture screenshots with DevTools.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
WebDriver BiDi production-ready in Firefox, Chrome and Puppeteer
Puppeteer 23 introduces stable support for Firefox 129 and up, offering a unified API for Chrome and Firefox automation, based on WebDriver BiDi.
- Chrome
What's new in DevTools, Chrome 128
Console insights go live in Europe, enhanced Network track and API to customize tracks in the Performance panel, and more.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
Participate in the Chrome built-in AI experiment
An update on built-in AI, the Prompt API, and Chrome's AI plans.
- Chrome
Passkeys UX updates on Chrome on Android
Chrome on Android now integrates the Credential Manager allowing 3P password managers provide passkeys on Android 14 and later
- Chrome
Author-defined CSS names and shadow DOM: In specification and in practice
Explaining the current interoperability status of author-defined names as used in the shadow DOM in CSS.
- Workbox
Creating a great listing page
Best practices on how to make a high-quality, engaging listing page for your item in the Chrome Web Store.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Automation with WebDriver BiDi now available on BrowserStack
BrowserStack introduces WebDriver BiDi support: Enhance your Selenium Grid tests with event-driven automation.
- Chrome
Beyond regular expressions: Enhancing CSS value parsing in Chrome DevTools
Learn how the DevTools team improved how styles are presented in the Styles tab.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Faster page loads using server think-time with Early Hints
Find out how your server can send hints to the browser about critical subresources.
- Workbox
Network panel: Analyze network load and resources
Analyze network load and resources
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Line-breakable <ruby> and CSS ruby-align property
Line-breakable ruby element and CSS ruby-align property
- Chrome
Chrome 128 beta
Get a preview of the next Chrome release with this post detailing the features in the current beta.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 127
Chrome 127 is rolling out now! With support for font-size-adjust, user activations propagated in the Document Picture-in-Picture API, keyboard focusable scroll containers and there's plenty more. Adriana Jara has all the details about what's new for developers in Chrome 127.
- Chrome
What's New in WebGPU (Chrome 127)
Experimental support for OpenGL ES on Android, GPUAdapter info attribute, WebAssembly interop improvements, and more.
- Chrome
- WebGpu
Chrome 127
Chrome 127 is starting to roll out on July 23rd, 2024, with CSS font-size-adjust, keyboard focusable scroll containers, and there's plenty more.
- Chrome
How Chrome helps users install the apps they value
Chrome's internal user research shows that many people value installing web apps. There are many benefits such as: There are multiple ways Chrome and web developers can help, including a new machine learning promotion feature. This post gives an
- Chrome
Request for developer feedback on reading-flow and elements with display: contents
Help us to make sure reading-flow meets your needs.
- Chrome
Network features reference
A comprehensive reference of Chrome DevTools Network panel features.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Preferences tab reference.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Help with ChromeDriver
If you have a general question or need help using ChromeDriver, you can email the chromedriver-users group. Before filing a bug, look at the existing issues for the same topic. ChromeDriver is an open source project, worked on by various
- Workbox
Clicking issues
ChromeDriver clicking works by simulating a mouse click in the middle of the element's first client rect (or bounding client rect if it doesn't have a first client rect). The easiest way to find out where ChromeDriver is attempting to click is to
- Workbox
Contribute to ChromeDriver
ChromeDriver is a Chromium project and the code lives in the Chromium repository. Chromium is the open source project on which Google Chrome is based. Follow the instructions to check out the entire Chromium source tree. After you have your source
- Workbox
Recorder panel: Record and measure user flow
Analyze and record user flows.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Misconceptions about view transitions
With more and more people starting to look into the View Transition API, it's time to debunk some misconceptions.
- Chrome
Deceptive Installation Tactics FAQ
Frequently asked questions about Chrome Web Store's policies on deceptive installation tactics.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
What's happening in Chrome Extensions?
An overview of the recent changes in Chrome Extensions, plus exciting upcoming extension features developers can look forward to.
- Chrome
- Chrome Extensions
Listing Requirements
If your product has a blank description field or is missing an icon or screenshots, it will be rejected. Ensure your product's listing information is up to date, accurate, and comprehensive. We don't allow extensions with misleading, inaccurate,
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Deceptive Installation Tactics
Extensions must be marketed responsibly. The set of functionalities promised by the extension must be stated clearly and in a transparent manner. The outcome of any user interaction should match the reasonable expectations that were set with the
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Best Practices and Guidelines
Research and understand the Chrome Web Store policies. Before developing a Chrome extension, it is important to review the Chrome Web Store Developer Program Policies and ensure your extension complies with all guidelines and requirements. Extensions
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Extensions quality guidelines FAQ
Frequently asked questions about the single purpose policy.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Quality guidelines
An extension must have a single purpose that is narrow and easy to understand. Don't create an extension that requires users to accept bundles of unrelated functionality. If two pieces of functionality are clearly separate, they should be put into
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Chrome Extensions: Important policy updates
This announcement includes a series of updates to Developer Program Policies page designed to encourage the development of high quality products, prevent deceptive behavior, and ensure informed user consent.
- Chrome Extensions
- Chrome
Use the chrome.input.ime API to implement a custom IME for Chrome OS. This allows your extension to handle keystrokes, set the composition, and manage the candidate window. You must declare the "input" permission in the extension manifest to use the
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
What's new in DevTools, Chrome 127
CSS anchor positioning in Elements, enhanced 'Never Pause Here' in Sources, new scroll snap event listeners, updated network throttling presets, and more.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
Inspect mode: Quickly analyze element properties
Inspect elements on your web app
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Performance features reference
A reference on all the ways to record and analyze performance in Chrome DevTools.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
A collaboration between Chrome and open-source web frameworks to improve user experience on the web.
- Workbox
The Long Animation Frame API has now shipped
The Long Animation Frame API (LoAF) has shipped from Chrome 123 and we've now also updated our tooling and guidance to help you make the most of this new API.
- Chrome
Adding Trusted Types to YouTube
YouTube is enhancing platform security with Trusted Types to prevent cross-site scripting attacks, but it may impact your extension.
- Chrome Extensions
- Chrome
Avoid an excessive DOM size
Learn how a large DOM can reduce your web page's performance and how you can reduce the size of your DOM at load time.
- Workbox
CrUX methodology
Technical documentation on CrUX eligibility, metrics, dimensions and accessing the data.
- Workbox
- Chrome UX Report
Use the chrome.enterprise.networkingAttributes API to read information about your current network. Note: This API is only available to extensions force-installed by enterprise policy. string optional The device's local IPv4 address (undefined if not
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.enterprise.hardwarePlatform API to get the manufacturer and model of the hardware platform where the browser runs. Note: This API is only available to extensions installed by enterprise policy. string string Obtains the manufacturer
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.enterprise.deviceAttributes API to read device attributes. Note: This API is only available to extensions force-installed by enterprise policy. Fetches the administrator-annotated Location. If the current user is not affiliated or no
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.enterprise.networkingAttributes API to read information about your current network. Note: This API is only available to extensions force-installed by enterprise policy. string optional The device's local IPv4 address (undefined if not
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Prerender pages in Chrome for instant page navigations
The Chrome team has been working on options to bring back full prerendering of future pages that a user is likely to navigate to.
- Workbox
Behind the Chrome Web Store: Asking Trust & Safety your questions
We sat down with the team that leads review in the Chrome Web Store.
- Chrome Extensions
- Chrome
Maximum IndexedDB performance with Storage Buckets
The Chrome team has made a number of performance-related improvements to the implementation of IndexedDB (IDB).
- Chrome
Chrome release notes and updates
Chrome's latest releases
- Workbox
Cache AI models in the browser
To make future launches of your AI-powered applications faster, explicitly cache the model data on-device.
- Workbox
What's New in WebGPU (Chrome 126)
Increase maxTextureArrayLayers limit, buffer upload optimization for Vulkan backend, shader compilation time improvements, submitted command buffers must be unique, and Dawn updates.
- Chrome
- WebGpu
Chrome 127 beta
Test the latest features coming to Chrome by downloading the beta.
- Chrome
An origin trial for a new HTML <permission> element
The Chrome team is experimenting with a new declarative HTML <permission> element for asking the user for access to powerful features.
- Chrome
Chrome 126
Chrome 126 is starting to roll out on June 11th, 2024, with cross document view transitions, reenabling the CloseWatcher API, trigger-rumble for the Gamepad API, and there's plenty more.
- Chrome
The latest in CSS and web UI: I/O 2024 recap
Read all of the CSS and Web UI announcements from Google I/O 2024.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 126
Chrome 126 is rolling out now! With support for cross-document transitions in the ViewTransitions API, the CloseWatcher API re-enabled, trigger-rumbled for the Gamepad API and there's plenty more, and plenty more. Adriana Jara has all the details about what's new for developers in Chrome 126.
- Chrome
Deprecating the unload event
The unload event will be gradually deprecated starting from Chrome 117. Learn what this means and how sites and enterprises can prepare for this
- Workbox
3 new features to customize your performance workflows in DevTools
Learn about the latest features to help you declutter the Performance panel and focus on the information you need most
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Protocol monitor: View and send CDP requests
Monitor CDP requests and responses.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Analyze CSS selector performance during Recalculate Style events
Analyze CSS selector performance during Recalculate Style events.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Build progressive web apps (PWAs) with Workbox - the Service Worker library from the Chrome team
- Workbox
Extensions / Develop
Learn how to develop extensions
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Skip review for eligible changes to extensions
We are excited to announce a new feature that will allow developers to skip the review process for eligible changes to Manifest V3 extensions using the Declarative Net Request API.
- Chrome
Content filtering
An explanation of content filtering and how to approach it in your Chrome Extension.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Does not have a tag with width or initial-scale
Learn about the "Does not have a tag with width or initial-scale" Lighthouse audit.
- Workbox
Reference for APIs available to Chrome Apps
- Workbox
The chrome.types API contains type declarations for Chrome. The ChromeSetting prototype provides a common set of functions ( get(), set(), and clear() ) as well as an event publisher ( onChange ) for settings of the Chrome browser. The proxy
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
The chrome.virtualKeyboard API is a kiosk only API used to configure virtual keyboard layout and behavior in kiosk sessions. boolean optional Whether virtual keyboards can provide auto-complete. boolean optional Whether virtual keyboards can provide
- Workbox
Use the chrome.tabCapture API to interact with tab media streams. The chrome.tabCapture API lets you access a MediaStream containing video and audio of the current tab. It can only be called after the user invokes an extension, such as by clicking
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.topSites API to access the top sites (i.e. most visited sites) that are displayed on the new tab page. These do not include shortcuts customized by the user. You must declare the "topSites" permission in your extension's manifest to
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
The Desktop Capture API captures the content of the screen, individual windows, or individual tabs. Enum used to define set of desktop media sources used in chooseDesktopMedia(). "screen" "window" "tab" "audio" Mirrors SelfCapturePreferenceEnum.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.platformKeys API to access client certificates managed by the platform. If the user or policy grants the permission, an extension can use such a certficate in its custom authentication protocol. E.g. this allows usage of platform
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
The chrome.system.memory API. number The amount of available capacity, in bytes. number The total amount of physical memory capacity, in bytes. Get physical memory information. function optional The callback parameter looks like: MemoryInfo
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use chrome.instanceID to access the Instance ID service. Resets the app instance identifier and revokes all tokens associated with it. function optional The callback parameter looks like: Promise<void> Promises are supported in Manifest V3 and
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
The chrome.events namespace contains common types used by APIs dispatching events to notify you when something interesting happens. An Event is an object that lets you be notified when something interesting happens. Here's an example of using the
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.dom API to access special DOM APIs for Extensions Gets the open shadow root or the closed shadow root hosted by the specified element. If the element doesn't attach the shadow root, it will return null. HTMLElement object See
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.system.storage API to query storage device information and be notified when a removable storage device is attached and detached. "success" The ejection command is successful -- the application can prompt the user to remove the device.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.processes API to interact with the browser's processes. number The part of the cache that is utilized, in bytes. number The size of the cache, in bytes. number optional The most recent measurement of the process's CPU usage, expressed
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.power API to override the system's power management features. Using this API, you can specify the Level to which power management is disabled. The "system" level keeps the system active, but allows the screen to be dimmed or turned
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
The chrome.clipboard API is provided to allow users to access data of the clipboard. This is a temporary solution for chromeos platform apps until open-web alternative is available. It will be deprecated once open-web solution is available, which
- Workbox
The chrome.types API contains type declarations for Chrome. The ChromeSetting type provides a common set of functions ( get(), set(), and clear() ) as well as an event publisher ( onChange ) for settings of the Chrome browser. The proxy
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
The chrome.bluetoothLowEnergy API is used to communicate with Bluetooth Smart (Low Energy) devices using the Generic Attribute Profile (GATT). The following keys must be declared in the manifest to use this API. ManufacturerData [] optional List of
- Workbox
Use the chrome.bluetoothSocket API to send and receive data to Bluetooth devices using RFCOMM and L2CAP connections. The following keys must be declared in the manifest to use this API. "system_error" A system error occurred and the connection may be
- Workbox
Use the chrome.fileBrowserHandler API to extend the Chrome OS file browser. For example, you can use this API to enable users to upload files to your website. The ChromeOS file browser comes up when the user either presses Alt+Shift+M or connects an
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.search API to search via the default provider. "CURRENT_TAB" Specifies that the search results display in the calling tab or the tab from the active browser. "NEW_TAB" Specifies that the search results display in a new tab.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.i18n infrastructure to implement internationalization across your whole app or extension. You need to put all of its user-visible strings into a file named messages.json. Each time you add a new locale, you add a messages file under a
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the system.cpu API to query CPU metadata. string The architecture name of the processors. string[] A set of feature codes indicating some of the processor's capabilities. The currently supported codes are "mmx", "sse", "sse2", "sse3", "ssse3",
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use chrome.gcm to enable apps and extensions to send and receive messages through Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM). The maximum size (in bytes) of all key/value pairs in a message. 4096 Registers the application with FCM. The registration ID will be
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.mdns API to discover services over mDNS. This comprises a subset of the features of the NSD spec: http://www.w3.org/TR/discovery-api/ string The IP address of an mDNS advertised service. string[] Metadata for an mDNS advertised
- Workbox
Use the chrome.tts API to play synthesized text-to-speech (TTS). See also the related ttsEngine API, which allows an extension to implement a speech engine. Chrome provides native support for speech on Windows (using SAPI 5), Mac OS X, and ChromeOS,
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.serial API to read from and write to a device connected to a serial port. number optional See ConnectionOptions.bitrate. This field may be omitted or inaccurate if a non-standard bitrate is in use, or if an error occurred while
- Workbox
Use the chrome.vpnProvider API to implement a VPN client. Typical usage of chrome.vpnProvider is as follows: Create VPN configurations by calling createConfig(). A VPN configuration is a persistent entry shown to the user in a ChromeOS UI. The user
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.contextMenus API to add items to Google Chrome's context menu. You can choose what types of objects your context menu additions apply to, such as images, hyperlinks, and pages. Context menu items can appear in any document (or frame
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.devtools.network API to retrieve the information about network requests displayed by the Developer Tools in the Network panel. The following keys must be declared in the manifest to use this API. See DevTools APIs summary for general
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.bluetooth API to connect to a Bluetooth device. All functions report failures via chrome.runtime.lastError. The following keys must be declared in the manifest to use this API. string The address of the adapter, in the format
- Workbox
The omnibox API allows you to register a keyword with Google Chrome's address bar, which is also known as the omnibox. When the user enters your extension's keyword, the user starts interacting solely with your extension. Each keystroke is sent to
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
The chrome.events namespace contains common types used by APIs dispatching events to notify you when something interesting happens. An Event is an object that allows you to be notified when something interesting happens. Here's an example of using
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.dns API for dns resolution. To use this API, you must declare the "dns" permission in the manifest. The following code calls resolve() to retrieve the IP address of example.com. service-worker.js: string optional A string representing
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.idle API to detect when the machine's idle state changes. You must declare the "idle" permission in your extension's manifest to use the idle API. For example: "active" "idle" "locked" Gets the time, in seconds, it takes until the
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.wallpaper API to change the ChromeOS wallpaper. You must declare the "wallpaper" permission in the app's manifest to use the wallpaper API. For example: For example, to set the wallpaper as the image at https://example.com/a_file.png,
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use chrome.instanceID to access the Instance ID service. Resets the app instance identifier and revokes all tokens associated with it. function optional The callback parameter looks like: Promise<void> Promises are only supported for Manifest
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.accessibilityFeatures API to manage Chrome's accessibility features. This API relies on the ChromeSetting prototype of the type API for getting and setting individual accessibility features. In order to get feature states the extension
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.fontSettings API to manage Chrome's font settings. To use the Font Settings API, you must declare the "fontSettings" permission in the extension manifest. For example: Chrome allows for some font settings to depend on certain generic
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.pageAction API to put icons in the main Google Chrome toolbar, to the right of the address bar. Page actions represent actions that can be taken on the current page, but that aren't applicable to all pages. Page actions appear grayed
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow API to interact with the inspected window: obtain the tab ID for the inspected page, evaluate the code in the context of the inspected window, reload the page, or obtain the list of resources within the page.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.history API to interact with the browser's record of visited pages. You can add, remove, and query for URLs in the browser's history. To override the history page with your own version, see Override Pages. You must declare the
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.sockets.tcpServer API to create server applications using TCP connections. This API supersedes the TCP functionality previously found in the chrome.socket API. The following keys must be declared in the manifest to use this API. number
- Workbox
Use the commands API to add keyboard shortcuts that trigger actions in your extension, for example, an action to open the browser action or send a command to the extension. The following keys must be declared in the manifest to use this API. The
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.readingList API to read from and modify the items in the Reading List. To use the Reading List API, add the "readingList" permission in the extension manifest file: manifest.json: Chrome features a reading list located on the side
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.proxy API to manage Chrome's proxy settings. This API relies on the ChromeSetting prototype of the type API for getting and setting the proxy configuration. You must declare the "proxy" permission in the extension manifest to use the
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.socket API to send and receive data over the network using TCP and UDP connections. Note: Starting with Chrome 33, this API is deprecated in favor of the sockets.udp, sockets.tcp and sockets.tcpServer APIs. number number optional The
- Workbox
Use the chrome.alarms API to schedule code to run periodically or at a specified time in the future. To use the chrome.alarms API, declare the "alarms" permission in the manifest: To ensure reliable behavior, it is helpful to understand how the API
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.system.storage API to query storage device information and be notified when a removable storage device is attached and detached. "success" The ejection command is successful -- the application can prompt the user to remove the device.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.fileBrowserHandler API to extend the Chrome OS file browser. For example, you can use this API to enable users to upload files to your website. The ChromeOS file browser comes up when the user either presses Alt+Shift+M or connects an
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.devtools.recorder API to customize the Recorder panel in DevTools. See DevTools APIs summary for general introduction to using Developer Tools APIs. devtools.recorder API is a preview feature that allows you to extend the Recorder
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.webRequest API to observe and analyze traffic and to intercept, block, or modify requests in-flight. You must declare the "webRequest" permission in the extension manifest to use the web request API, along with the necessary host
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
The chrome.webAuthenticationProxy API lets remote desktop software running on a remote host intercept Web Authentication API (WebAuthn) requests in order to handle them on a local client. string The PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions passed to
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
The omnibox API allows you to register a keyword with Google Chrome's address bar, which is also known as the omnibox. When the user enters your extension's keyword, the user starts interacting solely with your extension. Each keystroke is sent to
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.documentScan API to discover and retrieve images from attached document scanners.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.idle API to detect when the machine's idle state changes. You must declare the "idle" permission in your extension's manifest to use the idle API. For example: "active" "idle" "locked" Gets the time, in seconds, it takes until the
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.dns API for dns resolution. To use this API, you must declare the "dns" permission in the manifest. The following code calls resolve() to retrieve the IP address of example.com. service-worker.js: string optional A string representing
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.tabGroups API to interact with the browser's tab grouping system. You can use this API to modify and rearrange tab groups in the browser. To group and ungroup tabs, or to query what tabs are in groups, use the chrome.tabs API. The
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.systemLog API to record Chrome system logs from extensions. string Adds a new log record. MessageOptions The logging options. function optional The callback parameter looks like: Promise<void> Promises are only supported for
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
The chrome.audio API is provided to allow users to get information about and control the audio devices attached to the system. This API is currently only available in kiosk mode for ChromeOS. string Device name. DeviceType Type of the device. string
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
The chrome.printerProvider API exposes events used by print manager to query printers controlled by extensions, to query their capabilities and to submit print jobs to these printers. string optional Printer's human readable description. string
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
The chrome.printerProvider API exposes events used by print manager to query printers controlled by extensions, to query their capabilities and to submit print jobs to these printers. string optional Printer's human readable description. string
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
The chrome.audio API is provided to allow users to get information about and control the audio devices attached to the system. This API is currently only available in kiosk mode for ChromeOS. string Device name. DeviceType Type of the device. string
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.proxy API to manage Chrome's proxy settings. This API relies on the ChromeSetting prototype of the type API for getting and setting the proxy configuration. You must declare the "proxy" permission in the extension manifest to use the
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.topSites API to access the top sites (i.e. most visited sites) that are displayed on the new tab page. These do not include shortcuts customized by the user. You must declare the "topSites" permission in your extension's manifest to
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the webview tag to actively load live content from the web over the network and embed it in your Chrome App. Your app can control the appearance of the webview and interact with the web content, initiate navigations in an embedded web page, react
- Workbox
Use the chrome.search API to search via the default provider. "CURRENT_TAB" Specifies that the search results display in the calling tab or the tab from the active browser. "NEW_TAB" Specifies that the search results display in a new tab.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.app.window API to create windows. Windows have an optional frame with title bar and size controls. They are not associated with any Chrome browser windows. See the Window State Sample for a demonstration of these options. Window The
- Workbox
Use the chrome.alarms API to schedule code to run periodically or at a specified time in the future. To use the chrome.alarms API, declare the "alarms" permission in the manifest: The following examples show how to use and respond to an alarm. To try
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.scripting API to execute script in different contexts. To use the chrome.scripting API, declare the "scripting" permission in the manifest plus the host permissions for the pages to inject scripts into. Use the "host_permissions" key
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.loginState API to read and monitor the login state. "SIGNIN_PROFILE" Specifies that the extension is in the signin profile. "USER_PROFILE" Specifies that the extension is in the user profile. "UNKNOWN" Specifies that the session state
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.system.network API. string The available IPv4/6 address. string The underlying name of the adapter. On *nix, this will typically be "eth0", "wlan0", etc. number The prefix length Retrieves information about local adapters on this
- Workbox
Use the chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow API to interact with the inspected window: obtain the tab ID for the inspected page, evaluate the code in the context of the inspected window, reload the page, or obtain the list of resources within the page.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the system.cpu API to query CPU metadata. string The architecture name of the processors. string[] A set of feature codes indicating some of the processor's capabilities. The currently supported codes are "mmx", "sse", "sse2", "sse3", "ssse3",
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.history API to interact with the browser's record of visited pages. You can add, remove, and query for URLs in the browser's history. To override the history page with your own version, see Override Pages. To interact with the user's
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
The chrome.system.memory API. number The amount of available capacity, in bytes. number The total amount of physical memory capacity, in bytes. Get physical memory information. function optional The callback parameter looks like: MemoryInfo
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.sockets.udp API to send and receive data over the network using UDP connections. This API supersedes the UDP functionality previously found in the "socket" API. The following keys must be declared in the manifest to use this API.
- Workbox
Use the chrome.hid API to interact with connected HID devices. This API provides access to HID operations from within the context of an app. Using this API, apps can function as drivers for hardware devices. Errors generated by this API are reported
- Workbox
Use the chrome.fileSystemProvider API to create file systems, that can be accessible from the file manager on Chrome OS. You must declare the "fileSystemProvider" permission and section in the extension manifest to use the File System Provider API.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.devtools.recorder API to customize the Recorder panel in DevTools. devtools.recorder API is a preview feature that allows you to extend the Recorder panel in Chrome DevTools. See DevTools APIs summary for general introduction to using
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.fileSystem API to create, read, navigate, and write to the user's local file system. With this API, Chrome Apps can read and write to a user-selected location. For example, a text editor app can use the API to read and write local
- Workbox
Use the chrome.contextMenus API to add items to Google Chrome's context menu. You can choose what types of objects your context menu additions apply to, such as images, hyperlinks, and pages. You must declare the "contextMenus" permission in your
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.browser API to interact with the Chrome browser associated with the current application and Chrome profile. string The URL to navigate to when the new tab is initially opened. Opens a new tab in a browser window associated with the
- Workbox
Use the chrome.sockets.tcp API to send and receive data over the network using TCP connections. This API supersedes the TCP functionality previously found in the chrome.socket API. The following keys must be declared in the manifest to use this API.
- Workbox
Use the chrome.usb API to interact with connected USB devices. This API provides access to USB operations from within the context of an app. Using this API, apps can function as drivers for hardware devices. Errors generated by this API are reported
- Workbox
Use the chrome.mediaGalleries API to access media files (audio, images, video) from the user's local disks (with the user's consent). string boolean string Identifies the modified gallery. GalleryChangeType Type of change event. "contents_changed"
- Workbox
Use the chrome.printingMetrics API to fetch data about printing usage. "BLACK_AND_WHITE" Specifies that black and white mode was used. "COLOR" Specifies that color mode was used. "ONE_SIDED" Specifies that one-sided printing was used.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.dom API to access special DOM APIs for Extensions Gets the open shadow root or the closed shadow root hosted by the specified element. If the element doesn't attach the shadow root, it will return null. HTMLElement object See
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use the chrome.accessibilityFeatures API to manage Chrome's accessibility features. This API relies on the ChromeSetting prototype of the type API for getting and setting individual accessibility features. In order to get feature states the extension
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Network conditions: Override the user agent string
Learn how to emulate other browsers with the Network conditions panel.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
The chrome.extensionTypes API contains type declarations for Chrome extensions. The origin of injected CSS. "author" "user" Details of the CSS to remove. Either the code or the file property must be set, but both may not be set at the same time.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
The chrome.extensionTypes API contains type declarations for Chrome extensions. The origin of injected CSS. "author" "user" Details of the CSS to remove. Either the code or the file property must be set, but both may not be set at the same time.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
What's new in DevTools, Chrome 126
Improved track configuration mode, ignore list in the flame chart, and throttle down CPU by 20 times in the Performance panel, and more.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Chrome Extensions at Google I/O 2024
Another Google I/O is behind us and we have covered all the exciting extensions updates!
- Chrome
Debug JavaScript
Learn how to use Chrome DevTools to find and fix JavaScript bugs.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Debug speculation rules with Chrome DevTools
Learn all about the Chrome DevTools features to debug speculation rules used to prefetch and prerender future page navigations.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Skip review for eligible changes
An overview of expedited review for Declarative Net Request changes.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Quick source panel
View source files and have access to other tools.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Chrome 126 beta
Chrome 126 Beta includes cross-document view transitions, along with the Gamepad API trigger-rumble extension, and other features.
- Chrome
WebAssembly and WebGPU enhancements for faster Web AI, part 2
Part 2/2. Learn how WebAssembly and WebGPU enhancements improve machine learning performance on the web.
- Chrome
- WebGpu
What's new in JavaScript Frameworks (May 2024)
This document provides brief highlights of recent happenings in the JavaScript frameworks ecosystem.
- Chrome
Encourage useful product reviews with client-side web AI
The following codelab offers client-side AI. No AI development knowledge, servers, or API keys required.
- Workbox
Evaluate product reviews with AI
On-device AI is the latest offering for bringing powerful models to users, while protecting sensitive data and improving latency.
- Workbox
Performance monitor panel
Analyze your website's runtime performance in real-time.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
I/O 2024 Web AI wrap up: New models, tools, and APIs for your next web app
Read a wrap up from Web AI at I/O 2024. Learn about the new models, tools, and APIs for your next web app.
- Chrome
- WebGpu
WebAssembly and WebGPU enhancements for faster Web AI, part 1
Part 1/2. Learn how WebAssembly and WebGPU enhancements improve machine learning performance on the web.
- Chrome
- WebGpu
What's new in view transitions? (Google I/O 2024 update)
Announcing cross-document view transitions for MPA, selective view transitions with active types, and sharing animation styles with view-transition-class.
- Chrome
Introducing UIA support on Windows
From Chrome 126 the Windows UI Automation framework is supported.
- Chrome
SVG support for the Async Clipboard API
The Async Clipboard API can now deal with SVG images.
- Chrome
When to choose client-side AI
Client-side AI is the latest offering for bringing powerful models to users, while protecting sensitive data and improving latency.
- Workbox
New in Chrome 125
Chrome 125 is rolling out now! With the CSS Anchor Positioning API, the Compute Pressure API, an expansion to the Storage Access API, and plenty more. Adriana Jara has all the details about what's new for developers in Chrome 125.
- Chrome
DevTools Tips: Override and mock network responses
Learn how you can override and mock network responses with DevTools.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
10 updates from Google I/O 2024: Unlocking the power of AI for every web developer
Discover exciting features from the Google I/O Developer Keynote and sessions.
- Chrome
Chrome 125
Chrome 125 is starting to rolling out on May 14th, 2024, with CSS Anchor Positioning, the Compute Pressure API, new Baseline features, and there's plenty more.
- Chrome
Override web content and HTTP response headers locally
Use local overrides to mock remote resources and keep the changes you make in DevTools across page loads.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
How Spotify used the Picture-in-Picture API to build the Spotify Miniplayer
Learn about the Spotify Miniplayer's transformation from a "canvas hack" to a refined experience enabled by the Document Picture-in-Picture API.
- Chrome
Understand errors and warnings better with console insights
Understand errors and warnings in the Console better with Gemini.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Introducing the CSS anchor positioning API
Position elements relative to each other using the new anchor positioning API.
- Chrome
Tools from Chrome for frictionless, automated testing
A brief overview of Puppeteer, Chrome Headless and Chrome for Testing and other resources from the Chrome Tooling team.
- Chrome
Implement testing in your enterprise with Chrome
Learn how to overcome challenges with testing in enterprise environments
- Chrome
What's new in DevTools, Chrome 125
Error causes in the Console, CSS selector statistics in Performance, Early Hints headers in Network, and more.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
:has() case studies
Find out how Policybazaar and Tokopedia benefit from using :has().
- Chrome
View transitions case studies
redBus, Policybazaar, and Tokopedia all use the View Transition API and benefit from better performance and a smooth UI.
- Chrome
Scroll-driven animations case studies
Discover the benefits of Scroll-driven animations with Policybazaar, redBus, and Tokopedia.
- Chrome
Container queries case studies
Learn about the benefits of container queries from redBus and Tokopedia.
- Chrome
Why do CSS and UI capabilities matter for your ecommerce site?
Learn how ecommerce sites benefit from implementing the latest CSS and UI features—View Transitions, Scroll-driven animations, Popover API, and more.
- Chrome
What's New in WebGPU (Chrome 125)
Subgroups in development and render to slice of 3D texture.
- Chrome
- WebGpu
Introducing "Unleash the power of Scroll-Driven Animations"
A 10-part video course to learn all about scroll-driven animations
- Chrome
Extensions / Get started
All the basics to get started with Chrome extensions
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
An alternative proposal for CSS masonry
A proposal to define masonry and grid in different specifications.
- Chrome
Overview of WebGPU
WebGPU allows high-performance 3D graphics and data-parallel computation on the web.
- Workbox
- WebGpu
Version selection
Version selection is the process of matching a Chrome binary of a given version to a compatible ChromeDriver binary. Starting with M115 the ChromeDriver release process is integrated with that of Chrome. The latest Chrome + ChromeDriver releases per
- Workbox
Manifest - Minimum Chrome Version
Reference documentation for the minimum_chrome_version property of manifest.json.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Popover case studies
Tokopedia uses the Popover API to reduce the amount of code in their application.
- Chrome
The Private Network Access (PNA) for non-secure contexts deprecation trial is ending—implement the PNA permission prompt
To access private network devices from a website that cannot be converted to HTTPS, you must use permission prompts to relax mixed content checks.
- Chrome
Scroll and zoom a captured tab
The Captured Surface Control API lets web apps scroll and zoom captured tabs.
- Workbox
WebAudio: View WebAudio API metrics
View WebAudio API metrics in the WebAudio panel
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Manifest - Trial tokens
Reference documentation for the trial_tokens property of manifest.json.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Chrome 125 beta
CSS Anchor Positioning, CSS stepped functions, the Compute Pressure API, and more.
- Chrome
Does not register a service worker that controls page and start_url
Learn how to register a service worker that supports Progressive Web App features like offline functionality, push notifications, and installability.
- Workbox
Page load is not fast enough on mobile networks
Learn how to make your web page load quickly on mobile networks.
- Workbox
Current page does not respond with a 200 when offline
Learn how to make your Progressive Web App work offline.
- Workbox
Throttling tab reference.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Does not set a theme color for the address bar
Learn how to set an address bar theme color for your Progressive Web App.
- Workbox
Web app manifest does not meet the installability requirements
Learn how to make your Progressive Web App installable.
- Workbox
Access to MIDI devices now requires user permission
Chrome now gates the entire Web MIDI API behind a permission prompt.
- Chrome
Does not use HTTPS
Learn how to protect your website with HTTPS.
- Workbox
New in Chrome 124
Chrome 124 is rolling out now! There are two new APIs that allow the declarative shadow DOM to be used from JavaScript. You can use streams in Web Sockets. View Transitions get a little better. And there's plenty more. Pete LePage has all the details about what's new for developers in Chrome 124.
- Chrome
Manifest doesn't have a maskable icon
Learn how to add maskable icon support to your PWA.
- Workbox
start_url does not respond with a 200 when offline
Learn how to configure your Progressive Web App's start_url so your app is accessible offline.
- Workbox
Origin trial for Foldable APIs
The Foldable APIs are two APIs in Chrome that are designed to help developers target foldable devices.
- Chrome
Site works cross-browser
Learn how to use Workbox to make sure your web page works across browsers.
- Workbox
Each page has a URL
Learn about the Lighthouse "Each page has a URL" audit.
- Workbox
Content is not sized correctly for the viewport
Learn how to size your web page content to fit on mobile screens.
- Workbox
Does not provide fallback content when JavaScript is not available
Learn how to make sure users can view at least some content on your web page when JavaScript isn't available.
- Workbox
Is not configured for a custom splash screen
Learn how to create a custom splash screen for your Progressive Web App.
- Workbox
Animations: Inspect and modify CSS animation effects
Inspect and modify animations with the Animations panel.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Does not redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS
Learn how to make your site more secure by redirecting all pages to HTTPS.
- Workbox
Does not provide a valid apple-touch-icon
Learn how to specify what icon your Progressive Web App displays on iOS home screens.
- Workbox
Chrome 124
Chrome 124 is starting to rolling out on April 16th, 2024, with setHTMLUnsafe, streams in WebSockets, and there's plenty more.
- Chrome
What's happening in Chrome Extensions?
