Performance features reference

Sofia Emelianova
Sofia Emelianova

This page is a comprehensive reference of Chrome DevTools features related to analyzing performance.

See Analyze runtime performance for a guided tutorial on how to analyze a page's performance using Chrome DevTools.

Record performance

You can record runtime or load performance.

Record runtime performance

Record runtime performance when you want to analyze the performance of a page as it's running, as opposed to loading.

  1. Go to the page that you want to analyze.
  2. Click the Performance tab in DevTools.
  3. Click Record Record..


  4. Interact with the page. DevTools records all page activity that occurs as a result of your interactions.

  5. Click Record again or click Stop to stop recording.

Record load performance

Record load performance when you want to analyze the performance of a page as it's loading, as opposed to running.

  1. Go to the page that you want to analyze.
  2. Open the Performance panel of DevTools.
  3. Click Start profiling and reload page Start profiling and reload page.. DevTools first navigates to about:blank to clear any remaining screenshots and traces. Then DevTools records performance metrics while the page reloads and then automatically stops the recording a couple seconds after the load finishes.

    Reload page.

DevTools automatically zooms in on the portion of the recording where most of the activity occurred.

A page-load recording.

In this example, the Performance panel shows the activity during a page load.

Capture screenshots while recording

Enable the Screenshots checkbox to capture a screenshot of every frame while recording.

The Screenshots checkbox.

See View a screenshot to learn how to interact with screenshots.

Force garbage collection while recording

While you are recording a page, click Collect garbage to force garbage collection.

Collect garbage.

Show recording settings

Click Capture settings Capture settings. to expose more settings related to how DevTools captures performance recordings.

The Capture Settings section.

Disable JavaScript samples

By default, the Main track of a recording displays detailed call stacks of JavaScript functions that were called during the recording. To disable these call stacks:

  1. Open the Capture settings Settings. menu. See Show recording settings.
  2. Enable the Disable JavaScript Samples checkbox.
  3. Take a recording of the page.

The following screenshots show the difference between disabling and enabling JavaScript samples. The Main track of the recording is much shorter when sampling is disabled, because it omits all of the JavaScript call stacks.

An example of a recording when JS samples are disabled.

This example shows a recording with disabled JS samples.

An example of a recording when JS samples are enabled.

This example shows a recording with enabled JS samples.

Throttle the network while recording

To throttle the network while recording:

  1. Open the Capture settings Settings. menu. See Show recording settings.
  2. Set Network to the chosen level of throttling.

Throttle the CPU while recording

To throttle the CPU while recording:

  1. Open the Capture settings Settings. menu. See Show recording settings.
  2. Set CPU to the chosen level of throttling.

Throttling is relative to your computer's capabilities. For example, the 2x slowdown option makes your CPU operate 2 times slower than its usual ability. DevTools can't truly simulate the CPUs of mobile devices, because the architecture of mobile devices is very different from that of desktops and laptops.

Enable CSS selector stats

To view the statistics of your CSS rule selectors during long-running Recalculate Style events:

  1. Open the Capture settings Settings. menu. See Show recording settings.
  2. Check the Enable CSS selector stats checkbox.

For more details, see how to Analyze CSS selector performance during Recalculate Style events.

Enable advanced paint instrumentation

To view detailed paint instrumentation:

  1. Open the Capture settings Settings. menu. See Show recording settings.
  2. Check the Enable advanced paint instrumentation checkbox.

To learn how to interact with the paint information, see View layers and View paint profiler.

Emulate hardware concurrency

To test application performance with different numbers of processor cores, you can configure the value reported by the navigator.hardwareConcurrency property. Some applications use this property to control the degree of parallelism of their application, for example, to control Emscripten pthread pool size.

To emulate hardware concurrency:

  1. Open the Capture settings Settings. menu. See Show recording settings.
  2. Check Hardware concurrency and set the number of cores in the input box. Hardware concurrency.

DevTools displays a warning icon Warning. next to the Performance tab to remind you that hardware concurrency emulation is enabled.

To revert to the default value of 10, click the Revert Revert. button.

Save a recording

To save a recording, right-click and select Save Profile.

Save Profile.

Load a recording

To load a recording, right-click and select Load Profile.

Load Profile.

Clear the previous recording

After making a recording, press Clear recording Clear recording. to clear that recording from the Performance panel.

