Puppeteer is a JavaScript library which provides a high-level API to automate both Chrome and Firefox over the Chrome DevTools Protocol and WebDriver BiDi.

Use it to automate anything in the browser, from taking screenshots and generating PDFs to navigating through and testing complex UIs and analysing performance.


Query DOM elements, click buttons, type text, and more.
Intercept and modify network requests and responses.
Get visual snapshots of full pages or specific elements.
Learn about headless, headful and shell modes and when to use them.

Blog posts

Read the most recent blog posts touching on Puppeteer, Chrome For Testing and WebDriver BiDi.

The Chrome Web Store is committed to fostering a high-quality and trustworthy ecosystem for developers and users. To align with this goal, we're announcing a series of policy updates designed to provide clarity and consistency across our platform.

Learn about the change to the Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX changes) in the February 2025 release including LCP image subparts, LCP resource types, and RTT.

Chrome allows web apps playing media to automatically enter picture-in-picture.