An overview of the recent changes in Chrome Extensions, plus exciting upcoming extension features developers can look forward to.
- Chrome
- Chrome Extensions
Page transitions don't feel like they block on the network
Learn how to make transitions between web pages feel responsive, even on a slow network.
- Workbox
Autofill: Inspect and debug saved addresses
Inspect and debug addresses saved in Chrome with the Autofill panel.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Cross-document view transitions for multi-page applications
Get started with cross-document view transitions for use in your multi-page application (MPA).
- Workbox
Smooth transitions with the View Transition API
The View Transition API lets you add transitions between views of a website.
- Workbox
Fun & Powerful: Intro to Chrome DevTools
Discover how DevTools can improve your web application development.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
How to view Chrome UX Report data on PageSpeed Insights
PageSpeed Insights (PSI) is a tool for web developers to understand what a page's performance is and how to improve it. In this guide, learn how to use PSI to extract insights from CrUX and better understand the user experience.
- Workbox
- Chrome UX Report
Version rollbacks in the Chrome Web Store Developer Dashboard
This week we're excited to launch a new feature that lets developers roll back their extensions to the previous published version in the Chrome Web Store. Our goal is to give developers increased peace-of-mind when publishing updates, especially with
- Chrome Extensions
- Chrome
What's New in WebGPU (Chrome 124)
Read-only and read-write storage textures, service workers and shared workers support, new adapter information attributes, and bug fixes.
- Chrome
- WebGpu
CrUX guides
Learn how to use CrUX with easy to follow guides
- Workbox
- Chrome UX Report
Rollback a published Chrome Web Store item
How to rollback an extension that you previously published on the
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Navigation types now available in CrUX
Learn about the new navigation_types metric in the Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX) and how it can be used to explain and optimize your web performance metrics.
- Chrome
Additional Requirements for Manifest V3
Extensions using Manifest V3 must meet additional requirements related to the extension's code. Specifically, the full functionality of an extension must be easily discernible from its submitted code, unless otherwise exempt as noted in Section 2.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Ensure text remains visible during webfont load
Learn how to use the font-display API to make sure your web page text will always be visible to your users.
- Workbox
Goodbye JS Profiler, profiling CPU with the Performance panel
Learn the path forward in profiling CPU performance, understand why and how we deprecate the JavaScript profiler.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
What's new in DevTools, Chrome 124
Scroll-driven animations support, new Autofill panel, new options for WebRTC in network throttling, and more.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
Back/forward cache notRestoredReasons API
Report information on whether frames present in the document were blocked from using the back/forward cache on navigation.
- Workbox
Profile Node.js performance with the Performance panel
Learn how to profile Node.js application performance with the Performance panel.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
WebAssembly JavaScript Promise Integration (JSPI) enters origin trial
JavaScript Promise Integration (JSPI) is an API that allows synchronous sequential code compiled to WebAssembly to access asynchronous Web APIs.
- Chrome
The fetchLater API Origin Trial
Learn about the fetchLater API—now in an Origin Trial—a new API for requesting a deferred fetch that will complete even if the page is closed.
- Chrome
Network requests: Test your site by blocking network requests
Test how your site handles missing resources.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Chrome for Developers
google-site-verification: google2d9992045b4571ad.html
Keyboard focusable scrollers
A change is rolling out to make scrollers without tabindex value set and with no focusable children keyboard focusable.
- Chrome
Chrome 124 beta
The writingsuggestions HTML attribute, the WebSocketStream API, priority HTTP request header, and more.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 123
Chrome 123 is rolling out now! With the new light-dark function, Long Animation Frames API, Service Worker Static Routing API and there's plenty more. Adriana Jara has all the details about what's new for developers in Chrome 123.
- Chrome
Use the Service Worker Static Routing API to bypass the service worker for specific paths
Find out how to use this new API, available from Chrome 123.
- Chrome
Private Network Access: Extended protection for web workers and navigation fetches
Learn about Private Network Access's key security mechanisms for web workers, navigation fetches, and upcoming protections. This document also covers what website owners should do if they utilize private networks.
- Chrome
Use the chrome.privacy API to control usage of the features in Chrome that can affect a user's privacy. This API relies on the ChromeSetting prototype of the type API for getting and setting Chrome's configuration. You must declare the "privacy"
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use the chrome.privacy API to control usage of the features in Chrome that can affect a user's privacy. This API relies on the ChromeSetting prototype of the type API for getting and setting Chrome's configuration. You must declare the "privacy"
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Performance tooling in 2024 and beyond
Learn about the Chrome team's plans to improve the Performance panel of DevTools.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
Hide extension requests plus more Network panel improvements
Explore the latest improvements in Chrome DevTools Network panel, designed to simplify your web debugging experience.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
Elements panel overview
Make changes to the DOM instantly.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Extensions / How to
Solve common development tasks around Chrome extensions
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
View and change CSS
Learn how to use Chrome DevTools to view and change a page's CSS.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Apply other effects: enable automatic dark theme, emulate focus, and more
Highlight ad frames, emulate focus on a page, disable local fonts and image formats, enable an automatic dark theme, and emulate vision deficiencies.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
CSS features reference
Discover new workflows for viewing and changing CSS in Chrome DevTools.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Pause your code with breakpoints
Learn about all the ways you can pause your code in Chrome DevTools.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
What's New in WebGPU (Chrome 123)
DP4a built-in functions support, unrestricted pointer parameters, syntax sugar for dereferencing composites in WGSL, and more.
- Chrome
- WebGpu
Supercharge compression efficiency with shared dictionaries
Compression on the web is getting a big boost from shared dictionary compression. Learn what they are, how they work, and how they could substantially reduce load times even further than standard compression for both static and dynamic resources on the web.
- Chrome
Download old Headless Chrome as chrome-headless-shell
You can now download the old Headless Chrome as a standalone binary for every user-facing Chrome release.
- Chrome
Application panel overview
Gain vital information about your web app straight from the browser.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Internationalize the interface
Use the chrome.i18n API to render your interface in multiple languages.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
What's new overview
Discover the latest features in Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Make your extension accessible
For many users, accessibility literally is the user interface, and its features are useful to many others.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Improvements to the Speculation Rules API
Details of the latest updates to the Speculation Rules API including document rules, eagerness setting, limits, and speculation rules support on platforms.
- Chrome
Chrome Extensions: eyeo's journey to testing service worker suspension
In this post, the eyeo team shares their journey into the problem of testing extension service workers. In particular, how to to make sure that their Chrome Extensions works correctly when a service worker gets suspended.
- Chrome
- Chrome Extensions
What's new in DevTools (Chrome 123)
An Easter egg, focused page emulation in Elements > Styles, new Lighthouse audit, and more.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
Latest news from the Chrome Developer Relations team
- Chrome
A Next.js package for managing third-party libraries
Learn how to use the @next/third-parties library to optimize loading of popular third-party resources
- Chrome
Changes to BFCache behavior with extension message ports
We are making changes to Chrome BFCache which potentially impact extensions using message ports.
- Chrome
Chrome 123 beta
The CSS light-dark() color function, align-content for blocks, the field-sizing property, and the pagereveal event.
- Chrome
Mature & Sexually Explicit Material
We don't allow content that contains nudity, graphic sex acts, sexually explicit material, or content that drives traffic to commercial pornography sites. We also don't allow content that promotes incest, bestiality, necrophilia, or non-consensual
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Support for align-content in block and table layouts
From Chrome 123 use align-content to align items without creating a flex or grid container.
- Chrome
Keyboard shortcuts
The canonical documentation for Chrome DevTools keyboard shortcuts.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
New in Chrome 122
Chrome 122 is rolling out now! With the new Storage Buckets API, DevTools Performance panel updates, unsanitized option to read HTML with the Async Clipboard API and there's plenty more. Adriana Jara has all the details about what's new for developers in Chrome 122.
- Chrome
Simulate mobile devices with device mode
Use virtual devices in Chrome's device mode to build mobile-first websites.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Announcing Chrome for Developers in China
We are publishing our sites on a .cn domain to make them easier to access in China.
- Chrome
Changes to CSS ::backdrop inheritance
As of Chrome 122 the `::backdrop` element inherits properties from its originating element.
- Chrome
The chrome.location API is no longer supported. We recommend using open web alternatives such as the Geolocation API instead.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Configure extension icons
An extension requires at least one icon to represent it in the toolbar.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
A 400% faster Performance panel through perf-ception
The Performance panel in DevTools is a powerful tool to diagnose, debug and fix performance issues of web apps. On this occasion, we will walk you through how we used the Performance panel in DevTools to improve the performance of the Performance panel itself, and how we achieved a very significant improvement.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Migrate to Manifest V3
A guide to converting Manifest V2 extensions to Manifest V3 extensions.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use WebHID
The WebHID API, which exposes Human Interface Device (HID) compatible devices to the web, is available in extensions.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use WebUSB
The WebUSB API, which exposes non-standard Universal Serial Bus (USB) compatible devices to the web, is available in extensions.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Register your developer account
How to register as a Chrome Web Store developer.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Manifest - Content Security Policy
Reference documentation for the content security policy properties of manifest.json.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
What's New in WebGPU (Chrome 122)
Compatibility mode in development, increase maxVertexAttributes limit, and Dawn updates.
- Chrome
- WebGpu
Create a side panel
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Record heap snapshots
Learn how to record heap snapshots with the heap profiler and find memory leaks.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
CSS field-sizing
One line of code for auto sizing elements with editable content.
Trader/Non-Trader developer identification and verification
Developer's requirement to disclose and verify their trader/non-trader status.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Extensions / Samples
Samples Explore samples from the Chrome Extension samples repository. Use these to learn how extensions work or as starting points for building your own extensions. action.disable action.enable action.getBadgeBackgroundColor action.getBadgeText
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Overview of CrUX
Introduction to the CrUX dataset.
- Workbox
- Chrome UX Report
Use the chrome.runtime API to retrieve the service worker, return details about the manifest, and listen for and respond to events in the extension lifecycle. You can also use this API to convert the relative path of URLs to fully-qualified URLs.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
A list of permissions and user warnings available on the extensions platform.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Chromium Issue Tracker migration is complete
Chromium issue tracking is now migrated.
- Chrome
Use Web Push
Step by step guide on how to use Web Push with Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Permission warning guidelines
How permission warnings work in Chrome extensions.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Declare permissions
An overview of the valid values for the permissions property in manifest.json.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Chromium Issue Tracker migration beginning Feb 2, 2024 at 5pm PST
The Chromium Issue Tracker migration begins today.
- Chrome
What's new in DevTools (Chrome 122)
Third-party cookies phaseout warnings in the Network and Application panels, enhanced debugging in the Network panel, breadcrumbs in the Performance panel, and more.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Introducing a new way to build custom web editing experiences using the EditContext API
EditContext is a new API launching in Chrome and Edge that helps developers to build advanced text editing features in the browser. Learn more about it in this post!
- Chrome
Program Policies
The Web Store program policies.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
DevTools Tips: Debugging speculative navigations for faster page loads
Make web browsing faster with speculative loads and learn how to debug them.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
Project Fugu API Showcase
Project Fugu API Showcase The Project Fugu API Showcase is a collection of apps that make use of APIs that were conceived in the context of Project Fugu. You can learn more about Project Fugu on the Capabilities landing page. Absolute Orientation
- Workbox
Join Privacy Sandbox Office Hours #12: Learn about Chrome-facilitated testing
Join the 12th edition of Privacy Sandbox office hours dedicated to Chrome-facilitated testing, where the Privacy Sandbox team will provide some Privacy Sandbox tester updates and answer your questions with product and technical leads.
- Chrome
The deprecation trial for SharedArrayBuffer on desktop Chrome is extended to Chrome 124
The deprecation trial for SharedArrayBuffer without cross-origin isolation on Chrome desktop is extended until Chrome 124.
- Chrome
Respond to commands
Respond to custom key combinations in an extension.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Customize the Recorder with extensions
Customize and integrate the Recorder by installing extensions.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Chrome 122 beta
Chrome 122 beta brings you Iterator helpers, set methods, the Storage Buckets API, read unsanitized HTML in the Async Clipboard API, and more.
- Chrome
What's happening in Chrome Extensions?
An overview of the recent changes in Chrome Extensions, plus exciting upcoming extension features developers can look forward to.
- Chrome
- Chrome Extensions
New in Chrome 121
Chrome 121 is rolling out now! With CSS updates, improvements to the Speculation Rules API, an origin trial for Element Capture API and there's plenty more. Adriana Jara has all the details about what's new for developers in Chrome 121.
- Chrome
Trigger actions from the omnibox
Trigger actions from the omnibox.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
What's New in WebGPU (Chrome 121)
Support WebGPU on Android, use of DXC for shader compilation, timestamp queries in compute and render passes, default entry points to shader modules, support display-p3 as GPUExternalTexture color space, memory heaps info, and more.
- Chrome
- WebGpu
Scrollbar styling
Use the `scrollbar-width` and `scrollbar-color` properties to style scrollbars.
- Workbox
Test Web Bluetooth with Puppeteer
Use Puppeteer to test features that use the Web Bluetooth API in Chrome.
- Chrome
Safely accessing the DOM with Angular SSR
Learn how to safely use the DOM together with SSR in Angular
- Chrome
Web AI model testing in Google Colab
Learn how to test client-side, browser-based AI models in, while remaining scalable, automatable, and within a standardized hardware setup.
- Workbox
- WebGpu
Use Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) with chrome.gcm
Step by step guide on how to use Firebase Messaging with chrome.gcm
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Supercharge Web AI model testing: WebGPU, WebGL, and Headless Chrome
Discover our solutions for how to consistently automate browser testing and improve application performance.
- Chrome
- WebGpu
CSS vertical writing mode for form control elements
Chrome adds another new international CSS feature.
- Chrome
Implement an action
Respond to a user clicking the toolbar.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Persistent permissions for the File System Access API
This post explains how persistent permissions for the File System Access API can be managed. It also provides a quick recap of the current state of the problem and the challenges that are being solved.
- Chrome
DevTools Tips: Authoring colors
Learn how to author colors in a few clicks.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
Inspect and debug HD and non-HD colors with the Color Picker
Learn how to use the Color Picker in Elements > Styles to inspect and debug HD and non-HD colors.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
DevTools Tips: Debugging fetch priority
Learn how to debug fetch priority.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Real-time Updates in Extensions
Managing real-time updates in Extensions
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Web App Scope Extensions
From Chrome 122 you can subscribe to the origin trial for the scope_extensions app manifest member which allows sites that control multiple subdomains and top level domains to be presented as a single web app.
- Workbox
CSS text-wrap: balance
A classic typography technique of hand-authoring line breaks for balanced text blocks, comes to CSS.
- Workbox
Harness the power of WebDriver BiDi: Chrome and Firefox automation with Puppeteer
Puppeteer now talks to Firefox! 🎉 But wait, didn't it already? 🤔 Let's dive into WebDriver BiDi, the new protocol in Puppeteer and discover what this exciting development means for the Firefox automation workflow.
- Chrome
Build a context menu
Implement a popup, which is a window that lets users invoke extension features.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Deal with remote hosted code violations
A service worker enables extensions to run only when needed, saving resources.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Distribute your extension
How to host your Chrome extension.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Google Chrome on Android
For a complete list of developer features in Chrome on Android, refer to chromestatus.com. Download Chrome on the Play Store. When the user signs into Chrome on one device, the tabs and browsing history of that session are available to the user when
- Workbox
Add a popup
Implement a popup, which is a window that lets users invoke extension features.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
How do modern frameworks perform on the new INP metric
This post discusses the relevance of the new INP metric to framework-based websites and Aurora's work to support frameworks in optimizing this metric.
- Workbox
Android Intents with Chrome
Launch apps directly from a web page with an Android Intent.
- Workbox
Extensions / Reference
Reference for the extensions manifest, related permissions and APIs
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Exclusive Accordion
Create an exclusive accordion with multiple `` elements that have the same `name`.
- Workbox
Chrome enables desktop mode by default on premium tablets
Chrome has adapted to the Android tablet ecosystem by enabling desktop mode by default on premium tablets.
- Chrome
Chrome Archive
Chrome Archive Chrome Apps Chrome-specific APIs to create experiences with more access to the underlying operating system. These were deprecated in 2020, supported only for ChromeOS until Jan 2025. Native Client A sandbox to run compiled C and C++
- Workbox
What's new in DevTools (Chrome 121)
@font-palette-values support in Elements, improved source map support, enhanced Performance > Interactions track, and more.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
What's New in WebGPU
Stay up to date with the latest WebGPU changes.
- Workbox
- WebGpu
What's New in WebGPU (Chrome 120)
Support for 16-bit floating-point values in WGSL, limits increase, depth-stencil state changes, adapter information updates, and more.
- Chrome
- WebGpu
Better tab sharing with Region Capture
The web platform now ships with Region Capture, a performant and robust way for cropping a video track.
- Workbox
Chromium Chronicle
Chromium Chronicle
- Chromium
- Workbox
Find resources on the Chromium project.
- Chromium
- Workbox
Chrome 121 beta
CSS Scrollbars, the Storage Buckets API, the Speculation Rules API, and more.
- Chrome
CSS Wrapped: 2023!
2023 was a huge year for CSS! Learn about what landed in Chrome and across the web platform this year.
- Chrome
Get Inspired
Read these case studies to find inspiration for your next project with Chrome.
- Chrome
DevTools Tips: Debugging bfcache
Learn how to debug bfcache and make your page load instantly.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Revisiting Chrome's installability criteria
In the coming months Chrome will be running experiments with the goal of simplifying the app install criteria, to improve developer and user experience. This post shares the changes you can expect, and the reasons we are running these experiments.
- Chrome
You can add the following RSS feeds to your feed reader to get automatic updates for areas of the site you are particularly interested in.
- Chrome
View frame details
View frame details.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
View, add, edit, and delete cookies
Learn how to view, add, edit, and delete a page's HTTP cookies using Chrome DevTools.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Access local servers and Chrome instances with port forwarding
Host a site on a development machine web server, and then access the content from an Android device.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
DevTools Tips: What is DOM? HTML versus DOM
Learn how to debug the DOM with DevTools.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
New in Chrome 120
Chrome 120 is rolling out now! With the CloseWatcher API to enable a consistent experience when handling close requests, an straightforward implementation of an accordion pattern using the details element, permission policy violation reports are now available and there's plenty more.
- Chrome
How Chrome DevTools helps to defend against self-XSS attacks
Learn how Chrome DevTools mitigates self-XSS attacks by blocking code pasting for inexperienced users of DevTools.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Private Network Access Permission prompt origin trial: A path to migrate websites with HTTPS
Google Chrome is deprecating access to private network endpoints from non-secure public websites as part of the Private Network Access (PNA) specification.
- Chrome
Introducing four new international features in CSS
Chrome is adding four new international CSS features.
- Chrome
Extensions / Manifest V3
Manifest V3 Manifest V3 is the latest version of the extensions platform. We have made a number of changes to the available APIs and added a number of new features. Manifest V3 aims to be the first step in our platform vision to improve the privacy,
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Page Lifecycle API
The Page Lifecycle API brings app lifecycle features common on mobile operating systems to the web. Browsers are now able to safely freeze and discard background pages to conserve resources, and developers can safely handle these interventions without affecting the user experience.
- Workbox
As of 06/12/2018, inline installation is deprecated. For more information, read our Chromium Blog post and Migration FAQ.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
User interface components
A catalog of user interface elements available in extensions.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Ignore List
Ignore List tab reference.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Unsanitized HTML in the Async Clipboard API
From Chrome 120, a new unsanitized option is available in the Async Clipboard API. Learn how to use it in this guide.
- Workbox
Automatic picture-in-picture for video conferencing web apps
Chrome allows video conferencing web apps to automatically enter picture-in-picture.
- Chrome
Resuming the transition to Manifest V3
In December of last year, we paused the planned deprecation of Manifest V2 in order to address developer feedback and deliver better solutions to migration issues. As a result of this feedback, we’ve made a number of changes to Manifest V3 to close
- Chrome Extensions
- Chrome
What’s new in the Angular NgOptimizedImage directive
Learn about the new features included in the Angular NgOptimizedImage directive that further improve image performance in Angular apps.
- Chrome
Improving content filtering in Manifest V3
Over the past year, we have been actively involved in discussions with the vendors behind several content blocking extensions around ways to improve the MV3 extensions platform. Based on these discussions, many of which took place in the
- Chrome
- Chrome Extensions
Dig deeper into specific Workbox modules.
- Workbox
Service Worker Static Routing API Origin Trial
Learn about the first phase of the Service Worker Static Routing—now in an Origin Trial—a new API for declaratively specifying how routes should be handled (or not) by your Service Worker.
- Chrome
Capturing the WebGPU ecosystem
Learn about how the WebGPU ecosystem extends beyond the JavaScript, C++, and Rust realms.
- Chrome
- WebGpu
CSS nesting relaxed syntax update
Lookahead nesting enabled in Chrome 120.
- Chrome
What's new in DevTools (Chrome 120)
Third-party cookie phaseout issues reported in the Issues panel, Privacy Sandbox Analysis Tool for cookies, effective Content Security Policy in the Applications panel, improved animations debugging, enhanced ignore listing, and more.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
A change to the default durability mode in IndexedDB
The durability mode in IndexedDB is changing from strict to relaxed from Chrome 121.
- Chrome
What's new in Chrome 120 for Extensions
A summary of important changes in Chrome 120 for Chrome Extension developers.
- Chrome Extensions
- Chrome
File handling on Chrome OS
How to open files in Chrome extension service workers, popups, side panels, or content scripts.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Chrome 120 beta
CSS masking, relaxed rules for CSS nesting, create accordion patterns with the element, the enterpictureinpicture action for the Media Session API.
- Chrome
Reference documentation for the file_handlers property of manifest.json.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
WebAssembly Garbage Collection (WasmGC) now enabled by default in Chrome
There are two types of programming languages: garbage-collected programming languages and programming languages that require manual memory management. With to WebAssembly Garbage Collection, garbage-collected languages can be ported to WebAssembly.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 119
Chrome 119 is rolling out now! With an update to the expiration date upper limit for cookies already in storage. CSS has new pseudo classes, relative color syntax, Fenced Frames improvements like ad size macros, and there’s plenty more.
- Chrome
CSS prefers-reduced-transparency
Optimize and adjust for users who prefer an opaque UI.
- Chrome
What's New in WebGPU (Chrome 119)
Filterable 32-bit float textures, unorm10-10-10-2 vertex format, rgb10a2uint texture format, and more.
- Chrome
- WebGpu
Select element: now with horizontal rules
Learn how expanded select element capabilities enable visual horizontal breaks for better grouping.
- Chrome
CSS text-wrap: pretty
Opt-in optimized text wrapping, for beauty over speed.
- Chrome
What's happening in Chrome Extensions?
An overview of the recent changes in Chrome Extensions, plus exciting upcoming extension features developers can look forward to.
- Chrome
- Chrome Extensions
Set up your developer account
How to set up your Chrome Web Store developer account.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Prepare your extension
Prepare your extension files.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Chromium issue tracker migration
Chromium issue tracking is migrating to a tool powered by the Google Issue tracker in January 2024.
- Chrome
Sanitizer API deprecation
The current Sanitizer API implementation is deprecated from Chrome 119 to catch up with future specification updates.
- Chrome
Serial over Bluetooth on the web
The Web Serial API added support for Bluetooth RFCOMM services.
- Chrome
Unit testing Chrome Extensions
How to write unit tests for extensions.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Test Chrome Extensions with Puppeteer
How to write an automated test for Chrome Extensions using Puppeteer.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
End-to-end testing for Chrome Extensions
How to write end-to-end tests for extensions.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Find and follow a bug
Check whether a bug or feature request has already been reported.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Submit a feature request
Submit a request for a feature that you believe could improve the extension platform.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Support and feedback
Give us feedback to help us improve the platform and fix its bugs.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
File an extension bug
How to report extension bugs or problems with documentation.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
CSS relative color syntax
Create new colors based on another color's channels and values.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 118
Chrome 118 is rolling out now! Declare specific styles within a component with the @scope css rule. Use new media feature: prefers-reduced-transparency. DevTools has improvements in the Sources panel and there's plenty more.
- Chrome
What's New in DevTools (Chrome 119)
Improved @property section in Styles, updated devices list, enhanced pretty-printing in Sources and autocompletion in the Console.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
API Improvements for working with files in the browser
Support for multiple readers and writers for FileSystemSyncAccessHandle and exclusive writer for FileSystemWritableFileStream. The origin private file system (sometimes also referred to as the bucket file system) allows developers to access files
- Chrome
New origin trial for fullscreen popup windows
There's now a new origin trial available for opening popup windows in fullscreen mode with just one step.
- Chrome
Chrome 119 beta
Chrome 119 beta brings you CSS relative color syntax, new pseudo-classes, and much more.
- Chrome
Limit the reach of your selectors with the CSS @scope at-rule
Learn how to use @scope to select elements only within a limited subtree of your DOM.
- Workbox
Chrome now supports passkeys on iCloud Keychain on macOS
Chrome on macOS starts supporting passkeys on iCloud Keychain. This lets users create passkeys on iCloud Keychain and synchronize them across Apple devices.
- Chrome
What's New in WebGPU (Chrome 118)
Extended source support for copyExternalImageToTexture, experimental support for read-write and read-only storage texture, and more.
- Chrome
- WebGpu
DevTools Tips: Debugging Chrome extensions
Learn how to use DevTools to debug Chrome extensions.
- Chrome Extensions
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Seamless navigation made possible with view transitions
An in-depth walkthrough of how and why CyberAgent, RedBus, Nykaa, and PolicyBazaar implemented view transitions.
- Chrome
Storage and cookies
Overview of how web storage APIs and cookies work in extensions.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
We are Chrome for Developers
Celebrating Chrome's 15th anniversary and our role as a trusted, helpful partner to developers.
- Chrome
From WebGL to WebGPU
Learn some tips for WebGL developers who are migrating to WebGPU.
- Chrome
- WebGpu
What's New in DevTools (Chrome 118)
New section for custom properties in Elements > Styles, more local overrides improvements, enhanced search, streamlined workspace in Sources, and more.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
Chrome 118 beta
Scoped styles for CSS, additional media features, keyboard-focusable scroll containers, and more.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 117
Chrome 117 is rolling out now! With three new CSS features that make it easy to add smooth entry and exit animations, array grouping to compute higher order datasets, devtools makes local overrides easier and there’s plenty more.
- Chrome
Transition from Chrome Apps
How to migrate your Chrome packaged or hosted app.
- Workbox
What's New in WebGPU (Chrome 117)
Unset vertex buffer and bind group, make lost devices appear to function, and more.
- Chrome
- WebGpu
Publish your extension
Guidance for publishing a new Manifest V3 extension
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Google Summer of Code and Chrome Extensions
Experience and advice on participating in Google Summer of Code.
- Chrome
- Chrome Extensions
DevTools Tips: Snippets and live expressions
Use Snippets to run code you frequently use and live expressions to watch values in real time.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
Astro View Transitions
Highlight how the Astro community embraced View Transitions when Chrome was shaping up the API and the journey towards landing first-class support for it in Astro + persistent islands.
- Chrome
Faster Chrome releases (round two!)
From Chrome 119, we will shorten the time between the branch for a release and release to stable.
- Chrome
Introducing the scheduler.yield origin trial
`scheduler.yield` is a proposed new addition to the scheduler API currently in origin trial, and is a novel approach to breaking up tasks for more responsive user experiences. Understand the benefits of this proposed addition to the scheduling API, and sign up for the origin trial to help us gain insights and feedback.
- Chrome
Craft your Chrome Devtools Protocol (CDP) commands efficiently with the new command editor
To make it easier to type Chrome Devtools Protocol (CDP) commands, DevTools introduced a new user-friendly editor so that you don't have to use JSON.
- Chrome
What's new in Lighthouse 11
Lighthouse 11 is here with new accessibility changes and audit updates
- Chrome
What's New in DevTools (Chrome 117)
Override XHR/fetch requests and hide extension requests from the Network panel, see changes in fetch priority in the Performance panel, experience multiple UI improvements, check out new colors and experimental features, and more.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Four new CSS features for smooth entry and exit animations
Learn about new capabilities that enable smooth transitioning of discrete animations and between the top layer
- Chrome
Chrome 117 beta
CSS grid subgrid, entry and exit animation support for CSS, array grouping, iterator helpers, and more.
- Chrome
Bringing Safety check to the chrome://extensions page
Starting in Chrome 117, Chrome will proactively highlight to users when an extension they have installed is no longer in the Chrome Web Store.
- Chrome
- Chrome Extensions
New in Chrome 116
Chrome 116 is rolling out now! Use the document picture in picture API to increase user productivity, it is now easier to debug missing stylesheets in DevTools, and there’s plenty more.
- Chrome
Manifest - content scripts
Reference documentation for the "content_scripts" property of manifest.json.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Chrome for Developers
User-agent: * Disallow: Sitemap: https://developer.chrome.com/sitemap.xml
Secure popup interactions with restrict-properties
Get cross-origin isolation and cross-site leaks protection while interacting with popups.
- Chrome
What's New in WebGPU (Chrome 116)
WebCodecs integration, video playback improvements, and more.
- Chrome
- WebGpu
Use your Google Analytics account with the Chrome Web Store
See analytics for your Chrome Web Store listing in addition to the metrics offered in the Developer Dashboard.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
One-time permissions in Chrome
"Allow this time" is a one-time option for permission grants in Chrome. It will initially be available on desktop only for geolocation, camera, and microphone.
- Chrome
DevTools Tips: Breakpoints and logpoints
Use breakpoints and logpoints to debug with ease.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
PostMessage for TWA
From Chrome 115 Trusted Web Activities (TWA) can send messages using postMessage. This document walks through the setup needed to communicate between your app and the web.
- Workbox
What's new in Chrome 116 for Extensions
A summary of important changes in Chrome 116 for Chrome Extension developers.
- Chrome
- Chrome Extensions
Chrome 116 beta
CSS motion path, Back/forward cache NotRestoredReason API, Document Picture-in-Picture, and more.
- Chrome
Debugging websites in Chrome on iOS 16.4+
Learn how to use Safari Web Inspector debugging for Chrome on iOS.
- Chrome
What's happening in Chrome Extensions?
An overview of the changes so far this year in Chrome Extensions, plus exciting upcoming extension features developers can look forward to.
- Chrome
- Chrome Extensions
New in Chrome 115
Use ScrollTimeline and ViewTimeline to create scroll-driven animations that enhance user experience. Fenced frames work along other Privacy Sandbox APIs to embed relevant content while preventing unnecessary context sharing. With the Topics API the browser can share information with third parties about a user's interests while preserving privacy and there’s plenty more.
- Chrome
A case study on scroll-driven animations performance
The new API is much smoother than the classic way of implementing scroll-driven animations.
- Chrome
DevTools Tips: Record and replay user flows with the Recorder
Learn how to record, replay, and debug user flows with the Recorder panel in DevTools.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
Use WebSockets in service workers
Step-by-step instructions on how to connect to a WebSocket in your Chrome extension.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
WebRTC: Legacy getStats() migration guide
Learn how to use Safari Web Inspector debugging for Chrome on iOS.
- Chrome
DevTools Tips: Local and session storage
Use Application > Local Storage and Session Storage to debug key-value pairs.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Better full screen mode with the Keyboard Lock API
Use the Keyboard Lock API to capture the Escape key in full screen mode. If you've ever played a full screen web game that popped up an in-game dialog that you instinctively canceled with the Escape key, you probably found yourself kicked out of full
- Chrome
What's New in DevTools (Chrome 116)
DevTools gets a number of improvements to help you identify and debug issues with missing stylesheets faster: The Network panel consistently populates the Initiator column with links to the exact line that references a stylesheet that failed to load.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Use geolocation
How to use geolocation in Chrome extension service workers, popups, side panels, or content scripts.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
What's New in WebGPU (Chrome 115)
Supported WGSL language extensions, experimental support for Direct3D 11, and more.
- Chrome
- WebGpu
Chrome for Testing: reliable downloads for browser automation
Chrome for Testing is a new Chrome flavor that specifically targets web app testing and automation use cases.
- Chrome for Testing
- Chrome
Debug C/C++ WebAssembly
Learn how to use Chrome DevTools to find and fix bugs in C/C++ WebAssembly.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
How Photoshop solved working with files larger than can fit into memory
Learn how Adobe managed to let users edit even the biggest files on the web version of its iconic Photoshop app. (This article is also available in form of a video.) In 2021, Adobe, together with Chrome engineering, brought a version of Photoshop to
- Chrome
How vector image editing app Boxy SVG uses the Local Font Access API to let users pick their favorite local fonts
The Local Font Access API provides a mechanism to access the user's locally installed font data, including higher-level details such as names, styles, and families, as well as the raw bytes of the underlying font files. Learn how the SVG editing app
- Chrome
Chrome 115 beta
Multiple keywords for the CSS display property, WGSLLanguageFeatures for WebGPU, HTTPS upgrades, and more.
- Chrome
Migrate away from data URLs in SVG element
Support for data: URLs in SVG element will be removed. We recommend migration to alternatives.
- Chrome
What's New in WebGPU (Chrome 114)
JavaScript optimization and more.
- Chrome
- WebGpu
Mutation events will be removed from Chrome
Announcing the deprecation and planned removal of mutation events, and sharing how you can migrate your code before the removal in July 2024.
- Chrome
Chrome disables modifying document.domain
If your website relies on setting document.domain, your action is required.
- Chrome
Design a superior user experience with the new Side Panel API
Introducing the new Side Panel API for Chrome extensions.
- Chrome Extensions
- Chrome
What's New in DevTools (Chrome 115)
The Elements panel gets a new subgrid badge for subgrid. This feature is currently experimental in Chrome Canary. To inspect and debug a nested grid that is a subgrid, and therefore inheriting the number and size of tracks from its parent, click the
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
New in Chrome 114
Chrome 114 is rolling out now! Chrome 114 is rolling out now! With text-wrap: balance to improve text layouts, Cookies Having Independent Partitioned State are here, the new Popover API makes popovers easier than ever, and there’s plenty more.
- Chrome
Help test bounce tracking mitigations
We plan to launch mitigations to limit tracking from a particular technique called "bounce tracking" later this year. We would like to invite developers to test this new feature with feature flags and provide feedback.
- Chrome
How the game editor Construct 3 uses the File System Access API to let users save their games
The File System Access API allows read, write, and file management capabilities. Learn how Construct 3 makes use of this API. (This article is also available in form of a video.) Construct 3 is a game editor developed by the brothers Thomas and
- Chrome
Announcing the second Compute Pressure origin trial
A new origin trial from Chrome that allows web developers to monitor compute pressure.
- Chrome
DevTools Tips: Workspace
Use Workspace to save changes you make in DevTools to local source files.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Create complex animation curves in CSS with the linear() easing function
Introducing linear(), an easing function in CSS that interpolates linearly between its points, allowing you to recreate bounce and spring effects.
