Using workbox-window

One Workbox module that hasn't gotten much coverage yet in this documentation is workbox-window, which is a set of modules intended to run in the window. The goals of this module are:

  • To simplify service worker registration and updates by helping developers identify critical moments of the service worker lifecycle, making it easier to respond in those moments.
  • To prevent developers from making common mistakes, such as registering a service worker in the wrong scope.
  • To simplify messaging between the window and the service worker scope.

The export you'll use most often from workbox-window is the Workbox class, which you can either import in Node, or from the CDN in a webpage.

Creating a local bundle

If your toolchain includes a bundler like webpack or Rollup, you can bundle workbox-window locally.

First, install workbox-window as a production dependency of your application:

npm install workbox-window --save

Then, in your application JavaScript, you can import the Workbox class from workbox-window:

<script type="module">
import {Workbox} from 'workbox-window';

if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
  const wb = new Workbox('/sw.js');


Though workbox-window is quite small, you could split it from your website's core application logic using dynamic import, which can reduce the size of your page's main bundle:

<script type="module">
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
  const {Workbox} = await import('workbox-window');

  const wb = new Workbox('/sw.js');

Using the CDN

While not the recommended approach, an easier way to use workbox-window is to import it from a CDN:

<script type="module">
  import {Workbox} from '';

  if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
    const wb = new Workbox('/sw.js');


You'll note that the <script> element in the above example uses the type="module" attribute. This is required if you want to use static import statements in the browser without a build step. All major browsers that support service workers also support JavaScript modules, so it's fine to serve this code to any browser, as older browsers will ignore <script> elements with a type attribute value of "module".

Registering a service worker

Registering a service worker with workbox-window is done with the Workbox class's register method like so:

import {Workbox} from 'workbox-window';

const wb = new Workbox('/sw.js');

It may seem that this is the same as registering a service worker yourself using navigator.serviceWorker.register. However, Workbox.register takes care of waiting until the window load event before registering the service worker. This is desirable in situations where precaching is involved so bandwidth contention that may delay page startup can be avoided.

Communicating between the window and the service worker scope

Service workers have their own scope separate from the window, and have access to only a subset of the APIs available in the window. However, it's possible to communicate between the window and the service worker. workbox-window allows easier communication between the two scopes with workbox-window module's messageSW method.

Workbox uses a specific format for messages is an object with the following properties:

  • type is a required unique string identifying the message. The format should be in uppercase with underscores separating words (for example, CACHE_URLS).
  • meta is an optional string representing the name of the Workbox package sending the message, and is usually omitted.
  • payload is an optional parameter representing the data you want to send. It can be any data type.

Below is an example of how messageSW works, starting with the code in your service worker:

// sw.js
const SW_VERSION = '1.0.0';

self.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
  if ( === 'GET_VERSION') {

And then the following code in your webpage:

const wb = new Workbox('/sw.js');

const swVersion = await wb.messageSW({type: 'GET_VERSION'});
console.log('Service Worker version:', swVersion);

There are many instances in which communicating between a service worker and the window can be useful, such as notifying the user when a service worker update is available. That recipe relies on a special helper method for self.skipWaiting called messageSkipWaiting, which sends a message with a type value of SKIP_WAITING.