
The workbox-window package is a set of modules that are intended to run in the window context, which is to say, inside of your web pages. They're a complement to the other workbox packages that run in the service worker.

The key features/goals of workbox-window are:

The primary entry point for workbox-window package is the Workbox class, and you can import it in your code either from our CDN or using any of the popular JavaScript bundling tools.

Using our CDN

The easiest way to import the Workbox class on your site is from our CDN:

<script type="module">
  import {Workbox} from '';

  if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
    const wb = new Workbox('/sw.js');


Note that this example uses <script type="module"> and the import statement to load the Workbox class. While you might think that you need to transpile this code to get it working in older browsers, that's actually not necessary.

All major browsers that support service worker also support native JavaScript modules, so it's perfectly fine to serve this code to any browsers (older browsers will just ignore it).

Loading Workbox with JavaScript bundlers

While absolutely no tooling is required to use workbox-window, if your development infrastructure already includes a bundler like webpack or Rollup that works with npm dependencies, it's possible to use them to load workbox-window.

The first step is to install workbox-window as a dependency of your application:

npm install workbox-window

Then, in one of your application's JavaScript files, import workbox by referencing the workbox-window package name:

import {Workbox} from 'workbox-window';

if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
  const wb = new Workbox('/sw.js');


If your bundler supports code splitting via dynamic import statements, you can also conditionally load workbox-window, which should help reduce the size of your page's main bundle.

Even though workbox-window is quite small, there's no reason it needs to be loaded with your site's core application logic, as service workers, by their very nature, are a progressive enhancement.

if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
  const {Workbox} = await import('workbox-window');

  const wb = new Workbox('/sw.js');

Advanced bundling concepts

Unlike the Workbox packages that run in the service worker, the build files referenced by workbox-window's main and module fields in package.json are transpiled to ES5. This makes them compatible with today's build tools—some of which do not allow developers to transpile anything of their node_module dependencies.

If your build system does allow you to transpile your dependencies (or if you don't need to transpile any of your code), then it's better to import a specific source file rather than the package itself.

Here are the various ways you can import Workbox, along with an explanation of what each will return:

// Imports a UMD version with ES5 syntax
// (pkg.main: "build/")
const {Workbox} = require('workbox-window');

// Imports the module version with ES5 syntax
// (pkg.module: "build/")
import {Workbox} from 'workbox-window';

// Imports the module source file with ES2015+ syntax
import {Workbox} from 'workbox-window/Workbox.mjs';


Once you've imported the Workbox class, you can use it to register and interact with your service worker. Here are some examples of ways you might use Workbox in your application:

Register a service worker and notify the user the very first time that service worker is active

Many web applications user service worker to precache assets so their app works offline on subsequent page loads. In some cases it could make sense to inform the user that the app is now available offline.

const wb = new Workbox('/sw.js');

wb.addEventListener('activated', event => {
  // `event.isUpdate` will be true if another version of the service
  // worker was controlling the page when this version was registered.
  if (!event.isUpdate) {
    console.log('Service worker activated for the first time!');

    // If your service worker is configured to precache assets, those
    // assets should all be available now.

// Register the service worker after event listeners have been added.

Notify the user if a service worker has installed but is stuck waiting to activate

When a page controlled by an existing service worker registers a new service worker, by default that service worker will not activate until all clients controlled by the initial service worker have fully unloaded.

This is a common source of confusion for developers, especially in cases where reloading the current page doesn't cause the new service worker to activate.

To help minimize confusion and make it clear when this situation is happening, the Workbox class provides a waiting event that you can listen for:

const wb = new Workbox('/sw.js');

wb.addEventListener('waiting', event => {
    `A new service worker has installed, but it can't activate` +
      `until all tabs running the current version have fully unloaded.`

// Register the service worker after event listeners have been added.

Notify the user of cache updates from the workbox-broadcast-update package

The workbox-broadcast-update package is a great way to be able to serve content from the cache (for fast delivery) while also being able to inform the user of updates to that content (using the stale-while-revalidate strategy).

To receive those updates from the window, you can listen to message events of type CACHE_UPDATED:

const wb = new Workbox('/sw.js');

wb.addEventListener('message', event => {
  if ( === 'CACHE_UPDATED') {
    const {updatedURL} =;

    console.log(`A newer version of ${updatedURL} is available!`);

// Register the service worker after event listeners have been added.

Send the service worker a list of URLs to cache

For some applications, it's possible to know all the assets that need to be precached at build time, but some applications serve completely different pages, based on what URL the user lands on first.

For apps in the latter category, it might make sense to only cache the assets the user needed for the particular page they visited. When using the workbox-routing package, you can send your router a list of URLs to cache, and it will cache those URLs according to the rules defined on the router itself.