- Workbox
Manifest - background
Reference documentation for the background property of manifest.json.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Introducing the popover API
Learn how to build tooltips, menus, and more with the new popover API.
- Chrome
How LEGO® Education uses the Web Bluetooth and the Web Serial APIs
LEGO Education uses the power of the web to make connecting LEGO models to the computer as simple as possible.
- Chrome
What's New with Aurora?
Learn what the Chrome Aurora team has been up to lately and their roadmap for 2023.
- Chrome
How the 3D model editor Blockbench uses the EyeDropper API to let users choose colors from everywhere
The EyeDropper API provides a mechanism for creating an eyedropper tool that lets users sample colors from their screens, including outside of the browser window. Learn how the 3D model editor Blockbench uses this API in their codebase. (This article
- Chrome
Web SQL deprecation timeline updated
Web SQL was completely removed in Chromium 119.
- Chrome
How the image editing app Photopea uses the File Handling API to let users open files from their file explorer
The File Handling API allows web applications to register themselves as a file handler for file formats the application can support. Learn how the image editing application Photopea makes use of this API. (This article is also available in form of a
- Chrome
Storage Buckets origin trial available
The Storage Standard defines an API for persistent storage and quota estimates, and the platform storage architecture. We're experimenting with an API for making persistent storage eviction under heavy memory pressure more predictable. Try the Storage Buckets API in an origin trial that runs from Chrome 115 to Chrome 118.
- Chrome
What's new in CSS and UI: I/O 2023 Edition
The top 20 CSS and UI features highlighted at Google I/O 2023 that you don't want to miss.
- Chrome
10 updates at Google I/O
Learn how we're making it easier for developers to deliver powerful experiences to their users through key updates and new launches that we shared at Google I/O 2023.
- Chrome
What’s new for web on Android 2023
Updates to tools that bring the web to Android. Privacy enhancements and better support for large screens in WebView, partial custom tabs in Custom Tabs, easier installation and integrated features for PWA, Play Store billing management for TWA and more.
- Chrome
Find form issues with Chrome DevTools
The Chrome DevTools team is building additional new features to help find form issues and debug Autofill. These features are at an early stage of design and implementation, and we need your testing and feedback.
- Chrome
Shared autofill across iframes: an initial proposal
Some forms have fields in iframes, which causes problems for browser autofill. With shared-autofill, the parent frame can designate the trustworthiness of cross-origin iframes, to support a better autofill experience for the user.
- Chrome
WebGPU: Unlocking modern GPU access in the browser
Learn how WebGPU unlocks the power of the GPU for faster machine learning performance and better graphics rendering.
- Chrome
- WebGpu
WebDriver BiDi: 2023 status update
This article gives an overview of what’s new in WebDriver BiDi in 2023.
- Chrome
Get ready for Google I/O
Build your own agenda to prepare for Google I/O.
- Chrome
What's New in DevTools (Chrome 114)
DevTools enables Settings > Experiments > WebAssembly Debugging: Enable DWARF support by default. For more information, see Debugging WebAssembly with modern tools. This experiment lets you pause execution and debug C and C++ code in Wasm apps,
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Animate elements on scroll with Scroll-driven animations
Learn how to work with Scroll Timelines and View Timelines to create scroll-driven animations in a declarative way.
- Workbox
About extension service workers
Extension service workers are an extension's central event handler. That makes them different from web service workers.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
New in Chrome 113
Chrome 113 is rolling out now! WebGPU is here, it allows high-performance 3D graphics and data-parallel computation on the web, devtools can now override network response headers, First Party Sets, part of the Privacy Sandbox, that allows organizations to declare related sites is starting to roll out, and there's plenty more.
- Chrome
Chrome 114 beta
CSS headline balancing, CHIPS, the scrollend event, and popover.
- Chrome
The extension service worker lifecycle
Extension service workers respond to both standard service worker events and events in extension namespaces. They are presented together because often one type follows another during an extension's use.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Blur camera background
A new origin trial from Chrome that allows web developers to control camera background blur.
- Chrome
Events in service workers
Extension service workers respond to both standard service worker events and many events in the extension APIs.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Improved video calling with faster AV1 encoding
Chrome 113 includes improvements to the AV1 software encoder from the Chrome Open Media team.
- Chrome
Extension service worker basics
Extension service workers are installed and updated differently from web service workers.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
What's New in WebGPU (Chrome 113)
WebGPU ships in Chrome with WebCodecs integration in origin trial.
- Chrome
- WebGpu
CSS update Media Query
Adapt your UI to the screen's refresh rate capabilities.
- Workbox
DevTools Tips: Source maps in DevTools
Use source maps in DevTools to debug your original code instead of deployed.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Developer Resources: View and manually load source maps
Use the Developer Resources panel to check if source maps load successfully and load them manually.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Warm-up and pre-fetch: using the Custom Tabs Service
Learn how to take advantage of the Custom Tabs Service for an improved user experience.
- Workbox
Customizing the UI
How to make a Custom Tab match the look and feel of your app.
- Workbox
Getting started
How to launch a Custom Tab from your Android app.
- Workbox
Multi-tasking with Partial Custom Tabs
Learn how to you use partial Custom Tabs to let your users interact with your app while viewing web content.
- Workbox
Adding custom interactivity
How to add custom actions to a Custom Tabs.
- Workbox
Measure user engagement
How to measure user engagement in Custom Tabs.
- Workbox
Richer UI install available for desktop
Mobile devices and app stores have changed how users discover, evaluate, and install software. Web apps now offer a surface for developers to highlight their apps at install time.
- Chrome
A look back in time: the evolution of test automation
A journey into the evolution of test automation on the web.
- Chrome
Audio recording and screen capture
How to record audio or video from a tab, window, or screen.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
The Chromium Chronicle #33: Views AnimationBuilder
Using layer based animations in Views can improve performance and reduce jankiness, but they're rather difficult to set up. The AnimationBuilder classes can vastly reduce complexity and improve readability for layer animations. Suppose you needed to
- Chrome
Solving the CSS layout and source order disconnect
Your feedback is wanted on a proposed solution for the problem of layout methods arranging items in an order that is disconnected from the source of the document.
- Chrome
What's New in DevTools (Chrome 113)
You can now override response headers in the Network panel. Previously, you needed access to the web server to experiment with HTTP response headers. With response header overrides, you can locally prototype fixes for various headers, including but
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
How the new Breakpoints sidebar helps you debug faster
To make it easier to perform common actions such as deleting or disabling breakpoints, we've redesigned the breakpoints sidebar so that you can perform them with a single click.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
Chrome ships WebGPU
The Chrome team ships WebGPU, which allows high-performance 3D graphics and data-parallel computation on the web.
- Chrome
- WebGpu
Chrome 113 beta
New CSS media features, the linear() easing function, and WebGPU.
- Chrome
Faster Chrome releases
From Chrome 114 there will less time between the branch for a release and release to stable.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 112
Chrome 112 is rolling out now! Now CSS supports nesting rules, the algorithm to set the initial focus on dialog elements was updated, no-op fetch handlers on service workers are skipped from now on to make navigations faster and there’s plenty more.
- Chrome
Handle events with service workers
Learn how to create and debug an extension service worker.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
DevTools Tips: What are source maps?
Learn how source maps can help you debug your original code instead of deployed.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
The ignoreList source map extension
Improve debugging experience in Chrome DevTools with the ignoreList source map extension.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Specify how multiple animation effects should composite with animation-composition
When multiple animations affect the same property simultaneously, should they replace each other, add, or accumulate?
- Workbox
From Web SQL to SQLite Wasm: the database migration guide
With SQLite Wasm backed by the origin private file system, there is a versatile replacement for the deprecated Web SQL database technology. This article is a guide to migrating your data from Web SQL to SQLite Wasm. The post Deprecating and removing
- Chrome
Partnering with Fastly—Oblivious HTTP relay for FLEDGE's 𝑘-anonymity server
We are improving Chrome’s privacy measures by partnering with Fastly to implement the 𝑘-anonymity server for FLEDGE. With data being relayed through an OHTTP relay in this implementation, Google servers do not receive the IP addresses of end users. The 𝑘-anonymity server is an incremental step towards the full implementation of FLEDGE.
- Chrome
Improving user privacy by requiring opt-in to send X-Requested-With header from WebView
We want to protect user privacy by limiting when the X-Requested-With header is sent.
- Chrome
Chrome 112 beta
CSS nesting, animation-composition, and a submitter parameter for the FormData constructor.
- Chrome
Update your code
The first of three sections describing changes needed for code that is not part of the extension service worker.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
What's New in DevTools (Chrome 112)
The Recorder introduces support for custom replay options that you can embed into DevTools with an extension. Try out the example extension. Select the new custom replay option to open the custom replay UI. To customize the Recorder to your needs and
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Migrate to a service worker
A service worker enables extensions to run only when needed, saving resources.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Replace blocking web request listeners
The second of three sections describing changes needed for code that is not part of the extension service worker.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Update the manifest
The manifest.json file requires a slightly different format for Manifest V3 than for Manifest V2.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
SPA view transitions land in Chrome 111
The View Transition API allows page transitions within single-page apps, and will later include multi-page apps.
- Chrome
Manifest V3 migration checklist
A quick reference for upgrading your extensions from Manifest V2 to Manifest V3.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Improve extension security
The last of three sections describing changes needed for code that is not part of the extension service worker.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
CSS Nesting
One of our favorite CSS preprocessor features is now built into the language: nesting style rules.
New in Chrome 111
Chrome 111 is rolling out now! Create polished transitions in your single page app with the View Transitions API, and bring colors to the next level with support for CSS color level 4. Discover new tools in the style panel to make the most of the new color functionality, and there’s plenty more.
- Chrome
A new home for the Project Fugu API Showcase
The Project Fugu API Showcase is a collection of apps that make use of APIs that are part of Project Fugu. The cross-company Capabilities Project (code name Project Fugu ) at Google has the objective of making it possible for web apps to do anything
- Chrome
Privacy win! Users now share their screens more wisely
Using the nudge theory, we got users to stop shooting themselves in the foot during video conferencing calls.
- Chrome
Tether elements to each other with CSS anchor positioning
A new API is coming to the web platform to help you position elements in an adaptive way with no tricks.
- Chrome
Working with the industry to evolve CHIPS
Exploring two challenges that the Chrome team faced in implementing CHIPS and how community feedback played a key role in evolving the proposal design.
- Chrome
Framework tools for font fallbacks
Learn how Next.js, Nuxt.js, and other libraries help to generate fallback font CSS without CLS.
- Chrome
Improving standards of behavior in standards discussions
How the Chrome team aims to encourage more professional, respectful and inclusive discussions.
- Chrome
Native messaging
Exchange messages with native applications from your Chrome Extension.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Getting Started with Style Queries
Style queries allow developers to query a parent element's style values using the @container rule. In Chrome 111, style queries for CSS custom properties are landing stable. Learn how to get started with them.
- Workbox
DevTools Tips: Discover CSS issues
Use the Styles and Computed panes to discover CSS issues with DevTools.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
Get help with Chrome extensions
Where to go for help with questions not covered by the documentation.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Workspace tab reference.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Shortcuts tab reference.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Locations tab reference.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Devices tab reference.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Experiments tab reference.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
What's New in DevTools (Chrome 111)
Debugging HD color, enhanced breakpoint UX, and more.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Settings overview
Settings overview.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Improved font fallbacks
The new `size-adjust` and font metric overrides allow developers to create font fallbacks that closely match web fonts. This reduces layout shifts.
- Chrome
What's new in Lighthouse 10
Lighthouse 10 is here with new scoring and audits.
- Chrome
Chrome 111 beta
New CSS color types and color spaces, CSS trigonometric functions, and the View Transitions API.
- Chrome
More control over :nth-child() selections with the of S syntax
Pre-filter a set of child elements before applying An+B logic on it.
- Workbox
Talking to the Stadia controller with WebHID
The flashed Stadia controller acts like a standard gamepad, which means not all its buttons are accessible using the Gamepad API. With WebHID, you can now access the missing buttons. Since Stadia shut down, many feared that the controller would end
- Chrome
What are Chrome flags?
Enable additional debugging tools or try out new or experimental features in Chrome.
- Workbox
New in Chrome 110
Chrome 110 is rolling out now! Add custom style to your picture-in-picture elements with the new :picture-in-picture pseudo-class, set your web app launch behavior with launch_handler, use the credentialless attribute in iframes to embed third party content that doesn’t set a cross origin embedder policy and there’s plenty more.
- Chrome
How to use the CrUX History API
Learn about the CrUX History API and how to use it to track user experience trends.
- Chrome UX Report
- Workbox
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 110)
Clearing Performance panel on reload, view and highlight the code in the Recorder, and more.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
The Chromium Chronicle #32: Mind the patch gap
Learn how Chromium developers can reduce the chance of n-day exploitation.
- Chrome
New requirements for the Web Share API in third-party iframes
For improved privacy and security, Web Share API calls in third-party iframes now need to be explicitly allowed. This article covers a potentially breaking change in the Web Share API. This change is already in Firefox, will land in Chrome from
- Chrome
High definition CSS color guide
CSS Color 4 brings wide gamut color tools and capabilities to the web.
- Workbox
Meet the new CSS color spaces
CSS Color 4 brings wide gamut color tools and capabilities to the web: more colors, manipulation functions, and better gradients.
- Chrome
Migrate to HD CSS color
CSS Color 4 brings wide gamut color tools and capabilities to the web.
- Workbox
The future of Picture-in-Picture
News of an origin trial from Chrome that enables arbitrary HTML content in an always-on-top window.
- Chrome
Private Network Access update: Announce extension of the Deprecation Trial
Chrome is deprecating access to private network endpoints from non-secure public websites as part of the Private Network Access specification. A deprecation trial is available until Chrome 113.
- Chrome
Access more colors and new spaces
CSS Color 4 brings wide gamut color tools and capabilities to the web.
- Workbox
Test service worker termination with Puppeteer
A guide explaining how to test service worker termination using Puppeteer.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
CSS color-mix()
Mix colors, in any of the supported color spaces, right from your CSS.
- Chrome
DevTools Tips: Debugging PWA
Debug Progressive Web Apps with DevTools.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
Longer extension service worker lifetimes
Extension service workers can now stay alive as long as they're receiving events. This increases the reliability of extension services workers, but has a pitfall you should avoid.
- Chrome Extensions
- Chrome
Basic offline page for web apps on Chrome Android
From Chrome 109, the browser will automatically generate a default page to indicate that the app is currently offline when an installed web app on Android does not have its own offline experience.
- Chrome
Offscreen Documents in Manifest V3
Introducing the Offscreen Documents API for Chrome extension development.
- Chrome
- Chrome Extensions
Scrollend, a new JavaScript event
Delete your timeout functions and shake off their bugs, here's the event you really need: scrollend.
- Chrome
What's new in DevTools
Stay up to date with the latest DevTools changes.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Control your drop caps with CSS initial-letter
Say "Goodbye" to interesting workarounds to style your drop caps!
- Chrome
Discovering the capable web
What advanced web capabilities does your browser support? And what are the web apps that make use of these capabilities? To answer these questions, check out a browser testing site and a browser extension. Project Fugu is a cross company effort to
- Chrome
Ensure the page can be restored from the back/forward cache
How to use Lighthouse to test if a page can be restored from the back/forward cache.
- Workbox
Cookie Expires and Max-Age attributes now have upper limit
As of Chrome release M104 (August 2022) cookies can no longer set an expiration date more than 400 days in the future.
- Chrome
Iframe credentialless: Easily embed iframes in COEP environments
Iframe credentialless is implemented in Chrome 110. It provides developers a way to load documents in third-party iframes using a new and ephemeral context. In return, they are no longer subject to the COEP embedding rules. Developers using COEP can now embed third party iframes that do not use COEP themselves.
- Chrome
Chrome 110 beta
CSS initial letters, web app launch handler, cross-origin iframe support for the FedCM API, and more.
- Chrome
Fetching favicons
How to get a website's favicon.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
SQLite Wasm in the browser backed by the Origin Private File System
Use SQLite to handle all your storage needs performantly on the web. SQLite is a popular, open-source, lightweight, embedded relational database management system. Many developers use it to store data in a structured, easy-to-use manner. Because of
- Chrome
Change the destination output device in Web Audio
Learn how to programmatically change the audio output destination in Web Audio.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 109
Chrome 109 is rolling out now. The Origin Private File System API is now available for Android, there is a set of new properties in CSS, you can easily add math notations in your HTML with the support for MathML core, and there’s plenty more.
- Chrome
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 109)
Copy step as script in the Recorder, actual function names in performance’s recordings, and more.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
RenderingNG deep-dive: LayoutNG block fragmentation
Block fragmentation in LayoutNG is now complete. Learn how it works and why it is important in this article.
- Workbox
- Chromium
DevTools Tips: Debugging Project Fugu APIs
Use DevTools to debug Project Fugu APIs.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Change in release schedule from Chrome 110
From Chrome 110 an early stable version will be released to a small percentage of users.
- Chrome
Understand Chrome Variations
A mechanism for Chrome to test new browser features
- Workbox
What are Chrome release channels?
Learn how Chrome uses the Canary, Dev, Beta, and Stable release channels to test new features, and roll out updates.
- Workbox
Help choose the syntax for CSS Nesting
The CSS Working Group is continuing a debate over the best way to define nesting in CSS. If you are someone who writes CSS, we’d like your help.
- Chrome
Affiliate Ads
Any affiliate program must be described prominently in the product's Chrome Web Store page, user interface, and before installation. Related user action is required before the inclusion of each affiliate code, link, or cookie. Some example violations
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Affiliate Ads FAQ
Frequently asked questions about Chrome Web Store's policies on affiliate ads.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Chrome Dev Insider: The year that was
An update from Chrome’s Web Platform team where we take developers behind the scenes to share perspectives, conversations and updates.
- Chrome
Chrome Web Store Policy Updates
Chrome is updating the Chrome Web Store's Developer Program Policies to clearly state our guiding principals, provide more context on enforcement, and make our policies easier to understand.
- Chrome Extensions
- Chrome
Maximize ad relevance
New documentation for the Privacy Sandbox on ad relevance without third-party cookies.
- Chrome
What developers need to know about Chrome's Memory and Energy Saver modes
Learn how to ensure your page can gracefully handle Chrome's new Memory and Energy saver modes.
- Chrome
DevTools Tips: Device Mode
Simulate mobule devices with Device Mode in DevTools.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
Chrome 109 beta
MathML, conditional focus for getDisplayMedia(), Origin Private File System on Android, and more.
- Chrome
Secure Payment Confirmation on Chrome Android
Secure Payment Confirmation brings a phishing resistant payment confirmation with the power of passkeys to the web. It will be available in Chrome Android from Chrome 109.
- Chrome
Passwordless sign-in on forms with WebAuthn passkey autofill
WebAuthn conditional UI leverages browser's form autofill functionality to let users sign in with a passkey seamlessly in the traditional password based flow.
- Workbox
Chrome Extensions: Extending API to support Instant Navigation
The Extensions API has been updated to support back/forward cache, preloading navigations.
- Chrome Extensions
- Chrome
New in Chrome 108
Chrome 108 is rolling out now. There are new Intl APIs to give you more control when formatting numbers. There’s an origin trial for the new Pop Up API, making it easy to surface critical content to the user. There are a handful of CSS improvements. And there’s plenty more.
- Chrome
Better screen sharing with Conditional Focus
Conditionally focus a tab or window when screen sharing on the web.
- Workbox
Screen sharing improvements in Chrome 109
Details of two screen sharing improvements for the web—a mechanism for controlling tab focus when screen sharing, and a mechanism to control local audio playback.
- Chrome
DevTools Tips: Identify CSS improvements
Use the CSS Overview panel to identify potential CSS improvements.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Find invalid, overridden, inactive, and other CSS
Discover issues with CSS properties at a glance.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Manifest - oauth2
Reference documentation for the oauth2 property of manifest.json.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
DevTools Tips: Faster DevTools navigation
Learn how to speed up your workflow with faster DevTools navigation using shortcuts and settings.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
CrUX Dashboard
Using the CrUX Dashboard for visualizing BigQuery CrUX data
- Chrome UX Report
- Workbox
Not all storage is created equal: introducing Storage Buckets
Storage Buckets is an API for making persistent storage eviction under heavy memory pressure more predictable.
- Chrome
Minimum Functionality
Do not post an extension with a single purpose of installing or launching another app, theme, webpage, or extension. Extensions with broken functionality—such as dead sites or non-functioning features—are not allowed. Extensions must provide a basic
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use of Permissions
Request access to the narrowest permissions necessary to implement your Product's features or services. If more than one permission could be used to implement a feature, you must request those with the least access to data or functionality. Don't
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Chrome Apps
To ensure a great user experience, Chrome Apps distributed through the Chrome Web Store must follow the additional quality guidelines listed below. The guidelines in this section apply only to Chrome Apps. Packaged apps should: Take advantage of the
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Disclosure Requirements
You must be transparent in how you handle user data (e.g., information provided by a user or collected about a user or a user's use of the Product or Chrome Browser), including by disclosing the collection, use, and sharing of the data. If your
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Chrome Web Store Policy Updates
Chrome is updating the Chrome Web Store's Developer Program Policies to clearly state our guiding principals, provide more context on enforcement, and make our policies easier to understand.
- Chrome
- Chrome Extensions
Featured Products
The Chrome Web Store features products that align with our standards, values, and that we believe will produce valuable user experiences. Certain products that don't meet these standards, but which do not explicitly violate Chrome Web Store
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Spam and Abuse
We don't allow any developer, related developer accounts, or their affiliates to submit multiple extensions that provide duplicate experiences or functionality on the Chrome Web Store. Extensions should provide value to users through the creation of
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Repeat Abuse
Serious or repeated violations of the Chrome Web Store Distribution Agreement or these Program Policies will result in the suspension of your developer account, and possibly related developer accounts. Additionally, you may be banned from using the
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Code Readability Requirements
Developers must not obfuscate code or conceal functionality of their extension. This also applies to any external code or resource fetched by the extension package. Minification is allowed, including the following forms: Removal of whitespace,
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Ads are considered part of your Product for purposes of content review and compliance with developer terms, and therefore must comply with the above content policies. Ads which are inconsistent with the content rating of your products or extension
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Hate Speech and Violent Behavior
Depictions of gratuitous violence are not allowed. Products should not contain materials that threaten, harass, or bully other users. We don't allow content or products that advocating against or inciting hatred towards groups of people based on
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Accepting Payment From Users
If you collect sensitive personal information through your Product for sales, you must follow these requirements: You must securely collect, store, and transmit all credit card and other sensitive personal information in accordance with privacy and
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Limited Use
This policy establishes the Chrome Web Store's minimum user data privacy requirements; you or your Product must comply with applicable laws. You must limit your use of the data to the practices you disclosed. Collection and use of web browsing
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Impersonation & Intellectual Property
Don't pretend to be someone else, and don't represent that your product is authorized by, endorsed by, or produced by another company or organization, if that is not the case. Your Product and its user experience also must not mimic functionality or
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Notification and appeals
In the event that your Product is removed from the Chrome Web Store, you will receive an email notification to that effect, with further instructions if applicable. Verify that the associated publisher account with your Product can receive emails
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Regulated goods and services
Don't engage in or promote unlawful activities in your product, such as rape, illegal sex work, or the sale of prescription drugs without a prescription. We will remove content which promotes, glorifies, or encourages dangerous or illegal activity
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
2-Step Verification
To ensure the security of Chrome Web Store accounts, 2-Step Verification is required for all developer accounts prior to publishing an extension or updating an existing extension. Developers can activate 2-Step Verification for their Google accounts
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Enforcement Circumvention
Any attempt to circumvent intended limitations or enforcement actions will result in the immediate termination of your developer account, and possibly related developer accounts.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Handling Requirements
If your product is associated with a security vulnerability that could be exploited to compromise another application, service, browser, or system, we may remove your product from the Chrome Web Store and take other measures to protect users. In such
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Privacy Policies
If your Product handles any user data, then you must post an accurate and up to date privacy policy. The privacy policy must, together with any in-Product disclosures, comprehensively disclose: How your Product collects, uses and shares user data All
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Misleading or Unexpected Behavior
We do not allow products that deceive or mislead users, including in the content, title, description, or screenshots. If any of your product's content, title, icon, description, or screenshots contains false or misleading information, we may remove
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Malicious and Prohibited Products
Don't transmit viruses, worms, defects, Trojan horses, malware, or any other products of a destructive nature. We don't allow content that harms or interferes with the operation of the networks, servers, or other infrastructure of Google or any
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Extensions must use existing Chrome APIs for their designated use case. Use of any other method, for which an API exists, would be considered a violation. For example, overriding the Chrome New Tab Page through any means other than the URL Overrides
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Prepare for viewport resize behavior changes coming to Chrome on Android
What changes are coming to the viewport resize behavior in Chrome 108, why Chrome is making this change, and what you can do to prepare.
- Chrome
Manifest - input_components
Reference documentation for the input_components property of manifest.json.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Chrome 108 beta
New CSS viewport units, Federated Credential Management API, Variable COLRv1 fonts, and more.
- Chrome
Update to the CanMakePayment event behavior of the Payment Handler API
The `canmakepayment` service worker event in the Payment Handler API lets the merchant know whether the user has a card on file in an installed payment app. Chrome is removing properties attached to the event.
- Chrome
DevTools Tips: Different ways to open DevTools
Discover all the ways to open Chrome DevTools.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 108)
Hints for inactive CSS properties, new XPath and text selectors in the Recorder, and more.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
New in Chrome 107
Chrome 107 is rolling out now! There are new properties in the Screen Capture API that improve the screen sharing experiences.You can now precisely identify whether a resource on your page is render blocking or not.There is a new way to send data to a backend server with the declarative PendingBeacon API in origin trial. And there’s plenty more.
- Chrome
Breaking change: sync methods for AccessHandles
To simplify working with AccessHandles in contexts like Emscripten, we're making the methods of the FileSystemSyncAccessHandle interface synchronous.
- Chrome
DevTools Tips: Discover and fix low contrast text
Learn how to use Chrome DevTools to discover and fix low contrast text.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
Make your website more readable
Find and fix low contrast text with DevTools.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Trust Tokens renamed Private State Tokens
Trust Token API will be renamed Private State Token API to better describe its privacy and utility benefits.
- Chrome
Customize and automate user flows beyond Chrome DevTools Recorder
Learn how to customize and automate user flows beyond Chrome DevTools Recorder.
- Chrome
Advanced Web Apps Fund - Update Oct 2022
Through the Advanced Web Apps Fund, we've sponsored 11 projects, distributing more than $100k through the Open Collective, to recognize the importance of this work and to enable more people to spend time on these projects.
- Chrome
Inside the container query polyfill
Learn how the container query polyfill brings container query support to older browsers.
- Chrome
Help pick a syntax for CSS nesting survey results
See the results of 7,590 developers opinions.
- Chrome
A new way to start your Chrome Extension development journey
A better way to start the Chrome developer learning journey.
- Chrome Extensions
- Chrome
A change to overflow on replaced elements in CSS
An advanced warning of a change to CSS behavior that may cause unwanted overflow.
- Chrome
Chrome Dev Insider: Scaling performance with the framework ecosystem
An update from Chrome’s Web Platform team where we take developers behind the scenes to share perspectives, conversations and updates.
- Chrome
Run scripts on every page
Learn how to automatically add new elements to existing webpages.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Manage tabs
Learn how to programmatically organize tabs using tab groups.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Inject scripts into the active tab
Learn how to simplify the style of the current page.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Is Project Fugu "done"?
This article focuses on the shifted focus of the Project Fugu team from implementing new capabilities to refining and improving the existing ones.
- Chrome
Hello World extension
Create your first Hello World Chrome extension.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Manifest - Author
Reference documentation for the author name property of manifest.json.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Avoid over-sharing when screen sharing
The web platform now ships with additional controls for privacy preserving screen sharing.
- Chrome
Privacy-preserving screen sharing controls
Guide the user away from oversharing thanks to privacy-preserving screen sharing controls on the web.
- Workbox
Meeting you where you are
Find out how you can meet the Chrome team.
- Chrome
Chrome 107 beta
Additions to the Screen Capture API, CSS grid-template properties interpolation, and more.
- Chrome
Payment Handler API will require CSP connect-src
The Payment Handler API users will have to add the payment endpoint to the `connect-src` directive if you are using CSP.
- Chrome
DevTools Tips: Edit, debug, and export user flow recordings
Use the Recorder panel and its extensions to edit, debug, and export user flow recordings.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
More details on the transition to Manifest V3
New details about the plan to move extensions to Manifest V3
- Chrome
- Chrome Extensions
How Chrome prepares updates for billions of users
"A conversation with Technical Program Managers on the Chrome release team, learning how they ensure each release goes smoothly."
- Chrome
Known issues when migrating to Manifest V3
Recently, we announced changes to the Manifest V2 deprecation timeline, and while we remain firmly committed to Manifest V3 we acknowledge there is more work to do on our part. We are committed to closing the following gaps before announcing a new
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 107)
Customize keyboard shortcuts, highlight C/C++ objects in the Memory Inspector and more.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 106)
Better support for modern web debugging, LCP timings breakdown in the Performance Insights, and more.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
Container queries begin to land in stable browsers while the polyfill gets a big update
"Container queries enable components to own their responsive styling information based on the space they fit within. This feature is starting to roll out to modern browsers, and there's been a big update for polyfill support."
- Chrome
Pop-ups: They're making a resurgence!
A problematic pattern made much easier with new built-in APIs coming to the platform.
- Chrome
Extending the Memory Inspector for C/C++ debugging
Learn how we improved debugging C/C++ WebAssembly apps with the Memory Inspector
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
DevTools Tips: How to inspect and debug CSS flexbox
Learn how to use Chrome DevTools to inspect, modify, and debug CSS flexbox layouts.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 106
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 106 to help you plan.
- Chrome
Anonymous iframe origin trial: Easily embed iframes in COEP environments
Developers using COEP can now embed third party iframes that do not use COEP themselves. Anonymous iframe origin trial is available for testing in Chrome from version 106 to 108.
- Chrome
Case Study: Better Angular Debugging with DevTools
Using Angular as a test pilot, the Chrome DevTools and Angular teams collaborated to offer you a better debugging experience. Other frameworks can ship similar changes.
- Chrome
Deprecating and removing Web SQL
Web SQL was first proposed in April 2009 and abandoned in November 2010. It was removed from Chrome in steps, initially in insecure contexts, then completely as of Chrome 119.
- Chrome
Modern web debugging in Chrome DevTools
Take a look at some of the recent changes in Chrome DevTools which improve your debugging and profiling experience when working with bundlers, frameworks, and third party code.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 105
Chrome 105 is rolling out now. Container queries and :has() are a match made in responsive heaven. The new Sanitizer API provides a robust processor for arbitrary strings to help reduce cross site scripting vulnerabilities. We’re taking another step towards deprecating WebSQL. And there's plenty more.
- Chrome
Compression and decompression in the browser with the Compression Streams API
Write smaller web apps that don't need to ship their own compression or decompression library The Compression Streams API is for compressing and decompressing streams of data using the gzip or deflate (or deflate-raw) formats. With built in
- Chrome
Optimizing Images with the Angular Image Directive
Introducing the new Angular image directive (NgOptimizedImage) that brings built-in performance optimization techniques to images in Angular apps.
- Chrome
DevTools Tips: How to speed up your workflow with Console shortcuts
Use the shortcuts provided by the Console Utilities API to quickly refer to recent elements, query objects, monitor events and function calls, and more.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Meet the top layer: a solution to z-index:10000
With new built-in components and APIs coming to the platform, what is this "Top layer" that they enable us to use?
- Chrome
Remove HTTP/2 Server Push from Chrome
HTTP/2 Server Push will be disabled by default in Chrome 106
- Chrome
DevTools Tips: How to inspect CSS grid
Learn how to use Chrome DevTools to view and change CSS grid layouts.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Can browsers optimize the loading of third-party resources?
Driving changes for better loading of third-party resources on the web
- Chrome
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 105)
Supports step-by-step replay and mouse over events in the Recorder, LCP in the Performance insights panel and more.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
DevTools Tips: How to inspect and modify CSS animations
Use the Animations tab to inspect and modify CSS animations, transitions, and more.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
DevTools Tips: Get actionable insights on your website's performance
Get actionable insights on your website's performance with the new Performance insights panel
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 105
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 105 to help you plan.
- Chrome
Changes to NavigateEvent in Chrome 105
The Navigation API gets two new methods on NavigateEvent: intercept() replaces transitionWhile() and scroll() replaces restoreScroll().
- Chrome
@container and :has(): two powerful new responsive APIs landing in Chromium 105
"Container queries and :has() are a match made in responsive heaven. Luckily, both of these features are landing together in Chromium 105. This is a huge release with two highly-requested features for responsive interfaces!"
- Chrome
:has(): the family selector
With :has() landing in Chromium 105. Let's take a look at some of the awesome opportunities it brings to our CSS!
- Chrome
New in Chrome 104
Chrome 104 is rolling out now! Region capture specifies a crop area when using getDisplayMedia() to capture the current tab. Media query syntax can be written using mathematical comparison operators. Shared Element Transitions starts an origin trial. And there's plenty more.
- Chrome
Web custom formats for the Async Clipboard API
Web custom formats let websites read and write arbitrary unsanitized payloads using a standard format applications can opt in to support such payloads.
- Chrome
DevTools Tips: How to log messages in the Console
Use the Console to log variables, objects, and messages, filter and group the messages, and more.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
Revamping Analytics in the Chrome Web Store Developer Dashboard
Google is rolling out a revamped item analytics experience for the Chrome Web Store Developer Dashboard. The new dashboard is easier to understand at a glance and consolidates the most useful information upfront.
- Chrome Extensions
- Chrome
Help pick a syntax for CSS nesting
Two competing syntaxes need your help in determining which should be championed through to a specification candidate.
- Chrome
Top layer support in Chrome DevTools
Discover the top layer and learn how Chrome DevTools implemented support for it.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
An Update On Chrome’s Web Framework Funding for 2022
We are sharing an update on recipients of Chrome's web framework funding
- Chrome
DevTools Tips: How to emulate CSS user preference media features with DevTools
Use the Rendering tab to emulate user's preferences and test the user-adaptive behavior of your website.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 104)
Restart frame during debugging, slow replay options in the Recorder panel, and more.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
Chrome Dev Insider: The CSS and UI edition
An update from Chrome’s Web Platform team where we take developers behind the scenes to share perspectives, conversations and updates.
- Chrome
Signed Exchanges launched for desktop sites
Announcing Signed Exchanges support for Chromium browsers on desktop along with other recent feature launches.
