This permission triggers a warning. Use the chrome.bookmarks API to create, organize, and otherwise manipulate bookmarks. Also see Override Pages, which you can use to create a custom Bookmark Manager page. You must declare the "bookmarks" permission
Use the chrome.bookmarks API to create, organize, and otherwise manipulate bookmarks. Also see Override Pages, which you can use to create a custom Bookmark Manager page. You must declare the "bookmarks" permission in the extension manifest to use
Use the chrome.power API to override the system's power management features. Using this API, you can specify the Level to which power management is disabled. The "system" level keeps the system active, but allows the screen to be dimmed or turned
Use the chrome.power API to override the system's power management features. Using this API, you can specify the Level to which power management is disabled. The "system" level keeps the system active, but allows the screen to be dimmed or turned
Use the chrome.history API to interact with the browser's record of visited pages. You can add, remove, and query for URLs in the browser's history. To override the history page with your own version, see Override Pages. You must declare the
Use the chrome.history API to interact with the browser's record of visited pages. You can add, remove, and query for URLs in the browser's history. To override the history page with your own version, see Override Pages. To interact with the user's
Network conditions: Override the user agent string
Learn how to emulate other browsers with the Network conditions panel.
DevTools Tips: Override and mock network responses
Learn how you can override and mock network responses with DevTools.
Override web content and HTTP response headers locally
Use local overrides to mock remote resources and keep the changes you make in DevTools across page loads.
What's New in DevTools (Chrome 118)
New section for custom properties in Elements > Styles, more local overrides improvements, enhanced search, streamlined workspace in Sources, and more.
New in Chrome 117
Chrome 117 is rolling out now! With three new CSS features that make it easy to add smooth entry and exit animations, array grouping to compute higher order datasets, devtools makes local overrides easier and there’s plenty more.
What's New in DevTools (Chrome 117)
Override XHR/fetch requests and hide extension requests from the Network panel, see changes in fetch priority in the Performance panel, experience multiple UI improvements, check out new colors and experimental features, and more.
New in Chrome 113
Chrome 113 is rolling out now! WebGPU is here, it allows high-performance 3D graphics and data-parallel computation on the web, devtools can now override network response headers, First Party Sets, part of the Privacy Sandbox, that allows organizations to declare related sites is starting to roll out, and there's plenty more.
What's New in DevTools (Chrome 113)
You can now override response headers in the Network panel. Previously, you needed access to the web server to experiment with HTTP response headers. With response header overrides, you can locally prototype fixes for various headers, including but
Improved font fallbacks
The new `size-adjust` and font metric overrides allow developers to create font fallbacks that closely match web fonts. This reduces layout shifts.
Extensions must use existing Chrome APIs for their designated use case. Use of any other method, for which an API exists, would be considered a violation. For example, overriding the Chrome New Tab Page through any means other than the URL Overrides
Preparing for the display modes of tomorrow
The display_override property allows developers to define a customized fallback chain of modes their PWAs should be displayed in.
Sensors: Emulate device sensors
Use the Sensors panel to override geolocation, simulate device orientation, force touch, and emulate idle state.
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 65)
Local Overrides, accessibility tools, performance and SEO audits, and more.
New in Chrome 63
Chrome 63 allows you to import JavaScript modules dynamically. My favorite interview coding question becomes a piece of cake with async iterators and generators. And you can override the browser's default overflow scroll behavior with the CSS overscroll-behavior property.