- Chrome 60 reduces jank by lowering event frequency, thereby improving the consistency of frame timing.
- The
method, introduced in Chrome 58 provides the same wealth of event information you've had all along.
Providing a smooth user experience is important for the web. The time between receiving an input event and when the visuals actually update is important and generally doing less work is important. Over the past few releases of Chrome, we have driven down input latency across these devices.
In the interest of smoothness and performance, in Chrome 60, we are making a change that causes these events to occur at a lower frequency while increasing the granularity of the information provided. Much like when Jelly Bean was released and brought the Choreographer which aligns input on Android, we are bringing frame aligned input to the web on all platforms.
But sometimes you need more events. So, in
Chrome 58, we implemented
a method called
, which
lets your application retrieve the full path of the pointer even while it's
receiving fewer events.
Let's talk about event frequency first.
Lowering event frequency
Let's understand some basics: touch-screens deliver input at 60-120Hz and mice deliver input typically at 100Hz (but can be anywhere up to 2000Hz). Yet the typical refresh rate of a monitor is 60Hz. So what does that actually mean? It means that we receive input at a higher rate than we actually update the display at. So let's look at a performance timeline from devtools for a simple canvas painting app.
In the picture below, with requestAnimationFrame()
-aligned input disabled, you
can see multiple processing blocks per frame with an inconsistent frame time.
The small yellow blocks indicate hit testing for such things as the target of
the DOM event, dispatching the event, running javascript, updating the hovered
node and possibly re-calculating layout and styles.

So why are we doing extra work that doesn't cause any visual updates? Ideally, we
don't want to do any work that doesn't ultimately benefit the user. Starting in
Chrome 60, the input pipeline will delay dispatching continuous events
) and
dispatch them right before the
occurs. In the picture below (with the feature enabled), you see a more
consistent frame time and less time processing events.
We have been running an experiment with this feature enabled on the Canary and Dev channels and have found that we perform 35% less hit tests which allows the main thread to be ready to run more often.
An important note that web developers should be aware of is that any discrete
event (such as keydown
) that
occurs will be dispatched right away along with any pending events, preserving
the relative ordering. With this feature enabled, a lot of the work is
streamlined into the normal event loop
flow, providing a consistent input interval. This brings continuous events
inline with scroll
and resize
which have already been streamlined into the event loop flow in Chrome.

We've found that the vast majority of applications consuming such events have no use for the higher frequency. Android has already aligned events for a number of years so nothing there is new, but sites may experience less granular events on desktop platforms. There has always been a problem with janky main threads causing hiccups for input smoothness, meaning that you might see jumps in position whenever the application is doing work, making it impossible to know how the pointer got from one spot to the other.
The getCoalescedEvents()
As I said, there are rare scenarios where the application would prefer to know
the full path of the pointer. So to fix the case where you see large jumps and
the reduced frequency of events, in Chrome 58,
we launched an extension to pointer events called
. And
below is an example of how jank on the main thread is hidden from the
application if you use this API.

Instead of receiving a single event, you can access the array of historical events that caused the event. Android, iOS, and Windows all have very similar APIs in their native SDKs and we are exposing a similar API to the web.
Typically a drawing app may have drawn a point by looking at the offsets on the event:
window.addEventListener("pointermove", function(event) {
drawPoint(event.pageX, event.pageY);
This code can easily be changed to use the array of events:
window.addEventListener("pointermove", function(event) {
var events = 'getCoalescedEvents' in event ? event.getCoalescedEvents() : [event];
for (let e of events) {
drawPoint(e.pageX, e.pageY);
Note that not every property on the coalesced events is populated. Since the
coalesced events are not really dispatched but are just along for the ride, they
aren't hit tested. Some fields such as currentTarget
, and eventPhase
will have
their default values. Calling dispatch related methods such as stopPropagation()
or preventDefault()
will have no effect on the parent event.