Clear recording.

Analyze a performance recording

After you record runtime performance or record load performance, the Performance panel provides a lot of data for analyzing the performance of what just happened.

To closely inspect your performance recording, you can select a portion of a recording, scroll a long flame chart, zoom in and out, and use breadcrumbs to jump between zoom levels.

Select a portion of the recording

Under the action bar of the Performance panel and at the top of the recording, you can see the Timeline overview section with the CPU and NET charts.

The Timeline overview under the action bar.

To select a portion of a recording, click and hold, then drag left or right across the Timeline overview.

To select a portion using the keyboard:

  1. Focus the Main track or any of its neighbors.
  2. Use the W, A, S, D keys to zoom in, move left, zoom out, and move right, respectively.

To select a portion using a trackpad:

  1. Hover over the Timeline overview section or any of the tracks (Main and its neighbors).
  2. Using two fingers, swipe up to zoom out, swipe left to move left, swipe down to zoom in, and swipe right to move right.

The Timeline overview lets you create multiple nested breadcrumbs in succession, increasing zoom levels, and then jump to the chosen level.

To create and use breadcrumbs:

  1. In Timeline overview, select a portion of the recording.
  2. Hover over the selection and click the N ms button. The selection expands to fill the Timeline overview. A chain of breadcrumbs starts building at top of the Timeline overview.
  3. Repeat the previous two steps to create another nested breadcrumb. You can continue to nest breadcrumbs as long as the selection range is greater than 5 milliseconds.
  4. To jump to a chosen zoom level, click the corresponding breadcrumb in the chain at top of the Timeline overview.

Scroll a long flame chart

To scroll a long flame chart in the Main track or any of its neighbors, click and hold, then drag in any direction until what you are looking for comes into view.

You can search across the activities in the Main track and requests in the Network track.

To open a search box at the bottom of the Performance panel, press:

  • macOS: Command+F
  • Windows, Linux: Control+F

The search box.

This example shows a regular expression in the search box at the bottom that finds any activity that begins with E.

To cycle through activities that match your query:

  • Click Previous or Next buttons.
  • Press Shift+Enter to select the previous or Enter to select the next.

The Performance panel shows a tooltip over the activity selected in the search box.

To modify query settings:

  • Click Match case to make the query case sensitive.
  • Click Regular expression to use a regular expression in your query.

To hide the search box, click Cancel.

Change the order of tracks and hide them

To declutter the performance trace, you can change the order of tracks and hide the irrelevant ones in track configuration mode.

To move and hide tracks:

  1. To enter the configuration mode, right-click a track name and select Configure tracks.
  2. Click up or down to move a track up or down. Click to hide it.
  3. When finished, click Finish configuring tracks at the bottom to exit the configuration mode.

Watch the video to see this workflow in action.

The Performance panel saves track configuration for new traces but not in next DevTools sessions.

View main thread activity

Use the Main track to view activity that occurred on the page's main thread.

The Main track.

Click an event to view more information about it in the Summary tab. The Performance panel outlines the selected event in blue.

More information about a main thread event in the Summary tab.

This example shows more information about the get function call event in the Summary tab.

Read the flame chart

The Performance panel represents main thread activity in a flame chart. The x-axis represents the recording over time. The y-axis represents the call stack. The events on top cause the events below.

A flame chart.

This example shows a flame chart in the Main track. A click event caused an anonymous function call. This function, in turn, called onEndpointClick_, which called handleClick_, and so on.

The Performance panel assigns scripts random colors to break up the flame chart and make it more readable. In the earlier example, function calls from one script are colored light blue. Calls from another script are colored light pink. The darker yellow represents scripting activity, and the purple event represents rendering activity. These darker yellow and purple events are consistent across all recordings.

Long tasks are also highlighted with a red triangle, and with the part over 50 milliseconds shaded in red:

A long task.

In this example, the task took more than 400 milliseconds, so the part representing the last 350 milliseconds is shaded in red, while the initial 50 milliseconds is not.

Additionally, the Main track shows information on CPU profiles started and stopped with profile() and profileEnd() console functions.

To hide the detailed flame chart of JavaScript calls, see Disable JavaScript samples. When JS samples are disabled, you see only the high-level events such as Event (click) and Function Call.

