Manifest - content scripts

The "content_scripts" key specifies a statically loaded JavaScript or CSS file to be used every time a page is opened that matches a certain URL pattern. Extensions can also inject content scripts programmatically, see Injecting Scripts for details.

These are the supported keys for "content_scripts". Only the "matches" key and either "js" or "css" are required.


 "name": "My extension",
 "content_scripts": [
     "matches": ["https://**"],
     "css": ["my-styles.css"],
     "js": ["content-script.js"],
     "exclude_matches": ["*://*/*foo*"],
     "include_globs": ["**"],
     "exclude_globs": ["*bar*"],     
     "all_frames": false,
     "match_origin_as_fallback": false,
     "match_about_blank": false,
     "run_at": "document_idle",
     "world": "ISOLATED",


Each file must contain a relative path to a resource in the extension's root directory. Leading slashes (/) are automatically trimmed. The "run_at" key specifies when each file will be injected.

"css" - Array
Optional. An array of CSS file paths, injected in the order of this array, and before any DOM construction or page rendering occurs.
"js" - Array,
Optional. An array of JavaScript file paths, injected in the order they appear in this array, after css files are injected. Each string in the array must be a relative path to a resource in the extension's root directory. Leading slashes ('/') are automatically trimmed.

Match URLs

Only the "matches" property is required. Then you can use "exclude_matches", "include_globs", and "exclude_globs" to customize which URLs to inject code into. The "matches" key will trigger a warning.

"matches" - Array
Required. Specifies which URL patterns to inject the content scripts into. See Match Patterns for syntax.
"exclude_matches" - Array
Optional. Excludes the URL patterns to inject the content scripts into. See Match Patterns for syntax.
"include_globs" - Array
Optional. Applied after matches to include only those URLs that also match this glob. Intended to emulate the @include Greasemonkey keyword.
"exclude_globs" - Array
Optional. Applied after matches to exclude URLs that match this glob. Intended to emulate the @exclude Greasemonkey keyword.

Glob URLs are those that contain "wildcards" * and question marks. The wildcard * matches any string of any length, including an empty string, while the question mark ? matches any single character.

The content script is injected into a page if:

  • Its URL matches any "matches" and "include_globs" patterns.
  • And the URL doesn't match "exclude_matches" or "exclude_globs" patterns.

Globs and URL matching examples



  "content_scripts": [
      "matches": ["https://**"],
      "include_globs": ["https://???*"],
      "js": ["content-script.js"]
Does not match*


  "content_scripts": [
      "matches": ["https://**"],
      "include_globs": ["**"],
      "js": ["content-script.js"]
Does not match



  "content_scripts": [
      "matches": ["https://**"],
      "exclude_globs": ["*science*"],
      "js": ["content-script.js"]
Does not match

Advanced customization example


  "content_scripts": [
      "matches": ["https://**"],
      "exclude_matches": ["*://*/*business*"],
      "include_globs": ["**"],
      "exclude_globs": ["*science*"],
      "js": ["content-script.js"]
Does not match


The "all_frames" key specifies if the content script should be injected into all frames matching the specified URL requirements. If set to false it will only inject into the topmost frame. It can be used along with "match_about_blank" to inject into an about:blank frame.

To inject into other frames like data:, blob:, and filesystem:, set the "match_origin_as_fallback" to true. For details, see Inject in related frames

"all_frames" Boolean
Optional. Defaults to false, meaning that only the top frame is matched. If set to true, it will inject into all frames, even if the frame is not the topmost frame in the tab. Each frame is checked independently for URL requirements, it won't inject into child frames if the URL requirements are not met.
"match_about_blank"- Boolean
Optional. Defaults to false. Whether the script should inject into an about:blank frame where the parent URL matches one of the patterns declared in "matches".
"match_origin_as_fallback" - Boolean
Optional. Defaults to false. Whether the script should inject in frames that were created by a matching origin, but whose URL or origin may not directly match the pattern. These include frames with different schemes, such as about:, data:, blob:, and filesystem:.

Run time and execution environment

By default, content scripts are injected when the document and all resources are finished loading, and live in a private isolated execution environment that isn't accessible to the page or other extensions. You can change these defaults in the following keys:

"run_at" - document_start | document_end | document_idle
Optional. Specifies when the script should be injected into the page. It corresponds with the loading states of Document.readyState:
  • "document_start": the DOM is still loading.
  • "document_end": the page's resources are still loading
  • "document_idle": the DOM and resources have finished loading. This is the default.
"world" - ISOLATED | MAIN
Optional. The JavaScript world for a script to execute within. Defaults to "ISOLATED", which is the execution environment unique to the content script. Choosing the "MAIN" world means the script will share the execution environment with the host page's JavaScript. See Work in isolated worlds to learn more.


See the Run on every page tutorial to build an extension that injects a content script in the manifest.