This example sends a list of URLs loaded by the page to the router any time a new service worker is activated. Note, it's fine to send all URLs because only the URLs that match a defined route in the service worker will be cached:

const wb = new Workbox('/sw.js');

wb.addEventListener('activated', event => {
  // Get the current page URL + all resources the page loaded.
  const urlsToCache = [
    ...performance.getEntriesByType('resource').map(r =>,
  // Send that list of URLs to your router in the service worker.
    type: 'CACHE_URLS',
    payload: {urlsToCache},

// Register the service worker after event listeners have been added.

Important service worker lifecycle moments

The service worker lifecycle is complex and can be a challenge to fully understand. Part of the reason it's so complex is it must handle all the edge cases for all possible usages of service worker (e.g. registering more than one service worker, registering different service workers in different frames, registering service workers with different names, etc.).

But most developers implementing service worker should not need to worry about all these edge cases because their usage is quite simple. Most developer register just one service worker per page load, and they don't change the name of the service worker file they deploy to their server.

The Workbox class embraces this simpler view for the service worker lifecycle by breaking all service worker registrations into two categories: the instance's own, registered service worker and an external service worker:

  • Registered service worker: a service worker that started installing as a result of the Workbox instance calling register() or the already-active service worker if calling register() did not trigger an updatefound event on the registration.
  • External service worker: a service worker that started installing independently of the Workbox instance calling register(). This typically happens when a user has a new version of your site open in another tab. When an event originates from an external service worker, the event's isExternal property will be set to true.

With these two types of service workers in mind, here is a breakdown of all the important service worker lifecycle moments, along with developer recommendations for how to handle them:

The very first time a service worker is installed

You'll probably want to treat the very first time a service worker install differently from how you treat all future updates.

In workbox-window, you can differentiate between the version first installation and future updates by checking the isUpdate property on any of the following events. For the very first installation, isUpdate will be false.

const wb = new Workbox('/sw.js');

wb.addEventListener('installed', event => {
  if (!event.isUpdate) {
    // First-installed code goes here...

Moment Event Recommended action
A new service worker has installed (for the first time) installed

The very first time a service worker installs, it's common to precache all the assets needed for the site to work offline. You might consider informing the user that their site can now function offline.

Also, since the very first time a service worker installs it won't have intercepted fetch events for that page load, you may also consider caching assets that have already been loaded (though this is not needed if those assets are already being precached). The send the service worker a list of URLs to cache example above shows how to do this.

The service worker has started controlling the page controlling

Once a new service worker is installed and starts controlling the page, all subsequent fetch events will go through that service worker. If your service worker adds any special logic to handle particular fetch event, this is the point when you know that logic will run.

Note that the very first time you install a service worker, it will not start controlling the current page unless that service worker calls clients.claim() in its activate event. The default behavior is to wait until the next page load to start controlling.

From the workbox-window perspective, this means the controlling event is only dispatched in cases where the service worker calls clients.claim(). This event is not dispatched if the page was already controlled prior to registration.

The service worker has finished activating activated

As mentioned above, the very first time a service worker finishes activating it may (or may not) have started controlling the page.

For this reason, you should not listen for the activate event as a way of knowing when the service worker is in control of the page. However, if you're running logic in the active event (in the service worker) and you need to know when that logic is complete, the activated event will let you know that.

When an updated version of the service worker is found

When a new service worker starts installing but an existing version is currently controlling the page, the isUpdate property of all the following events will be true.

How you react in this situation is typically different from the very first installation because you have to manage when and how the user gets this update.

Moment Event Recommended action
A new service worker has installed (updating a previous one) installed

If this is not the very first service worker install (event.isUpdate === true), it means a newer version of the service worker has been found and installed (that is, a different version from the one currently controlling the page).

This typically means a newer version of the site has been deployed to your server, and new assets may have just finished precaching.

Note: some developers use the installed event to inform users that a new version of their site is available. However, depending on whether you call skipWaiting() in the installing service worker, that installed service worker may or may not become active right away. If you do call skipWaiting() then it's best to inform users of the update once the new service worker has activated, and if you don't call skipWaiting it's better to inform them of the pending update in the waiting event (see below for more details).

A service worker has installed but it's stuck in the waiting phase waiting

If the updated version of your service worker does not call skipWaiting() while it's being installed, it will not activate until all pages controlled by the currently active service worker have unloaded. You may want to inform the user that an update is available and will be applied the next time they visit.

Warning! it's common for developers to prompt users reload to get the update, but in many cases refreshing the page will not activate the installed worker. If the user refreshes the page and the service worker is still waiting, the waiting event will fire again and the event.wasWaitingBeforeRegister property will be true. Note, we plan to improve this experience in a future release. Follow issue #1848 for updates.