Track event initiators

The Main track can show arrows that connect the following initiators and the events they caused:

  • Style or layout invalidation -> Recalculate styles or Layout
  • Request Animation Frame -> Animation Frame Fired
  • Request Idle Callback -> Fire Idle Callback
  • Install Timer -> Timer Fired
  • Create WebSocket -> Send... and Receive WebSocket Handshake or Destroy WebSocket

To see the arrows, find either an initiator or the event it caused in the flame chart and select it.

An arrow from the request to the firing of an idle callback.

When selected, the Summary tab shows Initiator for links for initiators and Initiated by links for the events they caused. Click them to jump between the corresponding events.

The 'Initiator for' link in the Summary tab.

Hide functions and their children in the flame chart

To declutter the flame chart in the Main thread, you can hide selected functions or their children:

  1. In the Main track, right-click a function and choose one of the following options or press the corresponding shortcut:

    • Hide function (H)
    • Hide children (C)
    • Hide repeating children (R)
    • Reset children (U)
    • Reset trace (T)
    • Add script to ignore list (I)

    The context menu with options to hide the selected function or its children.

    A drop-down button appears next to the function name with hidden children.

  2. To see the number of hidden children, hover over the drop-down button.

    The tooltip over the drop-down button with the number of hidden children.

  3. To reset a function with hidden children or the whole flame chart, select the function and press U or right-click any function and select Reset trace respectively.

Ignore scripts in the flame chart

To add a script to the ignore list, right-click a script in the chart and select Add script to ignore list.

The context menu with the ignore script option focused.

The chart collapses ignored scripts, marks them as On ignore list, and adds them to the Custom exclusion rules in Settings > Ignore list. Ignored scripts are saved until you remove them either from the trace or from the Custom exclusion rules.

The ignore script list tab in Settings.

View activities in a table

After recording a page, you don't need to rely solely on the Main track to analyze activities. DevTools also provides three tabular views for analyzing activities. Each view gives you a different perspective on the activities:

  • When you want to view the root activities that cause the most work, use the Call Tree tab.
  • When you want to view the activities where the most time was directly spent, use the Bottom-Up tab.
  • When you want to view the activities in the order in which they occurred during the recording, use the Event Log tab.

To help you find what you are looking for faster, all three tabs have buttons for advanced filtering next to the Filter bar:

  • Match case.
  • Regular expression.
  • Match whole word.

The three button for advanced filtering.

Each tabular view in the Performance panel shows links for activities such as functions calls. To help you debug, DevTools finds the corresponding function declarations in source files. Additionally, if the appropriate source maps are present and enabled, DevTools automatically finds the original files.

Click a link to open a source file in the Sources panel.

Link to a source file in the Event Log tab.

Root activities

Here's an explanation of the root activities concept that's mentioned in the Call Tree tab, Bottom-Up tab, and Event Log sections.

Root activities are those which cause the browser to do some work. For example, when you click a page, the browser fires an Event activity as the root activity. That Event then might cause a handler to execute.

In the Main track's flame chart, root activities are at the top of the chart. In the Call Tree and Event Log tabs, root activities are the top-level items.

See The Call Tree tab for an example of root activities.

The Call Tree tab

Use the Call Tree tab to view which root activities cause the most work.

The Call Tree tab only displays activities during the selected portion of the recording. See Select a portion of a recording to learn how to select portions.

The Call Tree tab.

In this example, the top-level of items in the Activity column, such as Event, Paint, and Composite Layers are root activities. The nesting represents the call stack. In this example, the Event caused the Function Call, which caused button.addEventListener, which caused b, and so on.

Self Time represents the time directly spent in that activity. Total Time represents the time spent in that activity or any of its children.

Click Self Time, Total Time, or Activity to sort the table by that column.

Use the Filter box to filter events by activity name.

By default the Grouping menu is set to No Grouping. Use the Grouping menu to sort the activity table based on various criteria.

Click Show Heaviest Stack Show Heaviest Stack. to reveal another table to the right of the Activity table. Click an activity to populate the Heaviest Stack table. The Heaviest Stack table shows you which children of the selected activity took the longest time to execute.

The Bottom-Up tab

Use the Bottom-Up tab to view which activities directly took up the most time in aggregate.