- Chrome
DevTools Tips: How to inspect CSS container queries
Inspect and debug CSS container queries with DevTools.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
Inspect and debug CSS container queries
Learn how to use Chrome DevTools to inspect, modify, and debug CSS container queries.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 104
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 104 to help you plan.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 103
Chrome 103 is rolling out now! There's a new HTTP status code that helps the browser decide what content to preload before the page has even started to arrive. The Local Font Access API gives web applications the ability to enumerate and use fonts installed on the user's computer. There's an easier way to implement timeouts on asynchronous APIs. And there's plenty more.
- Chrome
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 103)
Record double-click and right-click events, new options to measure user flow in Lighthouse and more.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Accessibility features reference
A comprehensive reference of accessibility features in Chrome DevTools.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
New in Chrome 102
Chrome 102 is rolling out now! Installed PWAs can register as file handlers, making it easy for users to open files directly from disk. The inert attribute allows you to mark parts of the DOM as inert. The Navigation API makes it easier for single page apps to handle navigation and updates to the URL. And there's plenty more!
- Chrome
How and why we built Performance Insights
How and why we built the Performance Insights panel.
- Chrome
WebAssembly Migration Guide
Given the momentum of cross-browser WebAssembly support, we plan to focus our native code efforts on WebAssembly going forward and plan to remove support for PNaCl in Q4 2019 (except for Chrome Apps). We believe that the vibrant ecosystem around
- Workbox
Register a Secure Payment Confirmation
Implement the registration protocols and flow for SPC, so customers can strongly authenticate against card issuers or banks directly from a merchant.
- Workbox
Secure Payment Confirmation
High-level overview of a proposed web standard to allow for secure authentication with payment service providers.
- Workbox
Authenticate with Secure Payment Confirmation
Implement authentication protocols for SPC, to validate customer transactions.
- Workbox
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 103
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 103 to help you plan.
- Chrome
Interaction to Next Paint (INP) tool support
Support for Interaction to Next Paint across Chrome performance tools.
- Chrome
Faster multipage applications with streams
Learn how you can use workbox-streams to create multipage applications that use partial markup from the service worker cache and partial content from the network to create fast experiences that render almost instantaneously.
- Workbox
Private prefetch proxy in Chrome for network administrators
An overview of how to filter content on prefetched navigations.
Speeding up LCP with cross-site prefetching
An introduction to readily available technologies.
- Chrome
Private prefetch proxy in Chrome
Speeding up Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) with cross-site prefetching.
- Chrome
Debugging WebAssembly Faster
How we make debugging WebAssembly faster for large applications.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 102)
New Performance insights panel, shortcuts to emulate light/dark themes, and more.
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
Advanced Web Apps Fund
Announcing the Advanced Web Apps Fund, supporting those who make the web more powerful.
- Chrome
Better tab sharing with Capture Handle
The web platform now ships with Capture Handle, a mechanism that allows a capturing web app to ergonomically and confidently identify the captured web app, if the captured web app has opted-in.
- Workbox
View the properties of DOM objects
View and filter properties of DOM objects.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Test back/forward cache
Ensure your pages are optimized for back/forward caching.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
New in Chrome 101
Chrome 101 is rolling out now with a new method of specifying color with hwb notation, and fetch priority giving a way to hint to the browser the ideal order to download resources. And there's plenty more!
- Chrome
Making collapsed content accessible with hidden=until-found
How this new attribute value can ensure that content within accordion sections can be found and linked to.
- Workbox
Optimizing LCP using Signed Exchanges
Signed exchanges are a means for web developers to substantially improve page loading speed coming from SXG referrers such as Google Search. They can provide benefit simply from being enabled by a checkbox, but you can take additional steps to get the most out of them.
- Chrome
Control browser features with Permissions Policy
Manage how your page and embedded third-party iframes access to browser features.
- Workbox
RenderingNG deep-dive: BlinkNG
Find out about BlinkNG and the various sub-projects that addressed long-standing problems in the organization and structure of Blink code.
- Workbox
- Chromium
Securely embed content on your site
Learn about multiple HTML elements used to embed content, and how to optimize for security.
- Chrome
Introducing Chrome Dev Insider
A new series by Chrome’s Web Platform team where we take developers behind the scenes to share perspectives, conversations and updates.
- Chrome
Rendering tab overview
Discover a collection of options that affect web content rendering.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Emulate CSS media features
Emulate prefers-color-scheme, media type, forced-colors, prefers-contrast, prefers-reduced-motion, color-gamut.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Discover issues with rendering performance
Spot repainting, layout shifts, layers and tiles, scrolling issues, see rendering statistics and Core Web Vitals.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 101)
Import and export user flow as JSON, support hwb() colors, view cascade layers in the Styles pane and more.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 101
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 101 to help you plan.
- Chrome
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 102
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 102 to help you plan.
- Chrome
Performance insights: Get actionable insights on your website's performance
Get actionable insights on your website's performance with the Performance insights panel.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
New in Chrome 100
Chrome 100 is rolling out now with a three digit version number. Take a stroll down memory lane and celebrate #100CoolWebMoments since Chrome's first release. There are some important changes to the user agent string. The Multi-Screen Window Placement API makes it possible to enumerate the displays connected to a user's machine, and place windows on specific screens. And there's plenty more!
- Chrome
Celebrate Chrome 100 with #100CoolWebMoments
We are celebrating the launch of Chrome version 100 with a walk down memory lane.
- Chrome
Discovery on the Chrome Web Store
An overview of how users find items on the Chrome Web Store, and how our editors select items to feature.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 100)
View and edit @supports at rules, rename and customize recording’s selector, and more.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 100
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 100 to help you plan.
- Chrome
It's always been you, Canvas2D
The API-next-door gets a makeover.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 99
Chrome 99 is rolling out now! CSS cascade layers gives you more control over your CSS, and helps to prevent style-specificity conflicts. The showPicker() method allows you to programmatically show a browser picker for input elements like date, color, and datalist. Version 100 of Chrome and Firefox is just weeks away. And there's plenty more!
- Chrome
Optimizing third-party script loading in Next.js
This article discusses the Next.js Script component and demonstrates how it can be used for better sequencing of third-party scripts.
- Chrome
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 99)
Throttling WebSocket requests, new Reporting API pane, console styling and more.
- Chrome
Inspect and debug CSS flexbox layouts
Learn how to use Chrome DevTools to inspect, modify and debug CSS flexbox layouts.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 99
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 99 to help you plan.
- Chrome
Using plugins
While Workbox offers a lot of off-the-shelf utility, there may be times when you need to extend it to satisfy your application requirements. That's where Workbox's plugin architecture can come in handy.
- Workbox
The Chromium Chronicle #28: Getting started with Chrome on iOS
Learn how to work with the code behind Chrome's iOS app.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 98
Chrome 98 is rolling out now! If you’ve signed up for the Auto Dark Theme origin trial, there’s a new way to opt out at a per element level. There’s now support for COLRv1, an evolution of the COLRv0 font format. And there’s plenty more.
- Chrome
Cascade layers are coming to your browser
"Cascade layers are a new CSS API to help you manage the cascade precedence of you code, landing in all modern browsers soon."
- Chrome
Permissions request chip
Chrome 98 adds dedicated space in the location bar for permissions, aiming to make prompts less demanding to reduce the perceived insistence on a decision.
- Chrome
Show a browser picker for date, time, color, and files
The web platform now ships with a canonical way to show a browser picker.
- Chrome
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 98)
Full-page Accessibility tree, more precise changes in the Changes tab, and more.
- Chrome
Chrome will disable modifying document.domain to relax the same-origin policy
If your website relies on setting `document.domain`, your action is required.
- Chrome
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 98
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 98 to help you plan.
- Chrome
Private Network Access: introducing preflights
Chrome is deprecating access to private network endpoints from non-secure public websites as part of the Private Network Access specification. Read on for recommended actions.
- Chrome
COLRv1 Color Gradient Vector Fonts in Chrome 98
In Chrome 98, the Chrome and Fonts teams have added support for COLRv1, an evolution of the COLRv0 font format intended to make color fonts widespread by adding gradients, compositing and blending, and improved internal shape reuse for crisp and compact font files that compress well.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 97
Chrome 97 is rolling out now! There's a new option for sending real time messages between the client and server using Web Transport. You can use feature detection to see what types of scripts a browser supports. JavaScript gets better, and there's plenty more.
- Chrome
Launch Handler API
Launch handler lets you control how your app is launched, for example, whether it uses an existing or a new window and whether the chosen window is navigated to the launch URL.
- Workbox
Full accessibility tree in Chrome DevTools
Review the new, full-page accessibility tree in DevTools, as well as the design and implementation of this tree.
- Chrome
Chrome Web Store review process
An overview of the review process and how enforcement actions result from detected policy violations.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Using workbox-window
Sometimes users go offline. Learn how to adapt, and help them resume requests when they eventually go back online.
- Workbox
Serving cached audio and video
Dealing with audio and video resource requests in a service worker is hard. Learn how to use workbox-range-request to deal with such requests in a predictable way.
- Workbox
Forcing a network timeout
Learn how to force a network timeout in the presence of a slow network connection, and how to get the timing right.
- Workbox
Retrying requests when back online
Sometimes users go offline. Learn how to adapt, and help them resume requests when they eventually go back online.
- Workbox
Caching resources during runtime
Learn how to handle caching resources during runtime, including cross-origin resources.
- Workbox
Handling service worker updates with immediacy
Sometimes when you update a service worker, it's good to let users know. Here, you'll learn how to do just that.
- Workbox
Access caches from the window
Accessing Cache instances isn't just restricted to the service worker scope. You can also access them from the window context, and in this article, you'll learn how.
- Workbox
Managing fallback responses
Sometimes users encounter network failures or go offline. Learn how to adapt to those situations and provide a fallback response.
- Workbox
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 97)
New Recorder panel, refresh device list in Device Mode, and more.
- Chrome
Helping developers build powerful, installable web apps
A look at the impact of PWA features added to Chrome.
- Chrome
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 97
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 97 to help you plan.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 96
Chrome 96 is rolling out now! There are two new properties in the web app manifest. The id property allows you to specify a unique ID for your PWA, and the protocol_handlers property allows you to automatically register your PWA as a protocol handler upon installation. There's a new origin trial that allows you to specify fetch priority for downloading resources. And there's plenty more!
- Chrome
What's new in Lighthouse 9.0
Lighthouse 9.0 arrives with a refreshed report and a preview of support for user flows.
- Chrome
Troubleshooting and logging
A look at Workbox's logging features, and in-browser service worker debugging tools.
- Workbox
Framework integrations
A quick reference of frameworks and plugins that integrate with Workbox
- Workbox
Navigation Preload for Network-first HTML
What Navigation Preload is, how it can make navigations faster, and how to use it in Workbox.
- Workbox
Service workers and the application shell model
How to pair the application shell model with a service worker in your SPA.
- Workbox
Using Workbox without precaching
How to build a service worker in Workbox without workbox-build.
- Workbox
The ways of Workbox
Get familiar with some of the ways you can use Workbox.
- Workbox
Precaching dos and don'ts
Learn the do's and don'ts of precaching.
- Workbox
Precaching with Workbox
Learn how to precache assets in a service worker with Workbox.
- Workbox
Record, replay, and measure user flows
Record, replay, measure user flows, and edit their steps with the Recorder panel.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Force Chrome major version to 100 in the User-Agent string
Chrome version number will soon go from two digits to three, which might affect any code that's parsing the User-Agent (UA) string. A feature flag available from Chrome 96 to 99 enables early testing by forcing the major version number in the UA string to 100.
- Chrome
Implementing CSP and Trusted Types debugging in Chrome DevTools
How we implement Content Security Policy and Trusted Types issues debugging in Chrome DevTools.
- Chrome
Picking colors of any pixel on the screen with the EyeDropper API
Creative application developers can use the EyeDropper API to implement a picker that allows users to select colors from pixels on their screen, including those outside the browser.
- Workbox
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 96)
New CSS Overview panel, emulate CSS prefers-contrast media and Chrome’s auto dark mode, and more.
- Chrome
Building an effective Image Component
Images are a common source of performance bottlenecks for web applications and a key focus area for optimization. This document explains how the Aurora team at Google designed a powerful image component in Next.js that is built-in with a number of optimizations using a developer-friendly interface. This post discusses how the component was designed and the lessons we learned along the way.
- Workbox
Auto Dark Theme
Autogenerating a dark theme for light-themed sites.
- Chrome
CSS Overview: Identify potential CSS improvements
Identify potential CSS improvements with the CSS Overview panel.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 96
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 96 to help you plan.
- Chrome
Different service worker strategies for different architectures
Introduction to the two different website architectures.
- Workbox
Expectations around service worker deployment
Understanding the effect a service worker has on a website once deployed.
- Workbox
Removing buggy service workers
How to fix a service worker that is causing problems.
- Workbox
Improving the service worker development experience
How to solve some of the local development issues you may encounter when using service workers.
- Workbox
Migrate to Reporting API v1
A new version of the Reporting API is available. The new API is leaner and more likely to be supported across browsers.
- Chrome
Monitor your web application with the Reporting API
Use the Reporting API to monitor security violations, deprecated API calls, and more.
- Workbox
New in Chrome 95
Chrome 95 is rolling out now! Routing gets easier with URLPattern baked into the browser, the Eye Dropper API provides a built-in tool for selecting colors, there's a new origin trial to receive the reduced UA string now, and there's plenty more.
- Chrome
RenderingNG deep-dive: LayoutNG
How the large architecture change of LayoutNG reduces and mitigates various types of bugs and performance issues.
- Chromium
- Workbox
The Chromium Chronicle #25: Thread Safety Annotations
Learn how Clang's static analysis framework takes over the toil of thread-safety proofs.
- Chrome
Chrome user device characteristics report
Developers constantly wonder what kind of audience they are developing for. How much RAM do they have? What kind of Wi-fi are they on? A new report provides answers for a range of countries and platforms.
- Chrome
Chrome Web Store policy updates for Q3 2021
Updating our security requirements and further clarifying a few policies to keep the quality of extensions high, and the experience for developers consistent.
- Chrome Extensions
- Chrome
A service worker's life
Understanding the way that service workers behave to make offline applications possible.
- Workbox
What is Workbox?
Introducing Workbox, a set of modules that simplify common service worker routing and caching.
- Workbox
Strategies for service worker caching
An overview of caching in service workers.
- Workbox
Service worker overview
An overview of service workers.
- Workbox
The transition of Chrome extensions to Manifest V3
Sharing details about the plan to move extensions to Manifest V3
- Chrome Extensions
- Chrome
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 95
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 95 to help you plan.
- Chrome
Manifest V2 support timeline
Details of the Manifest V2 phase-out and end of life.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
New in Chrome 94
Chrome 94 is rolling out now! The default color space for `` elements is now formally defined as SRGB, and you can change it to Display P3. There's a new, low level way to access built in audio and video codecs, important for streaming games, video editors, and such. WebGPU starts its origin trial. And, there's plenty more!
- Chrome
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 95)
New CSS length authoring tools, hide issues in the Issues tab, improved the display of properties, and more.
- Chrome
Deep-dive: VideoNG
Learn about modern playback systems and how Chromium powers several hundred million hours of watch time every day.
- Workbox
- Chromium
Modernising CSS infrastructure in DevTools
How we researched and updated the CSS infrastructure in DevTools.
- Chrome
What's new in Lighthouse 8.4
Lighthouse 8.4 now guards against lazily-loading LCP images and failing FID without a mobile viewport.
- Chrome
Full control with the VirtualKeyboard API
Manage yourself the browser deals with content occlusion when a touch device's virtual keyboard appears.
- Workbox
New in Chrome 93
Chrome 93 is rolling out now! You can now load CSS style sheets with import statements, just like JavaScript modules. Installed PWAs can register as URL handlers, making it possible for users to jump straight into your PWA. The Multi-Screen Window Placement API has been updated based on your feedback, and starts a second origin trial. We're shortening the release cycle for stable to four weeks. And there's plenty more.
- Chrome
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 93
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 93 to help you plan.
- Chrome
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 94
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 94 to help you plan.
- Chrome
The Chromium Chronicle #24: StrongAlias, IdType, and TokenType
The same type may sometimes represent values from incompatible domains, which can cause bugs. Fortunately, Chromium's //base makes it easy to introduce explicit, distinct types.
- Chrome
Private Network Access update: Introducing a deprecation trial
Chrome is deprecating access to private network endpoints from non-secure public websites in Chrome 94 as part of the Private Network Access specification. Read on for recommended actions.
- Chrome
Modern client-side routing: the Navigation API
Learn about the Navigation API, a new API which adds improved functionality to build single-page applications.
- Workbox
Key data structures in RenderingNG
Understand the components of the RenderingNG architecture, and how the rendering pipeline flows through them.
- Workbox
- Chromium
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 94)
Use DevTools in your preferred language, new Nest Hub devices, new CSS container queries badge and more.
- Chrome
Manage user feedback
Follow-up on reviews and provide user support in the Chrome Web Store.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Check on your review status
How to check the review status of your Chrome Web Store item.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Analyze your store listing metrics
Understanding metrics and performance of your Chrome Web Store store listing.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 92
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 92 to help you plan.
- Chrome
CSS Grid tooling in DevTools
How we designed and implemented CSS Grid tooling support in DevTools.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Troubleshoot Chrome origin trials
Address common problems with trial tokens in meta tags, headers, and scripts. You'll also learn about debugging support in Chrome DevTools.
- Workbox
Cross-origin isolation
Overview of cross-origin isolation for extensions
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Cross-origin opener policy
Reference documentation for the cross_origin_opener_policy property of manifest.json.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Cross-origin embedder policy
Reference documentation for the cross_origin_embedder_policy property of manifest.json.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Cross-origin opener policy
Reference documentation for the cross_origin_opener_policy property of manifest.json.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Cross-origin embedder policy
Reference documentation for the cross_origin_embedder_policy property of manifest.json.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Cross-origin isolation
Overview of cross-origin isolation for extensions
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 91
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 91 to help you plan.
- Chrome
Automatically start PWAs on OS Login
Many operating systems offer the ability to launch applications automatically when the user logs in. This ability is now available for installed web applications.
- Chrome
Load cross-origin resources without CORP headers using COEP: credentialless
`Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: credentialless` will be on origin trial starting Chrome 93. This new value allows web pages to enable cross-origin isolation without requiring cross-origin resources to respond with a `CORP: cross-origin` header by sending credentialless requests.
- Chrome
Restricting Wasm module sharing to same-origin
Sharing a WebAssembly module between same-site environments will be restricted to just same-origin.
- Chrome
Enterprise publishing options
How to distribute extensions to enterprise users
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
WebDriver BiDi - The future of cross-browser automation
Getting to know what is WebDriver BiDi and why it is the future of cross-browser automation
- Chrome
Verify a phone number on desktop using WebOTP API
Starting from Chrome 93, websites can verify phone numbers from desktop Chrome.
- Workbox
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 93)
Editable CSS container queries, web bundle preview, better string handling in the Console and more.
- Chrome
The Chromium Chronicle #23: Verified builds in Chrome Infra
Implementing a policy enforcement check for Chrome and the infrastructure has enabled us to verify that certain minimum standards for security are met.
- Chrome
RenderingNG architecture
Learn the components of the RenderingNG architecture, and how the rendering pipeline flows through them.
- Chromium
- Workbox
Android Concepts (for Web Developers)
Relevant and key Android concepts for web developers new to Android and Play.
- Workbox
URLPattern brings routing to the web platform
An approach to standardizing common pattern matching use cases.
- Workbox
Chrome extensions: clarifying our extension policies for a safer, more consistent web store
Updating our security requirements and further clarifying a few policies to keep the quality of extensions high, and the experience for developers consistent.
- Chrome
- Chrome Extensions
The Chromium Chronicle #22: Know Thy (Depot) Tools
Depot Tools is a collection of tools built on top of Git to simplify the workflow of developers contributing to the Chromium codebase and related projects.
- Chrome
Resource inlining in JavaScript frameworks
Learn about the latest optimizations implemented in JavaScript frameworks in collaboration with project Aurora.
- Workbox
Extension actions in Manifest V3
Chrome extensions had Browser and Page Actions APIs for years, but Manifest V3 replaced both with a generic Actions API. This post explores the history of these APIs and what has changed in Manifest V3.
- Chrome
- Chrome Extensions
In 2021, we largely completed the process of designing, building and shipping RenderingNG, a next-generation rendering architecture for Chromium.
- Chromium
- Workbox
High performance storage for your app: the Storage Foundation API
The Storage Foundation API proposed a storage API that resembles a basic file system, with direct access to stored data through buffers and offsets.
- Workbox
TablesNG Resolves 72 Chromium Bugs for Better Interoperability
-- A new rendering engine for tables makes it more consistent to author tabular data across the web.
- Chrome
Ensure CSP is effective against XSS attacks
Learn about preventing cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks with a strict Content Security Policy (CSP).
- Workbox
Conformance for Frameworks
This article describes Conformance, a methodology used in frameworks within Google, and how we plan on open-sourcing it to the JavaScript framework ecosystem
- Chrome
Introducing Aurora
This article introduces Aurora, a Chrome initiative to collaborate closely with open-source frameworks
- Workbox
Introducing the Memory Inspector
This article introduces the Memory Inspector that has landed in Chrome 91. It allows you to inspect your ArrayBuffer, TypedArray, DataView, and Wasm Memory.
- Chrome
Inspect CSS grid layouts
Learn how to use Chrome DevTools to view and change CSS grids.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Introducing chrome.scripting
The Scripting API is a new Manifest V3 API focused on, well, scripting. Let's dig into the motivations for this change and how it's different.
- Chrome
- Chrome Extensions
Compute Pressure API
Compute Pressure offers high-level states that represent the pressure on the system. It allows the implementation to use the right underlying hardware metrics to ensure that users can take advantage of all the processing power available to them as long as the system is not under unmanageable stress.
- Workbox
PWAs as URL Handlers
After registering a PWA as a URL handler, when a user clicks on a hyperlink that matches one of the registered URL patterns, the registered PWA will open.
- Workbox
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 92)
CSS grid editor, support for const redeclaration in console, source order viewer and more.
- Chrome
The Chromium Chronicle #21: ChromeOS End-to-end UI Automation
Tast is a new UI library has been created that uses the Chrome a11y (accessibility) tree to control the ChromeOS UI. The library enables developers to easily create End-to-end tests against any visible UI surface.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 91
Chrome 91 is rolling out! Web apps that interact with files can now suggest file names and directories when using the File System Access API. You can also read files from the clipboard! If your site has more than one domain, and they share the same account management backend, you can tell Chrome they're the same, allowing the password manager to suggest the right credentials. Plus, all the videos from I/O are now available, and there's plenty more.
- Chrome
Choose how in-scope links open your PWA with Declarative Link Capturing
Declarative Link Capturing is a proposal for a web app manifest property called "capture_links" that lets developers determine declaratively what should happen when the browser is asked to navigate to a URL that is within the application's navigation scope, from a context outside of the navigation scope.
- Workbox
How to set browser flags in Chromium
For some of the new APIs we introduce in Chromium, you need to set a browser flag for experimentation. Learn how to do this in the various Chromium derivatives like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and others.
- Chrome
Offline-First Trusted Web Activities
How to display a fallback offline screen, if the first time the user opens the app, there's no connectivity.
- Workbox
URL protocol handler registration for PWAs
After registering a PWA as a protocol handler, when a user clicks on a hyperlink with a specific scheme such as mailto, bitcoin, or web+music from a browser or a platform-specific app, the registered PWA will open and receive the URL.
- Workbox
How we sped up Chrome DevTools stack traces by 10x
How we sped up Chrome DevTools stack traces by 10x.
- Chrome
Insertable streams for MediaStreamTrack
Insertable streams for MediaStreamTrack is about exposing the content of a MediaStreamTrack as a stream that can be manipulated or used to generate new content.
- Workbox
The Chromium Chronicle #20: Benchmarking Test Harnesses
Adding benchmarks is an easy way to prevent performance regressions and help improve performance.
- Chrome
Extension Manifest Converter
Open source tool to convert extensions to Manifest V3. You'll still need to manually update any code with non-mechanical changes, such as adapting to use service workers or some script injection.
- Chrome
- Chrome Extensions
Richer PWA installation UI
An introduction to the Richer Install UI with guidance on how to implement it.
- Chrome
Aligning timers with cross origin isolation restrictions
Starting in Chrome 91, the resolution of explicit timers will be restricted to 100 microseconds across platforms without cross-origin isolation.
- Chrome
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 91)
Web vitals information pop up, visualize CSS scroll-snap, new Memory inspector and more.
- Chrome
Web Accessible Resources for Manifest V3
Web Accessible Resources for Manifest V3 is here! Now `manifest.json` supports permission definitions. Developers can restrict resources based on the requesting site origin or extension id.
- Chrome
- Chrome Extensions
New in Chrome 90
Chrome 90 is rolling out now! There's a new value for the CSS overflow property. The Feature Policy API has been renamed to Permissions Policy. And there's a new way to implement and use Shadow DOM directly in HTML. Plus there's plenty more.
- Chrome
DevTools architecture refresh: migrating DevTools to TypeScript
How we migrate Chrome DevTools from the Closure Compiler type checker to TypeScript.
- Chrome
The Chromium Chronicle #19: Faster Development with CLion
CLion IDE makes it possible to navigate across symbols, search the codebase, and more.
- Chrome
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 90
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 90 to help you plan.
- Chrome
Adding Rank Magnitude to the CrUX Report in BigQuery
Adding Rank Magnitude to the CrUX Report in BigQuery.
- Chrome
VersionHistory API guide
A how-to guide on using the VersionHistory web service API to programmatically access Google Chrome version history information.
Speeding up Google Chrome's release cycle
Later this year, we plan to shorten the release cycle and ship a new version of Google Chrome to the stable channel every four weeks, down from the current six-week cycle.
- Chrome
VersionHistory API examples
Example usage of the VersionHistory web service API.
VersionHistory API reference
Technical reference information about the VersionHistory web service API.
New in Chrome 89
Chrome 89 is rolling out now! WebHID, WebNFC, and Web Serial have graduated from their origin trials and are now available in stable. We're closing a loophole a few developers used to skirt the PWA installability checks. Web Share, and Web Share Target arrive on the desktop. And there's plenty more!
- Chrome
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 90)
Debugging support for CSS Flexbox, performance heads-up display on page, issues tab updates and more.
- Chrome
CSS-in-JS support in DevTools
How we support CSS-in-JS in DevTools and how it is different from regular CSS.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Preparing for the display modes of tomorrow
The display_override property allows developers to define a customized fallback chain of modes their PWAs should be displayed in.
- Workbox
Updates in hardware-accelerated animation capabilities
Chromium is updating its hardware-acceleration capabilities to SVG animations, percentage-based transformations, clip-path, background images, and more.
- Chrome
The Chromium Chronicle #18: Chromium Code Coverage
Test coverage measures how much source code is executed when a particular test suite runs.
- Chrome
International Mother Language Day 2021
International Mother Language Day is an annual celebration of cultural diversity observed worldwide on February 21. It promotes the preservation and protection of languages spoken all over the world and celebrates multilingualism.
- Chrome
Format and style messages in the Console
Learn how to format and style messages in the Console.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Improving Progressive Web App offline support detection
Verification of offline support has been part of the PWA installability criteria since the beginning.
- Chrome
Improving DevTools startup time
Reduce DevTools performance overhead of message dispatch in the front-end.
- Chrome
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 89
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 89 to help you plan.
- Chrome
Automating resource selection with client hints
Image optimization is hard and automation is the key to success.
- Chrome
The Chromium Chronicle #17: Browser Test Mixins
When writing a browser test, you often want to programmatically perform setup actions that the user could do manually. To help you do this, mixins are a suite of tools for performing non-trivial browser test setup in a reusable way.
- Chrome
Receive Payments via Google Play Billing with the Digital Goods API and the Payment Request API
Receive Payments via Google Play Billing in your PWA with the Digital Goods API, the Payment Request API and Trusted Web Activity
- Workbox
Migrating Puppeteer to TypeScript
How we migrate Puppeteer to TypeScript.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 88
Chrome 88 is rolling out now! You can now upload extensions using manifest v3 to the Chrome Web Store. The aspect-ratio CSS property makes it easy to set the aspect ratio on any element. You can now use Play Billing in your Trusted Web Activity, and there's plenty more. Let's dive in and see what's new for developers in Chrome 88!
- Chrome
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 89)
Debugging support for Trusted Types violations, capture node screenshot beyond viewport, new Trust Tokens tab for network requests and more.
- Chrome
Heavy throttling of chained JS timers beginning in Chrome 88
Intensive throttling takes effect when the page has been hidden for more than 5 minutes, the page has been silent for at least 30 seconds, WebRTC is not in use, and the chain of timers is 5 or greater.
- Chrome
SharedArrayBuffer updates in Android Chrome 88 and Desktop Chrome 92
SharedArrayBuffer will arrive in Android Chrome 88. It will only be available to pages that are cross-origin isolated. Starting in Desktop Chrome 92 it will also only be available to cross-origin isolated pages. You can register for an origin trial to retain the current behavior until Desktop Chrome 113.
- Chrome
The Chromium Chronicle #16: Updating Google Apps on Desktop
Ever wondered how Chrome keeps itself up-to-date on your desktop? Or how updates are served to Chromebooks, Chromecast, or Android?
- Chrome
Debugging WebAssembly with modern tools
Step-by-step overview of the new debugging experience for WebAssembly in Chrome DevTools.
- Chrome
DevTools architecture refresh: migrating to Web Components
Why and how we migrate Chrome DevTools to Web Components.
- Chrome
Prepare to publish: set up payment and distribution
How to choose which countries will list your item and who will see it in the Chrome Web Store.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Complete your listing information
How to add listing information for your Chrome Web Store item.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Welcome to the new developer.chrome.com!
Announcing a revamp of the site, and a summary of our plans for 2021.
- Chrome
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 88
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 88 to help you plan.
- Chrome
Update your Chrome Web Store item
How to update an extension or theme ("item") that you previously published on the Chrome Web Store.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
What's new for Web In Play
Learn about the new features for web applications that use Trusted Web Activity.
- Workbox
Add your app to the Play Store
Add your TWA to the Play Store
- Workbox
Use Google Play Billing
Google Play Billing offers tools for managing your catalog, prices and subscriptions, reports, and a checkout flow powered by the Play Store.
- Workbox
Lazy load third-party resources with facades
Learn about the opportunities to lazy load third-party resources with facades.
- Workbox
The Chromium Chronicle #15: Restricting Target Visibility
In Chromium, it's common to find code written for one component that would be useful elsewhere, but might have hidden restrictions. For safety, limit external access to dangerous functionality by restricting target visibility.
- Chrome
Use Play Billing in your Trusted Web Activity
Learn how to integrate Google Play Billing into your Trusted Web Activity project.
- Workbox
Better JS scheduling with isInputPending()
A new JavaScript API that may help you avoid the trade-off between load performance and input responsiveness.
- Workbox
Simulating color vision deficiencies in the Blink Renderer
Why and how we implemented color vision deficiency simulation in DevTools and the Blink Renderer.
- Chromium
- Workbox
New in Chrome 87
Chrome 87 is rolling out now! You can now control pan, tilt, and zoom on webcams that support it, range requests and service workers don't require as many workarounds, the font access API starts it's origin trial, and plenty more. Let's dive in and see what's new for developers in Chrome 87!
- Chrome
Troubleshooting Chrome Web Store violations
Guidelines for understanding why an item was rejected or removed from the Chrome Web Store and how to fix the problem.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Easily use common workbox patterns without needing to set them up yourself from individual packages.
- Workbox
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 88)
New CSS angle visualization tools, emulate unsupported image types and storage quota, new Web Vitals lane and more.
- Chrome
Enable Web Share Target in Trusted Web Activity
Learn how to enable Web Share Target in a project using Trusted Web Activity.
- Workbox
Puppetaria: accessibility-first Puppeteer scripts
Puppetaria - accessibility-first Puppeteer scripts, allowing alternative query handler based on querying the accessibility tree rather than relying on CSS selectors.
- Chrome
Feedback wanted: CORS for private networks (RFC1918)
Unintentional exposure of devices and servers on a client’s internal network to the web at large makes them vulnerable to malicious attacks. CORS-RFC1918 is a proposal to block requests from public networks by default on the browser and require internal devices to opt-in to such requests.
- Chrome
About Manifest V2
Documentation for Chrome extensions developers.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
The Chromium Chronicle #14: Adding Tests to the Waterfall
Want to detect regressions for your new feature in Chrome? Add your tests to the waterfall, Chrome's continuous build and test infrastructure!
- Chrome
Let installed web applications be file handlers
Register an app as a file handler with the operating system. Now that web apps are capable of reading and writing files, the next logical step is to let developers declare these very web apps as file handlers for the files their apps can create and
- Workbox
How we built the Chrome DevTools WebAuthn tab
How we built the Chrome DevTools WebAuthn tab to allow developers emulate the authenticators, customize their capabilities, and inspect their states.
- Workbox
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 87
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 87 to help you plan.
- Chrome
Video processing with WebCodecs
Work with components of a video stream, such as frames and unmixed chunks of encoded video or audio.
- Workbox
New in Chrome 86
Chrome 86 is rolling out now! The file system access API is now available in stable. There are new origin trials for Web HID and the Multi-Screen Window placement API. There's some new stuff in CSS, and plenty more. Let's dive in and see what's new for developers in Chrome 86!
- Chrome
Gaining security and privacy by partitioning the cache
Chrome's HTTP cache partitioning helps with better security and privacy.
- Chrome
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 87)
New CSS Grid debugging tools, Web Authn tab, moveable tools and Computed sidebar pane.
- Chrome
Third-party origin trials
Learn how providers of embedded content can test new or experimental web platform features across multiple sites.
- Workbox
How we built the Chrome DevTools Issues tab
How we built the Chrome DevTools Issues tab to improve developer experience on issues discovery and solution.
- Chrome
Sensors: Emulate device sensors
Use the Sensors panel to override geolocation, simulate device orientation, force touch, and emulate idle state.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Chrome Web Store payments deprecation
Why the payments is deprecated, details about the deprecation timeline, and more.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Migrate from Workbox v5 to v6
A guide to migrating from Workbox v5 to v6.
- Workbox
Connecting to uncommon HID devices
The WebHID API allows websites to access alternative auxiliary keyboards and exotic gamepads.
- Workbox
Managing several displays with the Window Management API
The Window Management API allows you to enumerate the displays connected to your machine and to place windows on specific screens.
- Workbox
DevTools architecture refresh: migrating to JavaScript modules
How we migrate Chrome DevTools to JavaScript modules.
- Chrome
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 86
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 86 to help you plan.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 85
Chrome 85 is rolling out now! You can improve rendering performance with content-visibility: auto. CSS properties can now be set… in CSS. You can now check if your Windows app or PWA is installed with the getInstalledRelatedApps() API. App icon shortcuts work on Windows too (for real this time). There's an origin trial for fetch upload streaming. And lots more. Let's dive in and see what's new for developers in Chrome 85!
