Chrome Web Store
An online marketplace where users can browse for extensions and themes. Publish your extension there and make it accessible to the world.
Developer Dashboard
Publish your extension and manage your store items.
Chrome Web Store
Explore extensions in the Chrome Web Store.
Developer policies
Best practices and guidelines for creating extensions for the Chrome Web Store.
Before you publish
Before publishing your first extension, make sure to follow these steps and best practices to ensure a smooth submission.
Prepare your extension files
Prepare your files and content before submitting your item for distribution.
Register your developer account
Start your developer account so you can distribute on the Chrome Web Store.
Finish your developer account
Finish configuring your developer account.
Set up a group publisher
Share ownership of your Chrome Web Store items with other developers.
Create a great listing page
Tips on creating an engaging Chrome Web Store store listing page.
Design a high-quality extension
How to create a high-quality extension and Chrome Web store listing.
Publish for the first time
Learn to publish your first extension and how to fill out all the information required to distribute on the Chrome Web Store.
Fill out the privacy fields
Use the privacy practices tab to help the Chrome Web Store team review your extension as quickly as possible.
Disclose in-app purchases and set visibility
Disclose in-app purchases and configure distribution visibility, including which countries can discover your extension.
Manage your item
Publish a new version of your extension, understand the review process, and learn how to publish programmatically.
Chrome Web Store review process
An overview of the review process, including how enforcement actions are taken in response to detected policy violations.
Check your review status
Learn where to find the review status of your extension.
Update an existing Chrome Web Store item
Publish a new version of your extension to the Chrome Web Store.
Cancel a pending review
Cancel a pending review for an extension or theme.
Rollback to a previous version
Rollback an extension or theme to its previous version.
Troubleshoot Chrome Web Store violations
Understanding why an item was rejected or removed from the Chrome Web Store and learn how to fix the problem.
Publish programmatically
Create, update, and publish Chrome Web Store items programmatically with the Chrome Web Store Publish API.
Chrome Web Store API Reference
Methods and resource representation available for the Chrome Web Store Publish API.
Promote your item
Discovery on the Chrome Web Store
An overview of how users find items on the Chrome Web Store and how our editors select items to feature.
Manage user feedback
Follow up on reviews and provide user support.
Analyze your store listing metrics
Understand metrics and performance of your Chrome Web Store store listing.
Use your Google Analytics account with the Chrome Web Store
See additional analytics for your Chrome Web Store listing.
Image guidelines
Guidelines for providing images for your Chrome Web Store item.
Branding guidelines
Guidelines for use of Google trademarks.
Content ratings guidelines
How the Chrome Web Store rates the maturity of content.
Chrome Web Store payments deprecation
Information about the deprecation timeline for the Chrome Web Store payments system and other ways to monetize your Chrome Web Store item.
Enterprise publishing options
Options available for publishing extensions to an organization domain.
Phase out your extension
How to remove an item listing from the Chrome Web Store or delete your developer or group
publisher account.