The Bottom-Up tab only displays activities during the selected portion of the recording. See Select a portion of a recording to learn how to select portions.

The Bottom-Up tab.

In the Main track flame chart of this example, you can see that almost all of the time was spent executing the three calls to wait(). Accordingly, the top activity in the Bottom-Up tab is wait. In the flame chart, the yellow below the calls to wait are actually thousands of Minor GC calls. Accordingly, you can see that in the Bottom-Up tab, the next most expensive activity is Minor GC.

The Self Time column represents the aggregated time spent directly in that activity, across all of its occurrences.

The Total Time column represents aggregated time spent in that activity or any of its children.

The Event Log tab

Use the Event Log tab to view activities in the order in which they occurred during the recording.

The Event Log tab only displays activities during the selected portion of the recording. See Select a portion of a recording to learn how to select portions.

The Event Log tab.

The Start Time column represents the point at which that activity started, relative to the start of the recording. The start time of 1573.0 ms for the selected item in this example means that activity started 1573 ms after the recording started.

The Self Time column represents the time spent directly in that activity.

The Total Time columns represents time spent directly in that activity or in any of its children.

Click Start Time, Self Time, or Total Time to sort the table by that column.

Use the Filter box to filter activities by name.

Use the Duration menu to filter out any activities that took less than 1 ms or 15 ms. By default the Duration menu is set to All, meaning all activities are shown.

Disable the Loading, Scripting, Rendering, or Painting checkboxes to filter out all activities from those categories.

View timings

On the Timings track, view important markers such as:

Markers in the Timings track.

Select a marker to see more details in the Summary tab, including its timestamp, total time, self time, and the detail object. For performance.mark() and performance.measure() calls, the tab also shows stack traces.

View interactions

View user interactions on the Interactions track to track down potential responsiveness issues.

To view interactions:

  1. Open DevTools, for example, on this demo page.
  2. Open the Performance panel and start a recording.
  3. Click an element (coffee) and stop the recording.
  4. Find the Interactions track in the timeline.

The Interactions track.

In this example, the Interactions track shows the Pointer interaction. Interactions have whiskers that indicate input and presentation delays at processing time boundaries. Hover over the interaction to see a tooltip with input delay, processing time, and presentation delay.

The Interactions track also shows Interaction to Next Paint (INP) warnings for interactions longer than 200 milliseconds in the Summary tab and in a tooltip on hover:

The INP warning.

The Interactions track marks the interactions over 200 milliseconds with a red triangle in the top right corner.

View GPU activity

View GPU activity in the GPU section.

The GPU section.

View raster activity

View raster activity in the Thread Pool section.

Raster activity in the 'Thread Pool' section.

Analyze frames per second (FPS)

DevTools provides numerous ways to analyze frames per second:

The Frames section

The Frames section tells you exactly how long a particular frame took.

Hover over a frame to view a tooltip with more information about it.

Hovering over a frame.

This example shows a tooltip when you hover over a frame.

The Frames section can show four types of frames:

  1. Idle frame (white). No changes.
  2. Frame (green). Rendered as expected and in time.
  3. Partially presented frame (yellow with a sparse wide dash-line pattern). Chrome did its best to render at least some visual updates in time. For example, in case the work of the main thread of the renderer process (canvas animation) is late but the compositor thread (scrolling) is in time.
  4. Dropped frame (red with a dense solid-line pattern). Chrome can't render the frame in reasonable time.

Hovering over a partially presented frame.

This example shows a tooltip when you hover over a partially presented frame.

Click a frame to view even more information about the frame in the Summary tab. DevTools outlines the selected frame in blue.

Viewing a frame in the Summary tab.

View network requests

Expand the Network section to view a waterfall of network requests that occurred during the performance recording.

A request selected in the Network track, with the Summary tab open.

Next to the Network track name, there's a legend with color-coded request types.

Render blocking requests are marked with a red triangle in the upper right corner.

Hover over a request to see a tooltip with:

  • Request's URL and the total time it took to execute it.
  • Priority or a change of priority, for example, Medium -> High.
  • Whether the request is Render blocking or not.
  • A breakdown of request timings, described later.

When you click a request, the Network track draws an arrow from its initiator to the request.

Additionally, the Performance panel shows you the Summary tab with more information about the request, including but not limited to Initial Priority and (final) Priority fields. If their values differ, the fetch priority of the request has changed during the recording. For more information, see Optimizing resource loading with the Fetch Priority API.