- Chrome
Use advanced typography with local fonts
The Local Font Access API enumerates the user's installed local fonts and provides low-level access to the various TrueType/OpenType tables
- Workbox
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 86)
New Media panel, capture node screenshot, Issues tab updates, emulate missing local fonts, inactive users and prefers-reduced-data.
- Chrome
Add extra HTTP Request Headers
Guide for adding HTTP CORS headers in Custom Tab Intents.
- Workbox
Read from and write to a serial port
The Web Serial API bridges the web and the physical world by allowing websites to communicate with serial devices.
- Workbox
A new default Referrer-Policy for Chrome - strict-origin-when-cross-origin
A new default Referrer-Policy for Chrome - strict-origin-when-cross-origin
- Chrome
Capture Keys with the Keyboard Lock API
The Keyboard Lock API allows websites to capture keys that are normally reserved by the underlying operating system. It is intended for web applications that provide a full screen immersive experience (like games or remote access apps).
- Workbox
Reading and writing files and directories with the browser-fs-access library
All modern browsers can read local files and directories; however, true write access, that is, more than just downloading files, is limited to browsers that implement the File System Access API. This post introduces a support library called browser-fs-access that acts as an abstraction layer on top of the File System Access API and that transparently falls back to legacy approaches for dealing with files.
- Workbox
Human interface devices on the web: a few quick examples
There is a long tale of human interface devices (HID) that are too new, too old, or too uncommon to be accessible by systems' device drivers. The WebHID API solves this by providing a way to implement device-specific logic in JavaScript.
- Workbox
Streaming requests with the fetch API
Chromium now supports upload streaming as of version 105, which means you can start a request before you have the whole body available.
- Workbox
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 85
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 85 to help you plan.
- Chrome
Houdini - Demystifying CSS
Houdini is a collection of APIs that expose the CSS engine's internals to developers
- Workbox
New in Chrome 84
Chrome 84 is rolling out now! Users can start common tasks within your app with App Icon Shortcuts. The Web Animations API adds support for a slew of previously unsupported features. Wake Lock, and the Content Indexing API graduate from origin trial. There are new origin trials for Idle detection and SIMD. And there's a whole bunch more. Let's dive in and see what's new for developers in Chrome 84!
- Chrome
Using Custom Tabs with Android 11
How to use Custom Tabs with Android 11
- Chrome
Remove unused JavaScript
Learn how to pass Lighthouse's "Remove unused JavaScript" audit.
- Workbox
Deleting Chrome Web Store developer accounts
How to delete a developer or group publisher account on the Chrome Web Store.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 85)
Style editing for CSS-in-JS frameworks, Lighthouse 6.0, new JavaScript features, and more.
- Chrome
Improving user privacy and developer experience with User-Agent Client Hints
User-Agent Client Hints are a new expansion to the Client Hints API, that enables developers to access information about a user's browser in a privacy-preserving and ergonomic way. Client Hints enable developers to actively request information about
- Workbox
How to use the CrUX API
Learn how to use the Chrome UX Report API to get RESTful access to real-user experience data across millions of websites.
- Workbox
- Chrome UX Report
How to build a CrUX Dashboard on Looker Studio
Looker Studio is a powerful data visualization tool that lets you build dashboards on top of big data sources, like the Chrome UX Report. In this guide, learn how to create your own custom CrUX Dashboard to track an origin's user experience.
- Workbox
- Chrome UX Report
Set up a group publisher
How to share ownership of your Chrome Web Store items with other developers.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Fill out the privacy fields
Use the privacy practices tab to help the Chrome Web Store team review your extension as quickly as possible.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Using WebTransport
WebTransport is an API offering low-latency, bidirectional, client-server messaging. Learn more about its use cases, and how to give feedback about the future of the implementation.
- Workbox
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 84
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 84 to help you plan.
- Chrome
What's New in Lighthouse 6.0
New metrics, Performance score update, new audits, and more. Today we're releasing Lighthouse 6.0! Lighthouse is an automated website auditing tool that helps developers with opportunities and diagnostics to improve the user experience of their
- Chrome
New in Chrome 83
Chrome 83 is rolling out now! It adds support for trusted types, which help prevent cross site scripting vulnerabilities. Form elements get an important make-over. There's a new way to detect memory leaks. And the native file system API starts a new origin trial with added functionality. Let's dive in and see what's new for developers in Chrome 83!
- Chrome
Detect inactive users with the Idle Detection API
The Idle Detection API notifies developers when a user is idle, indicating such things as lack of interaction with the keyboard, mouse, screen, activation of a screensaver, locking of the screen, or moving to a different screen. A developer-defined threshold triggers the notification.
- Workbox
Issues: Find and fix problems
Use the Issues panel to find and fix problems with your website.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Handling Heavy Ad Interventions
Handling Heavy Ad Interventions
- Chrome
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 84)
The new Issues tab, accessibility information in the Inspect Mode tooltip, and more.
- Chrome
Charset declaration is missing or occurs too late in the HTML
Learn how to add a character encoding declaration to your HTML.
- Workbox
Spam policy FAQ
Frequently asked questions about Chrome Web Store's spam policy.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 83
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 83 to help you plan.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 81
Chrome 81 is rolling out now! App icon badging graduates from it's origin trial. Hit testing for augmented reality is now available in the browser. Web NFC starts its origin trial. And I've got an update on the adjusted Chrome release schedule. Let's dive in and see what's new for developers in Chrome 81!
- Chrome
WebSocketStream: integrating streams with the WebSocket API
WebSocketStream integrates streams with the WebSocket API. This allows your app to apply backpressure to received messages.
- Workbox
The Chromium Chronicle #13: Time-Travel Debugging with RR
Do you find yourself running the same test over and over in the debugger, trying to figure out how the code got in a bad state? We have a tool for you! RR will record an execution trace, making it easy to step backwards, run backwards, see where variables changed their value or when a function was last called on an object.
- Chrome
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 83)
Emulate color vision deficiencies, emulate locales, COOP and COEP debugging, and lots more.
- Chrome
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 81
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 81 to help you plan.
- Chrome
Interact with NFC devices on Chrome for Android
Reading and writing to NFC tags is now possible on Chrome for Android.
- Workbox
Adding notification permission data to the Chrome User Experience Report
To help site owners understand notification permission metrics, we’re adding this data to the Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX) in the 202001 dataset allowing site owners gain a better understanding of typical user notification permission responses for their sites and comparable sites in their category.
- Chrome
The Chromium Chronicle #10: Catching UI Regressions with Pixel Tests
Chrome's testing strategy relies heavily on automated functional correctness tests and manual testing, but neither of these reliably catch minor UI regressions. Use pixel tests to automate testing your desktop browser UI.
- Chrome
Integration Guide
Learn how to use Trusted Web Activities in your Android app.
- Workbox
Overview of Android Custom Tabs
Learn when best to use Android Custom Tabs for opening a URL in your Android app.
- Workbox
Check if an Android device has a browser that supports Custom Tabs
Learn how to check whether an Android device has a browser that supports Custom Tab.
- Workbox
New in Chrome 80
Chrome 80 is rolling out now, and there's a ton of new stuff in it for developers! There's support for modules in workers, optional chaining in JavaScript, new origin trials, features that have graduated from origin trial, and so much more. Let's dive in and see what's new for developers in Chrome 80!
- Chrome
Learn how you can seamlessly integrate your Progressive Web App into your Android App with a Trusted Web Activity.
- Workbox
Using the Custom Tab low level API
Learn how to use a Custom Tab without the androidx browser support library.
- Workbox
Lay of the Land
An overview of the libraries and tools for creating Trusted Web Activities.
- Workbox
Open a Custom Tab for links in a WebView
Combine WebViews and Custom Tabs for a better user experience.
- Workbox
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 81)
Moto G4 in Device Mode, new cookie-related features, and more.
- Chrome
Multi-Origin Trusted Web Activities
How to create one application using Trusted Web Activities that supports opening multiple origins in full-screen.
- Workbox
Passing Information to a Trusted Web Activity using Query Parameters
How to pass information from the native shell into the web application when launching a Trusted Web Activity.
- Workbox
Largest Contentful Paint
Learn about Lighthouse's Largest Contentful Paint metric and how to measure and optimize it.
- Workbox
android-browser-helper, a new library to build Trusted Web Activities.
Introduces android-browser-helper, a new library to build Trusted Web Activities.
- Workbox
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 80
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 80 to help you plan.
- Chrome
Migrate from Workbox v4 to v5
A guide to migrating from Workbox v4 to v5.
- Workbox
The Chromium Chronicle #9: ClusterFuzz
You may find you are asked to fix high-priority security bugs discovered by ClusterFuzz. What is it? Should you take those bugs seriously? How can you help?
- Chrome
Indexing your offline-capable pages with the Content Indexing API
Your PWA might cache articles and media files, but how will your users know that your pages work while offline? The Content Indexing API is one answer to this question. Once the index is populated with content from your PWA, as well as any other installed PWAs, it will show up in dedicated areas of supported browsers.
- Workbox
New in Chrome 79
Chrome 79 is rolling out now! Installed Progressive Web Apps on Android get support for maskable icons. You can now create immersive experiences with the WebXR Device API. Origin trials start for the Wake Lock API, and the rendersubtree attribute. And all of the videos from Chrome Dev Summit 2019 are now online. Let's dive in and see what's new for developers in Chrome 79!
- Chrome
Improved WebAssembly debugging in Chrome DevTools
Step over code, set breakpoints, and resolve stack traces in your source languages from within DevTools.
- Chrome
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 80)
Support for let and class redeclarations in the Console, improved WebAssembly debugging, and more.
- Chrome
The Chromium Chronicle #8: GWP-ASan: Detect bugs in the wild
GWP-ASan is a heap-only memory error detector designed to be used in the wild. It detects use-after-frees, buffer overflows/underflows, and double frees. Unlike ASan, it does not detect errors on the stack or in globals.
- Chrome
Get started with Web Bundles
Web Bundles enable you to share websites as a single file over Bluetooth and run them offline in your origin's context.
- Workbox
Richer offline experiences with the Periodic Background Sync API
Periodic Background Sync enables web applications to periodically synchronize data in the background, bringing web apps closer to the behavior of an iOS/Android/desktop app.
- Workbox
Receiving shared data with the Web Share Target API
On a mobile or desktop device, sharing should be as simple as clicking the Share button, choosing an app, then choosing who to share with. The Web Share Target API allows installed web apps to register with the underlying operating system to receive shared content.
- Workbox
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 79
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 79 to help you plan.
- Chrome
The Chromium Chronicle #7: Preprocessing Source
Compiling a single Chromium source file by hand can help developers experiment with compiler optimization options, understand subtle macro details, or minimize a compiler bug. This month, we take a look at how to preprocess source.
- Chrome
Notification Triggers API
The Notification Triggers API allows developers to schedule local notifications that don't require a network connection, which makes them ideal for use cases like calendar apps.
- Workbox
New in Chrome 78
Chrome 78 is rolling out now! You can now provide "types" for CSS variables. You get fresher service workers because byte-for-byte checks are now performed for scripts imported by importScripts(). And I've got details for two new origin trials that provide some neat new functionality including the Native File System and the SMS Receiver. Plus the Chrome DevSummit is happening November 11-12, 2019. Let's dive in and see what's new for developers in Chrome 78!
- Chrome
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 79)
Debug why cookies were blocked, simulate prefers-color-scheme: dark, code coverage updates, and more.
- Chrome
Total Blocking Time
Learn about Lighthouse's Total Blocking Time metric and how to measure and optimize it.
- Workbox
Verify phone numbers on the web with the WebOTP API
Finding, memorizing, and typing OTPs sent via SMS is cumbersome. The WebOTP API simplifies the OTP workflow for users.
- Workbox
The Chromium Chronicle #6: Monorail's Grid View
Chrome's issue tracker, Monorail, offers a grid view that allows you to visualize your issues in a Kanban style board. This episode explains how to use the grid mode.
- Chrome
Lighthouse accessibility score
Learn how Lighthouse generates the accessibility score for your page.
- Workbox
Lighthouse performance scoring
Learn how Lighthouse generates the overall Performance score for your page.
- Workbox
Fresher service workers, by default
HTTP requests that check for updates to the service worker script will no longer be fulfilled by the HTTP cache by default, and imported scripts can trigger the service worker update flow.
- Chrome
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 78
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 78 to help you plan.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 77
Chrome 77 is rolling out now! There's a better way to track the performance of your site with Largest Contentful Paint. Forms get some new capabilities. Native lazy loading is here. The Chrome DevSummit is happening November 11-12, 2019. And plenty more. Let's dive in and see what's new for developers in Chrome 77!
- Chrome
Debug background services
View reports and debug background services, such as background fetch, background sync, notifications, push messages, and more.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 78)
Lighthouse 5.2 in the Audits panel, and Largest Contentful Paint in the Performance panel.
- Chrome
Get started with GPU Compute on the web
This post explores the experimental WebGPU API through examples and helps you get started with performing data-parallel computations using the GPU.
- Workbox
- WebGpu
Quick Start Guide
A guide to get started building a basic, bare-bones Trusted Web Activity.
- Workbox
The Chromium Chronicle #5: Coding Outside the Sandbox
All code has bugs. The Chrome Browser process has no sandbox, meaning those bugs could give malcious code full access to the whole device. This episode explains the dos and don'ts of coding without a sandbox.
- Chrome
Know your code health with the ReportingObserver API
ReportingObserver lets you know when your site uses a deprecated API or runs into a browser intervention. The basic functionality originally landed in Chrome 69. As of Chrome 84, it can be used in workers. It's pretty simple.
- Workbox
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 77
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 77 to help you plan.
- Chrome
A contact picker for the web
Access to the user's contacts has been a feature of iOS/Android apps since (almost) the dawn of time. The Contact Picker API is an on-demand API that allows users to select an entry or entries from their contact list and share limited details of the selected contact(s) with a website. It allows users to share only what they want, when they want, and makes it easier for users to reach and connect with their friends and family.
- Workbox
The Chromium Chronicle #4: Test your Web Platform Features with WPT
Web Platform tests (WPT) are the preferred way to test web-exposed features, as they are shared with other browsers via GitHub. This month, we take a look at WPT best practices.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 76
Chrome 76 is rolling out now! It adds support for the prefers-color-scheme media query, bringing dark mode to websites. An install button in the omnibox to make installation of Progressive Web Apps on desktop easier. A way to prevent the mini-infobar from appearing on mobile. Increases the frequency with which WebAPKs are updated. And plenty more. Let's dive in and see what's new for developers in Chrome 76!
- Chrome
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 77)
Copy element styles, visualize layout shifting, and more.
- Chrome
Media updates in Chrome 75
Predicting whether playback will be smooth and power efficient for encrypted media and support of the video element's "playsInline" attribute hint.
- Chrome
Web Components update - more time to upgrade to v1 APIs
Web Components v0 users have more time to upgrade to v1; but be sure and test.
- Chrome
The Chromium Chronicle #3: Code Coverage in Gerrit
Tests are critical because they find bugs and regressions, enforce better designs and make code easier to maintain. This month, we take a look at how to conduct thorough tests with Gerrit.
- Chrome
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 76
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 76 to help you plan.
- Chrome
Updating WebAPKs More Frequently
Starting in Chrome 76, WebAPKs will be updated more frequently.
- Chrome
A new layout engine for Chromium
- Chrome
New in Chrome 75
Chrome 75 is rolling out now. There's a new way to reduce latency on canvas elements. Web apps can now share files to other installed apps using the system level share sheet. All of talks from Google I/O are on our YouTube channel. And plenty more. Let's dive in and see what's new for developers in Chrome 75!
- Chrome
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 76)
Autocomplete with CSS values, a new UI for network settings, and more.
- Chrome
The Chromium Chronicle #2: Fighting Test Flakiness
Flaky tests are a common problem in Chrome. They impact the productivity of other developers, and get disabled over time. This month, we take a look at how to fight test flakiness.
- Chrome
In Chrome 76 you can hide the Add to Home screen mini-infobar
Adding more control to the mini-infobar for PWAs in Chrome 76.
- Chrome
Augmented reality with model-viewer
In February, we introduced the model-viewer web component which let you declaratively add a 3D model to a web page. Now we're announcing support for AR on Android with the addition of the ar attribute.
- Chrome
Paint Holding - reducing the flash of white on same-origin navigations
A quick overview of paint holding. A Chrome feature for reducing the flash of white on same-origin navigations
- Chrome
Avoid multiple page redirects
Learn why page redirects slow down your web page's load speed and how to avoid them.
- Workbox
Avoid chaining critical requests
Learn what critical request chains are, how they affect web page performance, and how you can reduce the effect.
- Workbox
First Contentful Paint
Learn about Lighthouse's First Contentful Paint metric and how to measure and optimize it.
- Workbox
The user's focus is directed to new content added to the page
Learn how to make changes in your web app's state understandable to assistive technology users by moving focus to newly added content.
- Workbox
Reduce server response times
Learn about the server-response-time audit.
- Workbox
Max Potential First Input Delay
Learn about Lighthouse's deprecated Max Potential First Input Delay metric and how to measure and optimize it.
- Workbox
HTML5 landmark elements are used to improve navigation
Learn how to improve the accessibility of your web page by providing landmarks that keyboard users can use to navigate.
- Workbox
Custom controls have ARIA roles
Learn how to improve accessibility by adding ARIA to custom controls, so assistive technologies can interpret.
- Workbox
Time to Interactive
Learn about Lighthouse's Time to Interactive metric and how to measure and optimize it.
- Workbox
Requests the geolocation permission on page load
Learn how to responsibly request geolocation permission in a way that provides good user experience.
- Workbox
Preconnect to required origins
Learn about the uses-rel-preconnect audit.
- Workbox
Detected JavaScript libraries
Learn about Lighthouse's diagnostic "Detected JavaScript libraries" audit.
- Workbox
Uses Application Cache
Learn how to migrate your web page from the deprecated Application Cache to the Cache API.
- Workbox
Tap targets are not sized appropriately
Learn about the "Tap targets are not sized appropriately" Lighthouse audit.
- Workbox
Minify JavaScript
Learn about the unminified-javascript audit.
- Workbox
Remove unused CSS
Learn about the unused-css-rules audit.
- Workbox
Browser errors were logged to the console
Learn how to identify and fix browser errors.
- Workbox
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 75
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 75 to help you plan.
- Chrome
Use passive listeners to improve scrolling performance
Learn how to improve your page's scrolling responsiveness by avoiding passive event listeners.
- Workbox
Uses document.write()
Learn how to speed up your page's load time by avoiding document.write().
- Workbox
Links to cross-origin destinations are unsafe
Learn how to safely link to resources on another host.
- Workbox
Visual order on the page follows DOM order
Learn about visual-order-follows-dom audit.
- Workbox
Low-latency rendering with the desynchronized hint
Stylus-based drawing applications built for the web suffer from latency issues because a web page has to synchronize graphics updates with the DOM. The desynchronized hint for contexts bypasses the DOM to eliminate the latency.
- Chrome
Links do not have descriptive text
Learn about the "Links do not have descriptive text" Lighthouse audit.
- Workbox
Does not use HTTP/2 for all of its resources
Learn why HTTP/2 is important for your page's load time and how to enable HTTP/2 on your server.
- Workbox
Document doesn't use legible font sizes
Learn about the "Document doesn't use legible font sizes" Lighthouse audit.
- Workbox
The page has a logical tab order
Learn how to make it easier for keyboard users to navigate your web page by placing tab stops in a logical order.
- Workbox
Document doesn't have a valid hreflang
Learn about the "Document doesn't have a valid hreflang" Lighthouse audit.
- Workbox
Requests the notification permission on page load
Learn how to responsibly request notification permission in a way that provides good user experience.
- Workbox
robots.txt is not valid
Learn about the "robots.txt is not valid" Lighthouse audit.
- Workbox
Avoid enormous network payloads
Learn how to improve your web page's load time by reducing the total file size of resources you serve to your users.
- Workbox
Includes front-end JavaScript libraries with known security vulnerabilities
Learn how to make your page more secure by replacing JavaScript libraries that have known vulnerabilities.
- Workbox
Speed Index
Learn about Lighthouse's Speed Index metric and how to optimize it.
- Workbox
Document does not have a meta description
Learn about the "Document does not have a meta description" Lighthouse audit.
- Workbox
Page lacks the HTML doctype, thus triggering quirks mode
Learn how to make sure your page doesn't trigger quirks mode in older browsers.
- Workbox
Estimated Input Latency
Learn about Lighthouse's Estimated Input Latency metric and how to measure and optimize it.
- Workbox
First CPU Idle
Learn about Lighthouse's deprecated First CPU Idle metric and how to optimize it.
- Workbox
Interactive controls are keyboard focusable
Learn how to make custom controls on your web page focusable so keyboard users can access them.
- Workbox
Minify CSS
Learn about the unminified-css audit.
- Workbox
Serve images in modern formats
Learn about the uses-webp-images audit.
- Workbox
Structured data is valid
Learn about the "Structured data is valid" Lighthouse audit.
- Workbox
Use video formats for animated content
Learn about the efficient-animated-content audit.
- Workbox
Reduce the impact of third-party code
Learn how third-party code, like advertising networks and analytics services, affects page load performance, and how you can optimize third-party code.
- Workbox
Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy
Learn how caching your web page's static resources can improve performance and reliability for repeat visitors.
- Workbox
Page has unsuccessful HTTP status code
Learn about the "Page has unsuccessful HTTP status code" Lighthouse audit.
- Workbox
Keep request counts low and transfer sizes small
Learn how high resource counts and large transfer sizes affect load performance. Get strategies for reducing request counts and transfer sizes.
- Workbox
Offscreen content is hidden from assistive technology
Learn how to improve accessibility for assistive technology users by hiding off-screen content from assistive technologies.
- Workbox
Interactive elements indicate their purpose and state
Learn how to improve the accessibility of custom controls on your web page by making their purpose and states clear to all users.
- Workbox
Document does not have a valid rel=canonical
Learn about the "Document does not have a valid rel=canonical" Lighthouse audit.
- Workbox
Displays images with incorrect aspect ratio
Learn how to display responsive images with the correct aspect ratio.
- Workbox
Enable text compression
Learn about how enabling text compression can improve your page load performance.
- Workbox
Preload key requests
Learn about the uses-rel-preload audit.
- Workbox
Page is blocked from indexing
Learn about the "Page is blocked from indexing" Lighthouse audit.
- Workbox
First Meaningful Paint
Learn about Lighthouse's deprecated First Meaningful Paint metric and how to measure and optimize it.
- Workbox
Document uses plugins
Learn about the "Document uses plugins" Lighthouse audit.
- Workbox
User focus is not accidentally trapped in a region
Learn how to improve accessibility for keyboard users by preventing focus from being trapped in a region of the page.
- Workbox
Custom controls have associated labels
Learn how to improve accessibility by making sure that all custom controls have labels that assistive technology users can access.
- Workbox
Eliminate render-blocking resources
Learn about the render-blocking-resources audit.
- Workbox
Minimize main thread work
Learn about the browser's main thread and how you can optimize your web page to reduce main thread load and improve performance.
- Workbox
Reduce JavaScript execution time
Learn how JavaScript execution can slow down your page performance and how you can speed it up.
- Workbox
Defer offscreen images
Learn about the offscreen-images audit.
- Workbox
Efficiently encode images
Learn about the uses-optimized-images audit.
- Workbox
User Timing marks and measures
Learn how the User Timing API can help you get real-world performance data for your web page.
- Workbox
Properly size images
Learn about the uses-responsive-images audit.
- Workbox
Uses deprecated APIs
Learn how to remove and replace deprecated APIs from your web page.
- Workbox
Prevents users from pasting into input fields
Learn how to improve the user experience of your site's login screen by allowing users to paste into input fields.
- Workbox
New in Chrome 74
Just in time for Google I/O, Chrome 74 is landing now! It adds support for private class fields; allows you to detect when the user has requested a reduced motion experience; adds support for CSS transition events, and plenty more. Let's dive in and see what's new for developers in Chrome 74!
- Chrome
Log messages in the Console
Learn how to log messages to the Console.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Console features reference
A comprehensive reference on every feature and behavior related to the Console UI in Chrome DevTools.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Watch JavaScript values in real time with Live Expressions
If you find yourself typing the same JavaScript expressions into the Console repeatedly, try Live Expressions instead.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 75)
Meaningful autocomplete preset values, clear site data from the Command Menu, and more.
- Chrome
The Chromium Chronicle #1: Task Scheduling Best Practices
The Chrome team is proud to introduce the Chromium Chronicle, a monthly series geared specifically to Chromium developers - the developers who build the browser. This month, we take a look at task scheduling best practices.
- Chrome
View cache data
How to view cache data from the Application panel of Chrome DevTools.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
View Web SQL data
How to view Web SQL data from the Application panel of Chrome DevTools.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Deprecated: View Application Cache Data With Chrome DevTools
How to view Application Cache data from the Application panel of Chrome DevTools.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
The currently selected DOM node
Learn the quick console shortcut to get the currently selected DOM node.
- Chrome
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 74
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 74 to help you plan.
- Chrome
View and change IndexedDB data
How to view and change IndexedDB data with the Application panel and Snippets.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
View and edit session storage
How to view and edit `sessionStorage` with the Session Storage pane and the Console.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
View and edit local storage
How to view and edit `localStorage` with the Local Storage pane and the Console.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
New in Chrome 73
Chrome 73 makes creating portable content easier with signed HTTP exchanges. Dynamically changing styles becomes way easier with constructable style sheets. And adds support for Progressive Web Apps on Mac, bringing support for PWAs to all desktop and mobile platforms, making it easy to create installable apps, delivered through the web. Let's dive in and see what's new for developers in Chrome 73!
- Chrome
KV Storage - the Web's First Built-in Module
An introduction to the new KV Storage API, built-in modules, and import maps.
- Chrome
Navigate Chrome DevTools with assistive technology
A guide on navigating Chrome DevTools using assistive technology like screen readers.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 74)
Highlight nodes affected by a CSS property, Lighthouse v4, WebSocket binary message viewer, and more.
- Chrome
Get started with viewing and changing the DOM
How to view nodes, search for nodes, edit nodes, reference nodes in the Console, break on node changes, and more.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Web Dev Ecosystem team - February wrap up
February wrap up which we look back what's been happening in Web Developer Ecosystem team.
- Chrome
Migrate from Workbox v3 to v4
A guide to migrating from Workbox v3 to v4.
- Workbox
A module that helps with registering a service worker, managing updates, and responding to lifecycle events.
- Workbox
Replacing a hot path in your app's JavaScript with WebAssembly
One key benefit that WebAssembly offers is _predictable_ performance across browsers. But how do you turn hot path written in JavaScript into WebAssembly?
- Chrome
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 73
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 73 to help you plan.
- Chrome
Making wheel scrolling fast by default
Scrolling responsiveness is critical to the user's engagement with a website on mobile, yet wheel event listeners often cause serious scrolling performance problems. Learn how we are helping users and developers to be fast by default.
- Chrome
Better match results with String.prototype.matchAll()
Chrome 73 introduces the String.prototype.matchAll() method. It behaves similarly to match(), but offers a simple way to iterate over matches, especially when you need access to capture groups.
- Chrome
Media updates in Chrome 73
Hardware media keys support, HDCP policy check, Picture-in-Picture origin trials, and more.
- Chrome
Lightning-fast templates and Web Components - lit-html & LitElement
lit-html and LitElement bring fast, lightweight templates and interoperable components to the modern web.
- Chrome
Disable JavaScript
Open the Command Menu and run the Disable JavaScript command.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
RTCQuicTransport Coming to an Origin Trial Near You (Chrome 73)
The RTCQuicTransport is a new web platform API that allows exchanging arbitrary data with remote peers using the QUIC protocol.
- Chrome
Prototyping Stack Packs for Lighthouse
Instead of only surfacing generalized advice, Stack Packs will extend Lighthouse to include additional messages for specific tools.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 72
In Chrome 72, creating public class fields in JavaScript is now much cleaner, you can see if a page has been activated with the new User Activation API, localizing lists becomes way easier, and there's plenty more. Let's dive in and see what's new for developers in Chrome 72!
- Chrome
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 73)
Logpoints, detailed tooltips in Inspect Mode, and much more.
- Chrome
Making user activation consistent across APIs
In version 72, Chrome ships User Activation v2 which makes user activation availability complete for all activation-gated APIs, resolving many user activation inconsistencies.
- Chrome
The Shape Detection API: a picture is worth a thousand words, faces, and barcodes
The Shape Detection API detects faces, barcodes, and text in images.
- Workbox
Building a device for WebUSB
Build a device to take full advantage of the WebUSB API. This article explains how to build a device to take full advantage of the WebUSB API. For a brief introduction to the API itself, see Access USB Devices on the Web. The Universal Serial Bus
- Workbox
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 72
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 72 to help you plan.
- Chrome
Stay awake with the Screen Wake Lock API
To avoid draining the battery, most devices will quickly fall asleep when left idle. While this is fine most of the time, there are some applications that need to keep the screen awake in order to complete some work. The Screen Wake Lock API provides a way to prevent the device from dimming or locking the screen when an application needs to keep running.
- Workbox
Track element focus
Open the Console, create a Live Expression, and set the expression to document.activeElement.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Open Chrome DevTools
All of the ways that you can open Chrome DevTools.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Badging for app icons
The App Badging API allows installed web apps to set an application-wide badge, shown in an operating-system-specific place associated with the application, such as the shelf or home screen. Badging makes it easy to subtly notify the user that there is some new activity that might require their attention, or it can be used to indicate a small amount of information, such as an unread count.
- Workbox
New in Chrome 71
Chrome 71 makes displaying relative time values easier with the new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat() API. You can specify which side of the text the underline should appear on for text that flows vertically. And using the speech synthesis API now requires user activation before your computer starts talking to you! Let's dive in and see what's new for developers in Chrome 71!
- Chrome
Introducing Background Fetch
Background fetch lets you handle large downloads, even if the browser closes.
- Chrome
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 72)
Visualize performance metrics, highlight text nodes, copy the JS path to a DOM node, and Audits panel updates.
- Chrome
Web Audio, Autoplay Policy and Games
In September 2017 we announced an upcoming change to how audio would be handled with autoplay behavior policy in Chrome. The policy change was released with Chrome 66 Stable in May 2018. After feedback from the Web Audio development community we
- Chrome
Unlocking new capabilities for the web
Web apps should be able to do anything native apps can. Through Project Fugu, we want to make it possible to build and deliver any kind of app on the open web.
- Chrome
New capabilities status
Web apps should be able to do anything platform-specific apps can. Discover the status of new capabilities for web apps.
- Workbox
Signed HTTP Exchanges
Signed Exchanges allow websites to sign web content in the way that the content can be safely redistributed and verified where it was originally from.
- Chrome
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 71
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 71 to help you plan.
- Chrome
Watch video using Picture-in-Picture
Control Picture-in-Picture for video elements on your website.
- Chrome
Audio/Video Updates in Chrome 70
A round up of the audio/video updates in Chrome 70 - Cross-codec and cross-bytestream buffering and playback, Opus in MP4 with MSE, and protected content playback allowed by default on Android.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 70
Chrome 70 adds support for Desktop Progressive Web Apps on Windows and Linux, support for Public Key Credentials to the Credential Management API, allows you to provide a name to dedicated workers and plenty more. Let's dive in and see what's new for developers in Chrome 70!
- Chrome
Tweaks to cache.addAll() and importScripts() coming in Chrome 71
Some small changes are coming to cache.addAll() and importScripts and in Chrome 71.
- Chrome
Chrome 69 Paint Timing Issues
Chrome 69 includes an incorrect change to our paint-timing metrics, which was intended to capture more of the rendering pipeline, but resulted in some inaccurate timestamps.
- Chrome
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 71)
Highlight DOM nodes from Live expressions, store nodes as global variables, and more.
- Chrome
Houdini's Animation Worklet
Animation Worklet allows you to write imperative animations that run at the device's native frame rate for that extra buttery jank-free smoothness™, make your animations more resilient against main thread jank and are linkable to scroll instead of time.
- Chrome
User controls for host permissions: transition guide
Guidelines for updating your Extensions to handle the runtime host permission changes starting in Chrome 70.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Inside look at modern web browser (part 4)
Input event handling with the compositor thread
- Chrome
Inside look at modern web browser (part 3)
Inner workings of a browser rendering engine
- Chrome
Media updates in Chrome 70
Cross-codec and cross-bytestream buffering and playback, Opus in MP4 with MSE, and protected content playback allowed by default on Android.
- Chrome
Deprecations and Removals in Chrome 70
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 68 to help you plan.
- Chrome
Inside look at modern web browser (part 2)
Learn how browser handles navigation request.
- Chrome
Asynchronous Access to HTTP Cookies
The Cookie Store API offers asynchronous access to HTTP cookies, and opens up the cookie jar to service workers.
- Chrome
Inside look at modern web browser (part 1)
Learn how browser turn your code into functional website from high-level architecture to the specifics of the rendering pipeline.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 69
It's been ten years since Chrome was first released. A lot has changed since then, but our goal of building a solid foundation for modern web applications hasn't! In Chrome 69 there's support CSS Scroll Snapping, support for notches, web locks, and a few cool new CSS4 features. Let's dive in and see what's new for developers in Chrome 69!
- Chrome
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 70)
Live Expressions in the Console, highlight DOM nodes during Eager Evaluation, and more.
- Chrome
Media updates in Chrome 69
A round up of media updates in Chrome 69: AV1 and HDCP policy check.
- Chrome
ReportingObserver: know your code health
ReportingObserver gives developers insight into what their code is doing in the wild. ReportingObserver surfaces information on issues like deprecations and interventions, messages that were previously only available in the DevTools console.
- Chrome
Speed is now a landing page factor for Google Search and Ads
Speed is now a landing page factor for Google Search and Ads.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 68
Chrome 68 brings changes to the Add to Home Screen behavior on Android, giving you more control. The page lifecycle API tells you when your tab has been suspended or restored. And the Payment Handler API makes it possible for web-based payment apps to support the Payment Request experience. Let's dive in and see what's new for developers in Chrome 68!
- Chrome
Introducing NoState Prefetch
Chrome 63 shipped with NoState Prefetch. NoState Prefetch is a mechanism for fetching resources in advance that uses less memory than the deprecated prerendering process.
- Chrome
PWACompat - the Web App Manifest for all browsers
Use the PWACompat library to bring your Web App Manifest to all browsers.
- Chrome
Enable navigation preload, to get a network response for navigation requests faster.
- Workbox
Site Isolation for web developers
Chrome 67 on desktop has a new feature called Site Isolation\* enabled by default. This article explains what Site Isolation is all about, why it’s necessary, and why web developers should be aware of it.
- Chrome
Experimenting with First Input Delay in the Chrome UX Report
Announcing the addition of the First Input Delay (FID) experimental metric to the Chrome User Experience Report.
- Chrome
Understanding storage quota
A guide on configuring Workbox to avoid storage quota issues.
- Workbox
Introduction to Feature Policy
Feature Policy allows developers to selectively enable, disable, and modify the behavior of certain APIs and features in the browser. It's like CSP, but for features! Shipped in Chrome 60.
- Chrome
More native echo cancellation
More native echo cancellation support
- Chrome
Audio worklet design pattern
Audio worklet design pattern
- Chrome
Augmented reality for the web
Augmented reality allows placement and tracking of virtual objects in a real-world view.
- Chrome
Chacmool: Augmented reality in Chrome Canary
Chacmool, an educational web demo, shows how easily web based AR can build an engaging experience.
- Chrome
Inline-installation deprecation migration FAQ
Frequently asked questions about the deprecation of inline installations for Chrome Extensions.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Supplying Images
Guidelines about the kinds of images you need to supply to the Chrome Web Store.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Branding Guidelines
Guidelines for use of Google trademarks.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Deprecations and Removals in Chrome 68
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 68 to help you plan.
- Chrome
Changes to add to home screen behavior
Starting in Chrome 68 on Android, the Add to Home Screen behavior is changing to give you more control over when and how to prompt the user. If your site meets the add to home screen criteria, Chrome will no longer automatically show the add to home screen banner. Instead, you'll need to call prompt() on the saved beforeinstallprompt event to show the add to home screen dialog prompt to your users.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 67
Chrome 67 brings Progressive Web Apps to the desktop. Adds support for the generic sensor API, which makes it way easier to get access to device sensors like the accelerometer, gyroscope and more. And adds support for BigInts making dealing with big integers way easier. Let's dive in and see what's new for developers in Chrome 67!
- Chrome
Beyond SPAs - alternative architectures for your PWA
Building a Progressive Web App doesn't mean building a single page app! Read about alternative architectures for content-focused PWAs, to help you make the right decision for your use case.
- Chrome
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 68)
Eager evaluation, argument hints, function autocompletion, Lighthouse 3.0, and more.
- Chrome
Enabling Strong Authentication with WebAuthn
Chrome 67 beta introduces the Web Authentication (WebAuthn) API, which allows browsers to interact with and manage public-key based credentials. This enables strong authentication using removable security keys and built-in platform authenticators such as fingerprint scanners.
- Workbox
Lighthouse v3 Migration Guide
How to migrate from Lighthouse v2 to v3.
- Workbox
Using Lighthouse to improve page load performance
New perf audits for preload, preconnect, GIFs, and more.
- Chrome
Announcing Lighthouse 3.0
Faster audits, less variance, a new report UI, new audits, and more.
- Chrome
Deprecations and Removals in Chrome 67
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 67 to help you plan. In this version, deprecation of public key pinning, removal of AppCache on unsecure contexts, and more prefix removals.
- Chrome
Migrate to event-driven background scripts
How to migrate a persistent background script to an event-based, non-persistent model to improve the performance of your Chrome Extension.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Run JavaScript in the Console
Learn how to run JavaScript in the Console.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
New in Chrome 66
Chrome 66 makes CSS manipulation easier with the new CSS Typed Model Object, access to the clipboard is now asynchronous, there's a new rendering context for canvas elements, and a better way to process Audio using JavaScript. Let's dive in and see what's new for developers in Chrome 66!
- Chrome
Reach peak performance
Guidelines on how to build a high-performance Chrome Extension.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 67)
Search across network headers, copy requests as fetch, audit pages using desktop conditions, and much more.
- Chrome
Edit and save files in a workspace
Learn how to save changes made within DevTools to your source files.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Present web pages to secondary attached displays
Chrome 66 allows web pages to use a secondary attached display through the Presentation API and to control its contents through the Presentation Receiver API.
- Chrome
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 66
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 66 to help you plan. In this version, improved service worker security, changes to CSS position values, and more.
- Chrome
Working with the new CSS Typed Object Model
CSS Typed Object Model (Typed OM) brings types, methods, and a flexible object model to working with CSS values. Shipped in Chrome 66.
- Workbox
macOS native echo cancellation
Using the native macOS echo canceller in Chrome
- Chrome
SmooshGate FAQ
What can SmooshGate teach us about standards development and the Web Platform? This write-up gives an overview.
- Chrome
Protect user privacy
Guidelines for ensuring that your Chrome Extension protects user privacy.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Protect user privacy
Guidelines for ensuring that your Chrome Extension protects user privacy.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Design the user interface
UI and design guidelines for Chrome Extensions.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Migrate from Workbox v2 to v3
A guide to migrating from Workbox v2 to v3.
- Workbox
New in Chrome 65
Chrome 65 adds support for the new CSS Paint API, which allows you to programmatically generate an image. You can use the Server Timing API to provide server performance timing information via HTTP headers, and the new CSS display: contents property can make boxes disappear! Let's dive in and see what's new for developers in Chrome 65!
- Chrome
Stay secure
How to keep your Chrome Extension secure.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Stay secure
How to keep your Chrome Extension secure.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 66)
Ignore script in the Network panel, auto-adjust zooming in Device Mode, and more.
- Chrome
Lighthouse 2.8 Updates
New perf and SEO audits, perf as the first section in reports, and more.
- Chrome
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 65
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 65 to help you plan. In this version, a reminder about Symantec certificates, cross-origin downloads are blocked, and document.all is now read only.
- Chrome
Implications for Web Developers and Chrome’s mitigations.
- Chrome
A module that can generate a service worker, inject a precache manifest into existing code, or create a precache manifest.
- Workbox
Migrate from sw-precache or sw-toolbox
A guide to migrating from sw-precache or sw-toolbox to Workbox.
- Workbox
Chrome User Experience Report - New country dimension
Announcing the release of a new country dimension in the Chrome User Experience Report.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 64
Chrome 64 adds support for ResizeObservers, which will notify you when an element's content rectangle has changed its size. Modules can now access to host specific metadata with import.metadata The pop-up blocker gets strong and plenty more. Let's dive in and see what's new for developers in Chrome 64!
- Chrome
Houdini’s CSS Paint API allows you to programmatically draw CSS images.
- Chrome
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 65)
Local Overrides, accessibility tools, performance and SEO audits, and more.
- Chrome
Headless Chrome: an answer to server-side rendering JavaScript sites
Headless Chrome is a drop-in solution for turning dynamic JavaScript sites into static HTML pages.
- Workbox
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 64)
Performance Monitor, Console Sidebar, and Console groupings.
- Chrome
Disabling hardware noise suppression
Experimentally disabling hardware noise suppression in Chrome 64.
- Chrome
An update on better ads
An update on better ads.
- Chrome
Generate a service worker or inject a precache manifest, using the webpack build tool.
- Workbox
Deprecations and Removals in Chrome 64
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 64 to help you plan. In this version, performance API changes, removal of support for multiple shadow roots, and removal of a WebKit API.
- Chrome
Self-host for Linux
How to package, host, and update crx files from a personal server for Linux users.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Chrome User Experience Report - expanding to top 1 Million+ origins
Today, we’re announcing a new Chrome User Experience Report with expanded coverage of over 1 million top origins on the web.
- Chrome
Chrome 64 to deprecate the chrome.loadTimes() API
The non-standard chrome.loadTimes() API will be deprecated in Chrome 64 now that standards-based equivalents exist for all of its useful features.
- Chrome
Installing extensions on Linux
How to package, host, and update crx files from a personal server.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Audio Worklet is now available by default
Chrome 64 comes with a highly anticipated new feature in Web Audio API - Audio Worklet
- Chrome
Lighthouse 2.6 Updates
New performance audits, a rehaul of the accessibility score, report UX improvements, and bug fixes.
- Chrome
Media updates in Chrome 63/64
Predictable media playback, HDR on Windows 10, offline playback with persistent licenses, and more are waiting for you in Chrome 64.
- Chrome
The Device Memory API
The Device Memory API allows developers to serve different resources to users based on their device's memory capabilities.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 63
Chrome 63 allows you to import JavaScript modules dynamically. My favorite interview coding question becomes a piece of cake with async iterators and generators. And you can override the browser's default overflow scroll behavior with the CSS overscroll-behavior property.
- Chrome
Send messages to pages when a cache is updated with a new response.
- Workbox
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 63)
Multi-client remote debugging, push notifications with custom data, and Workspaces 2.0.
- Chrome
Use background sync to reliably make a network request even if the user is offline.
- Workbox
Routes requests in your service worker to specific caching strategies or callback functions.
- Workbox
Support for replaying offline Google Analytics interactions.
- Workbox
Provides a way to load the Workbox runtime without a build step.
- Workbox
A set of runtime caching strategies that will handle responding to a request, normally used with `workbox-routing`.
- Workbox
Generate a service worker, inject a precache manifest, or create a local copy the Workbox libraries from the command line.
- Workbox
This modules provides support for responding to a `Range:` request using a slice of previously cached data.
- Workbox
Alter log levels and change cache names. Contains shared code used by all Workbox libraries.
- Workbox
Easily precache a set of files and efficiently manage updates to files.
- Workbox
Restrict which requests are cached based on a response's status code or headers.
- Workbox
Removed cached requests based on the number of items in a cache or the age of the cached request.
- Workbox
Take control of your scroll - customizing pull-to-refresh and overflow effects
Introduction to the CSS overscroll-behavior property.
- Chrome
Removing ::shadow and /deep/ in Chrome 63
Say goodbye to shadow-piercing CSS selectors.
- Chrome
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 63
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 63 to help you plan. In this version, new behavior on interface properties, removal of a webkit function, and a change to RTCRtcpMuxPolicy.
- Chrome
Exceeding the buffering quota
There are several ways to deal with QuotaExceededError.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 62
Chrome 62 improves the network information API with network quality indicators, support for OpenType Variable Fonts has landed and you can now capture and process media streams from HTMLMediaElements with the Media Capture from DOM elements API.
- Chrome
Lighthouse 2.5 updates
Five new audits, the chrome-launcher standalone Node module, and a new throttling guide.
- Chrome
Animating a blur
A few tricks are necessary to animate a blur efficiently.
- Chrome
WebVR changes in Chrome 62
Learn about what is changing in the WebVR API.
- Chrome
Abortable fetch
Aborting fetches using a new web primitive – The abort controller.
- Chrome
An event for CSS position:sticky
Using position - sticky and IntersectionObserver together to determine when elements become sticky. Apply scroll effects without scroll events!
- Workbox
Sensors for the web
Sensors are used in many applications to enable advanced features like games that take the orientation or the acceleration of the device they run on into account. The Generic Sensor API provides a generic interface for accessing such sensor data on the web.
- Workbox
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 62
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 62 to help you plan. In this version, security improvements, further webkit deprecations, and more.
- Chrome
Exploring a back/forward cache for Chrome
bfcache creates a cache allowing for instant navigations to previously-visited pages.
- Chrome
Autoplay policy in Chrome
Learn best practices for good user experiences with the new autoplay policies in Chrome.
- Chrome
Media updates in Chrome 62
Offline playback with persistent licenses and Widevine L1 on Android, video track optimizations, automatic video fullscreen when device is rotated, customizable seekable range on live MS streams, FLAC in MP4 with MSE are here!
- Chrome
Picture-in-Picture (PiP)
Let's discuss a Web API that would allow websites to create a floating video window over the desktop.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 61
Chrome 61 now supports JavaScript modules natively, unifying the way modular JavaScript can be written. You can now use navigator dot share to trigger the native Android share dialog. And the WebUSB API has landed, allowing web apps to access user permitted USB devices. And, there's plenty more.
- Chrome
Introducing visualViewport
The visual viewport API gives you details on how the user zooms and scrolls around your page.
- Chrome
Best Practices
How to create a high-quality extension and Chrome Web store listing.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 62)
Top-level await operators in the Console, new screenshot workflows, CSS Grid highlighting, and more.
- Chrome
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 61
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 61 to help you plan. In this version, security improvements, further webkit deprecations, and more.
- Chrome
Estimating Available Storage Space
navigator.storage.estimate() gives you insight into your web app's storage constraints.
- Chrome
Media updates in Chrome 61
Background video track optimizations and automatic video fullscreen when device is rotated are here!
- Chrome
Audio/Video Updates in Chrome 61
A round up of the audio and video updates in Chrome 61.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 60
With Chrome 60, you can now measure time to first paint and time to first contentful paint with the Paint Timings API. You can control how fonts are rendered with the font-display CSS property. WebAssembly has landed and there's plenty more!
- Chrome
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 61)
New features and changes coming to DevTools in Chrome 61.
- Chrome
Upcoming regular expression features
An overview of the exciting new features coming to JavaScript regular expressions, including named captures, the dotAll flag, Unicode property escapes, and lookbehind assertions.
- Chrome
Supercharged livestream blog - Code splitting
We implemented code splitting and route based chunking just like WebPack.
- Chrome
Aligned input events
Providing a smooth user experience is important for the web. Over the past few releases of Chrome we have driven down input latency across these devices.
- Chrome
DOMException - The play() request was interrupted
What is really happening with "DOMException - The play() request was interrupted"?
- Chrome
Automated testing with Headless Chrome
Automated testing with Headless Chrome
- Chrome
Latest updates to the credential management API
Latest updates to the credential management API
- Chrome
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 60
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 60 to help you plan. In this version, security improvements, further webkit deprecations, and more.
- Chrome
Introduction to the Budget API
The Budget API allows developers to perform background actions without notifying users, enabling use cases like silent push.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 59
With Chrome 59, you can run Chrome in an automated environment without a user interface or peripherals; notifications on macOS are shown directly by the native macOS notification system; you can now capture full resolution photos with the image capture API, and there's plenty more!
- Chrome
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 60)
New features and changes coming to DevTools in Chrome 60.
- Chrome
Deprecations and Removals in Chrome 59
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 59 to help you plan.
- Chrome
Getting Started with Headless Chrome
Getting started with Headless Chrome
- Chrome
Moving to the native notification system on macOS
As of Chrome 59, notifications will be displayed native notifications on macOS.
- Chrome
New in Chrome 58
With Chrome 58, Progressive Web Apps are more immersive with display: fullscreen. IndexedDB 2.0 is now supported and sandboxed iFrames get more options. Pete LePage has all the details and how you can use these new developer features in Chrome 58.
- Chrome
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 59)
New features and changes coming to DevTools in Chrome 59.
- Chrome
Chromium policy on JavaScript dialogs
Synchronous, app-modal JavaScript dialogs are commonly (and unfortunately) used to harm users. Because of this, the Chromium team highly recommends that you not use JavaScript dialogs.
- Chrome
Building performant expand & collapse animations
When making expand and collapse effects you can use scale transforms to keep your UI performant.
- Chrome
CSS Deep-Dive - matrix3d() for a frame-perfect custom scrollbar
Custom transform matrices allow you to build frame-perfect custom scrollbars.
- Workbox
Media updates in Chrome 58
Media controls customization, autoplay for Progressive Web Apps added to the home screen, pause the autoplaying of muted video when invisible, and color-gamut media query are there!
- Chrome
We'll cross the (media) streams, Ray
Today, when using Media Source Extensions (MSE) in Chrome, it's not possible to switch between encrypted and clear streams. Starting in Chrome 58, all this changes.
- Chrome
Deprecations and Removals in Chrome 58
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 58 to help you plan.
- Chrome
Audio/Video Updates in Chrome 58
A round up of the audio and video updates in Chrome 58.
- Chrome
Background tabs in chrome 57
Background tabs in chrome 57
- Chrome
New in Chrome 57
With Chrome 57, you can now use display: grid for grid based layouts, use the media session API to customize the lock screen and notifications with information about the media being played, and more. Pete LePage has all the details and how you can use these new developer features in Chrome 57!
- Chrome
What's new in DevTools (Chrome 58)
New features and changes coming to DevTools in Chrome 58.
- Chrome
Lighthouse January 2017 update
What's new in Lighthouse 1.5.
- Chrome
Customize media notifications and handle playlists
Customize web media notifications and respond to media related events with the new Media Session API.
- Chrome
Manifest - Action Handlers
Reference documentation for the action_handlers property of manifest.json.
- Workbox
API Deprecations and Removals in Chrome 57
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 57 to help you plan.
- Chrome
Changes in the payment request API
In Chrome 56 and 57, there are a few changes to the Payment Request API following the spec changes. Learn what they are and make changes to your own implementations.
- Chrome
CSS Grid – Table layout is back. Be there and be square
CSS Grid is a new layout system for the web.
- Workbox
New In Chrome 56
With Chrome 56, web apps can now communicate with nearby Bluetooth Low Energy devices using the Web Bluetooth API. CSS position: sticky; is back - making it easy to create elements that scroll normally until sticking to the top of the viewport. And HTML5 by Default is enabled for all users.
- Chrome
Making touch scrolling fast by default
Scrolling responsiveness is critical to the user's engagement with a website on mobile, yet touch event listeners often cause serious scrolling performance problems. Learn how we are helping users and developers to be fast by default.
- Chrome
JavaScript debugging reference
Discover new debugging workflows in this comprehensive reference of Chrome DevTools debugging features.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Building a better web with Lighthouse
What's new in Lighthouse. Redesign, new best practice audits, and an online report viewer.
- Chrome
URL bar resizing
Hiding the URL bar no longer resizes mobile pages.
- Chrome
Chrome DevTools - JavaScript CPU Profiling in Chrome 58
"Record JavaScript CPU Profile" has been changed in Chrome 58.
- Chrome
Chrome DevTools: JavaScript CPU Profiling in Chrome 58
Record JavaScript CPU Profile has been changed in Chrome 58.
- Chrome
API Deprecations and Removals in Chrome 56
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 56 to help you plan.
- Chrome
position:sticky is back in Chrome
position:sticky. It's back!
- Chrome
Take photos and control camera settings
Image Capture is an API to control camera settings and take photos.
- Chrome
Performant Parallaxing
With a little mathematical wriggling, it's possible to have parallax effects that play nicely with browser architectures!
- Chrome
New In Chrome 55
With Chrome 55, you can write promise-based code as if it were synchronous, using async and await. PointerEvents provide a unified way of handling all input events. And persistent storage graduates from it's origin trial.
- Chrome
Get Ready for the Chrome Dev Summit 2016
Chrome Dev Summit 2016 is coming Thursday, Nov 10th and 11th.
- Chrome
Avoiding the not secure warning in chrome
Chrome will soon mark non-secure pages containing password and credit card input fields as Not Secure in the URL bar.
- Chrome
DevTools Digest, October 2016
New Console features, updates on the context selector bug, and the new UC Browser user agent.
- Chrome
Manage hyphens with CSS
Chrome 55 implements the hyphens property to control when soft hyphens appear and how they behave.
- Workbox
API Deprecations and Removals in Chrome 55
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 56 to help you plan.
- Chrome
Pointing the way forward
Pointer events unify the pointer input model for the browser, bringing touch, pens, and mice together into a single set of events.
- Chrome
Once upon an event listener
addEventListener now supports a once option, making it easier to define events that clean up after themselves.
- Chrome
Touch action options
Touch actions allow a developer to define how a user can interact with an element and Chrome now has wider support for touch-action options in Chrome 55.
- Chrome
Capture a MediaStream from a canvas, video or audio element
The captureStream() method enables a MediaStream to be captured from a canvas, audio or video element, on Android and desktop.
- Chrome
auxclick is coming to Chrome 55
A new auxclick event will be fired for non-primary mouse button clicks.
- Chrome
New In Chrome 54
With Chrome 54, you can now create your own custom HTML tag with and make re-usable web components with Custom Elements v1; it's easier to send messages between open windows or tabs on the same origin with the BroadcastChannel API; media experience get better on Android and foreign fetch is now available as an origin trial.
- Chrome
Updates to developers.google.com/web
The new Web Fundamentals - better navigation, new content and more!
- Chrome
Introduction to Lighthouse
Learn how to set up Lighthouse to audit your web apps.
- Workbox
Re-rastering composited layers on scale change
will-change - transform means please animate it fast
- Chrome
API Deprecations and Removals in Chrome 54
An round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome to help you plan.
- Chrome
Cross-origin Service Workers - Experimenting with Foreign Fetch
Third-party services can start deploying their own network request handlers.
- Chrome
CacheQueryOptions Arrive in Chrome 54
The full set of CacheQueryOptions are supported, making it easier to find the cached responses you're looking for.
- Chrome
DevTools Digest, September 2016 - Perf Roundup
Perf tooling improvements in DevTools over the last few Chrome releases.
- Chrome
Options of a PushSubscription
You can now access the options used when subscribing a user to push.
- Chrome
BroadcastChannel API - A message bus for the web
BroadcastChannel API can be used for simple pub/sub between windows, tabs, iframes, or workers.
- Chrome
Intervening against document.write()
Chrome is blocking some scripts that are added using document.write()
- Chrome
Web Animations API hits cross-browser milestone
Firefox 48 joins Chrome in shipping a native implementation of the Web Animations API.
- Chrome
API Deprecations and Removals in Chrome 53
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome to help you plan.
- Chrome
DevTools Digest, August 2016
What happened to the Resources panel, new features, and community activity.
- Chrome
Web Push Interoperability Wins
Web push has had a few updates in recent versions of Chrome. GCM now supports the web push protocol and if you use VAPID you won't need to sign up for a Google Developer Project and you'll be given an FCM endpoint.
- Chrome
Muted Autoplay on Mobile - Say goodbye to canvas hacks and animated GIFs!
Muted autoplay for video is supported on Android from Chrome 53. Previously, a video element required a user gesture to initiate playback.
- Chrome
Debug Progressive Web Apps
Use the Application panel to inspect, modify, and debug web app manifests, service workers, and service worker caches.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Offline google analytics made easy
The sw-offline-google-analytics library gives you everything you need.
- Chrome
Complexities of an infinite scroller
Infinite scrollers are a common UI pattern. Here we explore how to implement this pattern in a memory conservative way that performs at 60fps.
- Chrome
Goodbye short sessions - A proposal for using service workers to improve cookie management on the web
Introducing a proof of concept design to persist sessions using the Service Worker.
- Chrome
Flexbox gets new behavior for absolute-positioned children
Flexbox gets new behavior for absolute-positioned children
- Chrome
Service worker caching, PlaybackRate and Blob URLs for audio and video on Chrome for Android
From version 52, Android Chrome uses the same media stack as desktop Chrome, rather than relying on the underlying platform implementation. This enables service worker media caching, variable playback rates, blob URLs on Android, MediaStream passing between APIs, and easier cross-platform debugging.
- Chrome
ECDSA for WebRTC - Better security, better privacy and better performance
From version 52, Chrome uses ECDSA by default — a much more efficient and secure algorithm for WebRTC certificate key generation. In addition, RTCCertificates can now be stored with IndexedDB.
- Chrome
API Deprecations and Removals in Chrome 52
An round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome to help you plan.
- Chrome
CSS containment in Chrome 52
The new CSS Containment property lets developers limit the scope of the browser’s styles, layout and paint work.
- Chrome
Performance observer - Efficient access to performance data
New in Chrome 52, the Performance Observer interface provides more efficient, event based access to performance timeline data.
- Chrome
DevTools Digest, September 2016 - DevTools in 2016 and Beyond
Big themes and trends for DevTools in 2016 and beyond.
- Chrome
Improving scroll performance with passive event listeners
New to Chrome 51, passive event listeners provide a major potential boost to scroll performance.
- Chrome
Stream Your Way to Immediate Responses
Start processing your service worker responses ASAP, thanks to ReadableStreams.
- Chrome
Trader FAQ: Chrome Web Store
Frequently asked questions about Chrome Web Store's user data policy.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Updated Privacy Policy & Secure Handling Requirements
Frequently asked questions about Chrome Web Store's user data policy.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
DevTools Digest - More power with the new command menu
Read about DevTools' new command menu and its over 60 actions that enable super fast workflows.
- Chrome
Geolocation API removed from unsecured origins in Chrome 50
Starting with version 50, Chrome no longer supports the HTML5 Geolocation API over non-secure connections.
- Chrome
API Deprecations and Removals in Chrome 51
An round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome to help you plan.
- Chrome
What’s new with KeyboardEvents? Keys and codes!
Two new attributes bring consistent keyboard event handling to the web.
- Chrome
Streamlining the sign-in flow using credential management API
To provide a sophisticated user experience, it's important to help users authenticate themselves to your website. But creating, remembering and typing passwords tends to be cumbersome for end users, especially on mobile
- Chrome
Experiment Time - Scroll Anchoring
Scroll anchoring stops a web page from moving once you've started reading the content.
- Chrome
Access USB Devices on the Web
The WebUSB API makes USB safer and easier to use by bringing it to the Web.
- Workbox
Get started with Google Chrome's built-in web developer tools.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Console API reference
Use the Console API to write messages to the Console.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
A New Device Mode for a Mobile-First Generation
Learn all about Chrome DevTools' new, refreshed Device Mode introduced in Chrome 49.
- Chrome
Creating a web-enabled IoT device with Intel Edison
Internet of Things is really on everyone's lips these days, but what if you could create an IoT device which you accessed from your web browser? In this article we look at how you can do exactly that using Physical Web, Web Bluetooth as well as Node.js, running on an Intel® Edison Arduino breakout board.
- Chrome
Chrome supports createImageBitmap() in Chrome 50
Support for image decoding in workers set to land in Chrome 50.
- Chrome
Web Animations improvements in Chrome 50
Better specification compliance and new features coming in Chrome 50.
- Chrome
Media Source API - Automatically ensure seamless playback of media segments in append order
The Media Source API enables JavaScript to construct media streams for playback. From Chrome 50, it's possible to use SourceBuffer sequence mode to ensure media segments are automatically relocated in the timeline in the order they were appended, without gaps between them.
- Chrome
Remove headaches from focus management
The 'sequential focus navigation starting point' feature defines where we start to search for focusable elements for sequential focus navigation ([Tab] or [Shift-Tab]) when there is no focused area. It's especially helpful for accessibility features like skip links and managing focus in the document.
- Chrome
Device Orientation Changes Are Coming to Chrome 50
DeviceOrientationEvent uses relative degrees, and there's a new DeviceOrientationAbsoluteEvent.
- Chrome
Canvas toBlob() support added in chrome 50
Support for canvas.toBlob set to land in Chrome 50.
- Chrome
API Deprecations and Removals in Chrome 50
An round up of the deprecations and API removals in Chrome to help you plan.
- Chrome
DOMTokenList Validation Added in Chrome 50
Check support for various features directly in code, coming in Chrome 50.
- Chrome
FormData methods for inspection and modification
In Chrome 50, you can now interact with your FormData instances before sending them on their journey.
- Chrome
Prioritizing Your Resources with link rel='preload'
Chrome 50 adds support for rel='preload', and deprecates rel='subresource'.
- Chrome
Web Notification Improvements in Chrome 50 - Icons, Close Events, Renotify Preferences and Timestamps
There are lots of great new features in Chrome 50 for Notifications, here is a rundown.
- Chrome
Web Push Payload Encryption
Web Push now supports payloads! Find out how to take advantage of this powerful new feature.
- Chrome
HTMLMediaElement.play() returns a promise
Say goodbye to automatic playback uncertainty! play() now returns a Promise.
- Chrome
Supercharged remote debugging, class roggles and our own late night show?
Learn all about the revamped “Inspect Devices” UI, toggle classes easily in the now-fixed style panel and watch the pilot of DevTools Tonight.
- Chrome
Watch variables in Sources
Chrome DevTools allows you to easily see multiple variables throughout your application.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
DevTools go dark, @keyframe editing and smarter autocomplete
Learn how DevTools makes you type less with smarter Console autocomplete, how to edit @keyframe rules directly in the Styles pane, how to have fun with CSS Custom Variables and how to join the dark side.
- Chrome
Web audio updates in Chrome 49
A round up of some of the latest editions to the Web Audio API in Chrome.
- Chrome
API Deprecations and Removals in Chrome 49
An round up of the deprecations and API removals in Chrome to help you plan.
- Chrome
Introducing ES2015 proxies
ES2015 Proxies (in Chrome 49 and later) provide JavaScript with an intercession API, enabling us to trap or intercept all of the operations on a target object and modify how this target operates.
- Chrome
Smooth scrolling in Chrome 49
Tired of jittery scrolling? Great, because Chrome 49 is shipping with a new smooth scroll right out of the box!
- Chrome
CSS Variables - Why should you care?
CSS variables, more accurately known as CSS custom properties, are landing in Chrome 49. They can be useful for reducing repetition in CSS, and also for powerful runtime effects like theme switching and potentially extending/polyfilling future CSS features.
- Workbox
Controlling Font Performance with font-display
The new font-display descriptor for @font-face lets developers decide how their web fonts will render (or fallback), depending on how long it takes for them to load.
- Chrome
Record audio and video with MediaRecorder
The MediaRecorder API enables you to record audio and video from a web app. It's available now in Firefox and in Chrome for Android and desktop.
- Chrome
VP9 is now available in WebRTC
From Chrome 48 on desktop and Android, VP9 will be an optional video codec for video calls using WebRTC.
- Chrome
Notification Actions in Chrome 48
Users can interact with your site without opening up the page by using Notification Action buttons
- Chrome
High resolution timestamps for events
Find out when events occur with microsecond precision, thanks to DOMHighResTimeStamp.
- Chrome
Easy URL manipulation with URLSearchParams
TURLSearchParams trivial access and manipulation of the URL's query string
- Chrome
Google Cast for Chrome on Android
Chrome on Android now allows mobile sites to present to Google Cast devices using the Presentation API and the Cast Web SDK.
- Chrome
Getting started with Progressive Web Apps
Learn how to get started building Progressive Web Apps
- Chrome
Security panel debuts in Chrome DevTools
Learn all about the new Security Panel in Chrome DevTools.
- Chrome
Introducing Background Sync
Background sync is a new web API that lets you defer actions until the user has stable connectivity. This is useful for ensuring that whatever the user wants to send, is actually sent.
- Chrome
Chrome 47 WebRTC: Media Recording, Secure Origins and Proxy Handling
Chrome 47 has several significant WebRTC enhancements and updates including audio and video recording, proxy handling and mandatory secure origins for getUserMedia().
- Chrome
DevTools Digest (CDS Edition): A Glimpse into the Future and RAIL Profiling
Learn how DevTools is going mobile first with a new, streamlined Device Mode that’s always on. Use the color buttons to quickly add colors to your selectors and find out what’s coming to DevTools soon.
- Chrome
Instant Loading Web Apps with an Application Shell Architecture
Application shell architecture is a method of building progressive web apps today, taking advantage of a range of technologies.
- Chrome
DevTools Digest - Efficient element edits, service worker debugging, and material design shades
Use the DOM panel’s new context menu to efficiently edit nodes. Debug services workers directly via the Resources panel. Choose from all of the Material Design shades in the colorpicker. Blackbox JS libraries more easily.
- Chrome
Web animations resources
Resources and more for the Web Animations API
- Workbox
Manage the triggering of touch to search
Understanding when and how Touch to Search is triggered
- Chrome
Notification requireInteraction - A Smoother Notification UX on Desktop
Notifications on desktop will be automatically dismissed after a short period of time.
- Chrome
Input device capabilities
A simpler method to rationalize your mouse and touch logic for when there is no PointerEvents
- Chrome
DevTools Digest - Tab Reordering, Console on 2 and Framework Event Listeners
Re-order DevTools tabs which ever way suits you best and see exactly where framework events were bound.
- Chrome
Run snippets of JavaScript
Snippets are small scripts that you can author and execute within the Sources panel of Chrome DevTools. You can access and run them from any page. When you run a snippet, it executes from the context of the currently open page.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Choose cameras, microphones and speakers from your web app
The MediaDevices interface gives access to input and output devices available to the browser including cameras, microphones and speakers.
- Chrome
The EME logger extension
EME Logger is a Chrome extension that logs Encrypted Media Extensions (EME) events and calls to the DevTools console.
- Chrome
Updates to the Service Worker Cache API
Chrome 46 brought new methods to caches, as does Chrome 47, and probably 48. It never stops.
- Chrome
History API - Scroll restoration
An update to the History API to prevent unsightly scroll jumping.
- Chrome
Rolling out public key pinning with HPKP reporting
Chrome 46 ships with a feature called HPKP reporting, which can help you roll out a stricter form of SSL for your site.
- Chrome
Tab Discarding in Chrome - A Memory-Saving Experiment
Reducing Chrome's memory footprint is one of the team's top priorities this year.
- Chrome
Using the web app manifest to specify a site wide theme color
Set a theme-color in the manifest and have it available to all pages on your site when launched from the home screen.
- Chrome
The larger-than advanced Network Panel filter, and a few others
Did you know that the filter in the Network panel supports a few nifty custom search labels?
- Chrome
Simple keyboard tricks to use in the Styles Pane
Learn how to effectively navigate the Styles Pane with a few useful keyboard tricks.
- Chrome
DevTools Digest - Aggregated Timeline Details, Color Palettes and more
Find out which third-party scripts cause perf issues with the Aggregated Details in Timeline, how to choose consistent colors with the new color palette and much more.
- Chrome
New Release of Material Design Lite - 1.0.4
There is a new release of Material Design Lite, bringing a host of bug fixes and improvements to the build process.
- Chrome
Using poster images on plugin content
Chrome can now add custom poster images to object elements to improve perceived loading performance of plugins such as Flash.
- Chrome
Using requestIdleCallback
requestIdleCallback is new performance API for scheduling work when the browser is idle.
- Chrome
Edit HTML in the Console Panel
The DOM node context menu, which you may recognize from the elements panel, is also present in the console panel.
- Chrome
Easily duplicate DOM nodes
You can easily change the DOM without having to edit the HTML as a giant string.
- Chrome
Five tricks to use in the Console Panel
Five tricks to use in the Console Panel
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
A new home for DevTools
We've moved into our shiny new home at developers.google.com/web/tools/chrome-devtools and have great new tutorials and tips for you.
- Chrome
Improved DOM breadcrumbs
Did you know the Elements Panel has a Breadcrumb trail?
- Chrome
Live-edit CSS in sources
Did you know you can live edit CSS in Sources and have it update the page in real-time?
- Chrome
DevTools Digest - Film strip and a new home for throttling
Discover the new film strip functionality and more in this first of many DevTools Digest updates.
- Chrome
MediaStream deprecations
The MediaStream API represents synchronized streams of audio or video. MediaStream.ended, MediaStream.label and MediaStream.stop() are being deprecated. Use MediaStream.active, MediaStreamTrack.label and MediaStreamTrack.stop() instead.
- Chrome
Add a new custom device as a preset
Do you frequently emulate devices of a certain dimension? In DevTools Device Mode, you can add new device presets.
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Communicating with Bluetooth devices over JavaScript
The Web Bluetooth API allows websites to communicate with Bluetooth devices.
- Workbox
Measuring Performance in a Service Worker
If you can't measure the performance of your requests in a service worker, how can you say it improves performance? Now you can answer that question with recent changes in Chrome.
- Chrome
Using rotationAngle and touchRadius
A small set of changes have landed in Chrome 45 that will make it easier for developers to build better touch based apps.
