
By default ChromeDriver logs only warnings/errors to stderr. When debugging issues, it is helpful to enable more verbose logging.

To enable verbose logging, simply pass --verbose to the chromedriver server. You can also pass --log-path to cause the log to be written to a file instead of stderr. If you don't start the chromedriver server directly yourself, you need to pass the switch via your WebDriver client library. Some clients do not have an option for this yet unfortunately.

When passing --log-path to Chrome launch command, the stderr on Chrome Linux and Mac will be saved in the log file. However, the stderr on Windows is not saved because Chrome is a GUI application and the OS doesn't allow it to inherit stderr handle from ChromeDriver. To save stderr on Windows, Linux and Mac, you can use the CHROME_LOG_FILE environment variable and the file would only contain logs from Chrome. If you specify logPath in ChromeOptions, ChromeDriver would copy its value to CHROME_LOG_FILE.

Neither stderr nor stdout is captured on Android. The stdout goes to the console window on all platforms.


var service = ChromeDriverService.CreateDefaultService();

service.LogPath = "D:\\chromedriver.log";

service.EnableVerboseLogging = true;

driver = new ChromeDriver(service);

There are overloaded version of both functions, see the API documentation.


System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.logfile", "D:\\chromedriver.log");

System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.verboseLogging", "true");


driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path="D:\\chromedriver.exe", service_args=["--verbose", "--log-path=D:\\qc1.log"])

All languages

Start chromedriver in the command prompt/terminal with verbose logging using the flags:

--verbose --log-path=chromedriver.log

Run your test using a RemoteWebDriver pointed at http://localhost:9515.