Another option is to prompt the user and ask whether they want to get the update or continue waiting. If the choose to get the update, you can use postMessage() to tell the service worker to run skipWaiting(). See the advanced recipe offer a page reload for users for an example of that.

The service worker has started controlling the page controlling

When an updated service worker starts controlling the page, it means the version of your service worker currently controlling is different from the version that was in control when the page was loaded. In some cases that may be fine, but it could also mean some assets referenced by the current page are no longer in the cache (and possibly also not on server). You may want to consider informing the user that some parts of the page may not work correctly.

Note: the controlling event will not fire if you don't call skipWaiting() in your service worker.

The service worker has finished activating activated When an updated service worker has finished activating, it means any logic you were running in the service worker's activate has completed. If there's anything you need to defer until that logic has finished, this is the time to run it.

When an unexpected version of the service worker is found

Sometimes users will keep your site open in a background tab for a very long time. They might even open a new tab and navigate to your site without realizing they already have your site open in a background tab. In such cases it's possible to have two versions of your site running at the same time, and that can present some interesting problems for you as the developer.

Consider a scenario where you have tab A running v1 of your site and tab B running v2. When tab B loads, it'll be controlled by the version of your service worker that shipped with v1, but the page returned by the server (if using a network-first caching strategy for your navigation requests) will contain all your v2 assets.

This is generally not a problem for tab B though, since when you wrote your v2 code, you were aware of how your v1 code worked. However, it could be a problem for tab A, since your v1 code could not have possibly predicted what changes your v2 code might introduce.

To help handle these situations, workbox-window also dispatches lifecycle events when it detects an update from an "external" service worker, where external just means any version that is not the version the current Workbox instance registered.

As of Workbox v6 and later, these events are equivalent to the events documented above, with the addition of an isExternal: true property set on each event object. If your web application needs to implement specific logic to handle an "external" service worker, you can check for that property in your event handlers.

Avoiding common mistakes

One of the most helpful features Workbox provides is it's developer logging. And this is especially true for workbox-window.

We know developing with service worker can often be confusing, and when things happen contrary to what you'd expect, it can be hard to know why.

For example, when you make a change to your service worker and reload the page, you might not see that change in your browser. The most likely reason for this, is your service worker is still waiting to activate.

But when registering a service worker with the Workbox class, you'll be informed of all lifecycle state changes in the developer console, which should help with debugging why things aren't as you'd expect.

workbox-window console warning for waiting worker

In addition, a common mistake developers make when first using service worker is to register a service worker in the wrong scope.

To help prevent this from happening, the Workbox class will warn you if the page registering the service worker is not in that service worker's scope. It'll also warning you in cases where your service worker is active but not yet controlling the page:

workbox-window console warning for non-controlling worker

Window to service worker communication

Most advanced service worker usage involves a lots of messaging between the service worker and the window. The Workbox class helps with this as well by providing a messageSW() method, which will postMessage() the instance's registered service worker and await a response.

While you can send data to the service worker in any format, the format shared by all Workbox packages is an object with three properties (the latter two being optional):

Property Required? Type Description
type Yes string

A unique string, identifying this message.

By convention, types are all uppercase with underscores separating words. If a type represents an action to be taken, it should be a command in present tense (e.g. CACHE_URLS), if type represent information being reported, it should be in past tense (e.g. URLS_CACHED).

meta no string In Workbox this is always the name of the Workbox package sending the message. When sending message yourself, you can either omit this property or set it to whatever you like.
payload no * The data being sent. Usually this is an object, but it does not have to be.

Messages sent via the messageSW() method use MessageChannel so the receiver can respond to them. To respond to a message you can call event.ports[0].postMessage(response) in your message event listener. The messageSW() method returns a promise that will resolve to whatever response you reply with.

Here's an example of sending messages from the window to the service worker and getting a response back. The first code block is the message listener in the service worker, and the second block uses the Workbox class to send the message and await the response:

Code in sw.js:

const SW_VERSION = '1.0.0';

addEventListener('message', event => {
  if ( === 'GET_VERSION') {

Code in main.js (running in the window):

const wb = new Workbox('/sw.js');

const swVersion = await wb.messageSW({type: 'GET_VERSION'});
console.log('Service Worker version:', swVersion);

Managing version incompatibilities

The example above show how you might implement checking the service worker version from the window. This example is used because when you're sending messages back and forth between the window and the service worker, it's critical to be aware that your service worker might not be running the same version of your site that your page code is running, and the solution for dealing with this problem is different depending on whether your serving your pages network-first or cache-first.

