
When service workers were first introduced, a set of common caching strategies emerged. A caching strategy is a pattern that determines how a service worker generates a response after receiving a fetch event.

workbox-strategies provides the most common caching strategies so it's easy to apply them in your service worker.

We won't go into much detail outside of the strategies supported by Workbox, but you can learn more in the Offline Cookbook.

In the following examples, we'll show you how to use the Workbox caching strategies with workbox-routing. There are some options you can define with each strategy that are covered in the Configuring Strategies section of this doc.

In the Advanced Usage section, we'll cover how you can use the caching strategies directly without workbox-routing.


Stale While Revalidate Diagram

The stale-while-revalidate pattern allows you to respond to the request as quickly as possible with a cached response if available, falling back to the network request if it's not cached. The network request is then used to update the cache. As opposed to some implementations of stale-while-revalidate, this strategy will always make a revalidation request, regardless of the age of the cached response.

This is a fairly common strategy where having the most up-to-date resource is not vital to the application.

import {registerRoute} from 'workbox-routing';
import {StaleWhileRevalidate} from 'workbox-strategies';

  ({url}) => url.pathname.startsWith('/images/avatars/'),
  new StaleWhileRevalidate()

Cache First (Cache Falling Back to Network)

Cache First Diagram

Offline web apps will rely heavily on the cache, but for assets that are non-critical and can be gradually cached, a cache first is the best option.

If there is a Response in the cache, the Request will be fulfilled using the cached response and the network will not be used at all. If there isn't a cached response, the Request will be fulfilled by a network request and the response will be cached so that the next request is served directly from the cache.

import {registerRoute} from 'workbox-routing';
import {CacheFirst} from 'workbox-strategies';

registerRoute(({request}) => request.destination === 'style', new CacheFirst());

Network First (Network Falling Back to Cache)

Network First Diagram

For requests that are updating frequently, the network first strategy is the ideal solution. By default, it will try to fetch the latest response from the network. If the request is successful, it'll put the response in the cache. If the network fails to return a response, the cached response will be used.

import {registerRoute} from 'workbox-routing';
import {NetworkFirst} from 'workbox-strategies';

  ({url}) => url.pathname.startsWith('/social-timeline/'),
  new NetworkFirst()

Network Only

Network Only Diagram

If you require specific requests to be fulfilled from the network, the network only is the strategy to use.

import {registerRoute} from 'workbox-routing';
import {NetworkOnly} from 'workbox-strategies';

registerRoute(({url}) => url.pathname.startsWith('/admin/'), new NetworkOnly());

Cache Only

Cache Only Diagram

The cache only strategy ensures that responses are obtained from a cache. This is less common in workbox, but can be useful if you have your own precaching step.

import {registerRoute} from 'workbox-routing';
import {CacheOnly} from 'workbox-strategies';

registerRoute(({url}) => url.pathname.startsWith('/app/v2/'), new CacheOnly());

Configuring Strategies

All of the strategies allow you to configure:

  • The name of the cache to use in the strategy.
  • Cache expiration restrictions to use in the strategy.
  • An array of plugins that will have their lifecycle methods called when fetching and caching a request.

Changing the Cache Used by a Strategy

You can change the cache a strategy used by supplying a cache name. This is useful if you want to separate out your assets to help with debugging.

import {registerRoute} from 'workbox-routing';
import {CacheFirst} from 'workbox-strategies';

  ({request}) => request.destination === 'image',
  new CacheFirst({
    cacheName: 'image-cache',

Using Plugins

Workbox comes with a set of plugins that can be used with these strategies.

To use any of these plugins (or a custom plugin), you just need to pass in instances to the plugins option.

import {registerRoute} from 'workbox-routing';
import {CacheFirst} from 'workbox-strategies';
import {ExpirationPlugin} from 'workbox-expiration';

  ({request}) => request.destination === 'image',
  new CacheFirst({
    cacheName: 'image-cache',
    plugins: [
      new ExpirationPlugin({
        // Only cache requests for a week
        maxAgeSeconds: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60,
        // Only cache 10 requests.
        maxEntries: 10,

Custom Strategies

In addition to configuring strategies, Workbox allows you to create your own custom strategies. This can be done by importing and extending the Strategy base class from workbox-strategies:

import {Strategy} from 'workbox-strategies';

class NewStrategy extends Strategy {
  _handle(request, handler) {
    // Define handling logic here

In this example, handle() is used as a request strategy to define specific handling logic. There are two request strategies that can be used:

  • handle(): Perform a request strategy and return a Promise that will resolve with a Response, invoking all relevant plugin callbacks.
  • handleAll(): Similar to handle(), but returns two Promise objects. The first is equivalent to what handle() returns and the second will resolve when promises that were added to event.waitUntil() within the strategy have completed.

Both request strategies are invoked with two parameters:

  • request: The Request the strategy will return a response for.
  • handler: A StrategyHandler instance automatically created for the current strategy.

Creating A New Strategy

The following is an example of a new strategy that re-implements the behavior of NetworkOnly:

class NewNetworkOnlyStrategy extends Strategy {
  _handle(request, handler) {
    return handler.fetch(request);

Notice how handler.fetch() is called instead of the native fetch method. The StrategyHandler class provides a number of fetch and cache actions that can be used whenever handle() or handleAll() is used:

  • fetch: Fetches a given request, and invokes the requestWillFetch(), fetchDidSucceed(), and fetchDidFail() plugin lifecycle methods
  • cacheMatch: Matches a request from the cache, and invokes the cacheKeyWillBeUsed() and cachedResponseWillBeUsed() plugin lifecycle methods
  • cachePut: Puts a request/response pair in the cache, and invokes the cacheKeyWillBeUsed(), cacheWillUpdate(), and cacheDidUpdate() plugin lifecycle methods
  • fetchAndCachePut: Calls fetch() and runs cachePut() in the background on the response generated by fetch().
  • hasCallback: Takes a callback as input and returns true if the strategy has at least one plugin with the given callback.
  • runCallbacks: Runs all plugin callbacks matching a given name, in order, passing a given param object (merged with the current plugin state) as the only argument.
  • iterateCallbacks: Accepts a callback and returns an iterable of matching plugin callbacks, where each callback is wrapped with the current handler state (i.e. when you call each callback, whatever object parameter you pass it will be merged with the plugin's current state).
  • waitUntil: Adds a promise to the extend lifetime promises of the event associated with the request being handled (usually a FetchEvent).
  • doneWaiting: Returns a promise that resolves once all promises passed to waitUntil() have settled.
  • destroy: Stops running the strategy and immediately resolves any pending waitUntil() promises.

Custom Cache Network Race Strategy

The following example is based on cache-network-race from the Offline Cookbook (which Workbox does not provide), but goes a step further and always updates the cache after a successful network request. This in an example of a more complex strategy that uses multiple actions.

import {Strategy} from 'workbox-strategies';

class CacheNetworkRace extends Strategy {
  _handle(request, handler) {
    const fetchAndCachePutDone = handler.fetchAndCachePut(request);
    const cacheMatchDone = handler.cacheMatch(request);

    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      cacheMatchDone.then(response => response && resolve(response));

      // Reject if both network and cache error or find no response.
      Promise.allSettled([fetchAndCachePutDone, cacheMatchDone]).then(
        results => {
          const [fetchAndCachePutResult, cacheMatchResult] = results;
          if (
            fetchAndCachePutResult.status === 'rejected' &&
          ) {

Advanced Usage

If you want to use the strategies in your own fetch event logic, you can use the strategy classes to run a request through a specific strategy.

For example, to use the stale-while-revalidate strategy, you can do the following:

self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {
  const {request} = event;
  const url = new URL(request.url);

  if (url.origin === location.origin && url.pathname === '/') {
    event.respondWith(new StaleWhileRevalidate().handle({event, request}));

You can find the list of available classes in the workbox-strategies reference docs.



An implementation of a cache-first request strategy.

A cache first strategy is useful for assets that have been revisioned, such as URLs like /styles/example.a8f5f1.css, since they can be cached for long periods of time.

If the network request fails, and there is no cache match, this will throw a WorkboxError exception.


  • constructor


    Creates a new instance of the strategy and sets all documented option properties as public instance properties.

    Note: if a custom strategy class extends the base Strategy class and does not need more than these properties, it does not need to define its own constructor.

    The constructor function looks like:

    (options?: StrategyOptions) => {...}

  • cacheName


  • fetchOptions

    RequestInit optional

  • matchOptions

    CacheQueryOptions optional

  • plugins
  • _awaitComplete


    The _awaitComplete function looks like:

    (responseDone: Promise<Response>, handler: StrategyHandler, request: Request, event: ExtendableEvent) => {...}

    • responseDone


    • handler
    • request


    • event


    • returns


  • _getResponse


    The _getResponse function looks like:

    (handler: StrategyHandler, request: Request, event: ExtendableEvent) => {...}

    • returns


  • handle


    Perform a request strategy and returns a Promise that will resolve with a Response, invoking all relevant plugin callbacks.

    When a strategy instance is registered with a Workbox workbox-routing.Route, this method is automatically called when the route matches.

    Alternatively, this method can be used in a standalone FetchEvent listener by passing it to event.respondWith().

    The handle function looks like:

    (options: FetchEvent | HandlerCallbackOptions) => {...}

    • returns


  • handleAll


    Similar to workbox-strategies.Strategy~handle, but instead of just returning a Promise that resolves to a Response it it will return an tuple of [response, done] promises, where the former (response) is equivalent to what handle() returns, and the latter is a Promise that will resolve once any promises that were added to event.waitUntil() as part of performing the strategy have completed.

    You can await the done promise to ensure any extra work performed by the strategy (usually caching responses) completes successfully.

    The handleAll function looks like:

    (options: FetchEvent | HandlerCallbackOptions) => {...}

    • returns

      [Promise<Response>, Promise<void>]

      A tuple of [response, done] promises that can be used to determine when the response resolves as well as when the handler has completed all its work.


An implementation of a cache-only request strategy.

This class is useful if you want to take advantage of any Workbox plugins.

If there is no cache match, this will throw a WorkboxError exception.


  • constructor


    Creates a new instance of the strategy and sets all documented option properties as public instance properties.

    Note: if a custom strategy class extends the base Strategy class and does not need more than these properties, it does not need to define its own constructor.

    The constructor function looks like:

    (options?: StrategyOptions) => {...}

  • cacheName


  • fetchOptions

    RequestInit optional

  • matchOptions

    CacheQueryOptions optional

  • plugins
  • _awaitComplete


    The _awaitComplete function looks like:

    (responseDone: Promise<Response>, handler: StrategyHandler, request: Request, event: ExtendableEvent) => {...}

    • responseDone


    • handler
    • request


    • event


    • returns


  • _getResponse


    The _getResponse function looks like:

    (handler: StrategyHandler, request: Request, event: ExtendableEvent) => {...}

    • returns


  • handle


    Perform a request strategy and returns a Promise that will resolve with a Response, invoking all relevant plugin callbacks.

    When a strategy instance is registered with a Workbox workbox-routing.Route, this method is automatically called when the route matches.

    Alternatively, this method can be used in a standalone FetchEvent listener by passing it to event.respondWith().

    The handle function looks like:

    (options: FetchEvent | HandlerCallbackOptions) => {...}

    • returns


  • handleAll


    Similar to workbox-strategies.Strategy~handle, but instead of just returning a Promise that resolves to a Response it it will return an tuple of [response, done] promises, where the former (response) is equivalent to what handle() returns, and the latter is a Promise that will resolve once any promises that were added to event.waitUntil() as part of performing the strategy have completed.

    You can await the done promise to ensure any extra work performed by the strategy (usually caching responses) completes successfully.

    The handleAll function looks like:

    (options: FetchEvent | HandlerCallbackOptions) => {...}

    • returns

      [Promise<Response>, Promise<void>]

      A tuple of [response, done] promises that can be used to determine when the response resolves as well as when the handler has completed all its work.


An implementation of a network first request strategy.

By default, this strategy will cache responses with a 200 status code as well as opaque responses. Opaque responses are are cross-origin requests where the response doesn't support CORS.

If the network request fails, and there is no cache match, this will throw a WorkboxError exception.


  • constructor


    The constructor function looks like:

    (options?: NetworkFirstOptions) => {...}

  • cacheName


  • fetchOptions

    RequestInit optional

  • matchOptions

    CacheQueryOptions optional

  • plugins
  • _awaitComplete


    The _awaitComplete function looks like:

    (responseDone: Promise<Response>, handler: StrategyHandler, request: Request, event: ExtendableEvent) => {...}

    • responseDone


    • handler
    • request


    • event


    • returns


  • _getResponse


    The _getResponse function looks like:

    (handler: StrategyHandler, request: Request, event: ExtendableEvent) => {...}

    • returns


  • handle


    Perform a request strategy and returns a Promise that will resolve with a Response, invoking all relevant plugin callbacks.

    When a strategy instance is registered with a Workbox workbox-routing.Route, this method is automatically called when the route matches.

    Alternatively, this method can be used in a standalone FetchEvent listener by passing it to event.respondWith().

    The handle function looks like:

    (options: FetchEvent | HandlerCallbackOptions) => {...}

    • returns


  • handleAll


    Similar to workbox-strategies.Strategy~handle, but instead of just returning a Promise that resolves to a Response it it will return an tuple of [response, done] promises, where the former (response) is equivalent to what handle() returns, and the latter is a Promise that will resolve once any promises that were added to event.waitUntil() as part of performing the strategy have completed.

    You can await the done promise to ensure any extra work performed by the strategy (usually caching responses) completes successfully.

    The handleAll function looks like:

    (options: FetchEvent | HandlerCallbackOptions) => {...}

    • returns

      [Promise<Response>, Promise<void>]

      A tuple of [response, done] promises that can be used to determine when the response resolves as well as when the handler has completed all its work.



  • cacheName

    string optional

  • fetchOptions

    RequestInit optional

  • matchOptions

    CacheQueryOptions optional

  • networkTimeoutSeconds

    number optional

  • plugins

    WorkboxPlugin[] optional


An implementation of a network-only request strategy.

This class is useful if you want to take advantage of any Workbox plugins.

If the network request fails, this will throw a WorkboxError exception.


  • constructor


    The constructor function looks like:

    (options?: NetworkOnlyOptions) => {...}

  • cacheName


  • fetchOptions

    RequestInit optional

  • matchOptions

    CacheQueryOptions optional

  • plugins
  • _awaitComplete


    The _awaitComplete function looks like:

    (responseDone: Promise<Response>, handler: StrategyHandler, request: Request, event: ExtendableEvent) => {...}

    • responseDone


    • handler
    • request


    • event


    • returns


  • _getResponse


    The _getResponse function looks like:

    (handler: StrategyHandler, request: Request, event: ExtendableEvent) => {...}

    • returns


  • handle


    Perform a request strategy and returns a Promise that will resolve with a Response, invoking all relevant plugin callbacks.

    When a strategy instance is registered with a Workbox workbox-routing.Route, this method is automatically called when the route matches.

    Alternatively, this method can be used in a standalone FetchEvent listener by passing it to event.respondWith().

    The handle function looks like:

    (options: FetchEvent | HandlerCallbackOptions) => {...}

    • returns


  • handleAll


    Similar to workbox-strategies.Strategy~handle, but instead of just returning a Promise that resolves to a Response it it will return an tuple of [response, done] promises, where the former (response) is equivalent to what handle() returns, and the latter is a Promise that will resolve once any promises that were added to event.waitUntil() as part of performing the strategy have completed.

    You can await the done promise to ensure any extra work performed by the strategy (usually caching responses) completes successfully.

    The handleAll function looks like:

    (options: FetchEvent | HandlerCallbackOptions) => {...}

    • returns

      [Promise<Response>, Promise<void>]

      A tuple of [response, done] promises that can be used to determine when the response resolves as well as when the handler has completed all its work.



  • fetchOptions

    RequestInit optional

  • networkTimeoutSeconds

    number optional

  • plugins

    WorkboxPlugin[] optional


An implementation of a stale-while-revalidate request strategy.

Resources are requested from both the cache and the network in parallel. The strategy will respond with the cached version if available, otherwise wait for the network response. The cache is updated with the network response with each successful request.

By default, this strategy will cache responses with a 200 status code as well as opaque responses. Opaque responses are cross-origin requests where the response doesn't support CORS.

If the network request fails, and there is no cache match, this will throw a WorkboxError exception.


  • constructor


    The constructor function looks like:

    (options?: StrategyOptions) => {...}

  • cacheName


  • fetchOptions

    RequestInit optional

  • matchOptions

    CacheQueryOptions optional

  • plugins
  • _awaitComplete


    The _awaitComplete function looks like:

    (responseDone: Promise<Response>, handler: StrategyHandler, request: Request, event: ExtendableEvent) => {...}

    • responseDone


    • handler
    • request


    • event


    • returns


  • _getResponse


    The _getResponse function looks like:

    (handler: StrategyHandler, request: Request, event: ExtendableEvent) => {...}

    • returns


  • handle


    Perform a request strategy and returns a Promise that will resolve with a Response, invoking all relevant plugin callbacks.

    When a strategy instance is registered with a Workbox workbox-routing.Route, this method is automatically called when the route matches.

    Alternatively, this method can be used in a standalone FetchEvent listener by passing it to event.respondWith().

    The handle function looks like:

    (options: FetchEvent | HandlerCallbackOptions) => {...}

    • returns


  • handleAll


    Similar to workbox-strategies.Strategy~handle, but instead of just returning a Promise that resolves to a Response it it will return an tuple of [response, done] promises, where the former (response) is equivalent to what handle() returns, and the latter is a Promise that will resolve once any promises that were added to event.waitUntil() as part of performing the strategy have completed.

    You can await the done promise to ensure any extra work performed by the strategy (usually caching responses) completes successfully.

    The handleAll function looks like:

    (options: FetchEvent | HandlerCallbackOptions) => {...}

    • returns

      [Promise<Response>, Promise<void>]

      A tuple of [response, done] promises that can be used to determine when the response resolves as well as when the handler has completed all its work.


An abstract base class that all other strategy classes must extend from:


  • constructor


    Creates a new instance of the strategy and sets all documented option properties as public instance properties.

    Note: if a custom strategy class extends the base Strategy class and does not need more than these properties, it does not need to define its own constructor.

    The constructor function looks like:

    (options?: StrategyOptions) => {...}

  • cacheName


  • fetchOptions

    RequestInit optional

  • matchOptions

    CacheQueryOptions optional

  • plugins
  • _awaitComplete


    The _awaitComplete function looks like:

    (responseDone: Promise<Response>, handler: StrategyHandler, request: Request, event: ExtendableEvent) => {...}

    • responseDone


    • handler
    • request


    • event


    • returns


  • _getResponse


    The _getResponse function looks like:

    (handler: StrategyHandler, request: Request, event: ExtendableEvent) => {...}

    • returns


  • _handle


    The _handle function looks like:

    (request: Request, handler: StrategyHandler) => {...}

    • returns


  • handle


    Perform a request strategy and returns a Promise that will resolve with a Response, invoking all relevant plugin callbacks.

    When a strategy instance is registered with a Workbox workbox-routing.Route, this method is automatically called when the route matches.

    Alternatively, this method can be used in a standalone FetchEvent listener by passing it to event.respondWith().

    The handle function looks like:

    (options: FetchEvent | HandlerCallbackOptions) => {...}

    • returns


  • handleAll


    Similar to workbox-strategies.Strategy~handle, but instead of just returning a Promise that resolves to a Response it it will return an tuple of [response, done] promises, where the former (response) is equivalent to what handle() returns, and the latter is a Promise that will resolve once any promises that were added to event.waitUntil() as part of performing the strategy have completed.

    You can await the done promise to ensure any extra work performed by the strategy (usually caching responses) completes successfully.

    The handleAll function looks like:

    (options: FetchEvent | HandlerCallbackOptions) => {...}

    • returns

      [Promise<Response>, Promise<void>]

      A tuple of [response, done] promises that can be used to determine when the response resolves as well as when the handler has completed all its work.


A class created every time a Strategy instance instance calls workbox-strategies.Strategy~handle or workbox-strategies.Strategy~handleAll that wraps all fetch and cache actions around plugin callbacks and keeps track of when the strategy is "done" (i.e. all added event.waitUntil() promises have resolved).


  • constructor


    Creates a new instance associated with the passed strategy and event that's handling the request.

    The constructor also initializes the state that will be passed to each of the plugins handling this request.

    The constructor function looks like:

    (strategy: Strategy, options: HandlerCallbackOptions) => {...}

  • event


  • params

    any optional

  • request


  • url

    URL optional

  • cacheMatch


    Matches a request from the cache (and invokes any applicable plugin callback methods) using the cacheName, matchOptions, and plugins defined on the strategy object.

    The following plugin lifecycle methods are invoked when using this method:

    • cacheKeyWillBeUsed()
    • cachedResponseWillBeUsed()

    The cacheMatch function looks like:

    (key: RequestInfo) => {...}

    • key


      The Request or URL to use as the cache key.

    • returns


      A matching response, if found.

  • cachePut


    Puts a request/response pair in the cache (and invokes any applicable plugin callback methods) using the cacheName and plugins defined on the strategy object.

    The following plugin lifecycle methods are invoked when using this method:

    • cacheKeyWillBeUsed()
    • cacheWillUpdate()
    • cacheDidUpdate()

    The cachePut function looks like:

    (key: RequestInfo, response: Response) => {...}

    • key


      The request or URL to use as the cache key.

    • response


      The response to cache.

    • returns


      false if a cacheWillUpdate caused the response not be cached, and true otherwise.

  • destroy


    Stops running the strategy and immediately resolves any pending waitUntil() promises.

    The destroy function looks like:

    () => {...}

  • doneWaiting


    Returns a promise that resolves once all promises passed to workbox-strategies.StrategyHandler~waitUntil have settled.

    Note: any work done after doneWaiting() settles should be manually passed to an event's waitUntil() method (not this handler's waitUntil() method), otherwise the service worker thread my be killed prior to your work completing.

    The doneWaiting function looks like:

    () => {...}

    • returns


  • fetch


    Fetches a given request (and invokes any applicable plugin callback methods) using the fetchOptions (for non-navigation requests) and plugins defined on the Strategy object.

    The following plugin lifecycle methods are invoked when using this method:

    • requestWillFetch()
    • fetchDidSucceed()
    • fetchDidFail()

    The fetch function looks like:

    (input: RequestInfo) => {...}

    • input


      The URL or request to fetch.

    • returns


  • fetchAndCachePut


    Calls this.fetch() and (in the background) runs this.cachePut() on the response generated by this.fetch().

    The call to this.cachePut() automatically invokes this.waitUntil(), so you do not have to manually call waitUntil() on the event.

    The fetchAndCachePut function looks like:

    (input: RequestInfo) => {...}

    • input


      The request or URL to fetch and cache.

    • returns


  • getCacheKey


    Checks the list of plugins for the cacheKeyWillBeUsed callback, and executes any of those callbacks found in sequence. The final Request object returned by the last plugin is treated as the cache key for cache reads and/or writes. If no cacheKeyWillBeUsed plugin callbacks have been registered, the passed request is returned unmodified

    The getCacheKey function looks like:

    (request: Request, mode: "read" 
     | "write"
    ) => {...}

    • request


    • mode

       | "write"

    • returns


  • hasCallback


    Returns true if the strategy has at least one plugin with the given callback.

    The hasCallback function looks like:

    (name: C) => {...}

    • name


      The name of the callback to check for.

    • returns


  • iterateCallbacks


    Accepts a callback and returns an iterable of matching plugin callbacks, where each callback is wrapped with the current handler state (i.e. when you call each callback, whatever object parameter you pass it will be merged with the plugin's current state).

    The iterateCallbacks function looks like:

    (name: C) => {...}

    • name


      The name fo the callback to run

    • returns


  • runCallbacks


    Runs all plugin callbacks matching the given name, in order, passing the given param object (merged ith the current plugin state) as the only argument.

    Note: since this method runs all plugins, it's not suitable for cases where the return value of a callback needs to be applied prior to calling the next callback. See workbox-strategies.StrategyHandler#iterateCallbacks below for how to handle that case.

    The runCallbacks function looks like:

    (name: C, param: Omit<indexedAccess"state" 
    >) => {...}

    • name


      The name of the callback to run within each plugin.

    • param


      The object to pass as the first (and only) param when executing each callback. This object will be merged with the current plugin state prior to callback execution.

    • returns


  • waitUntil


    Adds a promise to the [extend lifetime promises] of the event event associated with the request being handled (usually a FetchEvent).

    Note: you can await workbox-strategies.StrategyHandler~doneWaiting to know when all added promises have settled.

    The waitUntil function looks like:

    (promise: Promise<T>) => {...}

    • promise


      A promise to add to the extend lifetime promises of the event that triggered the request.

    • returns




  • cacheName

    string optional

  • fetchOptions

    RequestInit optional

  • matchOptions

    CacheQueryOptions optional

  • plugins

    WorkboxPlugin[] optional