

The chrome.extensionTypes API contains type declarations for Chrome extensions.

Chrome 66+

The origin of injected CSS.




Chrome 87+

Details of the CSS to remove. Either the code or the file property must be set, but both may not be set at the same time.


  • allFrames

    boolean optional

    If allFrames is true, implies that the CSS should be removed from all frames of current page. By default, it's false and is only removed from the top frame. If true and frameId is set, then the code is removed from the selected frame and all of its child frames.

  • code

    string optional

    CSS code to remove.

  • cssOrigin

    CSSOrigin optional

    The origin of the CSS to remove. Defaults to "author".

  • file

    string optional

    CSS file to remove.

  • frameId

    number optional

    The frame from where the CSS should be removed. Defaults to 0 (the top-level frame).

  • matchAboutBlank

    boolean optional

    If matchAboutBlank is true, then the code is also removed from about:blank and about:srcdoc frames if your extension has access to its parent document. By default it is false.


Chrome 106+

The document lifecycle of the frame.







Chrome 111+

The JavaScript world for a script to execute within. Can either be an isolated world unique to this extension, the main world of the DOM which is shared with the page's JavaScript, or a user scripts world that is only available for scripts registered with the User Scripts API.






Chrome 106+

The type of frame.






Details about the format and quality of an image.


  • format

    ImageFormat optional

    The format of the resulting image. Default is "jpeg".

  • quality

    number optional

    When format is "jpeg", controls the quality of the resulting image. This value is ignored for PNG images. As quality is decreased, the resulting image will have more visual artifacts, and the number of bytes needed to store it will decrease.


Chrome 44+

The format of an image.





Details of the script or CSS to inject. Either the code or the file property must be set, but both may not be set at the same time.


  • allFrames

    boolean optional

    If allFrames is true, implies that the JavaScript or CSS should be injected into all frames of current page. By default, it's false and is only injected into the top frame. If true and frameId is set, then the code is inserted in the selected frame and all of its child frames.

  • code

    string optional

    JavaScript or CSS code to inject.

    Warning: Be careful using the code parameter. Incorrect use of it may open your extension to cross site scripting attacks

  • cssOrigin

    CSSOrigin optional

    Chrome 66+

    The origin of the CSS to inject. This may only be specified for CSS, not JavaScript. Defaults to "author".

  • file

    string optional

    JavaScript or CSS file to inject.

  • frameId

    number optional

    Chrome 50+

    The frame where the script or CSS should be injected. Defaults to 0 (the top-level frame).

  • matchAboutBlank

    boolean optional

    If matchAboutBlank is true, then the code is also injected in about:blank and about:srcdoc frames if your extension has access to its parent document. Code cannot be inserted in top-level about:-frames. By default it is false.

  • runAt

    RunAt optional

    The soonest that the JavaScript or CSS will be injected into the tab. Defaults to "document_idle".


Chrome 44+

The soonest that the JavaScript or CSS will be injected into the tab.


Script is injected after any files from css, but before any other DOM is constructed or any other script is run.

Script is injected immediately after the DOM is complete, but before subresources like images and frames have loaded.

The browser chooses a time to inject the script between "document_end" and immediately after the window.onload event fires. The exact moment of injection depends on how complex the document is and how long it is taking to load, and is optimized for page load speed. Content scripts running at "document_idle" don't need to listen for the window.onload event; they are guaranteed to run after the DOM completes. If a script definitely needs to run after window.onload, the extension can check if onload has already fired by using the document.readyState property.