Migrate from sw-precache or sw-toolbox

Developers who have previously used sw-precache and/or sw-toolbox have a straightforward upgrade path to the Workbox family of libraries. Upgrading to Workbox will provide a modern, extensible service worker experience with improved debugging and developer ergonomics.

If you're using sw-precache configured with any of the following options, you'll need to take the following changes into account when migrating to Workbox.

The dynamicUrlToDependencies config parameter has been renamed templatedURLs.

The staticFileGlobs config parameter has been renamed globPatterns.

The runtimeCaching config parameter takes an updated set of options, corresponding to the names used in the underlying Workbox modules. To illustrate what's been renamed, this sw-precache configuration:

runtimeCaching: [{
  urlPattern: /api/,
  handler: 'fastest',
  options: {
    cache: {
      name: 'my-api-cache',
      maxEntries: 5,
      maxAgeSeconds: 60,

is equivalent to this Workbox configuration:

runtimeCaching: [{
  urlPattern: /api/,
  // 'fastest' is now 'StaleWhileRevalidate'
  handler: 'StaleWhileRevalidate',
  options: {
    // options.cache.name is now options.cacheName
    cacheName: 'my-api-cache',
    // options.cache is now options.expiration
    expiration: {
      maxEntries: 5,
      maxAgeSeconds: 60,

Deprecated options

Express-style wildcard routes are no longer supported. If you were using Express-style wildcard routes in either the runtimeCaching configuration or directly in sw-toolbox, migrate to an equivalent regular expression route when using Workbox.

sw-precache migrations

From the sw-precache CLI to workbox-cli

Developers using the sw-precache command line interface, either running the command manually or as part of an npm scripts-based build process, will find using the workbox-cli module to be the easiest way to migrate. Installing workbox-cli will give you access to a binary called workbox.

While the sw-precache CLI supported configuring via either command line flags or a configuration file, the workbox CLI requires that all configuration options be provided in a configuration file, using CommonJS module.exports.

The workbox CLI supports a number of different modes. (Use workbox --help to see all of them.) But the mode that most closely matches sw-precache's functionality is generateSW. So a call to

$ sw-precache --config='sw-precache-config.js'

can be expressed as

$ workbox generateSW workbox-config.js

From the sw-precache node module to the workbox-build node module

Developers using the node API for sw-precache, either as part of a gulp/Grunt workflow or just within a custom node build script, can migrate by switching to the workbox-build node module.

The workbox-build module's generateSW() function most closely matches the sw-precache module's write() function. One key difference is that generateSW() always returns a Promise, while the old write() function supported both a callback and a Promise-based interface.

gulp usage along the lines of

const swPrecache = require('sw-precache');
gulp.task('generate-service-worker', function () {
  return swPrecache.write('service-worker.js', {
    // Config options.

can be changed to

const workboxBuild = require('workbox-build');
gulp.task('generate-service-worker', function () {
  return workboxBuild.generateSW({
    // Config options.

From the sw-precache-webpack-plugin to the Workbox webpack plugin

Developers using the sw-precache-webpack-plugin as part of their webpack build process can migrate by switching to the GenerateSW class within the workbox-webpack-plugin module.

workbox-webpack-plugin integrates directly with the webpack build process and "knows" about all of the assets generated by a given compilation. This means that, for many use cases, you can rely on the default behavior of workbox-webpack-plugin without additional configuration, and get an equivalent service worker to what sw-precache-webpack-plugin provides.

const SWPrecacheWebpackPlugin = require('sw-precache-webpack-plugin');
const webpackConfig = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
    new SWPrecacheWebpackPlugin({
      dontCacheBustUrlsMatching: /\.\w{8}\./,
      filename: 'service-worker.js',

can be changed to

const {GenerateSW} = require('workbox-webpack-plugin');
const webpackConfig = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
    new GenerateSW({
      // Config options, if needed.

sw-toolbox migrations

Migrate from hand-crafted sw-toolbox to workbox-sw

If you were using sw-toolbox directly (rather than using it implicitly via sw-precache's runtimeCaching option), then the migration to Workbox requires some manual adjustments to get the equivalent behavior. For more context, read the documentation for the workbox-routing and workbox-strategies modules can help provide more context.

Here are some code snippets to help guide the migration. This sw-toolbox code:


// Set up a route that matches HTTP 'GET' requests.
  // Match any URL that contains 'ytimg.com', regardless of
  // where in the URL that match occurs.

  // Apply a cache-first strategy to anything that matches.

    // Configure a custom cache name and expiration policy.
    cache: {
      name: 'youtube-thumbnails',
      maxEntries: 10,
      maxAgeSeconds: 30,

// Set a default network-first strategy to use when
// there is no explicit matching route:
toolbox.router.default = toolbox.networkFirst;

is equivalent to this Workbox code:


  // Match any URL that contains 'ytimg.com'.
  // Unlike in sw-toolbox, in Workbox, a RegExp that matches
  // a cross-origin URL needs to include the initial 'https://'
  // as part of the match.
  new RegExp('^https://.*.ytimg.com'),

  // Apply a cache-first strategy to anything that matches.
  new workbox.strategies.CacheFirst({
    // Configuration options are passed in to the strategy.
    cacheName: 'youtube-thumbnails',
    plugins: [
      new workbox.expiration.ExpirationPlugin({
        maxEntries: 10,
        maxAgeSeconds: 30,
      // In Workbox, you must explicitly opt-in to caching
      // responses with a status of 0 when using the
      // cache-first strategy.
      new workbox.cacheableResponse.CacheableResponsePlugin({
        statuses: [0, 200],

// Set a default network-first strategy to use when
// there is no explicit matching route:
workbox.routing.setDefaultHandler(new workbox.strategies.NetworkFirst());

Getting help

We anticipate most migrations to Workbox to be straightforward. If you run into issues not covered in this guide, please let us know by opening an issue on GitHub.