The Summary tab also shows a breakdown of the request's timings.

The breakdown of request timings in the Summary tab.

The request for is represented by a line on the left (|–), a bar in the middle with a dark portion and a light portion, and a line on the right (–|).

You can find another timings breakdown in the Network tab. Right-click the request in the Network track or its URL in the Summary tab and click Reveal in Network panel. DevTools takes you to the Network panel and selects the corresponding request. Open its Timing tab.

The Timing tab of a request in the Network panel.

Here's how these two breakdowns map to each other:

  • The left line (|–) is everything up to the Connection start group of events, inclusive. In other words, it's everything before Request Sent.
  • The light portion of the bar is Request sent and Waiting for server response.
  • The dark portion of the bar is Content download.
  • The right line (–|) is the time spent waiting for the main thread. The Network > Timing tab doesn't show it.

View memory metrics

Enable the Memory checkbox to view memory metrics from the last recording.

The Memory checkbox.

DevTools displays a new Memory chart, above the Summary tab. There's also a new chart below the NET chart, called HEAP. The HEAP chart provides the same information as the JS Heap line in the Memory chart.

Memory metrics.

This example shows memory metrics above the Summary tab.

The colored lines on the chart map to the colored checkboxes above the chart. Disable a checkbox to hide that category from the chart.

The chart only displays the region of the recording that is selected. In the earlier example, the Memory chart shows only the memory usage for the start of the recording, up to around the 1000ms mark.

View the duration of a portion of a recording

When analyzing a section like Network or Main, sometimes you need a more precise estimate of how long certain events took. Hold Shift, click and hold, and drag left or right to select a portion of the recording. At the bottom of your selection, DevTools shows how long that portion took.

Viewing the duration of a portion of a recording.

In this example, the 488.53ms timestamp at the bottom of the selected portion indicates how long that portion took.

View a screenshot

See Capture screenshots while recording to learn how to enable screenshots.

Hover over the Timeline overview to view a screenshot of how the page looked during that moment of the recording. The Timeline overview is the section that contains the CPU, FPS, and NET charts.

Viewing a screenshot.

You can also view screenshots by clicking a frame in the Frames section. DevTools displays a small version of the screenshot in the Summary tab.

Viewing a screenshot in the Summary tab.

This example shows the screenshot for the 195.5ms frame in the Summary tab when you click it in the Frames section.

Click the thumbnail in the Summary tab to zoom in on the screenshot.

Zooming in on a screenshot from the Summary tab.

This example shows a zoomed-in screenshot after you click its thumbnail in the Summary tab.

View layers information

To view advanced layers information about a frame:

  1. Enable advanced paint instrumentation.
  2. Select a frame in the Frames section. DevTools displays information about its layers in the new Layers tab, next to the Event Log tab.

The Layers tab.

Hover over a layer to highlight it in the diagram.

Highlighting a layer.

This example shows the layer #39 highlighted as you hover over it.

To move the diagram:

  • Click Pan Mode Pan Mode. to move along the X and Y axes.
  • Click Rotate Mode Rotate Mode. to rotate along the Z axis.
  • Click Reset Transform Reset Transform. to reset the diagram to its original position.

See layer analysis in action:

View paint profiler

To view advanced information about a paint event:

  1. Enable advanced paint instrumentation.
  2. Select a Paint event in the Main track.

The Paint Profiler tab.

Analyze rendering performance with the Rendering tab

Use the Rendering tab's features to help visualize your page's rendering performance.

Open the Rendering tab.

View frames per second in real time with the FPS meter

The Frame rendering stats is an overlay that appears in the top-right corner of your viewport. It provides a real time estimate of FPS as the page runs.

See Frame rendering stats.

View painting events in real time with Paint Flashing

Use Paint Flashing to get a real time view of all paint events on the page.

See Paint flashing.

View an overlay of layers with Layer Borders

Use Layer Borders to view an overlay of layer borders and tiles on top of the page.

See Layer borders.

Find scroll performance issues in real time

Use Scrolling Performance Issues to identify elements of the page that have event listeners related to scrolling that may harm the performance of the page. DevTools outlines the potentially-problematic elements in teal.

See Scrolling performance issues.