What's WebGPU 新功能 (Chrome 118 以上版本)

François Beaufort
François Beaufort

copyExternalImageToTexture() 中的 HTMLImageElement 和 ImageData 支援

GPUQueue 上的 copyExternalImageToTexture() 方法可讓您將來源圖片、影片或畫布的快照複製到指定的 GPUTexture。您現在可以傳遞 HTMLImageElementImageData 物件做為來源。請參閱以下範例和問題 chromium:1471372

// Fetch and decode image.
const source = document.createElement("img");
source.src = "my-image.png";
await source.decode();

// Create destination texture.
const size = [source.width, source.height];
const texture = myDevice.createTexture({
 format: "rgba8unorm",
   GPUTextureUsage.COPY_DST |

// Copies a snapshot taken from the source image into a texture.
myDevice.queue.copyExternalImageToTexture({ source }, { texture }, size);


儲存空間紋理繫結類型可讓您在不取樣的情況下執行紋理讀取,並儲存至著色器中的任意位置。當 GPUAdapter 提供 "chromium-experimental-read-write-storage-texture" 功能時,您可以在建立繫結群組版面配置時,要求使用這項功能的 GPUDevice,並將 GPUStorageTexture 存取權設為 "read-write""read-only"。以往只限 "write-only"

如要使用這項功能,您必須在 WGSL 程式碼中使用 enable chromium_experimental_read_write_storage_texture 明確啟用這個擴充功能。啟用之後,您就能使用 read_writeread 存取限定詞做為儲存空間紋理,textureLoad()textureStore() 內建函式會因應這種行為,也可使用新的 textureBarrier() 內建函式同步處理工作群組中的紋理記憶體存取權。請參閱以下範例和問題發生時間:1972

這項功能仍在實驗階段,可能會有變動,在經過標準化的情況下,使用 --enable-dawn-features=allow_unsafe_apis 旗標執行 Chrome。

const feature = "chromium-experimental-read-write-storage-texture";
const adapter = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter();
if (!adapter.features.has(feature)) {
  throw new Error("Read-write storage texture support is not available");
// Explicitly request read-write storage texture support.
const device = await adapter.requestDevice({
  requiredFeatures: [feature],

const bindGroupLayout = device.createBindGroupLayout({
  entries: [{
    binding: 0,
    visibility: GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE,
    storageTexture: {
      access: "read-write", // <-- New!
      format: "r32uint",

const shaderModule = device.createShaderModule({ code: `
  enable chromium_experimental_read_write_storage_texture;
  @group(0) @binding(0) var tex : texture_storage_2d<r32uint, read_write>;

  @compute @workgroup_size(1, 1)
  fn main(@builtin(local_invocation_id) local_id: vec3u) {
    var data = textureLoad(tex, vec2i(local_id.xy));
    data.x *= 2;
    textureStore(tex, vec2i(local_id.xy), data);

// You can now create a compute pipeline with this shader module and
// send the appropriate commands to the GPU.


為求一致性,webgpu.h C API 已重新命名下列欄位:requiredFeaturesCountrequiredFeatureCountpipelineStatisticsCount 重新命名為 pipelineStatisticCount,並將 colorFormatsCount 重新命名為 colorFormatCount。請參閱問題發生時間:146040

新的 DawnInfo 程式 (與 vulkaninfo 類似) 可讓您列出切換鈕、轉接程式、轉接程式功能和轉接程式限制。建構黎明 samples 時可使用此功能。為了簡潔起見,以下輸出內容為精簡內容。請參閱變更 dawn:149020

  Name: allow_unsafe_apis
    Suppresses validation errors on API entry points or parameter combinations
    that aren't considered secure yet.

VendorID: 0x106B
Vendor: apple
Architecture: common-3
DeviceID: 0x0000
Name: Apple M1 Pro
Driver description: Metal driver on macOS Version 13.5.1 (Build 22G90)
Adapter Type: discrete GPU
Backend Type: Metal
Power: <undefined>

   * depth_clip_control
      Disable depth clipping of primitives to the clip volume

  Adapter Limits
    maxTextureDimension1D: 16,384
    maxTextureDimension2D: 16,384


WebGPU 的新功能

WebGPU 新功能」系列中已說明的所有功能清單。

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