- Chrome
Media playback notifications for Chrome on Android
When audio or video is playing on a web page, a notification showing the page title and a play/pause button is displayed in the notification tray and on the lock screen. The notification can be used to pause/resume play or return to the page playing the media.
- Chrome
Inspect and trigger CSS media queries
The Device Mode has a media query inspector built-in that allows for easier responsive design.
- Chrome
Shortcut to select the next occurrence
In the Sources Panel editor, you can select the next occurrence with Cmd + D.
- Chrome
Select and execute a block of code in the Sources Panel
Use the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + E to run a block of highlighted code in the Sources Panel.
- Chrome
Set a breakpoint based on a certain condition
When you set a breakpoint, you can make it conditional based on the result of an expression.
- Chrome
Quickly cycle through the DevTools panels
You can use Cmd+] (or Cmd+[) to cycle through the panels in the DevTools.
- Chrome
Print out a quick stack trace from the Console
You can use console.trace() to get a quick and easy stack trace to better understand code execution flow.
- Chrome
Who inspects the inspector?
Did you know you can inspect your DevTools with DevTools?
- Chrome
Trigger a pseudo class on an element
Ever tried to debug CSS hover effects but failed keeping the mouse on the element? Here's how to do it.
- Chrome
Project wide search with optional file scope
Learn the secret commands to search like a pro in DevTools.
- Chrome
Network color groups
Learn about which colors match to which resource type to easy identify resources.
- Chrome
Preview JavaScript values inline while debugging
Learn how to preview the values of JavaScript variables in DevTools while debugging.
- Chrome
Quickly edit/view resources from the Elements panel
Quickly edit/view resources from the Elements panel
- Chrome
Reference documentation for the event_rules property of manifest.json.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Reference documentation for the event_rules property of manifest.json.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Media Source Extensions for Audio
Media Source Extensions (MSE) provide extended buffering and playback control for the HTML5 audio and video elements. While originally developed to facilitate Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) based video players, MSE can be used for audio; specifically for gapless playback.
- Chrome
- Chrome Extensions
Notifying you of Changes to Notifications
Two new API's have been added in Chrome 44 which makes using Notifications with push easier to work with and customize.
- Chrome
Alt + Click to expand all child nodes
Alt + Click to expand all child nodes
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Quickly monitor events from the Console Panel
You can log all the events dispatched to an object using the Command Line API method monitorEvents(object [, events]).
- Chrome
Better incognito DevTools
Some appearance preferences are now persisted through to incognito windows.
- Chrome
Some UI and feature enhancements to the Color Picker tool
The color picker tool in DevTools is getting an upgrade. Currently in Chrome Canary
- Chrome
See matching selectors
When you are viewing a selector in the Styles Pane, comma separated selector portions are colored differently depending on whether or not they match the selected DOM node.
- Chrome
Command click to add multiple cursors in the sources panel
Learn how to to multi-cursor editing in the DevTools sources panel.
- Chrome
Quick Edit Element Tags
You can double click on the opening tag name of a node in the Elements Panel to edit it.
- Chrome
The easing editor
Select an easing CSS property to get a visual animated preview for how it behaves.
- Chrome
The currently selected DOM node
Learn the quick console shortcut to get the currently selected DOM node.
- Chrome
Reveal in elements panel
Reveal DOM nodes in the elements panel from the console.
- Chrome
Use keyboard to navigate through callstack
How to set a breakpoint and navigate through the call stack with keyboard shortcuts.
- Chrome
Unfinished network requests
You can use the Is:running Advanced Network Filter to see unfinished network requests (e.g. running requests).
- Chrome
Copy image as data URI
Right click on an image preview within the Resources Panel to copy it as a Data URI (base 64 encoded).
- Chrome
Get and debug event listeners
Get and debug event listeners in DevTools with these console commands.
- Chrome
Automatically pause on any exception
In the DevTools, you can automatically pause on any exception (especially useful for uncaught exceptions).
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Quickly change CSS values
Quickly change CSS values with the keyboard or mousewheel
- Chrome
Replay a network request in cURL
Learn how to debug a network request from the command line.
- Chrome
Autocomplete for bracket notation
Did you know you can autocomplete bracket notation in the Sources panel?
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
View and change your DOM breakpoints
How to view and change your DOM breakpoints with the Breakpoints pane in DevTools.
- Chrome
Scroll elements into the viewport
If an element you're inspecting is out of view, here's how to bring it into the viewport.
- Chrome
Triggering of pseudo classes
Learn how to trigger pseudo classes such as :active to properly debug your CSS.
- Chrome
Film strips in Network panel
Visually navigate the network panel and view captured screenshots during page load
- Chrome
Search DOM tree by CSS selector
When browsing the DOM with the Elements panel, try searching for nodes via CMD/Ctrl+F by their CSS selectors.
- Chrome
Expand CSS shorthand properties
In the styles pane, you can expand CSS shorthand properties like flex or padding and see the full range of properties which are defined for you.
- Chrome
Port forwarding
DevTools port forwarding enables even localhost URLs to work on mobile.
- Chrome
Get notified of JS errors while you type
If you get an error in the console panel, click it to reveal the line in the Sources Panel where an indication of the error pops up.
- Chrome
Easy timeline recording
Try undocking DevTools to a separate window so the record button is positioned closely to the portion of the page where you need to carry out an action
- Chrome
Go to a line number at a specific column
Learn how to jump to specific line numbers in the Sources panel.
- Chrome
Manifest - USB Printers
Reference documentation for the usb_printers property of manifest.json.
- Workbox
Easily jump to event listeners
Learn how to show the function definition of a registered event listener on any node.
- Chrome
High performance video with hardware decoding
Hardware video support brings efficient decoding to plugins as well as HTML5 video. Flash users should switch from the old style Video to the StageVideo object.
- Chrome
Granular statement highlights
See the exact executed statement with granular highlighting.
- Chrome
Local Modifications
Local modifications lets you see what changes have been made (via DevTools) to certain source files.
- Chrome
Hard reload
With DevTools opened, click and hold the reload button to see more options.
- Chrome
Cycle through editing locations
Your cursor position history is preserved in the Sources Panel, allowing you to cycle through previous editing locations with Alt+(backwards) or Alt+(forwards)
- Chrome
Copy the response of a network resource to your clipboard
In addition to copying the request/response headers of a network resource, you can also copy the response itself.
- Chrome
Perform a column selection by by dragging
You can make a column selection in the Sources Panel editor by holding Alt while dragging the mouse.
- Chrome
Predefined snippets
How to run predefined snippets of code on any web page.
- Chrome
Quick-edit element tags
You can double click on the opening tag name of a node in the Elements Panel to edit it.
- Chrome
Copy image as data URI
Right click on an image preview within the Resources Panel to copy it as a Data URI (base 64 encoded).
- Chrome
Reveal in Elements panel
Reveal DOM nodes in the Elements panel from the Console.
- Chrome
See matching selectors
When you are viewing a selector in the Styles Pane, comma separated selector portions are colored differently depending on whether or not they match the selected DOM node.
- Chrome
Quickly monitor events from the Console Panel
You can log all the events dispatched to an object using the Command Line API method monitorEvents(object [, events]).
- Chrome
Command click to add multiple cursors in the sources panel
Learn how to to multi-cursor editing in the DevTools sources panel.
- Chrome
Better incognito DevTools
Some appearance preferences are now persisted through to incognito windows.
- Chrome
Alt + Click to expand all child nodes
Alt + Click to expand all child nodes
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
Toggle the DevTools dock state with a keyboard shortcut
Use Cmd + Shift + D to toggle the DevTools dock state between the last two recently used states.
- Chrome
Toggle the DevTools dock state with a keyboard shortcut
Use Cmd + Shift + D to toggle the DevTools dock state between the last two recently used states.
- Chrome
Unfinished network requests
You can use the Is:running Advanced Network Filter to see unfinished network requests (e.g. running requests).
- Chrome
The easing editor
Select an easing CSS property to get a visual animated preview for how it behaves.
- Chrome
Autocapitalize for mobile
Another text entry frustration for users is being removed.
- Chrome
Cut and copy commands
The support for cut and copy commands allows you to programmatically cut and copy selected text to the users clipboard.
- Chrome
View page resources
Organize resources by frame, domain, type, or other criteria.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Remote debug Android devices
Remote debug live content on an Android device from a Windows, Mac, or Linux computer.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
DOM Attributes now on the prototype chain
Chrome is becoming in line with the spec. Check your sites if you are assuming the WebKit logic for attribute propagation
- Chrome
Remote debugging WebViews
Debug WebViews in your native Android apps using Chrome Developer Tools.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Debug your original code instead of deployed with source maps
Keep your client-side code readable and debuggable even after you've combined, minified, or compiled it.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Timeline event reference
The timeline events mode displays all events triggered while making a recording. Use the timeline event reference to learn more about each timeline event type.
- Chrome DevTools
- Workbox
Console Utilities API reference
A reference of convenience functions available in the Chrome DevTools Console.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Emulate and Test Other Browsers
Your job doesn't end with ensuring your site runs great across Chrome and Android. Even though Device Mode can simulate a range of other devices like iPhones, we encourage you to check out other browsers solutions for emulation.
- Workbox
- Chrome DevTools
Permissions API for the Web
The Permissions API gives you a central place to check the permission status of an API.
- Chrome
Simplified concepts in web animations naming
In response to developer feedback, some upcoming features of Web Animations are being renamed.
- Chrome
A new home for DevTools
We've moved into a shiny new home at developer.google.com/web have great new tutorials and tips for you.
- Chrome
DevTools Timeline - Now providing the full story
We've upgraded the Timeline panel for Chrome DevTools to give developers more insight on their site’s runtime performance.
- Chrome
What is the Chrome Web Store?
An explanation of the Chrome Web Store and why you might want to use it.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Push Notifications on the Open Web
Push Messaging and Notifications are Landing in Chrome 42.
- Chrome
Managing HTML5 Offline Storage
How to store data client-side in your Chrome App so that it works offline.
- Workbox
Creating semantic sites with Web Components and JSON-LD
Add schema.org markup to your components and make them search engine friendly.
- Chrome
What the Virtual Viewport?
The virtual viewport separates layout and viewing of the viewport.
- Chrome
Getting Literal With ES6 Template Strings
Template String literals with embedded expressions. We've been waiting for this for ages. Literally
- Chrome
Chrome Dev Summit 2014 - Let's build some apps with Polymer
Building apps, the Polymer way.
- Chrome
Preserve state during DOM mutations with moveBefore()
Move nodes around the DOM without losing critical state
- Chrome
Pixelation of the nation. Now in Chrome 41
- Chrome
Shared modules
How to share code between Chrome Extensions.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Chrome Dev Summit 2014 - Polymer - State of the union
The state of the Polymer Union.
- Chrome
Shared modules
How to share code between Chrome Extensions.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Chrome Dev Summit 2014 - The applied science of runtime performance
The story of building the Chrome Dev Summit site.
- Chrome
Native App Install Prompt
Native app install banners give you the ability to let users quickly and seamlessly install your native app on their device from the app store, without leaving the browser.
- Chrome
Native Messaging
How to exchange messages with native applications from your Chrome App.
- Workbox
Web animations playback control in Chrome 39
Learn about web animation playback
- Chrome
Fundamentals of mobile web development
A quick look at some of the efforts the Chrome team are doing to helps developers get started with web development and iterate on their sites.
- Chrome
Developer feedback needed - Frame Timing API
A brand new API is in the works to help measure frames per second in the wild, but it needs your feedback.
- Chrome
Support for theme-color in Chrome 39 for Android
Use theme-color to set the toolbar color in Chrome for Android.
- Chrome
Step 1: Create and Run a Chrome App
How to create, install, run, and debug a basic Chrome App.
- Workbox
Build a Todo Chrome App
An introduction to the codelab.
- Workbox
Step 2: Import an Existing Web App
How to adapt an existing web app for the Chrome Apps platform.
- Workbox
Step 6: Export Todos to the Filesystem
How to write to the file system from your Chrome App.
- Workbox
Step 3: Add Alarms and Notifications
How to wake your Chrome App at specified intervals and use notifications.
- Workbox
Step 7: Publish Your App
How to publish your Chrome App in the Chrome Web Store.
- Workbox
Step 4: Open External Links With a Webview
How to show external web content in your Chrome App.
- Workbox
Step 5: Add Images From the Web
How to add images to your Chrome App using XHR and ObjectURL.
- Workbox
Generators - the gnarly bits
An exploration of ES6 Generators.
- Chrome
Send beacon data in Chrome 39
Chrome 39 implements the Beacon API, which allows to send small async HTTP requests during the page unload events.
- Chrome
Precision touch for precise gestures
TouchEvents have changed in Chrome to return float values, instead of integers, to account for varying screen densities. This leads to more detailed feedback during slow gestures.
- Chrome
Collecting and iterating, the ES6 way
Maps, Sets, and for...of iteration are ES6 features that can change the way you work with collections of data.
- Chrome
Easier ArrayBuffer to String conversion with the Encoding API
The native Encoding API offers a straightforward way to convert between raw binary data and JavaScript strings.
- Chrome
Web Audio changes in m36
Description of Web Audio standards cleanup work in Chrome 36
- Chrome
dialog element shipped in Chrome 37 Beta
Chrome Beta has landed its native support for element
- Chrome
DevTools Digest - Chrome 35
Updates to the Developer Tools in Chrome 35
- Chrome
Use the Notifications API
Show notifications to Chrome Extension users.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Rich notifications API
How to show notifications to your Chrome Extension users.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Automating Web Performance Measurement
Use PSI to get web performance metrics into your build process.
- Chrome
Blob support for IndexedDB landed on Chrome Dev
Long awaited feature for Chrome, Blob support on IndexedDB landed in Chrome Dev.
- Chrome
Game Engines
Recommended game engines for Chrome Apps.
- Workbox
Web Animations - element.animate() is now in Chrome 36
Web Animations define a model for supporting animation and synchronization on the Web platform. element.animate() is the first of those pieces landing in Chrome.
- Chrome
A more compatible, smoother touch
You and your users want mobile web apps that react and scroll smoothly to the touch. Developing them should be easy but, unfortunately, how mobile web browsers react to touch events during scrolling is left as an implementation detail in the [TouchEvent](https://www.w3.org/TR/touch-events/) specification.
- Chrome
Run Chrome Apps on Mobile Using Apache Cordova
A guide on how to use Apache Cordova to set up your Chrome App to run on Android and iOS devices.
- Workbox
Debugging asynchronous JavaScript with Chrome DevTools
A powerful feature that makes JavaScript unique is its ability to work asynchronously via callback functions. Assigning async callbacks let you write event-driven code but it also makes tracking down bugs a hair pulling experience since the
- Chrome DevTools
- Chrome
Get on the CSS Grid
CSS Grid Layout is a new CSS3 module that provides new layout primitives that are ideal for web applications.
- Chrome
How to communicate with Bluetooth devices from your Chrome App.
- Workbox
Manifest - Bluetooth
Reference documentation for the bluetooth property of manifest.json.
- Workbox
Chrome 33 Hosting Changes
Details about the hosting changes for Chrome Extensions that started in version 33 of Chrome.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Publish in the Chrome Web Store
How to publish a new extension or theme to the Chrome Web Store.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
WebView applications for web developers
A tutorial that teaches you how to use Yeoman, Gradle, and Grunt to build a web application.
- Workbox
Tips and tricks
Tips and tricks to improve your WebView application.
- Workbox
Google Chrome Web Store Developer Agreement
The legal agreement governing the relationship between Chrome Web Store developers and the Chrome Web Store.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Pixel-perfect WebView
How to create perfect WebView UIs.
- Workbox
Content Ratings Guidelines
Guidelines about how the Chrome Web Store rates the maturity of content.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Getting started
Step-by-step instructions on how to create a Chrome Extension.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
WebView workflow
A tutorial that teaches you how to use Yeoman, Gradle, and Grunt to build a web application.
- Workbox
Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions about Chrome Extensions.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Tutorial: Migrate to Manifest V2
Guidelines on how to migrate from manifest v1 to manifest v2.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
DevTools Digest
Updates to the Developer tools in Chrome 33
- Chrome
Reference documentation for the chrome.location API.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
The Yeoman Monthly Digest
A monthly digest of high-quality Yeoman articles, generators and project news.
- Chrome
Overriding Chrome settings
How to override Chrome settings from a Chrome Extension.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Overriding Chrome settings
How to override Chrome settings from a Chrome Extension.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Yo Polymer – A Whirlwind Tour Of Web Component Tooling
A whirlwind tour of Web Components, Polymer and front-end tooling for them.
- Chrome
Web apps that talk - Introduction to the Speech Synthesis API
Introduction to the Web Speech API's synthesis feature.
- Chrome
Chrome Dev Summit - Platforms summary
- Chrome
Chrome Dev Summit - Performance summary
Performance Matters
- Chrome
Reference documentation for the sockets property of manifest.json.
- Workbox
Chrome Dev Summit - Open web platform summary
The capabilities of the Open Web Platform is accelerating at a pace that has never been seen before. At the Chrome Dev Summit we talked about how we are working on improving Blink, Security and Media for the platform.
- Chrome
Chrome Dev Summit - Polymer declarative, encapsulated, reusable components
Polymer is a gateway into the amazing future of Web Components. Learn more about Web Components and Polymer from the Chrome Dev Summit
- Chrome
Chrome Dev Summit - Mobile summary
Here's the first in a series of reports from Chrome Dev Summit. There was a strong emphasis on Mobile and Cross-device development, so we'll kick off with that.
- Chrome
The Yeoman Monthly Digest
A regular round-up of articles, videos and talks authored by the Yeoman community.
- Chrome
New web animations engine in blink drives CSS animations and transitions
An implementation of Web Animations 1.0 has landed in Blink powering CSS Animations and Transitions.
- Chrome
DevTools Digest December 2013
The latest update for changes to the Chrome DevTools.
- Chrome
300ms tap delay, gone away
Every click interaction in mobile browsers is hampered with a 300ms delay, but that's gone in Chrome 32 for mobile-optimized sites!
- Chrome
DevTools terminal
Using your terminal from the DevTools
- Chrome
Manifest for managed storage
Reference documentation for the storage property of manifest.json.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Manifest for storage areas
Reference documentation for the storage property of manifest.json.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Chrome DevTools for mobile
Screencast and emulation
- Chrome
Chrome DevTools November digest
Chrome DevTools moves fast and we wanted to call your attention to some new functionality and improvements we've introduced to a few components. Namely, we're going to talk about some UI changes, high-resolution JS profiling and new Workspaces
- Chrome
The Yeoman Monthly Digest
A regular round-up of articles, videos and talks authored by the Yeoman community.
- Chrome
The Landscape of front-end development automation (Slides)
Learn how to improve your front-end productivity with tools for workflow automation.
- Chrome
Serial Devices
How to communicate with serial devices from your Chrome App.
- Workbox
Web Audio live audio input - now on Android
Chrome for Android (v31.0.1650+) has just landed support for audio input via the Web Audio API.
- Chrome
Flexbox layout isn't slow
Good news! new flexbox is 2.3x faster than old flexbox
- Chrome
DevTools answers - What font is that?
Ever wondered which font is actually being used to render text? Wonder no more as Chrome DevTools reveals all.
- Chrome
dialog element - modals made easy
Have you ever created your own modal dialog box? Soon, you won't need to ever again; dialog boxes are becoming a part of the web platform.
- Chrome
Reference documentation for the url_handlers property of manifest.json.
- Workbox
Reference documentation for the externally_connectable property of manifest.json.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Reference documentation for the externally_connectable property of manifest.json.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
How to integrate Google Analytics into your Chrome App.
- Workbox
Alpha transparency in Chrome video
WebM just added alpha transparency, and support for it has landed in Chrome 31.
- Chrome
Chrome DevTools Revolutions 2013
As the complexity and functionality of web applications has grown, so has Chrome DevTools. In this recap of Paul Irish's Google I/O 2013 talk Chrome DevTools Revolutions 2013, you get a look at the latest features that are revolutionizing how you
- Chrome
sourceMappingURL and sourceURL syntax changed
sourceMappingURL and sourceURL syntax changed
- Chrome
Manifest - Name and Short Name
Reference documentation for the name and short_name properties of manifest.json.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Manifest - Icons
Reference documentation for the icons property of manifest.json.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Manifest - Sandbox
Reference documentation for the sandbox property of manifest.json.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Manifest - Sandbox
Reference documentation for the sandbox property of manifest.json.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Manifest - Nacl Modules
Reference documentation for the nacl_modules property of manifest.json.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Manifest - Incognito
Reference documentation for the incognito property of manifest.json.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Manifest - Requirements
Reference documentation for the requirements property of manifest.json.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Manifest - Description
Reference documentation for the description property of manifest.json.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Manifest - Homepage Url
Reference documentation for the homepage_url property of manifest.json.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Manifest - short_name
Reference documentation for the short_name property of manifest.json.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Manifest - Key
Reference documentation for the key property of manifest.json.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Manifest - Incognito
Reference documentation for the incognito property of manifest.json.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Manifest - Web Accessible Resources
Reference documentation for the web_accessible_resources property of manifest.json.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Manifest - name
Reference documentation for the name property of manifest.json.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Manifest - Web Accessible Resources
Reference documentation for the web_accessible_resources property of manifest.json.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Manifest - Minimum Chrome Version
Reference documentation for the minimum_chrome_version property of manifest.json.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Manifest - Homepage Url
Reference documentation for the homepage_url property of manifest.json.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Manifest - key
Reference documentation for the key property of manifest.json.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Manifest - Offline Enabled
Reference documentation for the offline_enabled property of manifest.json.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Manifest - Icons
Reference documentation for the icons property of manifest.json.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Manifest - Requirements
Reference documentation for the requirements property of manifest.json.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Manifest - Version
Reference documentation for the version property of manifest.json.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Manifest Version
Reference documentation for the manifest_version property of manifest.json.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Manifest - Default Locale
Reference documentation for the default_locale property of manifest.json.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Manifest V2 - Version [Deprecated]
Reference documentation for the version property of manifest.json.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Manifest - Default Locale
Reference documentation for the default_locale property of manifest.json.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Manifest - Description
Reference documentation for the description property of manifest.json.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Kiosk Apps
Reference documentation for the kiosk_enabled property of manifest.json.
- Workbox
Manifest - App
Reference documentation for the app property of manifest.json.
- Workbox
Manifest - File Handlers
Reference documentation for the file_handlers property of manifest.json.
- Workbox
Introduction to Custom Filters (aka CSS Shaders)
Introduction to Custom Filters (aka CSS Shaders)
- Workbox
Visualizing shadow DOM concepts
Visualizing shadow DOM concepts
- Chrome
What are extensions?
An overview of the purpose of Chrome Extensions and how they're developed.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Profiling long paint times with DevTools' continuous painting mode
Profiling long paint times with DevTools' continuous painting mode
- Chrome
WebRTC - RTCDataChannel demo, API changes... and Chrome talks to Firefox
WebRTC - RTCDataChannel demo, API changes... and Chrome talks to Firefox
- Chrome
CSS Background shorthand coming to mobile WebKit browsers
CSS Background shorthand coming to mobile WebKit browsers
- Chrome
Voice driven web apps - Introduction to the Web Speech API
Voice Driven Web Apps - Introduction to the Web Speech API
- Chrome
Screensharing with WebRTC
Screensharing with WebRTC
- Chrome
Canvas-driven background images
Powering a css background using canvas or webgl
- Chrome
WebRTC hits Firefox, Android and iOS
WebRTC hits Firefox, Android and iOS
- Chrome
Build Apps with AngularJS
A guide on building Chrome Apps with AngularJS.
- Workbox
Content security policy 1.0 is officially awesome
Content security policy 1.0 is officially awesome
- Chrome
Respond to change with Object.observe
Respond to change with Object.observe
- Chrome
Build Apps with Sencha Ext JS
How to build Chrome Apps with the Sencha Ext JS framework.
- Workbox
Declare permissions
An overview of the valid values for the permissions property in manifest.json.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Interactive globe with CSS shaders and Google Maps
Interactive Globe with CSS shaders and Google Maps
- Chrome
The "activeTab" permission
How to use the activeTab permission in your Chrome Extension.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
The activeTab permission
How to use the activeTab permission in your Chrome Extension.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
What are themes?
Guidelines on how to create a theme.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
OAuth 2.0: authenticate users with Google
Step-by-step instructions on how to build an extension that accesses a user's Google contacts via the Google People API, the Chrome Identity API, and OAuth2.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Overriding Chrome pages
How to override the Chrome bookmark manager, history, and new tab pages from your Chrome Extension.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Match patterns
How host permission and content script pattern matching works, with examples.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Debugging extensions
Step-by-step instructions on how to debug Chrome Extensions.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Tutorial: Google analytics
Step-by-step instructions on how to track usage of your Extension with Google Analytics.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Declare permissions and warn users
How to implement permissions to protect your users and your Extension.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Debug extensions
Instructions for debugging Chrome Extensions.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Using eval in Chrome extensions
How to use eval() in a Chrome Extension.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Message passing
How to pass messages between extensions and content scripts.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Architecture overview
A high-level explanation of the software architecture of Chrome Extensions.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Use eval() in sandboxed iframes
How to use eval() in a Chrome Extension.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Cross-origin network requests
Implement cross-origin network requests in your Chrome Extension.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Manifest file format
An overview of the manifest.json properties that you can use in your Chrome Extension.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Give users options
How to let users customize your Extension.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Message passing
How to pass messages between extensions and content scripts.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Manifest version
The manifest_version property of manifest.json indicates which version of the manifest specification a Chrome Extension targets.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Use Google Analytics 4
Step-by-step instructions on how to track usage of your Extension with Google Analytics 4.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
OAuth2: Authenticate users with Google
Step-by-step instructions on how to build an extension that accesses a user's Google contacts via the Google People API, the Chrome Identity API, and OAuth2.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Cross-origin XMLHttpRequest
How to implement cross-origin XHR in your Chrome Extension.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Give users options
How to let users customize your extension.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Match patterns
Understanding URL match patterns in Chrome extensions.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Localization message formats
Reference documentation about the format of the messages.json file for Chrome Extensions.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Live web audio input enabled
Live web audio input enabled
- Chrome
What are themes?
Guidelines on how to create a theme.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Localization message formats
Reference documentation about the format of the messages.json file for Chrome Extensions.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Manifest file format
An overview of the manifest.json properties of a Chrome Extension.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Override Chrome pages
How to override the Chrome bookmark manager, history, and new tab pages from your Chrome Extension.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Chrome Web Store
How to host your extension in the Chrome Web Store and update an extension that's hosted in the Chrome Web Store.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Chrome App Lifecycle
An overview of the lifecycle of Chrome Apps.
- Workbox
Create Your First App
A tutorial on how to create a basic Chrome App.
- Workbox
Extending DevTools
How to create a Chrome Extension that adds functionality to Chrome DevTools.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Publish Your App
How to publish your Chrome App.
- Workbox
USB Devices
How to communicate with USB devices from your Chrome App.
- Workbox
Web APIs
Chrome Apps can use all the APIs that are available to websites.
- Workbox
Manifest Version
Reference documentation for the manifest_version property of manifest.json.
- Workbox
Accessibility (a11y)
How to make your Manifest V2 Chrome Extension accessible.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
External Content
How to present external content in your Chrome App.
- Workbox
Content Security Policy
An overview of CSP for Chrome Apps and how to comply with it.
- Workbox
Manage events with background scripts
How to respond to browser triggers (events) from a Chrome Extension background script.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Chrome Apps Architecture
An overview of the software architecture of Chrome Apps.
- Workbox
Storage APIs
How to handle storage in your Chrome App.
- Workbox
Use alternative installation methods
How to install Chrome Extensions using preferences JSON or Windows registry.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
User Authentication
How to authenticate users in your Chrome App.
- Workbox
Network Communications
How to use TCP and UDP in your Chrome App.
- Workbox
What Are Chrome Apps?
An overview of Chrome Apps and why you might want to build them.
- Workbox
MVC Architecture
An overview of the model view controller software architecture model.
- Workbox
Rich notifications with webKit
How to implement notifications in your Chrome Extension.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Auto update
How to enable auto-updating of your Chrome App.
- Workbox
Support accessibility
How to make your Chrome Extension accessible.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Alternative extension distribution options
How to distribute Chrome Extensions outside of the Chrome Web Store.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Offline First
How to build Chrome Apps that work offline.
- Workbox
Extension development overview
An overview of Chrome Extension capabilities and components.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Content scripts
An explanation of content scripts and how to use them in your Chrome Extension.
- Chrome Extensions
- Workbox
Content scripts
An explanation of content scripts and how to use them in your Chrome Extension.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Extend DevTools
How to create a Chrome Extension that adds features to Chrome DevTools.
- Workbox
- Chrome Extensions
Stacking changes coming to position:fixed elements
stacking changes coming to position:fixed elements
- Chrome
Stick your landings! position - sticky lands in WebKit
Stick your landings! position - sticky lands in WebKit
- Chrome
Integrating input[type=file] with the Filesystem API
Integrating input[type=file] with the Filesystem API
- Chrome
When milliseconds are not enough - performance.now
When milliseconds are not enough - performance.now
- Chrome
datalist for range/color inputs offer some default choices
datalist for range/color inputs offer some default choices
- Chrome
Quick FAQs on input[type=date] in Google Chrome
Quick FAQs on input[type=date] in Google Chrome
- Chrome
How to measure browser graphics performance
How to measure browser graphics performance.
- Chrome
Drag and drop a folder onto Chrome now available
Drag and drop a folder onto Chrome now available
- Chrome
Arrived! xhr.send(ArrayBufferViews)
Arrived! xhr.send(ArrayBufferViews)
- Chrome
Taking advantage of GPU acceleration in the 2D canvas
Taking advantage of GPU acceleration in the 2D canvas
- Chrome
Writing a flippable book using CSS Regions and 3D transforms
Writing a flippable book using CSS Regions and 3D transforms
- Chrome
Content Security Policy
Content Security Policy can significantly reduce the risk and impact of cross-site scripting attacks in modern browsers.
- Workbox
How to convert ArrayBuffer to and from String
How to convert ArrayBuffer to and from String
- Chrome
Don't build blobs, construct them
Recent spec changes to the File API include a new constructor for Blob, which essentially makes BlobBuilder irrelevant.
- Chrome
Websocket Frame Inspection now in Chrome DevTools
Adding inspection ability into the data going over the wire in WebSockets
- Chrome
datalist landed in Chrome Canary
By using `datalist`, your app can define a list of suggested results users should select from. They can either select an option from the list or enter freeform text.
- Chrome
requestAnimationFrame API - now with sub-millisecond precision
There is about to be a change to part of the equestAnimationFrame API
- Chrome
WebRTC Protothon
On March 24th, Google hosted the world's first WebRTC developer event, the WebRTC Protothon.
- Chrome
Processing XHR2 file uploads in PHP
A server code example to illustrate how to handle file uploads
- Chrome
Big boost to DOM performance - WebKit's innerHTML is 240% faster
Chrome Engineer Kentaro Hara made seven code optimizations within WebKit, boosting performance for both Safari (JavaScriptCore) and Chrome (V8).
- Chrome
Round-up of web browser internals resources
Most of the resources that explain the innerworkings of web browsers
- Chrome
Taking an entire page offline using the HTML5 FileSystem API
FileSystem API allows to programmatically store files and folder hierarchies in the local (sandboxed) filesystem and subsequently add/update/remove individual resources as necessary
- Chrome
CSS layout gets smarter with calc()
You can use calc() anywhere a length or number is used, so you can use it for positioning things, or in rgb() color values as well, so it has lots of great uses in a style sheet.
- Workbox
Introduction to JavaScript Source Maps
Have you ever wished you could keep your client-side code readable and more importantly debuggable even after you've combined and minified it, without impacting performance? Well now you can through the magic of source maps. Source maps are a way to
- Chrome
Optimizing JavaScript
JavaScript is relatively fast, but it can always go faster. Read more about how to optimize your JavaScript for performance.
- Chrome
A new experimental feature - scoped stylesheets
Chromium recently implemented a new feature from HTML5 - scoped stylesheets.
- Chrome
WebGL and Web Audio API demo roundup
Here's a look at some cool WebGL and Web Audio API demos that I've seen over the past couple weeks.
- Chrome
SwiftShader brings software 3D rendering to Chrome
SwiftShader is a software 3D renderer used in Chrome 18 that lets you use CSS 3D and WebGL even on deny-listed GPUs.
- Chrome
Detect DOM changes with mutation observers
An introduction to Mutation Observers.
- Chrome
Getting Gmail to handle all mailto - links with registerProtocolHandler
Thanks to navigator.registerProtocolHandler() you can wire up Gmail as your default mail client for all mailto links.
- Chrome
Chrome for Android - Accelerating the Mobile Web
Chrome for Android Beta is based on the Chromium open source project, and brings with it many of the latest HTML5 features that Chrome developers have come to know and love
- Chrome
Pointer Lock API Brings FPS games to the browser
The Pointer Lock API makes it possible to write proper first-person shooters for the web.
- Chrome
HTML5 audio and the Web Audio API are BFFs
createMediaElementSource() allows you to combine HTML5 with the visualization, filter, and processing power of the Web Audio API.
- Chrome
Getting rid of synchronous XHRs
Heads up! The XMLHttpRequest2 spec was recently changed to prohibit sending a synchronous request when XMLHttpRequest.responseType is set.
- Chrome
Web Audio FAQ
This quick update is an attempt to address some of the more frequently asked questions to make your experience with the Web Audio API more pleasant.
- Chrome
Introducing video player sample
The Video Player Sample is an open source video player web app built using the same architecture as the 60 Minutes and RedBull.tv apps.
- Chrome
CSS Filter Effects landing in WebKit
Adobe have been hard at work bringing this amazing technology to CSS. Specifically, I'm referring to CSS Filter Effects 1.0, which WebKit has started to implement.
- Chrome
Transferable objects - Lightning fast
With transferable objects, data is transferred from one context to another. It is zero-copy, which vastly improves the performance of sending data to a Worker.
- Chrome
Use mediump precision in WebGL when possible
Heads-up from our friends at Opera, who have been testing WebGL on actual OpenGL ES 2.0 hardware.
- Chrome
Chrome Developer Tools for speed
Using Developer Tools in Chrome to improve the speed of your apps
- Chrome
Stream video using the MediaSource API
The MediaSource API extends the `HTMLMediaElement` to allow JavaScript to generate media streams for playback.
- Chrome
WebGL demo roundup
Here are some awesome new WebGL demos from around the web to showcase what your browser can really do.
- Chrome
App cache tools and Auto-Generators
The application cache helps you run your web app offline, significantly speeds up startup time, and reduces bandwidth bill.
- Chrome
Defining scope in IndexedDB transactions
IndexedDB is an evolving web standard for storage of significant amounts of structured data in the browser.