Network first

When serving your pages network first, your users will always be getting the latest version of your HTML from your server. However, the first time a user revisits your site (after you've deployed an update) the HTML they get will be for the latest version, but the service worker running in their browser will be a version installed previously (possibly many versions old).

It's important to understand this possibility because if the JavaScript loaded by the current version of your page sends a message to an older version of your service worker, that version may not know how to respond (or it may respond with an incompatible format).

As a result, it's a good idea to always version your service worker and check for compatible versions before doing any critical work.

For example, in the code above, if the service worker version returned by that messageSW() call is older than the expected version, it would be wise to wait until an update is found (which should happen when you call register()). At that point you can either notify the user or an update, or you can manually skip the waiting phase to activate the new service worker right away.

Cache first

As opposed to when you serve pages network-first, when serving your pages cache- first, you know your page is initially always going to be the same version as your service worker (because that's what served it). And as a result, it's safe to use messageSW() right away.

However, if an updated version of your service worker is found and activates when your page calls register() (i.e. you intentionally skip the waiting phase), it may no longer be safe to send messages to it.

One strategy for managing this possibility is to use a versioning scheme that allows you to differentiate between breaking updates and non-breaking updates, and in the case of a breaking update you'd know it's not safe to message the service worker. Instead you'd want to warn the user that they're running an old version of the page, and suggest they reload to get the update.

Skip waiting helper

A common use convention for window to service worker messaging is send a {type: 'SKIP_WAITING'} message to instruct a service worker that's installed to skip the waiting phase and activate.

Starting with Workbox v6, the messageSkipWaiting() method can be used to send a {type: 'SKIP_WAITING'} message to the waiting service worker associated with the current service worker registration. It will silently do nothing if there isn't a waiting service worker.



A class to aid in handling service worker registration, updates, and reacting to service worker lifecycle events.


  • constructor


    Creates a new Workbox instance with a script URL and service worker options. The script URL and options are the same as those used when calling navigator.serviceWorker.register(scriptURL, options).

    The constructor function looks like:

    (scriptURL: string | TrustedScriptURL, registerOptions?: object) => {...}

    • scriptURL

      string | TrustedScriptURL

      The service worker script associated with this instance. Using a TrustedScriptURL is supported.

    • registerOptions

      object optional

  • active


  • controlling


  • getSW


    Resolves with a reference to a service worker that matches the script URL of this instance, as soon as it's available.

    If, at registration time, there's already an active or waiting service worker with a matching script URL, it will be used (with the waiting service worker taking precedence over the active service worker if both match, since the waiting service worker would have been registered more recently). If there's no matching active or waiting service worker at registration time then the promise will not resolve until an update is found and starts installing, at which point the installing service worker is used.

    The getSW function looks like:

    () => {...}

    • returns


  • messageSW


    Sends the passed data object to the service worker registered by this instance (via workbox-window.Workbox#getSW) and resolves with a response (if any).

    A response can be set in a message handler in the service worker by calling event.ports[0].postMessage(...), which will resolve the promise returned by messageSW(). If no response is set, the promise will never resolve.

    The messageSW function looks like:

    (data: object) => {...}

    • data


      An object to send to the service worker

    • returns


  • messageSkipWaiting


    Sends a {type: 'SKIP_WAITING'} message to the service worker that's currently in the waiting state associated with the current registration.

    If there is no current registration or no service worker is waiting, calling this will have no effect.

    The messageSkipWaiting function looks like:

    () => {...}

  • register


    Registers a service worker for this instances script URL and service worker options. By default this method delays registration until after the window has loaded.

    The register function looks like:

    (options?: object) => {...}

    • options

      object optional

      • immediate

        boolean optional

    • returns


  • update


    Checks for updates of the registered service worker.

    The update function looks like:

    () => {...}

    • returns





  • isExternal

    boolean optional

  • isUpdate

    boolean optional

  • originalEvent

    Event optional

  • sw

    ServiceWorker optional

  • target

    WorkboxEventTarget optional

  • type





  • isExternal

    boolean optional

  • isUpdate

    boolean optional

  • originalEvent

    Event optional

  • sw

    ServiceWorker optional

  • target

    WorkboxEventTarget optional

  • type


  • wasWaitingBeforeRegister

    boolean optional



  • data


  • isExternal

    boolean optional

  • originalEvent


  • ports


  • sw

    ServiceWorker optional

  • target

    WorkboxEventTarget optional

  • type




  sw: ServiceWorker,
  data: object,

Sends a data object to a service worker via postMessage and resolves with a response (if any).

A response can be set in a message handler in the service worker by calling event.ports[0].postMessage(...), which will resolve the promise returned by messageSW(). If no response is set, the promise will not resolve.


  • sw


    The service worker to send the message to.

  • data


    An object to send to the service worker.


  • Promise<any>