AI assistance for styling

Matthias Rohmer
Matthias Rohmer

Use the AI assistance panel for styling to understand a website's overall layout, specific element styles and to get AI generated fixes for CSS bugs.

Open the "AI assistance" panel

The AI assistance panel opens in the drawer.

The AI assistance panel opened in its default state.

From the Elements panel

To open AI assistance from the Elements panel, when inspecting a DOM node, right-Click the node and select the Ask AI assistance option.

The element context menu with 'Ask AI' highlighted.

When you open AI assistance like this, the inspected DOM element is already pre-selected as a context element for the conversation.

From the command menu

To open AI assistance from the command menu, type `AI` and then run the Show AI assistance command, which has the Drawer badge next to it.

The opened ommand menu with 'Show AI assistance' highlighted.

From the More tools menu

Alternatively, in the top right corner, select

More options > More tools > AI assistance.

The opened more tools menu.

Conversation context

Chats with AI assistance always relate to the currently inspected element, which is the last element selected in the Elements panel DOM tree. A reference to this element is shown in the bottom left corner of the panel.

The AI assistance panel with the context element highlighted.

Change the context using the element picker button next to the current element or by selecting from the Elements panel DOM tree.

While the currently inspected element is the foundation of the conversation, AI assistance has access to all web APIs to gather more information from the inspected page. This includes querying other elements with `document.querySelector` or evaluating computed styles.


When you open the panel for styling, without any prior conversations, the panel offers example prompts to help you get started quickly.

The AI assistance panel with the example prompts highlighted.

Click any of the prompts to prefill the prompt input field at the bottom of the panel.

Alternatively, type your own prompt or question into the input field.

To send a prompt, either press `Enter` or click the arrow on the right hand side of the input field.

Conversation flow

Sending a prompt starts the conversation with the styling agent. To get the information required to answer your prompt best, the agent generates and executes JavaScript that calls web APIs. Agent progress is shown in steps. The initial step status is Investigating….

The AI assistance panel after a conversation started.

The step label updates as the agent executes more specific actions to solve your question.

Once the agent comes to a final answer, the answer is displayed below the investigation steps, including suggestions for follow-up prompts.

The AI assistance panel with an answer given by AI.

Click any of the suggested prompts to continue the conversation. Click the

of an investigation step to get a better understanding of what AI assistance did behind the scenes.

The AI assistance panel with an expanded conversation step.

When you expand a progress chip, you see the code the agent has executed, together with its return value. Copy the executed code for further use, like executing it with the Console panel.

Paused conversations

AI assistance might generate code with side effects. When that happens, the conversation is paused before the code is executed.

The AI assistance panel with a paused conversation.

When the conversation pauses, review the code proposed by the agent. Click Continue to proceed.

No answer given

AI assistance might not provide answers due to various reasons.

The AI assistance panel with a refused conversation.

If you think your prompt is something AI assistance should be able to discuss, file a bug.

Conversation history

Once you start a conversation, every next answer is based on your previous interactions between you and the AI.

To start again, clear your conversation history using the button in the top-left corner of the panel.

The AI assistance panel with the conversation clear button highlighted.

Rate answers and provide feedback

AI assistance is an experimental feature. Therefore we are actively looking for your feedback to learn how we can improve answer quality and the overall experience.

Vote answers

Rate an answer using the Thumbs up and Thumbs down buttons below the answer.

The AI assistance panel with voting buttons highlighted.

Report answers

To report inappropriate content, click the button next to the voting buttons.