
ChromeDriver Binary

All ChromeOS test images have ChromeDriver binary installed in /usr/local/chromedriver/. The binary is updated to the same version of Chrome in that test image. That is, you will always be using the latest build of ChromeDriver.

If your test expects to run against a "stable" build of ChromeDriver binary, you need to write your own code in your test to download the desired binary and replace the binary in /usr/local/chromedriver/.

How to use ChromeDriver in an Autotest test

Writing a test that uses ChromeDriver to interact with Chrome is quick. There is a wrapper class to use ChromeDriver available in ChromeOS/Autotest. The wrapper class, as a context manager type, and handles the following tasks for you:

  1. Signs into ChromeOS using Telemetry.
  2. Starts ChromeDriver with Remote mode on the Device under Test (DUT) and connects to the remote debug port of the Chrome instance after sign in.
  3. Exposes a driver instance for you to make any ChromeDriver calls.
  4. Shutdowns ChromeDriver process, and logs out of ChromeOS.

To write a test, you can follow the example of test desktopui_UrlFetchWithChromeDriver.

To get started:

  1. Import the wrapper class

    from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import chromedriver
  2. Create an instance of the ChromeDriver, and make calls.

    with chromedriver.chromedriver() as chromedriver_instance:
    driver = chromedriver_instance.driver
    # Here you can make standard ChromeDriver calls through the driver instance.
    # For example, browse a given url with |driver.get(url)|