- Chrome
Let Your Content Do the Talking - Fullscreen API
The Fullscreen API allows web apps to programmatically tell any content on the page to enter the browser's fullscreen viewing mode, from JavaScript
- Chrome
WebSockets updated to latest version in Chrome Canary
The WebSocket API has been rev'd to the latest version (13) in Chrome Canary
- Chrome
Keeping up with HTML5 and browser support
Actually keeping up with those features can be a challenge, but only if you don't know where to look.
- Chrome
Having a ride with Three.js
We are seeing more and more developers coming up with new 3D demos whether they were OpenGL experts already or new adventurers that started playing with it.
- Chrome
New Game Conference for HTML5 game developers coupon
Keep me from completing my TPS reports by learning how to write HTML5 and WebGL games at New Game.
- Chrome
7 minute videos - JavaScript console protips and newish DOM APIs
Level up on the JavaScript console in the Chrome DevTools.
- Chrome
Workers ♥ ArrayBuffer
Chrome 13 and FF5 support sending an `ArrayBuffer` (or Typed Array) to/from a Web Worker
- Chrome
What's different in the new WebSocket protocol
The WebSocket protocol specification has recently been updated to solve previous security concerns and is largely stable
- Chrome
insertAdjacentHTML everywhere
How to insert content in a HTML document
- Chrome
Debugging the Filesystem API
The HTML5 Filesystem is a powerful API. With power, comes complexity. With complexity, comes more debugging frustrations.
- Chrome
Seek into local files with the File System API
If you have a File object, it's possible to seek into it and read chunks without reading the entire file into memory.
- Chrome
HTML5 Libraries/polyfills - Mid July
More awesome libraries popping up all over the place
- Chrome
Announcing New Game, the conference for HTML5 game developers
Please join us at New Game, to be held November 1-2, 2011 in San Francisco, CA.
- Chrome
Don't miss a frame - Using the Page Visibility API + HTML5 Video
The Page Visibility API can be used to check if the current tab is visible or not.
- Chrome
Using cross-domain images in WebGL
WebGL specification has an important update on how to request images, cross-domain.
- Chrome
HTML5 libraries - Late June
Some exciting libraries cropped up lately.
- Chrome
Page Visibility API - Have I got your attention?
Fortunately, the new Page Visibility API lets your app discover if it's visible or not.
- Chrome
Contra in HTML5 + Web Audio API
Thanks to the power of GWT, HTML5, and the Web Audio API we can build the originator of everyone's favorite cheat code, Contra.
- Chrome
navigator.onLine in Chrome Dev channel
With the offline APIs in HTML5, there's no excuse not to provide a flawless offline experience for users.
- Chrome
Welcome to updates.html5rocks.com
In an effort to info developers quicker, we've built this "HTML5 Update Stream" to highlight the cool things worth sharing
- Chrome
Auditing Your Web App For Speed
A fast web app is a successful web app. Your job as a developer is not done until you have optimized both the real and perceived performance of your app. Not only is it simply the right thing to do to ensure your users have an excellent experience,
- Chrome
- Chrome DevTools
Introduction to Chrome Developer Tools, part one
Google Chrome is a rich and powerful web browser, pioneering what is possible for applications on the web. Google has worked hard to deliver a very fast, very stable, feature rich browsing experience for end users. Google has also ensured that
- Chrome
Get a short summary of every webpage.
Multiple side panels
This recipe shows how to use sidePanel.getOptions() to retrieve the current side panel and switch between side panels.
Google Gemini Demo
Try the Gemini Models.
Simple Theme
Global side panel
Shows how to display the same side panel on every site using the Side Panel API.
Open extension API reference
Custom Cursor Extension
Adds a custom cursor on developer.chrome.com.
Chrome Built-in AI Demo
Try the built-in AI preview in Chrome.
Dictionary side panel
Provides definitions in the side panel.
Privacy API sample
Uses the chrome.privacy.services property to get and set privacy settings.
Hello World
Basic Hello World Extension
WebGPU Extension
Generate a red triangle with WebGPU in an extension service worker.
User Scripts API Demo
Uses the chrome.userScripts API to inject JavaScript into web pages.
Keep Awake
Override system power-saving settings.
Conifer Music - Official app in the Microsoft Store
Conifer is FAST Conifer integrates perfectly with your PC Conifer offers beautiful music visualizations Conifer is completely cross-platform Conifer is a fast, cross-platform music player that lets your play all of YOUR music, you know, the music you actually own. Have some CDs? Rip them to your computer and add them to Conifer! Have some MP3s? Add them to Conifer!
Project Fugu API Showcase
Stadia Bluetooth mode
Switch your Stadia Controller to Bluetooth mode to keep gaming wirelessly on your favorite devices and services after Stadia shuts down
Wavacity is a port of the Audacity audio editor to the web browser. Free and open-source. No install required.
Native Messaging Example
Send a message to a native application.
Reading List API Demo
Uses the chrome.readingList API to display, update and remove reading list entries.
Winamp for Creators - Start your Creator's journey
Winamp for Creators puts the power back in your hands by giving you access to all the artist services you need to take control of your musical journey.
Transitions DJ
Transitions DJ is a web-based, ad-free DJ mixing app. Mix music online from SoundCloud or your own music collection.
Get started
Explore the fundamentals of music via Ableton's interactive website. Experiment with beats, melody, harmony, basslines, and song structure in your web browser.
Mammoth - Official app in the Microsoft Store
Discover a simpler way to socialize online with Mammoth, the Mastodon app that prioritizes ease-of-use and clean design. Experience the open-source, decentralized social network without the clutter. Join communities, share your thoughts, and connect with like-minded individuals all with just a few taps. Say goodbye to overwhelming feeds and complicated features, Mammoth simplifies the social media experience. AI Enhanced: - Struggling to find that perfect image to go along with your post? Have a funny idea for an image on a post? Generate it right in Mammoth with the magic of AI - Not understanding something in a post, or just want to learn more about a specific topic in a post? Click the search button on a post to have AI help you understand the post! - AI driven autocomplete and status generation: Have something to say but not sure how to say it best? Ask Mammoth to write it for you! Customizable: - Dark and light mode support - Theming User Friendly: - Cross Platform - Fast
Preview maskable icons in the browser!
Radio House
Netflix Spain - Watch TV Shows Online, Watch Movies Online
Watch Netflix movies & TV shows online or stream right to your smart TV, game console, PC, Mac, mobile, tablet and more.
AudioMass is a free full-featured web-based audio & waveform editing tool
Farmbound - a diurnal game of farming
iRobot Coding
Active Recall
Home · Semaphore
An alternative web client for Mastodon, focused on speed and simplicity.
kota-yata editor
WYSIWYG Markdown editor with pdf viewer
Spatial Fusion is Mixed Reality for the Web
A Mixed Reality WebXR technology showcase designed in collaboration between Meta, and PHORIA and LUSION.
Home · Pinafore
An alternative web client for Mastodon, focused on speed and simplicity.
S.E.P.I.A. is an app and framework for your own server-based, extendable, private, intelligent assistant.
Spotify - Web Player: Music for everyone
Spotify is a digital music service that gives you access to millions of songs.
Terra - Notícias, esportes, coberturas ao vivo, diversão e estilo de vida
Veja no Terra as últimas notícias e as melhores coberturas ao vivo do Brasil e do Mundo, Esportes, Diversão, Vida e Estilo e assista os melhores vídeos no TerraTV.
Tylify: Create seamless patterns in seconds
Web-based pattern-making application. All image formats supported (SVG, PNG, JPG, etc). Export seamless patterns as SVG or PNG.
The best free, adless Chess server
Free online chess server. Play chess in a clean interface. No registration, no ads, no plugin required. Play chess with the computer, friends or random opponents.
Sign in - Google Accounts
DEV Community
A constructive and inclusive social network for software developers. With you every step of your journey.
file-tree Web Component
A file tree web component giving access to a device's file system using the File System Access API
Download our software
Download Tidepool Uploader for Mac and Windows, and Tidepool Mobile on iOS and Android.
TikTok - Make Your Day
TikTok - trends start here. On a device or on the web, viewers can watch and discover millions of personalized short videos. Download the app to get started.
Descript is an all-in-one audio/video editor and screen recorder that works like a doc.
The PWinter
The Playroom
Babylon.js Playroom - a demo of Babylon.js using the Havok physics engine for the web introduced in Babylon 6.0
Experience GeForce NOW Gaming Anywhere & Anytime
Instantly play the most demanding PC games and seamlessly play across your devices.
Play Fortnite
Play Fortnite with Xbox Cloud Gaming (Beta). The future of Fortnite is here. Be the last player standing in Battle Royale and Zero Build, explore and survive in LEGO Fortnite, blast to the finish with Rocket Racing or headline a concert with Fortnite Festival. Play thousands of free creator made islands with friends including deathruns, tycoons, racing, zombie survival and more! Join the creator community and build your own island with Unreal Editor for Fortnite (UEFN) or Fortnite Creative tools. Each Fortnite island has an individual age rating so you can find the one that's right for you and your friends. Find it all in Fortnite!
Weather report tailored for paramotor pilots, worldwide. Combines winds aloft, nearby Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts, hourly forecasts, NWS active alerts and TFRs.
Logi Web Connect
Logi Web Connect gives you pairing flexibility to connect your Logi mice & keyboards through your Bolt Receiver. And is the perfect solution to pair your devices to computers without installing any software.
A privacy-first, open-source knowledge base
A privacy-first, open-source platform for knowledge management and collaboration.
WealthPosition: Personal Finance & Budgeting App
WealthPosition, the best personal finance app to budget and track your finances for financial independence
Tibbo Web Apps
Polypad – Virtual Manipulatives – Mathigon
Virtual manipulatives, dynamic geometry, graph plotting, data science and more: explore the ultimate mathematical playground!
Snae player
Lightweight on device music player right in your browser.
Instantly share images, videos, PDFs, and links with people nearby. Peer2Peer and Open Source. No Setup, No Signup.
D&D Tokenizer
Generate image tokens with fancy borders for D&D and other table games characters. Perfect for adding visuality to your gaming experience.
Automatic anesthesia charting. Focus on your patient — not your paperwork.
ZQuest Classic
Play one of hundreds of quests in ZQuest Classic, or create your own! ZQuest Classic is a game engine where you can make your classic adventure game
Average Colour
Average Colour is a tool to find the average colour in an image.
MS Paint for Chromebooks. Create and edit drawings and other images. Simple, fast, works offline, touch- and mouse-friendly, and no plug-ins required!
PWA Haven
Collection of small, fast, simple PWA's to replace native OS apps.
Helping organisers run sophisticated competitions with minimal effort. All-in-one platform for live scoring, heat draws, scheduling, rankings and registration.
Web Metaverse with Point Cloud
Oryx: The ZSA Keyboard Configurator
A powerful, visual tool to configure your keyboard. Based on the open-source QMK firmware.
Emberly - Your knowledge. Organized.
Emberly’s visual organization of bookmarks, notes, and files let you master information overload and learn better.
JSON utility tool
Web site created using create-react-app
Ok! So...
The drawing app to express, grasp, and organize your thoughts and ideas
A nimble Mastodon web client
ESC Configurator - for Bluejay, BLHeli_S and AM32
Flash and manage your ESCs online without needing to download anything. Supports BLHeli_S, Bluejay and AM32 firmware.
CodeSpace - Firia Labs
OpenAI CLIP Image Search in JavaScript (Using ONNX Web Runtime)
Application to help utilities management.
Budgeting app
Sqlime - Online SQLite playground
Sqlime is an online SQLite playground for debugging and sharing SQL snippets.
Flipper Lab
Web platform for your Flipper
Ruby (V3) is customizable, free, and fast.
Smart Text Editor
The text editor that requires only a browser and a keyboard!
Discover the best Creators in the Fanzone
Embrace your inner fan, subscribe to your favorite creators to get Winamp-exclusive content.
Visit bundlejs.com - bundlejs is a quick and easy way to bundle, minify, and compress your ts, js, and npm packages all online.
Writing is Thinking
Home Planner - Target
Plan your home, room by room. Design & style it virtually—then shop, share or save for later.
StackEdit – In-browser Markdown editor
Full-featured, open-source Markdown editor based on PageDown, the Markdown library used by Stack Overflow and the other Stack Exchange sites.
Capture social network post to nice image and video
drum utility - teenage engineering
a utility for creating sample packs for the OP-1 field, OP-1, and OP-Z
Your connected workspace for wiki, docs & projects
A new tool that blends your everyday work apps into one. It's the all-in-one workspace for you and your team.
Toaster is a 3D editor that models in pure CSS + HTML. No WebGL, no canvas. Impractical? Yes. Useless? Also yes.
NFC Tools Online
Online tools to read and write the data on your NFC tags.
A markdown editor web app based on the File System Access API
Memos AI
Memos AI allows you to record notes with ACCURATE transcriptions, powered by AI, on any device. Need to record a lecture to help with notes? Memos AI can do that AND give you an accurate transcript of what was said.
BrewFlasher Web Edition
Hindi Bollywood » Live Online Fm Radio From India Stations
Click here Download Apk
Figma: The Collaborative Interface Design Tool
Figma is the leading collaborative design tool for building meaningful products. Seamlessly design, prototype, develop, and collect feedback in a single platform.
WTFOS Configurator
Root and configure your DJI HD FPV goggles and air-units via web interface.
Lynx Toolbox
Lynx Toolbox is an online tool to help you manage your Lynx headset. You can use it to install apps, update your device, or perform various other actions.
Beautiful Free Images & Pictures
Beautiful, free images and photos that you can download and use for any project. Better than any royalty free or stock photos.
AirConsole - Multiplayer games for friends
AirConsole is an online video game console. Play over 190 multiplayer games. Your smartphones are the controllers.
Web Serial Controller
Connect to any USB or Bluetooth Serial Device from your browser using the Web Serial API Controller
Edit Photos and modify with Effects PhotoPWA.com
This online tool helps you easily cut and edit your photos. You can trim them just right, change the size, add cool filters, and make your images better with no hassle. The website as PWA is easy to use, so you can make your photos perfect and use fun filters.
There are simple podcast & video editors and there are powerful ones. Only Descript is both & it features magical AI, so you can skip the hard part of editing. Get started for free.
Globs Designer
Design with globs, a stretchy new design primitive. Tired of the pen tool? Need smarter curves? Want to design from code? Get started with globs.
Microsoft Loop - Think, plan and create together
Edit Photo
No ads, no popups, no cookies, no account. The fastest way to edit photos online
Last Finger Standing
Need to pick someone to go first? To pay the bill? To buy milk? Just have everyone put a finger on the screen and wait. Last Finger Standing will make your choice automatically! A quick and easy app to randomly select someone from a group of people.
The Session
An online community dedicated to traditional Irish music.
ESP Web Tools
Easily allow users to flash new firmware for their ESP-devices on the web.
Readonly links, for your read only.
Graphing functions easily on the web
VRoid Hub
VRoid Hubは、3Dキャラクターのための投稿・共有プラットフォームです。モデルデータをアップロードするだけでキャラクターが活き活きとアニメーションするプロフィールページを作成でき、利用条件と共にモデルデータを配布することもできます。登録した3Dモデルは、VRoid Hubと連携した各種VR/ARプラットフォームや3Dコンテンツ上で利用可能です
Barcode/QR code Scanner
A Progressive Web Application (PWA) that scans barcodes of various formats, using the Barcode Detection API.
Raverie Engine
GDevelop game making app
Build your own game super fast and without programming. Publish on mobile, desktop and on the web.
Scrapbook PWA
Online Virtual Piano Keyboard with MIDI Functionality
This virtual piano gives you a simple way to practice your piano/keyboard skills online. Just connect a MIDI controller and start playing right away.
GIFWorks makes movies from shared screens and webcams. Once recorded, videos can be optimized and saved as GIF or downloaded as WebM.
Kiwix JS PWA
Offline Wikipedia reader
Oxygen Saturation Monitor
Monitor your oxygen saturation and heart rate with a bluetooth pulse oximeter
Ilaria Food & Home – Ricette e stile di vita sostenibile
Ricette e stile di vita sostenibile
Squoosh is the ultimate image optimizer that allows you to compress and compare images with different codecs in your browser.
Open Video
Open local video files using the browser.
Amazingly Simple Graphic Design Software – Canva
Amazingly Simple Graphic Design Software – Canva
Learn music better with our living sheet music.
EdgeTX Buddy
GrapheneOS web installer
Web-based installer for GrapheneOS, a security and privacy focused mobile OS with Android app compatibility.
Leonidas Esteban, Google Developer Expert en Web Technologies
Te enseño el cómo y el porqué de cada línea de código, aprendamos a programar juntos.
pixiv Sketch - お絵かきコミュニケーションアプリ
Toot Café
A Mastodon instance mostly populated by folks interested in web design and development.
Telegram is a cloud-based mobile and desktop messaging app with a focus on security and speed.
Trovo is an interactive live streaming platform, you can check out the hottest games live, share your own gaming experiences, and join an amazing community created especially for gamers, creators and do-ers.
Mandadin 4
Radio Garden
Explore live radio by rotating the globe.
X. It’s what’s happening
From breaking news and entertainment to sports and politics, get the full story with all the live commentary.
Duino App
Top War
In Top War, modern tanks are merged out of basic gunman, everything can be merged here.No more upgrade waiting times, merge two together and the upgrade will finish instantly.
LittleBits Fuse
Play board games online from your browser
The world's #1 platform for playing board games online. Play hundreds of board games from your browser for free.
Expressive Canvas
Amazon Luna – Amazon Cloud Gaming
Amazon Luna is a cloud gaming platform developed and operated by Amazon. Play great games on devices you already own.
Popular MIDIs — BitMidi
Listen to free MIDI songs, download the best MIDI files, and share the best MIDIs on the web.
YouTube Audio Player
An awesome audio player for YouTube videos
WebAssembly demo with File System Access
A demo showing WebAssembly + WASI apps running on the Web with access to a real filesystem.
Vectorpea Online Vector Editor lets you edit vector graphics, AI, SVG and PDF files!
Web Xmodem
Flowchart Maker & Online Diagram Software
Learning Synths
Learn about synthesizers via Ableton’s interactive website. Play with a synth in your browser and learn to use the various parts of a synth to make your own sounds.
Getting Started
UsTaxes is an open source webapp for filing US federal income tax. All tax calculations are performed in the browser, so no personal information is stored on external servers!
Creating Kaleidoscopes from Photos with Online Tool
Discover the mesmerizing world of kaleidoscopes and unlock your artistic potential with our user-friendly online tool. Whether you're drawn to the symmetrical beauty of mandalas or nostalgic for the classic kaleidoscopes of your childhood, our tool offers endless possibilities
natto.dev - write JavaScript on a 2D canvas
Edit • Video
No ads, no popups, no cookies, no account. The fastest way to edit video online
Vernier Graphical Analysis®
Vimeo Interactive Video Experience Platform
Emulate the sound of Roland's most famous and influential musical instruments from Yuri Suzuki and Roland.
Pokémon of the Week
A game of collecting and collaborating
Excalidraw — Collaborative whiteboarding made easy
Excalidraw is a virtual collaborative whiteboard tool that lets you easily sketch diagrams that have a hand-drawn feel to them.
Listen to radio, podcasts and create playlists.
Snapchat. Now on the web.
Try the new Snapchat for Web on your computer to chat, call friends, use Lenses, and more
Your keyboard's best friend
It's about time. Markwhen is a simple language for creating beautiful calendars, timelines, and more.
Free and open source 2D and 3D game engine
Use the Godot Engine editor directly in your web browser, without having to install anything.
Trimble Identity
Narrow One
Capture the flag medieval style!
Capture QR Code
Instantly snap QR codes on mobile and desktop without installing an app.
Access AutoCAD® in the web browser on any computer. With the AutoCAD web app, you can edit, create, and view CAD drawings and DWG files anytime, anywhere.
MConverter: Easy to Use Online File Converter
Convert securely video, audio, image, e-book, office & archive files. Bulk convert large files up to 2 GB. Free and easy to use converter.
Find all Unicode characters from Hieroglyphs to Dingbats – Codepoints
Codepoints is a site dedicated to Unicode and all things related to codepoints, characters, glyphs and internationalization.
Android Flash Tool
Art Class
Impeccable timing and knowledge separate the stock trading elite. MOMO Stock Discovery App gives real-time stock market insight and alerts to time trades from desktop browser, iPhone, or Android.
Look Scanned
Look Scanned is a pure frontend site that makes your PDFs look scanned! No need for printers and scanners anymore - everything you need to do is just a few clicks.
Microsoft MakeCode Computer Science Education
MakeCode brings computer science to life for all students with fun projects, immediate results, and both block and text editors for learners at different levels.
Expressive Animator
Construct 3 r368.2 ★★★★★
Launch Construct 3 r368.2. Make games with the world's easiest browser-based game creator. Try for free now and begin your game development journey.
Adobe Photoshop
Best-in-class editing and design tools to create, modify, refine, and remix images into content you'll love. Straight from your browser.
Perfetto UI
Make music in an online DAW
Produce music online. Make beats, record audio, and collaborate.
Learn a language for free
Learn languages by playing a game. It's 100% free, fun, and scientifically proven to work.
Remap allows you to find, build, set up and customize your keyboard quickly and easily in Web Browser.
SVGcode is a Progressive Web App that lets you convert raster images like JPG, PNG, GIF, WebP, AVIF, etc. to vector graphics in SVG format.
Hostme is everything you need to successfully run your restaurant business!
Everything you need to make anything you want.
Music Instrument tuner app
Tune guiter, bass, ukulele. Also allows you to tune with chromatic tuner. This also has a useful metronome that you can use while you jam.
Free Online Games on CrazyGames
Play free online games at CrazyGames, the best place to play high-quality browser games. We add new games every day. Have fun!
Linear – A better way to build products
Linear streamlines issues, sprints, and product roadmaps. It’s the new standard for modern software development.
Notepad - Offline capable
An offline capable notepad powered by ServiceWorker. It's quick, distraction-free, dark mode enabled, mobile compatible(Android, iOS) and minimalist in nature.
Voyager for Lemmy
Voyager is a beautiful mobile web client for Lemmy. Enjoy a seamless experience browsing the fediverse.
Ace Seventh Heaven
Visual Day scheduler.
Craft — A fresh take on documents
Get started today, it's free.
IRCCloud is a modern IRC client that keeps you connected, with none of the baggage. Stay synced and notified wherever you are with our web and mobile apps.
Install Tasmota
﹒ Blob City ﹒
Live Online Music Collaboration
Sessionwire Studio is a powerhouse creative communication suite for your production team featuring live video and studio quality HQ Audio.
Espruino Web IDE
Cue for Education
WebGamer 🎮 Play Free Online Games
Play free online games instantly in your browser. WebGamer is a portal of next-gen web games you can play now without installing anything!
gphoto2 on the Web
STORZ & BICKEL Web App for Bluetooth Devices.
Improv Wi-Fi: Open standard for setting up Wi-Fi via Bluetooth LE and Serial
Free and open standard with ready-made SDKs that offer a great user experience to configure Wi-Fi on devices.
Free Online AI Photo Editor, Image Generator & Design tool
Get creative with Pixlr’s online photo editing & design tools. Including AI image generator, batch editor, animation design, enhancer & more. Try now for FREE!
Wormhole - Simple, private file sharing
Wormhole lets you share files with end-to-end encryption and a link that automatically expires.
Vodon Player
Songwhip - Free music links to all platforms
In one click, Songwhip finds your music everywhere & makes a page you can share with everyone
Hoppscotch • Open source API development ecosystem
Helps you create requests faster, saving precious time on development.
Chip Player JS
glTF Report
Viewer, analysis tool, script editor, and validator for 3D models in glTF 2.0 format.
bridge. v2
bridge. is a light-weight IDE for Minecraft Add-Ons
BandLab - Make Music Online
The cloud platform where musicians and fans create music, collaborate, and engage with each other across the globe
Daily Writing Builder
LEGO Education SPIKE
Visual Studio Code for the Web
Build with Visual Studio Code, anywhere, anytime, entirely in your browser.
Advanced Saved Messages of the Telegram. Organize your notes, links, checklists, photos and any documents in the free unlimited Telegram Cloud.
Adobe Podcast
Next generation audio from Adobe is here. Record, transcribe, edit, share. Crisp and clear, every time.
regex101: build, test, and debug regex
Regular expression tester with syntax highlighting, explanation, cheat sheet for PHP/PCRE, Python, GO, JavaScript, Java, C#/.NET, Rust.
GoldWave Infinity Audio Editor
GoldWave Infinity audio editing, recording, conversion, and visual analysis app.
Desktop environment in the browser
Slack is your productivity platform
Slack is a new way to communicate with your team. It’s faster, better organized, and more secure than email.
Photopea Online Photo Editor lets you edit photos, apply effects, filters, add text, crop or resize pictures. Do Online Photo Editing in your browser for free!
SQLite Viewer Web App
A free online SQLite Explorer, inspired by DB Browser for SQLite and Airtable. Use this web-based SQLite Tool to quickly and easily inspect sqlite files on the web.
Link Cleaner
Remove tracking code and other variables from web links with the press of a button!
Senomix Timesheets - Sign-In
Senomix Time and Expense Tracking Software for Mac and Windows
Discover recipes, home ideas, style inspiration and other ideas to try.
Real Time Lightning Map
See lightning strikes in real time across the planet. Free access to maps of former thunderstorms. By Blitzortung.org and contributors.
An experimental project to bring document/image scanning to the web (USB scanners).
Wootility Web
Instantly edit your Wooting keyboard profiles and colors from the browser.
Run projects, code your ideas, and share it all on Codeit.
Hear in a new way with STEM
Speakflow — Online Teleprompter - AI Powered
Speakflow is an online teleprompter! Write and save scripts; collaborate with your team; Includes voice-activated scrolling. Works on Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and more!
With 55 billion matches to date, Tinder® is the world’s most popular dating app, making it the place to meet new people.
A free and instant collaborative diagramming tool.
PocketLab Notebook
Create your free account or sign in here.
Build expressive charts or dashboards with code
Turn your most complex data into actionable insights faster with Observable. The future of data visualization, dashboards, and data apps starts here.
YT Playlist Notifier
Get notified when YouTube playlists are updated.
HexEd.it - Browser-based Online and Offline Hex Editing
HexEd.it is a free hex editor for Windows, MacOS, Linux and all other modern operating systems, which uses HTML5 and JavaScript (JS) technology to enable hexediting online, directly in your browser.
Create an account or log in to Instagram - A simple, fun & creative way to capture, edit & share photos, videos & messages with friends & family.
Shared Game Timer
A board game timer that synchronizes across multiple devices.
Bluesky Social
See what's next.
CrosKeys by CrosExperts
Unlock your Chromebook's potential with a powerful keyboard launcher!
Fast, reliable, parametric solid modeling web app. Programmatic 3D design with JavaScript, inspired by and improving upon OpenSCAD & JSCAD. Demonstrates a new GPU-parallel, open-source geometry kernel: Manifold.
Typst: Compose papers faster
Focus on your text and let Typst take care of layout and formatting. Sign up now and speed up your writing process.
SnapperGPS - Home
Home page of SnapperGPS - A small, low-cost, low-power wildlife tracking system.
Take leisurely walks and drives around the world while chilling to lofi music 🎶
BPM Techno - Free Online Real-Time BPM Counter for DJ
Produce some beats using any player, launchpad, keyboard, and mix them live with another track easily and precisely using this free online real-time BPM counter
Soundtrap - Make music online
Make music together online. Free instruments, loops, drum kits, and vocal tuner in one studio. Record, edit, mix, and master your audio, no downloads - sign up for free.
Install WLED
TopDecked Unified
The essential Magic App for brewers, collectors, traders, competitors, and fans.
Beatport DJ
Beatport DJ is the world's first web based DJ software built for music discovery and playlist management. Subscribe to Beatport Streaming and start mixing with millions of tracks.
Fotor - Free Online Photo Editing Tools
Upload image in Fotor online photo editor to crop image, add text to photo, enhance image, remove background, create graphics & more for free.
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GoodNotes app
dot big bang
dot big bang is a way to create and share games with your friends. Create on your own or with your friends, share with anyone by just sending a link!
Color Picker - ThreeJS
A ThreeJS color picker
Boxy SVG
Create and edit Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files online
PhotoStack has moved to https://photostack.app
A micro journaling app with minimalistic design, pristine writing experience, and powerful insights.
What PWA Can Do Today
A showcase of what is possible with Progressive Web Apps today.
Accessible UK Train Timetables
A blazingly small and fast UK train times journey planner and live departure boards, with bookmarkable URLs as a web app, and offline saving of viewed journeys.
HTML Document Editor
Pixel-Art Editor & NFTs Laboratory
Make pixel art from real life images and draw on the image you can edit for free, filters, layers, library, are within the editor.
A mini-encyclopedia of Pokémon species, types, evolutions, and moves.
Create Amazing Mockups
Create Amazing Mockups
Vim Online Editor - Vim Editor In Browser
Service worker with push notification
Geolocation - popup
Shows how to get geolocation access within a popup.
Notifications API sample
Demonstrates the creation of, and interaction with, each of the notification template types.
Devtools - Chrome Query
Uses the devtools API to add a sidebar that displays the jQuery data associated with the selected DOM element.
Typed URL History
Uses the chrome.history API to display in a popup the user's most visited pages.
il8n API Example
Demonstrates the chrome.i18n API by localizing text in the extension popup.
Chromium Milestones
Shows the Chromium release milestone a given code review was merged into.
Demonstrates how to use the chrome.storage API.
Test Screenshot Extension
Uses the chrome.tabs API to take a screenshot of the active tab.
Bookmark Viewer
Uses the chrome.bookmarks API to search through, add, and delete bookmarks from the user's bookmark tree.
Optional Permissions New Tab
Demonstrates optional permissions in extensions
Quick API Reference
Quick API can speed up the building of Chrome extensions.
No Cookies
Uses the chrome.declarativeNetRequest API to remove the "Cookie" header from requests.
Tab Inspector
Demonstrates the chrome.tabs API and the chrome.windows API by providing a user interface to manage tabs and windows.
Keyboard Pin
Uses the chrome.tabs API to toggle the pinned state of the current tab.
BrowsingData API: Basics
Uses the chrome.browsingData API to clear the user's history without requiring the user to visit the history page.
CO2 meter extension
Demonstrates using WebHID to connect to a CO2 meter.
My Bookmarks
A browser action with a popup dump of all bookmarks, including search, add, edit and delete.
Uses the chrome.commands API by creating a new keyboard macro for switching tabs in the browser window.
Font Settings API Sample
Demonstrates the chrome.fontSettings API by allowing users to modify the size of fonts on webpages.
History Override
Demonstrates how to override the default history page.
Sandboxed Frame Sample
Demonstrates creation of a tab with a sandboxed iframe to which the main page passes a counter variable.
topSites API sample
Uses the chrome.topSites API to suggest which sites a user should visit.
Replace every image by a cat's image in a website you visit
Omnibox Simple Example
Demonstrates the "omnibox" manifest key and most members of the omnibox API.
Action API Demo
Uses the Action API to change the badge text, icon, hover text, or popup page.
Tab Capture Example
Demonstrates how to use the chrome.tabCapture API.
Hello Extensions
Base Level Extension
Web Accessible Resources Demo
Uses the web_accessible_resources key in the manifest.json file to control access to assets within an extension.
Sandboxed Content Sample
Demonstrates creating a tab for a sandboxed iframe. The sandbox calls eval() to write HTML to its own document.
Oliver Focus Mode
Example extension from DevTools Tips video.
Cookie Clearer
Uses the chrome.cookies API by letting a user delete their cookies via a popup.
Tab Capture - Recorder
Records the current tab in an offscreen document.
Google Analytics Demo
How to use Google Analytics 4 in your extension.
Print Extension
Demonstrates all four methods of the chrome.printing namespace.
no-cookies Rule Manager
Demonstrates the chrome.declarativeNetRequest API by providing a UI to manipulate declarativeNetRequest rules dynamically.
Merge Windows
Uses the chrome.windows and chrome.tabs APIs to manage tabs across different windows.
File Handling Demo
Shows how to use the file_handlers manifest key with the web platform's Launch Handler API.
Idle - Simple Example
Demonstrates the Idle API
webRequest.onAuthRequired Demo
Demonstrates the webRequest.onAuthRequired listener to detect an authentication request and log the user into the designated site.
WASM Load Example - Helloworld (no-modules)
Shows how to use WebAssembly (WASM) in Manifest V3.
Favicon API in a popup
Demonstrates the favicon manifest permission by displaying the favicon of a url in the extension popup.
Geolocation - offscreen
Shows how to get geolocation access within a service worker.
Advanced Font Settings
Demonstrates the chrome.fontSettings API by allowing users to modify the style of displayed fonts on web pages.
Alarms API Demo
Uses the chrome.alarms API to allow the user to set alarms using an extension page.
Debugger Extension
Uses the chrome.debugger API to capture network events on web pages.
Content settings
Uses chrome.contentSettings to display the settings of a given page in the extension's popup.
Open side panel
Shows how to call sidePanel.open() to open a global side panel.
Top Sites
Uses the chrome.topSites API to get the user's most visited sites.
Blank new tab page
Uses the "chrome_url_overrides" manifest key by replacing the user's default new tab page with a new html file.
Context Menus Sample
Uses the chrome.contextMenus API to customize the context menu.
Devtools - inspectedWindow API sample
Uses devtools.inspectedWindow to collect and use data on the resouces used in a web page.
Omnibox - New Tab Search
Demonstrates the "omnibox" manifest key and API by creating a keyword that opens a browser search in a new tab.
Favicon API in content scripts
Demonstrates fetching the favicon from www.google.com and inserting it at the top left of every page.
Tab Manager for Chrome Dev Docs
URL Redirect
Uses the chrome.declarativeNetRequest API to redirect requests.
Tabs zoom API Demo
Uses the tabs.zoom API to manipulate the zoom level of the current tab.
Getting Started Example
Build an Extension!
Global Google Search
Uses the context menu to search a different country's Google
WASM Load Example - Helloworld
Shows how to use WebAssembly (WASM) as a module in Manifest V3.
WebSocket Demo
How to use WebSockets in your Chrome Extension.
Drink Water Event Popup
Demonstrates usage and features of the event page by reminding user to drink water
Site-specific side panel
Shows how to display the side panel only on google.com using the Side Panel API.
Offscreen API - DOM Parsing
Shows how to use DOMParser in an extension service worker using the offscreen document.
MV3 Migration - content script example
Broken Background Color
Fix an Extension!
webNavigation API Sample
Uses the webNavigation API to send notifications.
Geolocation - content script
Shows how to get geolocation access within a content script.
Scripting API Demo
Uses the chrome.scripting API to inject JavaScript into web pages.
Offscreen API - Clipboard
Shows how to write a string to the system clipboard using the offscreen document.
URL Blocker
Uses the chrome.declarativeNetRequest API to block requests.
Page Redder
Turns the page red when you click the icon
Focus Mode
Enable focus mode on Chrome's official Extensions and Chrome Web Store documentation.
Reading time
Add the reading time to Chrome Extension documentation articles