Insertable streams for MediaStreamTrack

The content of a MediaStreamTrack is exposed as a stream that can be manipulated or used to generate new content

In the context of the Media Capture and Streams API the MediaStreamTrack interface represents a single media track within a stream; typically, these are audio or video tracks, but other track types may exist. MediaStream objects consist of zero or more MediaStreamTrack objects, representing various audio or video tracks. Each MediaStreamTrack may have one or more channels. The channel represents the smallest unit of a media stream, such as an audio signal associated with a given speaker, like left or right in a stereo audio track.

What is insertable streams for MediaStreamTrack?

The core idea behind insertable streams for MediaStreamTrack is to expose the content of a MediaStreamTrack as a collection of streams (as defined by the WHATWG Streams API). These streams can be manipulated to introduce new components.

Granting developers access to the video (or audio) stream directly allows them to apply modifications directly to the stream. In contrast, realizing the same video manipulation task with traditional methods requires developers to use intermediaries such as <canvas> elements. (For details of this type of process, see, for example, video + canvas = magic.)

Browser support

Insertable streams for MediaStreamTrack is supported from Chrome 94.

Use cases

Use cases for insertable streams for MediaStreamTrack include, but are not limited to:

  • Video conferencing gadgets like "funny hats" or virtual backgrounds.
  • Voice processing like software vocoders.

How to use insertable streams for MediaStreamTrack

Feature detection

You can feature-detect insertable streams for MediaStreamTrack support as follows.

if ('MediaStreamTrackProcessor' in window && 'MediaStreamTrackGenerator' in window) {
  // Insertable streams for `MediaStreamTrack` is supported.

Core concepts

Insertable streams for MediaStreamTrack builds on concepts previously proposed by WebCodecs and conceptually splits the MediaStreamTrack into two components:

  • The MediaStreamTrackProcessor, which consumes a MediaStreamTrack object's source and generates a stream of media frames, specifically VideoFrame or AudioFrame) objects. You can think of this as a track sink that is capable of exposing the unencoded frames from the track as a ReadableStream.
  • The MediaStreamTrackGenerator, which consumes a stream of media frames and exposes a MediaStreamTrack interface. It can be provided to any sink, just like a track from getUserMedia(). It takes media frames as input.

The MediaStreamTrackProcessor

A MediaStreamTrackProcessor object exposes one property, readable. It allows for reading the frames from the MediaStreamTrack. If the track is a video track, chunks read from readable will be VideoFrame objects. If the track is an audio track, chunks read from readable will be AudioFrame objects.

The MediaStreamTrackGenerator

A MediaStreamTrackGenerator object likewise exposes one property, writable, which is a WritableStream that allows writing media frames to the MediaStreamTrackGenerator, which is itself a MediaStreamTrack. If the kind attribute is "audio", the stream accepts AudioFrame objects and fails with any other type. If kind is "video", the stream accepts VideoFrame objects and fails with any other type. When a frame is written to writable, the frame's close() method is automatically invoked, so that its media resources are no longer accessible from JavaScript.

A MediaStreamTrackGenerator is a track for which a custom source can be implemented by writing media frames to its writable field.

Bringing it all together

The core idea is to create a processing chain as follows:

Platform Track → Processor → Transform → Generator → Platform Sinks

The example below illustrates this chain for a barcode scanner application which highlights detected barcode in a live video stream.

const stream = await getUserMedia({ video: true });
const videoTrack = stream.getVideoTracks()[0];

const trackProcessor = new MediaStreamTrackProcessor({ track: videoTrack });
const trackGenerator = new MediaStreamTrackGenerator({ kind: 'video' });

const transformer = new TransformStream({
  async transform(videoFrame, controller) {
    const barcodes = await detectBarcodes(videoFrame);
    const newFrame = highlightBarcodes(videoFrame, barcodes);


const videoBefore = document.getElementById('video-before');
const videoAfter = document.getElementById('video-after');
videoBefore.srcObject = stream;
const streamAfter = new MediaStream([trackGenerator]);
videoAfter.srcObject = streamAfter;


You can see the QR code scanner demo from the section above in action on a desktop or mobile browser. Hold a QR code in front of the camera and the app will detect it and highlight it. You can see the application's source code on Glitch.

QR code scanner running in desktop browser tab showing a detected and highlighted QR code on the phone the user holds in front of the laptop's camera.

Security and Privacy considerations

The security of this API relies on existing mechanisms in the web platform. As data is exposed using the VideoFrame and AudioFrame interfaces, the rules of those interfaces to deal with origin-tainted data apply. For example, data from cross-origin resources cannot be accessed due to existing restrictions on accessing such resources (e.g., it is not possible to access the pixels of a cross-origin image or video element). In addition, access to media data from cameras, microphones, or screens is subject to user authorization. The media data this API exposes is already available through other APIs.


The Chromium team wants to hear about your experiences with insertable streams for MediaStreamTrack.

Tell us about the API design

Is there something about the API that does not work like you expected? Or are there missing methods or properties that you need to implement your idea? Do you have a question or comment on the security model? File a spec issue on the corresponding GitHub repo, or add your thoughts to an existing issue.

Report a problem with the implementation

Did you find a bug with Chromium's implementation? Or is the implementation different from the spec? File a bug at Be sure to include as much detail as you can, simple instructions for reproducing, and enter Blink>MediaStream in the Components box. Glitch works great for sharing quick and easy repros.

Show support for the API

Are you planning to use insertable streams for MediaStreamTrack? Your public support helps the Chromium team prioritize features and shows other browser vendors how critical it is to support them.

Send a tweet to @ChromiumDev using the hashtag #InsertableStreams and let us know where and how you are using it.


The insertable streams for MediaStreamTrack spec was written by Harald Alvestrand and Guido Urdaneta. This article was reviewed by Harald Alvestrand, Joe Medley, Ben Wagner, Huib Kleinhout, and François Beaufort. Hero image by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash.