Das API-Schaufenster für Projekt Fugu ist eine Sammlung von Apps, bei denen APIs verwendet werden, die im Kontext des Fugu-Projekts entwickelt wurden. Weitere Informationen zu Project Fugu finden Sie auf der Landingpage für Funktionen.

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Verwendete APIs

Get a short summary of every webpage.

This recipe shows how to use sidePanel.getOptions() to retrieve the current side panel and switch between side panels.

Try the Gemini Models.

Shows how to display the same side panel on every site using the Side Panel API.

Adds a custom cursor on developer.chrome.com.

Try the built-in AI preview in Chrome.

Provides definitions in the side panel.

Uses the chrome.privacy.services property to get and set privacy settings.

Basic Hello World Extension

Generate a red triangle with WebGPU in an extension service worker.

Uses the chrome.userScripts API to inject JavaScript into web pages.

Override system power-saving settings.

Send a message to a native application.

Uses the chrome.readingList API to display, update and remove reading list entries.

Shows how to get geolocation access within a popup.

Demonstrates the creation of, and interaction with, each of the notification template types.

Uses the devtools API to add a sidebar that displays the jQuery data associated with the selected DOM element.

Uses the chrome.history API to display in a popup the user's most visited pages.

Demonstrates the chrome.i18n API by localizing text in the extension popup.

Shows the Chromium release milestone a given code review was merged into.

Demonstrates how to use the chrome.storage API.

Uses the chrome.tabs API to take a screenshot of the active tab.

Uses the chrome.bookmarks API to search through, add, and delete bookmarks from the user's bookmark tree.

Demonstrates optional permissions in extensions

Quick API can speed up the building of Chrome extensions.

Uses the chrome.declarativeNetRequest API to remove the "Cookie" header from requests.

Demonstrates the chrome.tabs API and the chrome.windows API by providing a user interface to manage tabs and windows.

Uses the chrome.tabs API to toggle the pinned state of the current tab.

Uses the chrome.browsingData API to clear the user's history without requiring the user to visit the history page.

Demonstrates using WebHID to connect to a CO2 meter.

A browser action with a popup dump of all bookmarks, including search, add, edit and delete.

Uses the chrome.commands API by creating a new keyboard macro for switching tabs in the browser window.

Demonstrates the chrome.fontSettings API by allowing users to modify the size of fonts on webpages.

Demonstrates how to override the default history page.

Demonstrates creation of a tab with a sandboxed iframe to which the main page passes a counter variable.

Uses the chrome.topSites API to suggest which sites a user should visit.

Replace every image by a cat's image in a website you visit

Demonstrates the "omnibox" manifest key and most members of the omnibox API.

Uses the Action API to change the badge text, icon, hover text, or popup page.

Demonstrates how to use the chrome.tabCapture API.

Base Level Extension

Uses the web_accessible_resources key in the manifest.json file to control access to assets within an extension.

Demonstrates creating a tab for a sandboxed iframe. The sandbox calls eval() to write HTML to its own document.

Example extension from DevTools Tips video.

Uses the chrome.cookies API by letting a user delete their cookies via a popup.

Records the current tab in an offscreen document.

How to use Google Analytics 4 in your extension.

Demonstrates all four methods of the chrome.printing namespace.

Demonstrates the chrome.declarativeNetRequest API by providing a UI to manipulate declarativeNetRequest rules dynamically.

Uses the chrome.windows and chrome.tabs APIs to manage tabs across different windows.

Shows how to use the file_handlers manifest key with the web platform's Launch Handler API.

Demonstrates the Idle API

Demonstrates the webRequest.onAuthRequired listener to detect an authentication request and log the user into the designated site.

Shows how to use WebAssembly (WASM) in Manifest V3.

Demonstrates the favicon manifest permission by displaying the favicon of a url in the extension popup.

Shows how to get geolocation access within a service worker.

Demonstrates the chrome.fontSettings API by allowing users to modify the style of displayed fonts on web pages.

Uses the chrome.alarms API to allow the user to set alarms using an extension page.

Uses the chrome.debugger API to capture network events on web pages.

Uses chrome.contentSettings to display the settings of a given page in the extension's popup.

Shows how to call sidePanel.open() to open a global side panel.

Uses the chrome.topSites API to get the user's most visited sites.

Uses the "chrome_url_overrides" manifest key by replacing the user's default new tab page with a new html file.

Uses the chrome.contextMenus API to customize the context menu.

Uses devtools.inspectedWindow to collect and use data on the resouces used in a web page.

Demonstrates the "omnibox" manifest key and API by creating a keyword that opens a browser search in a new tab.

Demonstrates fetching the favicon from www.google.com and inserting it at the top left of every page.

Uses the chrome.declarativeNetRequest API to redirect requests.

Uses the tabs.zoom API to manipulate the zoom level of the current tab.

Build an Extension!

Uses the context menu to search a different country's Google

Shows how to use WebAssembly (WASM) as a module in Manifest V3.

How to use WebSockets in your Chrome Extension.

Demonstrates usage and features of the event page by reminding user to drink water

Shows how to display the side panel only on google.com using the Side Panel API.

Shows how to use DOMParser in an extension service worker using the offscreen document.

Fix an Extension!

Uses the webNavigation API to send notifications.

Shows how to get geolocation access within a content script.

Uses the chrome.scripting API to inject JavaScript into web pages.

Shows how to write a string to the system clipboard using the offscreen document.

Uses the chrome.declarativeNetRequest API to block requests.

Turns the page red when you click the icon

Enable focus mode on Chrome's official Extensions and Chrome Web Store documentation.

Add the reading time to Chrome Extension documentation articles